mush 7.0 on SCO Xenix 286 ?

Dave Hammond daveh at
Thu Mar 1 09:54:47 AEST 1990

In article <8185 at> libove at (Jay Libove) writes:
-[...] It seems that the SCO Xenix/286 v2.2.1 preprocessor grabs the
-line right before the glob.h definition of FMETA which is:
-#define META "/*?[{"
-and fails to parse out the /* as being in a string ... so it becomes
-an unclosed comment! And the FMETA definition on the next line never
-happens... and it doesn't even complain about the unclosed comment :(
-I moved the /*? around to get /?* and now the preprocessor is
-happy and it all works. SIGH

This perfectly documents a problem currently being discussed over in
comp.lang.c under the subject of `nested comments'.  The general
consensus has been that including the character pairs `/*' and `*/'
literally within a string is all but inviting disaster.

Dave Hammond
daveh at

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