Official patch #11 for mp v2.4; please apply it.

Rich Burridge richb at sunaus.oz
Mon Sep 24 12:35:27 AEST 1990

This is official patch #11 for mp v2.4.


1. What is mp?
2/ Changes made in this patch.
3/ How to install this patch.
4/ How to get previous patches.


1/ What is mp?

Mp is a Postscript pretty printer for mail,news and ordinary files.
Mp v2.4 was posted to comp.sources.misc about three weeks ago at patchlevel #5.


2/ Changes made in this patch.

    *  From Sato Toshihiko <sato at>
       The names of the personal organiser prologue files in get_options()
       in misc.c, was not changed to the new names in patch #10.

    *  From Paul Eggert <eggert at>
       mp.1 should be built when you type "make". On many hosts, you must
       install as root, but root lacks write privaledge to the working
       directory because it's mounted via NFS.

    *  From Rick Rodgers <rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.EDU>
       From Paul Eggert <eggert at>
       When you do a "make", occurances of BINDIR in the manual pages,
       are now replaced with the value of $(BINDIR) from the Makefile.

    *  From Johan Vromans <jv at>
       Added the rule "install-a4" to Makefile.dist. If you do a "make
       install-a4", mp is initially installed. This is then followed by
       the prologue files being edited in situ, and adjusted for A4 sized
       paper. The README file has been updated to mention this.


3/ How to install this patch.

Apply the patch with Larry Wall's patch program. Copy Makefile.dist to
Makefile and adjust for your site. Then do a "make". If your site uses
US Letter paper size, then do a "make install". If your site uses A4 paper
size, then do a "make install-a4". You will probably have to be super-user
to do this. You might wish to reread the installation section in the README
file to make sure you've adjusted everything in the Makefile that you need to.


4/ How to get previous patches.

If you need to get patches 6-10, then they can be obtained from the automatic
mail archive server, by sending a message to rb-archive-server at Aus.Sun.COM
containing the line:

send mp patchn

where n is the patch number you require.

The latest complete mp distribution (fully patched) can be obtained from the
same address, by sending a message containing the lines:

send mp part1
send mp part2

If the mail is likely to go back through any sites that impose a size limit,
then I suggest you divide the above request up into two separate mail

You can also include a path line in these requests to indicate the mail
path that the archive server should use to send the files to you. Such a
path line could be:


Note that this is and not just uunet. Sun.COM doesn't recognise
just uunet.

[NOTE: When unpacking the shars generated by the automatic mail service,
       it is possible you will get error messages for incorrect length.
       Please ignore; hopefully the files should still unpack correctly].

Rich Burridge,          DOMAIN: richb at Aus.Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems.       ACSNET: richb at sunaus.sun.oz
PHONE: +61 2 413 2666   UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax,ukc}!munnari!sunaus.oz!richb

------CUT HERE------patch.11------CUT HERE------

------- README -------
*** /tmp/da14458	Mon Sep 24 11:05:24 1990
--- README	Mon Sep 24 10:54:21 1990
*** 59,70 ****
  Once you are happy with these settings, then you should do a "make", which
  will compile the mp program.
! You should then check each of the PostScript prologue files (these have an
! extension of .ps) and set the paper size correctly for your site. The paper
! size is defaulted to US Letter size, so this will work successfully on A4
! sized paper but not use all of the paper.
! It is also possible to change the number of lines printed per page, by
  adjusting the %%PageLength value in the initial portion of each of the
  PostScript prologue files. For example, with the default prologue file, A4 size paper users might find a page length of 72 more useful.
--- 59,65 ----
  Once you are happy with these settings, then you should do a "make", which
  will compile the mp program.
! It is possible to change the number of lines printed per page, by
  adjusting the %%PageLength value in the initial portion of each of the
  PostScript prologue files. For example, with the default prologue file, A4 size paper users might find a page length of 72 more useful.
*** 76,86 ****
  Alternatively you might only wish a subset to be installed, in which case
  you should adjust the MAILPNAMES definition in the Makefile accordingly.
! This should be followed by a "make install" which will put the files in
! their default locations. You will probably have to be super-user when you do
! the "make install".
  3. How mp works.
--- 71,86 ----
  Alternatively you might only wish a subset to be installed, in which case
  you should adjust the MAILPNAMES definition in the Makefile accordingly.
! You now need to do an installation that is appropriate for your site. There
! are two types of installation:
+   1) If you are using US Letter size paper you should do a "make install".
+   2) If you are using A4 size paper,  then you should do a "make install-a4".
+ This installation will put the files in their default locations. You will
+ probably have to be super-user when you do the "make install".
  3. How mp works.
*** 160,166 ****
  Amos Shapir, Bruce G Barnett, Pauline van Winsen, James F. Blake, Bruno
  Pillard, Rainer Klute, Ran Ever-Hadani, Lupe Christoph, John Little, Bill
  Houle, Paul Eggert, Larry W. Virden, Peter Collinson, Jim Sanchez, Ian
! Young and Andreas Wettengel for bug reports and/or bug fixes plus enhancements.
  My thanks also goes to Glenn Reid from Adobe Systems for the
  code used in the prologue files. I'm grateful to all these people, plus
--- 160,167 ----
  Amos Shapir, Bruce G Barnett, Pauline van Winsen, James F. Blake, Bruno
  Pillard, Rainer Klute, Ran Ever-Hadani, Lupe Christoph, John Little, Bill
  Houle, Paul Eggert, Larry W. Virden, Peter Collinson, Jim Sanchez, Ian
! Young, Andreas Wettengel and Sato Toshihiko for bug reports and/or bug fixes
! plus enhancements.
  My thanks also goes to Glenn Reid from Adobe Systems for the
  code used in the prologue files. I'm grateful to all these people, plus

------- misc.c -------
*** /tmp/da14461	Mon Sep 24 11:05:25 1990
--- misc.c	Mon Sep 24 10:20:02 1990
*** 111,117 ****
          case 'F' : print_orig = TRUE ;   /* Print originators name. */
                     break ;
          case 'f' :                       /* Filofax output. */
!                    SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     break ;
          case 'l' : landscape = TRUE ;    /* Landscape printing. */
                     SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
--- 111,117 ----
          case 'F' : print_orig = TRUE ;   /* Print originators name. */
                     break ;
          case 'f' :                       /* Filofax output. */
!                    SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     break ;
          case 'l' : landscape = TRUE ;    /* Landscape printing. */
                     SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
*** 127,135 ****
                       gsubject = optarg ;        /* New subject line. */
                     break ;
          case 't' :      if (!strcmp(optarg, "m"))     /* Time Manager. */
!                      SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     else if (!strcmp(optarg, "s"))     /* Time/System Int. */
!                      SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     break ;
          case '?' :
          case 'v' : usage() ;
--- 127,135 ----
                       gsubject = optarg ;        /* New subject line. */
                     break ;
          case 't' :      if (!strcmp(optarg, "m"))     /* Time Manager. */
!                      SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     else if (!strcmp(optarg, "s"))     /* Time/System Int. */
!                      SPRINTF(proname, "%s/", prologue) ;
                     break ;
          case '?' :
          case 'v' : usage() ;

------- CHANGES -------
*** /tmp/da14464	Mon Sep 24 11:05:26 1990
--- CHANGES	Mon Sep 24 10:54:34 1990
*** 366,368 ****
--- 366,390 ----
         Added into the README file, the instructions for A4 sites that they
         have also to change the "%%PageLength" line in In my
         opinion, 72 seems to be a good value.
+ v2.4 - patchlevel 11. - 24th September 1990.
+     *  From Sato Toshihiko <sato at>
+        The names of the personal organiser prologue files in get_options()
+        in misc.c, was not changed to the new names in patch #10.
+     *  From Paul Eggert <eggert at>
+        mp.1 should be built when you type "make". On many hosts, you must
+        install as root, but root lacks write privaledge to the working
+        directory because it's mounted via NFS.
+     *  From Rick Rodgers <rodgers at maxwell.mmwb.ucsf.EDU>
+        From Paul Eggert <eggert at>
+        When you do a "make", occurances of BINDIR in the manual pages,
+        are now replaced with the value of $(BINDIR) from the Makefile.
+     *  From Johan Vromans <jv at>
+        Added the rule "install-a4" to Makefile.dist. If you do a "make
+        install-a4", mp is initially installed. This is then followed by
+        the prologue files being edited in situ, and adjusted for A4 sized
+        paper. The README file has been updated to mention this.

------- patchlevel.h -------
*** /tmp/da14467	Mon Sep 24 11:05:26 1990
--- patchlevel.h	Mon Sep 24 10:14:44 1990
*** 14,17 ****
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  10
--- 14,17 ----
   *  reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define  PATCHLEVEL  11

------- -------
*** /tmp/da14470	Mon Sep 24 11:05:27 1990
---	Mon Sep 24 10:35:15 1990
*** 198,204 ****
  initialization file for
  .IR mail (1)
! .I /usr/local/bin/mp
--- 198,204 ----
  initialization file for
  .IR mail (1)
! .I BINDIR/mp

------- Makefile.dist -------
*** /tmp/da14473	Mon Sep 24 11:05:27 1990
--- Makefile.dist	Mon Sep 24 11:04:49 1990
*** 92,109 ****
  mp:        $(OBJS)
  	   cc $(LDFLAGS) -o mp $(OBJS)
! install:   $(BINARIES)
  	   @echo "**IMPORTANT NOTE**"
  	   @echo "Mp is setup by default to work with US Letter sized paper."
! 	   @echo "If you are using A4 sized paper, it is suggested that you"
! 	   @echo "adjust the definitions of fullwidth and fullheight, at the"
! 	   @echo "start of the file, then reinstall."
  	   -install -s -m 751 mp $(BINDIR)
- 	   -sed -e s,LIBDIR,$(LIBDIR),g > mp.1
  	   -install -c -m 644 mp.1 $(MANDIR)/mp.$(MANSECT)
  	   -install -c -m 644 $(LIBDIR)
  	   -install -c -m 644 $(LIBDIR)
--- 92,124 ----
  mp:        $(OBJS)
  	   cc $(LDFLAGS) -o mp $(OBJS)
+ 	   -sed -e s,LIBDIR,$(LIBDIR),g \
+ 		-e s,BINDIR,$(BINDIR),g > mp.1
! SHELL = /bin/sh
! install-a4: common-install
! 	   @echo "      Adjusting for A4 paper"
! 	   - at cd $(LIBDIR); \
! 		for pro in; \
! 		do cp $$pro /tmp/tmp-pro; \
! 		   sed < /tmp/tmp-pro > $$pro \
! 		   's|^/fullheight 11 inch def|/fullheight 11.4 inch def|'; \
! 		done; \
! 		rm /tmp/tmp-pro
! install:   common-install
  	   @echo "**IMPORTANT NOTE**"
  	   @echo "Mp is setup by default to work with US Letter sized paper."
! 	   @echo "If you are using A4 sized paper, you should reinstall, by
! 	   @echo "doing a:"
+ 	   @echo "make install-a4"
+ 	   @echo
+ common-install: $(BINARIES)
  	   -install -s -m 751 mp $(BINDIR)
  	   -install -c -m 644 mp.1 $(MANDIR)/mp.$(MANSECT)
  	   -install -c -m 644 $(LIBDIR)
  	   -install -c -m 644 $(LIBDIR)
*** 124,130 ****
! clean:;    rm -rf mp mp.1 *.o core
  create:    SCCS
  	   -sccs create $(SRCS) $(OTHERS)
--- 139,145 ----
! clean:;    rm -rf Part? *.Z *.uu mp mp.1 *.o core
  create:    SCCS
  	   -sccs create $(SRCS) $(OTHERS)

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