elm mishandles large uuencoded messages

Indra Singhal indra at ashirvad.amd.com
Tue Nov 20 12:23:23 AEST 1990

davem at hpmwtd.HP.COM (Dave McQuate) writes:

>  I've had problems with "elm" corrupting its mailbox when a number of
>large uuencoded messages are received.  (Say ten 40kbyte messages)
>When the problem occurs, if I try to read previously received text messages,
>I see what seems to be portions of the uuencoded messages instead.  If I'm
>on my toes I can work around it by making a copy of /usr/mail/davem, exiting
>elm, then restoring /usr/mail/davem from the saved copy.

>  Also, sometimes when I try to save these uuencoded messages before I've
>read them--I.E. I save from the index page--the saved file has zero length.

>  Any hints?
>  Thanks.

You really must include the version of elm you are running. Have you
posted to comp.mail.elm? The current version is elm 2.3 PL8.

I receive zillions of UUENCODED files and have not had a problem.

iNDRA | indra at amd.com or {ames apple uunet}!amd!indra
      | (Indra Singhal) (408) 749-5445; Advanced Micro Devices
      | MS 167; Box 3453; 901, Thompson Pl., Sunnyvale, CA 94088

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