unofficial patch to "mp"

Rainer Klute klute at
Wed Sep 5 20:52:11 AEST 1990

Here is an unofficial patch to the last version of "mp". "Mp" broke with a
segmentation fault when printing a mail without a subject.

*** header.c.orig	Thu Aug 30 08:44:12 1990
--- header.c	Wed Sep  5 12:46:29 1990
*** 196,207 ****
        if (from_)           boldshow(FROM_HDR,       from_) ;
        if (from)            mixedshow(FROMHDR,       from) ;
        if (apparently_from) mixedshow(APP_FROMHDR,   apparently_from) ;
!       if (to[0])           show_mult_hdr(TOHDR,     to) ;
        if (apparently_to)   mixedshow(APP_TOHDR,     apparently_to) ;
!       if (cc[0])           show_mult_hdr(CCHDR,     cc) ;
        if (reply_to)        mixedshow(REPLYHDR,      reply_to) ;
        if (newsgroups)      mixedshow(NEWSGROUPSHDR, newsgroups) ;
!       if (subject[0])      mixedshow(SUBJECTHDR,    subject) ;
        if (date)            mixedshow(DATEHDR,       date) ;
--- 196,210 ----
        if (from_)           boldshow(FROM_HDR,       from_) ;
        if (from)            mixedshow(FROMHDR,       from) ;
        if (apparently_from) mixedshow(APP_FROMHDR,   apparently_from) ;
!       if (to)
!          if (to[0])        show_mult_hdr(TOHDR,     to) ;
        if (apparently_to)   mixedshow(APP_TOHDR,     apparently_to) ;
!       if (cc)
!          if (cc[0])        show_mult_hdr(CCHDR,     cc) ;
        if (reply_to)        mixedshow(REPLYHDR,      reply_to) ;
        if (newsgroups)      mixedshow(NEWSGROUPSHDR, newsgroups) ;
!       if (subject)
!          if (subject[0])   mixedshow(SUBJECTHDR,    subject) ;
        if (date)            mixedshow(DATEHDR,       date) ;

  Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute      klute at
  Univ. Dortmund, IRB             klute at unido.uucp, klute at unido.bitnet
  Postfach 500500         |)|/    Tel.: +49 231 755-4663
D-4600 Dortmund 50        |\|\    Fax : +49 231 755-2386

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