C News patch of 7-Sep-1990

Heiko Blume src at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org
Fri Sep 14 06:36:45 AEST 1990

since cnews has become really stable, i would suggest posting the
whole thing soon. that would also be an opportunity to start using
release numbers and patchlevel.h etc. (i like files like cnews-1.0.tar.Z :-)

any comments/objections ?
Heiko Blume c/o Diakite   blume at scuzzy.in-berlin.de   FAX   (+49 30) 882 50 65
Kottbusser Damm 28        blume at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org    VOICE (+49 30) 691 88 93
D-1000 Berlin 61          blume at netmbx.de             TELEX 184174 intro d
scuzzy Any ACU,e 19200 6919520 ogin:--ogin: nuucp ssword: nuucp

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