lots of trn problems

Wayne Davison davison at dri.com
Wed Jan 2 08:49:40 AEST 1991

Stan kindly points out:
> As announced about two months ago, Wayne was in an auto accident

This is true.  It was about four months ago when a pickup truck tried to
take me out head-on, and it's a miracle that I escaped the crash with such
minor injuries (comparatively).  The only long-lasting injury is to my left
elbow (sigh -- no volleyball for *quite* some time).  I'm doing much better
now, thanks.

The accident only took me out for about two months from typing.  The latter
two months of silence have been due to moving north to work for Borland.  I
don't yet have a usenet connection (except for this sparotic long-distance
access) and didn't even have time to try until just recently.  I hopefully
will be on the air in the next couple weeks.  I also hope to come out with
patch #2 for trn sometime this month.  Keep your fingers crossed.  (People
volunteering fixes will definitely speed things up -- mail me about it.)

Please send mail to my mcimail account.  Thanx.
 \  /| / /|\/ /| /(_)     Wayne Davison
(_)/ |/ /\|/ / |/  \      0004475895 at mcimail.com
   (W   A  Y   N   e)     ...!uunet!mcimail.com!0004475895

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