Henry, Geoff, and Larry (was: C News patch of 7-Sep-1990)

Stephen Walick steve at nshore.uucp
Tue Sep 25 03:35:09 AEST 1990

As quoted from <1990Sep23.040125.15414 at sq.sq.com> by msb at sq.sq.com (Mark Brader):
| > Geoff Collyer, Henry Spencer and Larry Wall are assets.  Let's treat
| > them as such.
| Okay.  How can we find places to sell them in case we need money sometime?
| This article is in the public domain.

As a simple user who likes to read news articles and enjoys the comput-
er as a hobbie to what he does in life, just simply say that I am sick
and tired of reading these articles on C-news patches, about the indi-
viduals who are trying to provide a "news" gathering/processing system
on a "not-for-pay" basis.  Let's get off their case and get with some
serious discussions!  Why don't you post these articles of total non-
sense to the < /talk > groups.  I'm sure that I'm not the only one who
is getting aggravated by this whole drawn out, what now has become,
bit of ridiculousness.

No, I will NOT reply to any 'Email' on this subject, nor will I post
any further articles to these news groups on this subject.  To me, the
case is closed and let's all forget it.  (And no, I have never met nor
am in any way connected with this Cnews project.  I'm just sick and
tired of these stupid postings that seem to go on forever!)

Steve Walick


Stephen J. Walick, Asst Sysop of the  < XBBS >  program  at  NCoast.ORG
{uunet|backnone}!nshore!steve                         steve at nshore.uucp

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