Unofficial patches to PSR (Product Support Requests)

Greg Onufer greg at cheers.Bungi.COM
Fri Sep 14 18:53:39 AEST 1990

These patches fix several problems found while getting PSR to run on a
Sun-2/SunOS 4.  These include makefile changes, NULL-pointer
indirection problems, signal handler type problems, and general
aesthetic changes in several prompts.  One file depended on a non-ANSI
preprocessor for char-izing.  These patches are in no way
Sun-2-specific!  More things need to be fixed (like printer support)
the items in psr/d.psr/bugs, so those may be forthcoming. 

The company that wrote PSR, ACC, doesn't have an e-mail address in
any of the README files, so I'm posting the changes here.  Are they
out there somewhere?


(Use "patch -p1 < THISFILE" in the psr directory to apply these

diff -c psr/d.fillin/Makefile: psr/d.fillin/Makefile:1.3
*** psr/d.fillin/Makefile:	Fri Sep 14 01:36:30 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/Makefile	Fri Sep 14 01:36:31 1990
*** 1,11 ****
  #	This is version 1.2 of Makefile (6/29/86) for fillin
  all : fillin fillout 
! DESTDIR= /usr/local/bin
! LIB=	/usr/local/lib
  LINTLIB= ${LIB}/lint
! #COPT= -O    # for production
! COPT= -g    # for test
  # Defined constants for C compiler:
  #	CASEFOLD	If defined then pattern-matching will allow
--- 1,13 ----
  #	This is version 1.2 of Makefile (6/29/86) for fillin
  all : fillin fillout 
! DESTDIR= /pkg/psr/bin
! LIB=	/pkg/psr/lib
! MAN=	/pkg/psr/man
  LINTLIB= ${LIB}/lint
! CC = gcc -traditional -fpcc-struct-return
! COPT= -O -g -fstrength-reduce    # for production
! #COPT= -g    # for test
  # Defined constants for C compiler:
  #	CASEFOLD	If defined then pattern-matching will allow
*** 12,18 ****
  #			case-folding.
  DBCURS= #scroll.c id_subwins.c FF_debug.c
  DBCOBJ= #scroll.o id_subwins.o FF_debug.o
--- 14,20 ----
  #			case-folding.
  DBCURS= #scroll.c id_subwins.c FF_debug.c
  DBCOBJ= #scroll.o id_subwins.o FF_debug.o
*** 37,43 ****
  HFILES=	fillin.h local.h sped.h ff.h
  SRC=	${CFILES} ${HFILES} llib-lfill
- MAN=	/usr/man
  MANPGS=	fillin.1 fillout.1 fillin.3 fillin.5
  # Actually fillin and fillout don't depend on everything in libfill.a
--- 39,44 ----
*** 44,53 ****
  # but this works.
  fillin : fillin.o libfill.a $(DBCOBJ)
! 	cc ${COPT} -o fillin fillin.o $(DBCOBJ) libfill.a ${SPED} ${FF} -lcurses -ltermcap
  fillout : fillout.o libfill.a
! 	cc ${COPT} -o fillout fillout.o libfill.a ${SPED} ${FF} -lcurses -ltermcap
  libfill.a : ${OBJ}
  	ar r libfill.a $?
--- 45,54 ----
  # but this works.
  fillin : fillin.o libfill.a $(DBCOBJ)
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) -o fillin fillin.o $(DBCOBJ) libfill.a ${SPED} ${FF} -lcurses -ltermcap
  fillout : fillout.o libfill.a
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) -o fillout fillout.o libfill.a ${SPED} ${FF} -lcurses -ltermcap
  libfill.a : ${OBJ}
  	ar r libfill.a $?
diff -c psr/d.fillin/driver.c: psr/d.fillin/driver.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/driver.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:36:35 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/driver.c	Fri Sep 14 01:36:37 1990
*** 1,8 ****
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcsid[]="$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.fillin/driver.c,v 90/09/13 17:02:46 greg Exp $";
  /* driver.c - main driver routine for fillin screen handler
   * $Log:	driver.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:02:46  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,14 ----
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcsid[]="$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.fillin/driver.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:16:11 greg Exp $";
  /* driver.c - main driver routine for fillin screen handler
   * $Log:	driver.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:16:11  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Changed the type of the result of signal() to use a #define'd constant
+  * * Fixed local.h so ANSI C preprocessors have a chance
+  * * Minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:02:46  greg
   * PSR System
*** 92,98 ****
  		 char	last_c;		/* Previous input char or null	*/
  		 char   *cmd_line;	/* ^A command line */
  	int		x,y;		/* Track cursor during ^A	*/
! 	int		(*user_sig)();	/* User's interrupt signal.	*/
  	char	SpedEdit(),
  	extern 	fill_signal();
--- 98,104 ----
  		 char	last_c;		/* Previous input char or null	*/
  		 char   *cmd_line;	/* ^A command line */
  	int		x,y;		/* Track cursor during ^A	*/
! 	SIGTYPE		(*user_sig)();	/* User's interrupt signal.	*/
  	char	SpedEdit(),
  	extern 	fill_signal();
diff -c psr/d.fillin/edit.c: psr/d.fillin/edit.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/edit.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:36:45 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/edit.c	Fri Sep 14 01:36:47 1990
*** 1,6 ****
! static char rcsid[]="$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.fillin/edit.c,v 90/09/13 17:03:01 greg Exp $";
  /* edit.c - SpedEdit etc for fillin screen handler
   * $Log:	edit.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:03:01  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,12 ----
! static char rcsid[]="$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.fillin/edit.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:16:18 greg Exp $";
  /* edit.c - SpedEdit etc for fillin screen handler
   * $Log:	edit.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:16:18  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Changed the type of the result of signal() to use a #define'd constant
+  * * Fixed local.h so ANSI C preprocessors have a chance
+  * * Minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:03:01  greg
   * PSR System
*** 217,224 ****
      int     mask;
      register int pid;		/* Process id of forked child.		 */
!     register int (*CurIntProc) ();	/* Current interrupt process.	 */
!     register int (*stop_fcn) ();/* Current stop-signal function. */
      static char *default_editor = "/usr/ucb/vi";
      static char *editor = NULL;
      char   *getenv();
--- 223,232 ----
      int     mask;
      register int pid;		/* Process id of forked child.		 */
!     register SIGTYPE (*CurIntProc) ();	/* Current interrupt process.	 */
! #ifdef	SIGTSTP
!     register SIGTYPE (*stop_fcn) ();/* Current stop-signal function. */
! #endif
      static char *default_editor = "/usr/ucb/vi";
      static char *editor = NULL;
      char   *getenv();
*** 272,277 ****
--- 280,288 ----
  	signal(SIGINT, CurIntProc);
+ #ifdef	SIGTSTP
+         signal(SIGTSTP, stop_fcn);
+ #endif
  	execlp(editor, editor, field->FF_value, 0);
diff -c psr/d.fillin/fillout.c: psr/d.fillin/fillout.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/fillout.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:36:55 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/fillout.c	Fri Sep 14 01:36:56 1990
*** 123,129 ****
  	else	t = read_template(templ_file, 0, print_warnings);
  	{	/* On interrupt, cleanup. */
! 		int	(*oldsig)();
  		CurFillinTempl = t;
  		if( (oldsig = signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler)) != SIG_DFL)
  			signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
--- 123,130 ----
  	else	t = read_template(templ_file, 0, print_warnings);
  	{	/* On interrupt, cleanup. */
! 		SIGTYPE	(*oldsig)();
  		CurFillinTempl = t;
  		if( (oldsig = signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler)) != SIG_DFL)
  			signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
diff -c psr/d.fillin/fo_sub.c: psr/d.fillin/fo_sub.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/fo_sub.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:08 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/fo_sub.c	Fri Sep 14 01:37:09 1990
*** 1,5 ****
  #include	<ctype.h>
- #include	<signal.h>
  #include	"fillin.h"
  #include	"local.h"
--- 1,4 ----
diff -c psr/d.fillin/local.h: psr/d.fillin/local.h:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/local.h:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:16 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/local.h	Fri Sep 14 01:37:17 1990
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,12 ----
+ #define SIGTYPE void
  /* Following declarations placate lint. */
  /* Tricky little definition so lint will shut up about unused sccsid's */
*** 43,49 ****
  #define CTRL(c)	('c' & 037)
! #define bell()	(putchar(CTRL(g)))
  /* External Unix variables */
  extern int	errno;
--- 45,51 ----
  #define CTRL(c)	('c' & 037)
! #define bell()	(putchar('g' & 037))
  /* External Unix variables */
  extern int	errno;
*** 50,73 ****
  extern char	*sys_errlist[];
! #define KEY_END		CTRL(d)
! #define KEY_EDIT	CTRL(e)
! #define KEY_NEXT	CTRL(n)
! #define KEY_PROC	CTRL(a)
! #define KEY_QUIT	CTRL(q)
! #define KEY_APPEN	CTRL(~)
! #define KEY_PREV	CTRL(u)
! #define KEY_RDRAW	CTRL(l)
! #define KEY_SFORWARD	CTRL(f)
! #define KEY_END		CTRL(w)
! #define KEY_EDIT	CTRL(e)
! #define KEY_NEXT	CTRL(n)
! #define KEY_PROC	CTRL(a)
! #define KEY_QUIT	CTRL(q)
! #define KEY_APPEN	CTRL(~)
! #define KEY_PREV	CTRL(b)
! #define KEY_RDRAW	CTRL(l)
! #define KEY_SFORWARD	CTRL(d)
--- 52,75 ----
  extern char	*sys_errlist[];
! #define KEY_END		('d' & 037)
! #define KEY_EDIT	('e' & 037)
! #define KEY_NEXT	('n' & 037)
! #define KEY_PROC	('a' & 037)
! #define KEY_QUIT	('q' & 037)
! #define KEY_APPEN	('~' & 037)
! #define KEY_PREV	('u' & 037)
! #define KEY_RDRAW	('l' & 037)
! #define KEY_SFORWARD	('f' & 037)
! #define KEY_SBACKWARD	('b' & 037)
! #define KEY_END		('w' & 037)
! #define KEY_EDIT	('e' & 037)
! #define KEY_NEXT	('n' & 037)
! #define KEY_PROC	('a' & 037)
! #define KEY_QUIT	('q' & 037)
! #define KEY_APPEN	('~' & 037)
! #define KEY_PREV	('b' & 037)
! #define KEY_RDRAW	('l' & 037)
! #define KEY_SFORWARD	('d' & 037)
! #define KEY_SBACKWARD	('u' & 037)
diff -c psr/d.fillin/matchfield.c: psr/d.fillin/matchfield.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/matchfield.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:22 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/matchfield.c	Fri Sep 14 01:37:24 1990
*** 164,169 ****
--- 164,172 ----
  #define	CCL	6
  #define	NCCL	8
  #define	CDOL	10
+ #ifdef CEOF
+ #undef CEOF
+ #endif
  #define	CEOF	11
  #define	CKET	12
  #define	CBACK	18
diff -c psr/d.fillin/procfld.c: psr/d.fillin/procfld.c:1.2
*** psr/d.fillin/procfld.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:33 1990
--- psr/d.fillin/procfld.c	Fri Sep 14 01:37:37 1990
*** 305,311 ****
  	char	command[];
  	int status, pid, w;
! 	register int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
  	if ((pid = fork()) == 0 ) {
--- 305,311 ----
  	char	command[];
  	int status, pid, w;
! 	register SIGTYPE (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
  	if ((pid = fork()) == 0 ) {
diff -c psr/d.libljp/Makefile: psr/d.libljp/Makefile:1.2
*** psr/d.libljp/Makefile:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:50 1990
--- psr/d.libljp/Makefile	Fri Sep 14 01:37:52 1990
*** 1,5 ****
! COPT = -c # for subroutines
! LDOPT =   #-g -p # for main
  OBJS =	\
  	ask_yes_no.o copyfile.o copytoheap.o dateandtime.o \
--- 1,6 ----
! CC = gcc -traditional -fpcc-struct-return
! COPT = -g -O -fstrength-reduce -c # for subroutines
! LDOPT = -g # -p # for main
  OBJS =	\
  	ask_yes_no.o copyfile.o copytoheap.o dateandtime.o \
*** 17,130 ****
  	ranlib libljp.a
  ask_yes_no.o: ask_yes_no.c
! 	cc ${COPT} ask_yes_no.c
- ask_yes_no.c: RCS/ask_yes_no.c,v
- 	co ask_yes_no.c
  copyfile.o: copyfile.c
! 	cc ${COPT} copyfile.c
- copyfile.c: RCS/copyfile.c,v
- 	co copyfile.c
  copytoheap.o: copytoheap.c
! 	cc ${COPT} copytoheap.c
- copytoheap.c: RCS/copytoheap.c,v
- 	co copytoheap.c
  dateandtime.o: dateandtime.c
! 	cc ${COPT} dateandtime.c
- dateandtime.c: RCS/dateandtime.c,v
- 	co dateandtime.c
  fclose_ck.o: fclose_ck.c
! 	cc ${COPT} fclose_ck.c
- fclose_ck.c: RCS/fclose_ck.c,v
- 	co fclose_ck.c
  filename.o: filename.c
! 	cc ${COPT} filename.c
- filename.c: RCS/filename.c,v
- 	co filename.c
  filesize.o: filename.c
! 	cc ${COPT} filesize.c
- filesize.c: RCS/filename.c,v
- 	co filesize.c
  getnext.o: getnext.c
! 	cc ${COPT} getnext.c
- getnext.c: RCS/getnext.c,v
- 	co getnext.c
  lastchar.o: lastchar.c
! 	cc ${COPT} lastchar.c
- lastchar.c: RCS/lastchar.c,v
- 	co lastchar.c
  loadfile.o: loadfile.c
! 	cc ${COPT} loadfile.c
- loadfile.c: RCS/loadfile.c,v
- 	co loadfile.c
  makepublic.o: makepublic.c
! 	cc ${COPT} makepublic.c
- makepublic.c: RCS/makepublic.c,v
- 	co makepublic.c
  moreout.o: moreout.c
! 	cc ${COPT} moreout.c
- moreout.c: RCS/moreout.c,v
- 	co moreout.c
  printlist.o: printlist.c
! 	cc ${COPT} printlist.c
- printlist.c: RCS/printlist.c,v
- 	co printlist.c
  samefile.o: samefile.c
! 	cc ${COPT} samefile.c
- samefile.c: RCS/samefile.c,v
- 	co samefile.c
  set_cbreak.o: set_cbreak.c
! 	cc ${COPT} set_cbreak.c
- set_cbreak.c: RCS/set_cbreak.c,v
- 	co set_cbreak.c
  strpak.o: strpak.c
! 	cc ${COPT} strpak.c
- strpak.c: RCS/strpak.c,v
- 	co strpak.c
  systemve.o: systemve.c
! 	cc ${COPT} systemve.c
- systemve.c: RCS/systemve.c,v
- 	co systemve.c
  makewritable.o: makewritable.c
! 	cc ${COPT} makewritable.c
- makewritable.c: RCS/makewritable.c,v
- 	co makewritable.c
  makepublic makeitmine: makewritable.o libljp.a
  	rm -f makepublic makeitmine
! 	cc -o makepublic makewritable.o libljp.a
  	ln makepublic makeitmine
--- 18,77 ----
  	ranlib libljp.a
  ask_yes_no.o: ask_yes_no.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) ask_yes_no.c
  copyfile.o: copyfile.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) copyfile.c
  copytoheap.o: copytoheap.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) copytoheap.c
  dateandtime.o: dateandtime.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) dateandtime.c
  fclose_ck.o: fclose_ck.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) fclose_ck.c
  filename.o: filename.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) filename.c
  filesize.o: filename.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) filesize.c
  getnext.o: getnext.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) getnext.c
  lastchar.o: lastchar.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) lastchar.c
  loadfile.o: loadfile.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) loadfile.c
  makepublic.o: makepublic.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) makepublic.c
  moreout.o: moreout.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) moreout.c
  printlist.o: printlist.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) printlist.c
  samefile.o: samefile.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) samefile.c
  set_cbreak.o: set_cbreak.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) set_cbreak.c
  strpak.o: strpak.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) strpak.c
  systemve.o: systemve.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) systemve.c
  makewritable.o: makewritable.c
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) makewritable.c
  makepublic makeitmine: makewritable.o libljp.a
  	rm -f makepublic makeitmine
! 	$(CC) $(COPT) -o makepublic makewritable.o libljp.a
  	ln makepublic makeitmine
diff -c psr/d.libljp/tstamp.c: psr/d.libljp/tstamp.c:1.2
*** psr/d.libljp/tstamp.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:37:57 1990
--- psr/d.libljp/tstamp.c	Fri Sep 14 01:37:58 1990
*** 5,11 ****
      char   *temp;
      time_now = time(0);
!     temp = asctime(localtime(&time_now)) + 4;
      temp[12] = 0;
      return temp;
--- 5,11 ----
      char   *temp;
      time_now = time(0);
!     temp = (char *)asctime(localtime(&time_now)) + 4;
      temp[12] = 0;
      return temp;
diff -c psr/d.psr/psr.h: psr/d.psr/psr.h:1.3
*** psr/d.psr/psr.h:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:06 1990
--- psr/d.psr/psr.h	Fri Sep 14 01:38:07 1990
*** 4,12 ****
   * This header file extracted by the main program at the start
   *   of the work on revision 3.0 of psrmaint.c
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psr.h,v 90/09/13 17:21:24 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	psr.h,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:21:24  greg
   * PSR System
--- 4,26 ----
   * This header file extracted by the main program at the start
   *   of the work on revision 3.0 of psrmaint.c
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psr.h,v 1.3 90/09/14 01:35:26 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	psr.h,v $
+  * Revision 1.3  90/09/14  01:35:26  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Fixed mispellings
+  * 
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:09:23  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:21:24  greg
   * PSR System
*** 88,108 ****
  /*#define FILLIN  "/home/amos/systeam/bin/fillin"	/* */
  /*#define FILLOUT "/home/amos/systeam/bin/fillout"	/* */
! #define PSR_ROOT_DIR "/home/amos/systeam/PSRSYS"
  #define ACTIVE_PSR_DIR   "active.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define ARCHIVED_PSR_DIR "archived.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define NEW_PSR_DIR      "new.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define CLOSED_PSR_DIR   "closed.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
! #define PSR_SUMMARY_FILE "/home/amos/systeam/PSRSYS/PSR_summary_file"
! #define SERVICE_ACCOUNT   "systeam"
  #define PSR_PREFIX "pdr"	/* filenames have this before number */
  #define F_NEXT ".next.psr"	/* under NEW_PSR_DIR */
  #define MAXLINE 72		/* a line of terminal output (mail subject) */
  #define MAXPAGE 59		/* max lines per line printer page */
! #define COMPANY_NAME "CMC"
  #define MAXPATH 256
  #define MAX_PFX_CNT 10
  #define VOID    ((char *)-1)
  #define SEVERITY_HIGH	2
--- 102,124 ----
  /*#define FILLIN  "/home/amos/systeam/bin/fillin"	/* */
  /*#define FILLOUT "/home/amos/systeam/bin/fillout"	/* */
! #define PSR_ROOT_DIR "/pkg/psr/PSRSYS"
  #define ACTIVE_PSR_DIR   "active.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define ARCHIVED_PSR_DIR "archived.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define NEW_PSR_DIR      "new.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
  #define CLOSED_PSR_DIR   "closed.psrs"	/* under PSR_ROOT_DIR */
! #define PSR_SUMMARY_FILE "/pkg/psr/PSRSYS/PSR_summary_file"
! #define SERVICE_ACCOUNT   "psr"
  #define PSR_PREFIX "pdr"	/* filenames have this before number */
  #define F_NEXT ".next.psr"	/* under NEW_PSR_DIR */
  #define MAXLINE 72		/* a line of terminal output (mail subject) */
  #define MAXPAGE 59		/* max lines per line printer page */
! #define COMPANY_NAME "Cheers"
  #define MAXPATH 256
  #define MAX_PFX_CNT 10
  #define VOID    ((char *)-1)
+ #define SIGTYPE void
+ #define DEFAULT_PRINTER	"lp"
  #define SEVERITY_HIGH	2
diff -c psr/d.psr/Makefile: psr/d.psr/Makefile:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/Makefile:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:15 1990
--- psr/d.psr/Makefile	Fri Sep 14 01:38:16 1990
*** 1,8 ****
! # $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/Makefile,v 90/09/13 17:14:56 greg Exp $
  # Makefile for the ACC/CMC "PSR" problem tracking system
! CFLAGS = -g -I../d.fillin #-p # for subroutines
! LDOPT =  -g #-p # for main
  LIBLJP = ../d.libljp/libljp.a ../d.fillin/libfill.a
  SRC =	psr.h addnote.c archive.c canon_name.c checkpsr.c \
--- 1,9 ----
! # $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/Makefile,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:08:52 greg Exp $
  # Makefile for the ACC/CMC "PSR" problem tracking system
! CC = gcc -traditional -fpcc-struct-return
! CFLAGS = -g -O -I../d.fillin 	#-p # for subroutines
! LDOPT =  -g #-p 		# for main
  LIBLJP = ../d.libljp/libljp.a ../d.fillin/libfill.a
  SRC =	psr.h addnote.c archive.c canon_name.c checkpsr.c \
*** 67,100 ****
  		products.o psrhandle.o psrsummary.o Q_open.o showapsr.o
  psr: psr.h psrmain.o ${OBJS} $(LIBLJP)
! 	cc $(LDOPT) -o psr psrmain.o ${OBJS} $(LIBLJP) -lcurses -ltermcap
  	chmod 755 psr
  psr.dbg: psrmain.o ${PROFOBJS} $(LIBLJP)
! 	cc $(LDOPT) -p -g -o psr.dbg psrmain.o ${PROFOBJS} $(LIBLJP)
  check_options.o psr_data.o followup.o: psr.h
  phonebook: phonebook.o $(OBJS) $(LIBLJP)
! 	cc $(LDOPT) -o phonebook phonebook.o $(OBJS) $(LIBLJP)
  browse: $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP) Makefile
! 	cc -g -o browse $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP)
  browse.p: $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP) Makefile
! 	cc -p -g -o browse.p $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP)
  makepublic: $(MPOBJ) 
! 	cc -o makepublic $(MPOBJ)
! lint: RCS
! 	lint *.c
  sources: ${SRC}
- ${SRC}:
- 	co $@
! whatsnew: Makefile $(SRC)
  	ls -l Makefile *.h *.c | grep rw
  vgrind: $(VGROUT)
--- 68,102 ----
  		products.o psrhandle.o psrsummary.o Q_open.o showapsr.o
  psr: psr.h psrmain.o ${OBJS} $(LIBLJP)
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -o psr psrmain.o ${OBJS} $(LIBLJP) -lcurses -ltermcap
  	chmod 755 psr
  psr.dbg: psrmain.o ${PROFOBJS} $(LIBLJP)
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -p -g -o psr.dbg psrmain.o ${PROFOBJS} $(LIBLJP)
  check_options.o psr_data.o followup.o: psr.h
  phonebook: phonebook.o $(OBJS) $(LIBLJP)
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -o phonebook phonebook.o $(OBJS) $(LIBLJP)
  browse: $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP) Makefile
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -o browse $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP)
  browse.p: $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP) Makefile
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -p -o browse.p $(BROWSEOBJ) $(LIBLJP)
  makepublic: $(MPOBJ) 
! 	$(CC) $(LDOPT) -o makepublic $(MPOBJ)
! lint: ${SRC}
! 	lint ${SRC}
  sources: ${SRC}
! #${SRC}:
! #	co $@
! whatsnew: Makefile ${SRC}
  	ls -l Makefile *.h *.c | grep rw
  vgrind: $(VGROUT)
*** 103,106 ****	; vgrind $*.c >$*.ps ; lpr $*.ps
! .c.op: ; cc $(CFLAGS) -p -c -o $@ $*.c
--- 105,108 ----	; vgrind $*.c >$*.ps ; lpr $*.ps
! .c.op: ; $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -p -c -o $@ $*.c
diff -c psr/d.psr/Q_open.c: psr/d.psr/Q_open.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/Q_open.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:23 1990
--- psr/d.psr/Q_open.c	Fri Sep 14 01:38:24 1990
*** 23,29 ****
  		printer_name = getenv("PRINTER");
  		if (printer_name == NULL)
! 		    printer_name = "lp0";
  		    fprintf(stderr, "%s - will print to \"%s\"\n",
  			"Printout requested, but no default printer defined",
--- 23,29 ----
  		printer_name = getenv("PRINTER");
  		if (printer_name == NULL)
! 		    printer_name = DEFAULT_PRINTER;
  		    fprintf(stderr, "%s - will print to \"%s\"\n",
  			"Printout requested, but no default printer defined",
diff -c psr/d.psr/addnote.c: psr/d.psr/addnote.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/addnote.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:28 1990
--- psr/d.psr/addnote.c	Fri Sep 14 01:38:29 1990
*** 1,8 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/addnote.c,v 90/09/13 17:15:47 greg Exp $";
  /* addnote.c - add a footnote to a psrupdate
   * $Log:	addnote.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:15:47  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,12 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/addnote.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:26:02 greg Exp $";
  /* addnote.c - add a footnote to a psrupdate
   * $Log:	addnote.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:26:02  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Changed the formatting of prompts...
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:15:47  greg
   * PSR System
*** 57,63 ****
  	fprintf(stderr, "addnote: You have specified %d PSRs to annotate\n");
  	fprintf(stderr, "         They will all get the same note.\n");
  	if (!ask_yes_no(stderr,
! 			"         Is that what you want [yn] ? "))
      for (arg = 1; argv[arg] != NULL; arg++)
--- 61,67 ----
  	fprintf(stderr, "addnote: You have specified %d PSRs to annotate\n");
  	fprintf(stderr, "         They will all get the same note.\n");
  	if (!ask_yes_no(stderr,
! 			"         Is that what you want [yn]? "))
      for (arg = 1; argv[arg] != NULL; arg++)
diff -c psr/d.psr/check_options.c: psr/d.psr/check_options.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/check_options.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:34 1990
--- psr/d.psr/check_options.c	Fri Sep 14 01:38:35 1990
*** 1,7 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/check_options.c,v 90/09/13 17:16:46 greg Exp $";
  /* check_options.c - options preprocessing for PSR program
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	check_options.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:16:46  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,17 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/check_options.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:03 greg Exp $";
  /* check_options.c - options preprocessing for PSR program
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	check_options.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:09:03  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:16:46  greg
   * PSR System
*** 117,127 ****
  		if (strcmp(printer_name, "") == 0)
  						    printer_name = "la120.1";
  		if ((strcmp(printer_name, "laser") == 0)
! 		 || (strcmp(printer_name, "lp"   ) == 0)
  		 || (strncmp(printer_name, "print", 5) == 0))
  		{   char *new_name;
  		    new_name = getenv("PRINTER");
! 		    if (new_name == NULL) new_name = "lp0";
  		    fprintf(stderr,"Printer name \"%s\" changed to \"%s\"\n",
  		    printer_name, new_name);
  		    printer_name = new_name;
--- 127,137 ----
  		if (strcmp(printer_name, "") == 0)
  						    printer_name = "la120.1";
  		if ((strcmp(printer_name, "laser") == 0)
! 		 || (strcmp(printer_name, "") == 0)
  		 || (strncmp(printer_name, "print", 5) == 0))
  		{   char *new_name;
  		    new_name = getenv("PRINTER");
! 		    if (new_name == NULL) new_name = DEFAULT_PRINTER;
  		    fprintf(stderr,"Printer name \"%s\" changed to \"%s\"\n",
  		    printer_name, new_name);
  		    printer_name = new_name;
diff -c psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c: psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:41 1990
--- psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c	Fri Sep 14 01:38:43 1990
*** 3,11 ****
  /* checkpsr.c - do a consistency check of a psr and all of its updates
   *		 written by Lars Poulsen <lars at> for ACC's PSR system
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c,v 90/09/13 17:17:16 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	checkpsr.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:17:16  greg
   * PSR System
--- 3,15 ----
  /* checkpsr.c - do a consistency check of a psr and all of its updates
   *		 written by Lars Poulsen <lars at> for ACC's PSR system
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/checkpsr.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:26:10 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	checkpsr.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:26:10  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * Changed the formatting of prompts...
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:17:16  greg
   * PSR System
*** 167,173 ****
  		"I have trimmed some trailing control characters from %s\n",
! 	    if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to re-write it ? "))
  		psraccess(psrname, &fullname);
  		pf_write(&fullname, &psrform);
--- 171,177 ----
  		"I have trimmed some trailing control characters from %s\n",
! 	    if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to re-write it? "))
  		psraccess(psrname, &fullname);
  		pf_write(&fullname, &psrform);
diff -c psr/d.psr/fillin.c: psr/d.psr/fillin.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/fillin.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:38:55 1990
--- psr/d.psr/fillin.c	Fri Sep 14 01:38:56 1990
*** 4,10 ****
   * Author:	SP Wartik
- #include	<signal.h>
  #include	<sys/types.h>
  #include	<sys/dir.h>
  #include	<sys/file.h>
--- 4,9 ----
*** 13,19 ****
  #include	"psr.h"
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/fillin.c,v 90/09/13 17:18:33 greg Exp $";
  TEMPLATE template;		/* Result of call to driver.	 */
--- 12,18 ----
  #include	"psr.h"
  #ifndef lint
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/fillin.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:11 greg Exp $";
  TEMPLATE template;		/* Result of call to driver.	 */
*** 33,39 ****
   *  Unix Library Routines:
   *	access		close		creat		fprintf
!  *	fputs		malloc		rindex		signal
   *	strcat		strcmp		strcpy		strlen
   *  Fillin Routines:
   *	fill_cleanup		fill_driver	merge_datafile_into_template
--- 32,38 ----
   *  Unix Library Routines:
   *	access		close		creat		fprintf
!  *	fputs		malloc		rindex
   *	strcat		strcmp		strcpy		strlen
   *  Fillin Routines:
   *	fill_cleanup		fill_driver	merge_datafile_into_template
diff -c psr/d.psr/makepsr.c: psr/d.psr/makepsr.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/makepsr.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:39:05 1990
--- psr/d.psr/makepsr.c	Fri Sep 14 01:39:08 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/makepsr.c,v 90/09/13 17:19:54 greg Exp $";
  /* makepsr.c - for the PSR management system
   *             written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
--- 1,4 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/makepsr.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:16 greg Exp $";
  /* makepsr.c - for the PSR management system
   *             written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
*** 5,13 ****
   * This routine inserts a new PSR into the new psr or staging directory.
   * Input from keyboard or from a pre-formatted psr file.
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/makepsr.c,v 90/09/13 17:19:54 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	makepsr.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:19:54  greg
   * PSR System
--- 5,23 ----
   * This routine inserts a new PSR into the new psr or staging directory.
   * Input from keyboard or from a pre-formatted psr file.
!  * $Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/makepsr.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:16 greg Exp $
   * $Log:	makepsr.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:09:16  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:19:54  greg
   * PSR System
*** 249,255 ****
  	fprintf(stderr,"---------- I will give you a chance to correct this\n");
  	if (ask_yes_no(stderr,
! 			"---------- Do you want to correct it ? "))
  				goto edit_it;
      fprintf(stderr, "Your (new) PSR is %s\n", psrname);
--- 259,265 ----
  	fprintf(stderr,"---------- I will give you a chance to correct this\n");
  	if (ask_yes_no(stderr,
! 			"---------- Do you want to correct it? "))
  				goto edit_it;
      fprintf(stderr, "Your (new) PSR is %s\n", psrname);
*** 257,263 ****
      if (!psrform.pf_description || strlen(psrform.pf_description) < 2)
  	fprintf(stderr, "Your new PSR does not have a problem description.\n");
! 	if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to go back and edit it ?"))
  	    goto edit_it;
--- 267,273 ----
      if (!psrform.pf_description || strlen(psrform.pf_description) < 2)
  	fprintf(stderr, "Your new PSR does not have a problem description.\n");
! 	if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to go back and edit it? "))
  	    goto edit_it;
diff -c psr/d.psr/psrmain.c: psr/d.psr/psrmain.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/psrmain.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:39:17 1990
--- psr/d.psr/psrmain.c	Fri Sep 14 01:39:19 1990
*** 1,9 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psrmain.c,v 90/09/13 17:22:47 greg Exp $";
  /* psrmain.c - PSR maintenance program main routine
   *   written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	psrmain.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:22:47  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,19 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psrmain.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:37 greg Exp $";
  /* psrmain.c - PSR maintenance program main routine
   *   written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	psrmain.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:09:37  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:22:47  greg
   * PSR System
*** 497,503 ****
  	fprintf(stderr, " -F             - update from redirected in-file\n");
  	fprintf(stderr, "                  (only \"Addl info\" field redirected)\n");
  	if ((strcmp_nocase(cmdname, "options") != 0)
! 	    && (strcmp_nocase(cmdname, "usage") != 0))
  	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown PSR maintenance command\n", cmdname);
--- 507,514 ----
  	fprintf(stderr, " -F             - update from redirected in-file\n");
  	fprintf(stderr, "                  (only \"Addl info\" field redirected)\n");
  	if ((strcmp_nocase(cmdname, "options") != 0)
! 	    && (strcmp_nocase(cmdname, "usage") != 0)
! 	    && (strcmp(cmdname, "") != 0))
  	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown PSR maintenance command\n", cmdname);
diff -c psr/d.psr/psr_util.c: psr/d.psr/psr_util.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/psr_util.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:39:29 1990
--- psr/d.psr/psr_util.c	Fri Sep 14 01:39:30 1990
*** 1,8 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psr_util.c,v 90/09/13 17:22:08 greg Exp $";
  /* psr_util.c - PSR maintenance program utility subroutines
   *   written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	psr_util.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:22:08  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,18 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/psr_util.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:30 greg Exp $";
  /* psr_util.c - PSR maintenance program utility subroutines
   *   written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	psr_util.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:09:30  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:22:08  greg
   * PSR System
*** 81,87 ****
  #include <ctype.h>
  #include <errno.h>
- #include <signal.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <sys/file.h>
  #include <sys/time.h>
--- 91,96 ----
diff -c psr/d.psr/showapsr.c: psr/d.psr/showapsr.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/showapsr.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:39:38 1990
--- psr/d.psr/showapsr.c	Fri Sep 14 01:39:40 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/showapsr.c,v 90/09/13 17:23:52 greg Exp $";
  /* showapsr.c - display a single psr or update for PSR system
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
--- 1,4 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/showapsr.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:09:55 greg Exp $";
  /* showapsr.c - display a single psr or update for PSR system
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
*** 88,94 ****
      t = read_template(template, 0, print_warnings);
      {				/* On interrupt, cleanup. */
! 	int     (*oldsig) ();
  	CurFillinTempl = t;
  	if ((oldsig = signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler)) != SIG_DFL)
--- 88,94 ----
      t = read_template(template, 0, print_warnings);
      {				/* On interrupt, cleanup. */
! 	SIGTYPE     (*oldsig) ();
  	CurFillinTempl = t;
  	if ((oldsig = signal(SIGINT, interrupt_handler)) != SIG_DFL)
diff -c psr/d.psr/update.c: psr/d.psr/update.c:1.2
*** psr/d.psr/update.c:	Fri Sep 14 01:39:49 1990
--- psr/d.psr/update.c	Fri Sep 14 01:39:52 1990
*** 1,8 ****
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/update.c,v 90/09/13 17:24:16 greg Exp $";
  /* update.c - the update command of the ACC PSR system
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	update.c,v $
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:24:16  greg
   * PSR System
--- 1,18 ----
! static char rcsid[] = "$Header: /mnt/src.master/psr/d.psr/update.c,v 1.2 90/09/14 01:10:04 greg Exp $";
  /* update.c - the update command of the ACC PSR system
   *		written by Lars Poulsen <lars at>
   * $Log:	update.c,v $
+  * Revision 1.2  90/09/14  01:10:04  greg
+  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  * * Fixed return value of signal() in several places (see SIGTYPE in psr.h)
+  * * Fixed a possible NULL indirection in update.c
+  * * The printer name "lp" usually is a standard printer name, so don't
+  *   mess with it anymore
+  * * Changed the formatting of several ask_yes_no prompts (no spaces at end,
+  *   etc.)
+  * * Several minor changes
+  * 
   * Revision  90/09/13  17:24:16  greg
   * PSR System
*** 94,100 ****
  	fprintf(stderr, "    When you do this, they basically all get the\n");
  	    "    same \"Additional information\" and \"Current Status\"\n");
! 	if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "    Is that what you want ? ") != YES)
  	    fprintf(stderr, "Try again - better luck next time\n");
--- 104,110 ----
  	fprintf(stderr, "    When you do this, they basically all get the\n");
  	    "    same \"Additional information\" and \"Current Status\"\n");
! 	if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "    Is that what you want? ") != YES)
  	    fprintf(stderr, "Try again - better luck next time\n");
*** 105,111 ****
  	if (argv[argno] == VOID)
  	psrname = psrhandle_base(argv[argno]);
- 	name_length = strlen(psrname);
  	if (psrname == NULL)
  	    fprintf(stderr, "update: illegal name %s - try again\n");
--- 115,120 ----
*** 112,117 ****
--- 121,127 ----
  	    had_an_error += 1;
+ 	name_length = strlen(psrname);
  	if ((psrname[name_length - 1] == 'u')
  	    || (psrname[name_length - 2] == 'u')
  	    || (psrname[name_length - 3] == 'u'))
*** 133,139 ****
  	    fprintf(stderr, "update: PSR %s is CLOSED - cannot update\n", psrname);
  	    fprintf(stderr, "Customer was %s/%s Product %s\n",
  		    psrform.pf_cust, psrform.pf_contact, psrform.pf_product);
! 	    if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to re-open it (y/n) ?") != YES)
  	/* find number for new update */
--- 143,149 ----
  	    fprintf(stderr, "update: PSR %s is CLOSED - cannot update\n", psrname);
  	    fprintf(stderr, "Customer was %s/%s Product %s\n",
  		    psrform.pf_cust, psrform.pf_contact, psrform.pf_product);
! 	    if (ask_yes_no(stderr, "Do you want to re-open it (y/n)? ") != YES)
  	/* find number for new update */

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