Missing patch to calctool(v2.4) for PATCHLEVEL == 5.

David M. Karr dave at ttrnds.UUCP
Thu Mar 8 02:39:19 AEST 1990

Somehow I managed to miss the patch to calctool(v2.4) that sets the
PATCHLEVEL to 5.  My current source is 4, and the earliest patch I
have sets it to 6.  This calctool is the one by Rich Burridge and Ed
Falk.  Could someone see if they can find it?

On another note, I recently posted a note about a problem with storing
with addition to the memory registers.  I found the problem and
patched my copy of the source.  If the person currently responsible
for calctool wants that patch, or the information to generate the fix
themselves, they can get it from me.
David Karr    dave at ttrnds.UUCP  or  ...amc-gw!ttrnds!dave
Teltrend Corp., 12034 115th Ave. NE, Kirkland, WA 98034 (206)820-6500
"The above statements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of my employer."

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