Calentool V2.1p6 bug.

David St. Pierre david at srv.PacBell.COM
Sat Mar 3 08:20:45 AEST 1990

[I mailed this to Bill as well, but maybe someone else has fixed this ...]

My .profile had "calentool -Pd" to display my daily appointments. I decided
to add the "-o" option so at year's end it would save off all appointments
to a new file.

Well, I lost all appointments for this year. Except for the "#include" lines.
As near as I can tell, the "-o" option is the culprit.

(And I didn't have a backup. Grrrrr)

David St. Pierre 415/823-6800	{att,bellcore,sun,ames,decwrl}!pacbell!david

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