NNTP 1.5.11 released

Stan Barber nntp at tmc.edu
Mon Feb 4 20:10:38 AEST 1991

A new release of NNTP for Unix is available via ftp from gazette.bcm.tmc.edu
and lib.tmc.edu. Look in the public directory for nntp.1.5.11.tar and a
compressed version of the same file.

A patch kit to turn nntp version 1.5.10 in to 1.5.11 will be available in
these newsgroups later this week and via the archive-server at bcm.tmc.edu.
However, the fully patched sources will only be available via anonymous ftp
from the site mentioned above.

Here is a list of fixes/enhancements in the new release.

	Fixes to spawn.c and batch.c for those system that need
	execle() to specifically call /bin/sh to exectute a sh script.
	[All CNEWS sites running System V.]
	Fixes to the timeout code to make it all work the GNUS.
	[leres at ee.lbl.gov]
	Fixes to nntpxmit to support CNEWS batch file formats which
	contain the name of the article file and its message id.
	[flee at guardian.cs.psu.edu]
	Fixes to nntpxmit to not mistake the delete character in an
	article as an EOF indication. [pst+ at ir.stanford.edu]
	Added the $HOME environmental variable in the new environment
	provided to a child process. [steve at avalon.dartmouth.edu]
	Added rudimentary support to clientlib for TLI. [sob at tmc.edu]
	Changes to inews to optionally use gethostbyname() to get canonical
	hostname as needed. [jeff at ee.lbl.gov]
	Changed extern int timezone to extern long timezone in time.c.
	[pk at unidoct.chemietechnik.uni-dortmund.de]
	Reset SIGCLD before calling serve for WIN/TCP users on System V.
	[wescott%micky%sauron%ncrcae at ncrlnk.dayton.ncr.com]
	Changed references to "server" in clientlib.c to "nntpserver" to
	avoid a conflict with WIN/TCP. [rdc30med at nmrdc1.nmrdc.nnmc.navy.mil]
	Defining DBZ will take care of defining DBM. [tgt at cblpf.att.com]
	Some minor changes to nntpxfer to remove the risk of doing an update
	when it's not necessary. [ccc141j at monu6.cc.monash.edu.au,
	corbin at utep-vaxa.uucp]
	Changes to nntpxmit to correctly utilize LOG_DEBUG when LOG is
	defined and not when it isn't. [alden at shape.mps.ohio-state.edu]
	Change order of setuid/setgid in spawn.c and batch.c to execute
	setgid first. [apple.com!arc!chet]
	Provided an optional and untested way to use a dynamically
	resizing article array in the server. This will allow large
	numbers of articles in each group without giving nntp heartburn.
	[leres at ee.lbl.gov]

The TLI support is probably non-functional as is the support for WIN/TCP.
When NNTP 1.6 comes out these features will work. 

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