Bug in smail involving MAXCLEN

Michael T. Sullivan sullivan at aqdata.uucp
Tue Mar 13 09:51:34 AEST 1990

I recently started a mailing list so I wanted to bump up MAXCLEN in our
smail 2.5 to keep the number of uux calls down.  I bumped it up
and instead of keeping the calls down it actually started generating a
uux for just about each member of the alias I had set up.  After much
digging, I found out that MAXCLEN is pretty much not used in smail.
Because of this, buffers were overflowing and variables were coming
out weird.  Here is a diff of my changes to deliver.c:

< 	char lcommand[SMLBUF];		/* local command issued 	*/
< 	char rcommand[SMLBUF];		/* remote command issued	*/
< 	char scommand[SMLBUF];		/* retry  command issued	*/
> 	char lcommand[MAXCLEN];		/* local command issued 	*/
> 	char rcommand[MAXCLEN];		/* remote command issued	*/
> 	char scommand[MAXCLEN];		/* retry  command issued	*/
> 			 || ((send - scommand) > MAXCLEN)
Michael Sullivan          uunet!jarthur!aqdata!sullivan
aQdata, Inc.              sullivan at aqdata.uucp
San Dimas, CA             +1 714 599 9992

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