Psroff 2.0 sources posted to alt.sources.

Chris Lewis clewis at ecicrl.UUCP
Sat Nov 17 16:07:19 AEST 1990

I've just posted the 16 parts of Psroff 2.0 to alt.sources.
Psroff allows you to use old troff (aka CAT troff, aka "the original
troff") with HP Laserjet printers, Postscript printers and whatever
ditroff filters you can find (including, for example, jetroff,
xtroff (X windows previewer), xproof (DMD 5620 previewer), 
psdit, tpscript etc. etc. etc.).  There's even parts of ditroff
drawing command emulation and psfig support.

I finally gave up on c.s.u and c.s.m.

Psroff 2.0 was previously only available via ftp from a couple of
sites.  The sources I've posted are at patch level 5 compared to that.
(Patches 1 thru 4 were posted on the net).  If you had the ftp version
and want to upgrade to the posted one, I'll send you patch 5 if you
send me mail.

Chris Lewis, Phone: TBA
UUCP: uunet!utai!lsuc!ecicrl!clewis
Moderator of the Ferret Mailing List (ferret-request at eci386)
Psroff mailing list (psroff-request at eci386)

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