C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Henry Spencer henry at zoo.toronto.edu
Thu Oct 11 03:10:55 AEST 1990

In article <2704 at sud509.ed.ray.com> heiser at tdw201.ed.ray.com writes:
>... problems with one file -- spacefor.  If the cnews people are 
>interested, I will send you (the file, diffs, or whatever format you like) 
>showing what has to be done to make it work on Esix...

Actually, I now count spacefor as a failed approach, and am in the early
stages of doing something better.  The problem is that there is far too
much senseless diversity in df output format, much more than I thought
in my young and innocent days. :-)

In the works is a version that puts the actual space-finding in C, using
the two or three different flavors of how-much-space-is-there system
calls, but keeps the choice of threshold out of the C code so it's easy
to change.  It's tricky to get all this right, especially with a df-based
fallback for really old systems, but I think I know how to do it, and it
should be significantly less hassle than relying on df.  Sigh.
Imagine life with OS/360 the standard  | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
operating system.  Now think about X.  |  henry at zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

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