Psroff 2.0 FTP Access

Chris Lewis clewis at ecicrl.UUCP
Fri Nov 30 02:18:09 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov26.011738.17108 at> tp at (t patterson) writes:
|slight correction:
|	on, look in pub/text/roff.
|we have:
|	gatekeeper 64 #ls pub/text/roff/ps*
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.0-2.1-diffs
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.2-2.3-diffs
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.0.tar.Z
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.3-2.4-diffs
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.1-2.2-diffs
|	pub/text/roff/psroff-2.4-2.5-diffs

What a bizarre way of naming patches!  Why not psroff-2.0-p01 or something?
Then I don't have to list each file separately in my ftp notice.
And no, Psroff 2.0 patch level 1 is not 2.1.  My numbering scheme doesn't
work that way.  You'll have trouble when I come out with a real 2.1 release.
Chris Lewis, Phone: (613) 832-0541
UUCP: uunet!utai!lsuc!ecicrl!clewis
Moderator of the Ferret Mailing List (ferret-request at eci386)
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