Spacefor (was: Re: C News patch of 7-Sep-1990)

Mike Pelletier stealth at
Sat Oct 13 08:36:47 AEST 1990

There's a C version of spacefor written by Jon Zeeff that I have a copy
of, if you'd like I could send it to you.  I had to do a slight mod
to get it to run on the DEC, and you might have to do the same for Esix,
but in any case it's a good thing to have considering how often
spacefor is consulted.

	Mike Pelletier - Usenet News Admin & Programmer
"Wind, waves, etc. are breakdowns in the face of the commitment to getting
 from here to there.  But they are the conditions for sailing -- not
 something to be gotten rid of, but something to be danced with."

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