Official Sc6.9 -> Sc6.10 patches (Please Apply) (1 of 2)

William G. Bunton wgb at balkan.TNT.COM
Sun Oct 28 10:51:33 AEST 1990

In article <1990Oct26.221849.16881 at sawmill.uucp> buhrt at sawmill.uucp (Jeffery A Buhrt) writes:
>These are patches to Sc6.9 and fix core dumping plus adds some new features;
>see below for details.

It also seems to reference the symbol 'engformat', which is undefined
here (I presume it is supposed to be defined in the Sc source).  Did I
screw something up?

William G. Bunton              | An engineer is a man who can do for five bob
wgb at             | what any bloody fool can do for a quid.
Tools & Techniques, Austin, TX |                        -- origin unknown

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