lharc fixes
Trevor Paquette
paquette at cpsc.ucalgary.ca
Fri Mar 16 03:17:47 AEST 1990
The fix to getting lharc to work is actually quite simple.
Change the following lines in "lharc.c":
about line 811:
if (!lower_case_used && isupper (name[i]))
name[i] = tolower (name[i]);
if (!lower_case_used && isupper (name[i])) {
/* name[i] = tolower (name[i]); */
or just comment out the entire if statement.
about line 1120
for ( ptr = data + I_NAME, cnt = 0; cnt < name_length; ptr++, cnt++ )
*ptr = toupper(*ptr);
if ( *ptr == '/' )
for ( ptr = data + I_NAME, cnt = 0; cnt < name_length; ptr++, cnt++ )
/* *ptr = toupper(*ptr);*/
if ( *ptr == '/' )
Comment out the toupper function call. This should make it work. I know it
now works on Suns.
hope this helps.
___________________________________________/No man is a failure who has friends
Trevor Paquette ICBM:51'03"N/114'05"W|I accept the challange, body and soul,
{ubc-cs,utai,alberta}!calgary!paquette|to seek the knowledge of the ones of old
paquette at cpsc.ucalgary.ca | - engraved on the Kersa Blade of Esalon
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