Official Sc6.9 -> Sc6.10 patches (Please Apply) (1 of 2)

Anthony Murdoch ant at
Wed Oct 31 12:43:44 AEST 1990

walker at hpl-opus.HP.COM (Rick Walker) writes:
>Now I am seeing patches from 6.9 -> 6.10.  How did I miss the 6.9 posting?
>What group was it posted to?  Is there an ftp site that I can get it from?

I had a fair bit of trouble applying both patches.  Is there somewhere that
I can get the source with the patches applied via ftp ?


  V   ant                       "It's great to be young and insane"
 \o/  ant at                    - Dream Team
 -O-  Anthony Murdoch           Prentice Computer Centre
 /0\  Phone (07) 3774078        University of Qld

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