C News patch of 1-Sep-1990 (URGENT!!!)

Henry Spencer henry at zoo.toronto.edu
Fri Sep 7 05:37:12 AEST 1990

If you've got the 1-Sep patch and are thinking of installing it... please
hold off.  If you've already done it, you might want to think about undoing
it.  There seems to be something *extremely* subtle wrong with the feed
logic in relaynews:  some articles that should not be fed to site X get
fed, and a good many that should be fed aren't.  So far, we have found
no single pattern that accounts for all of it, and are still somewhat
in the dark.  Stay tuned for further developments.
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry at zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

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