Official patch #10 for faces v1.4 (Part 2 of 2).
Rich Burridge
richb at sunaus.oz
Mon Jan 7 19:00:49 AEST 1991
[See the instructions in part1, on how to apply this patch - Rich.]
------CUT HERE------patch.10.part2------CUT HERE------
------- main.c -------
*** /tmp/da09632 Mon Jan 7 18:56:08 1991
--- main.c Fri Jan 4 09:22:39 1991
*** 27,34 ****
--- 27,38 ----
#ifndef mips
#include <netdb.h>
+ #ifdef SYSTYPE_BSD43
+ #include <netdb.h>
+ #else
#include <bsd/netdb.h>
+ #endif
#include <ctype.h>
*** 402,408 ****
/* Grovel through the machine/community association list. */
for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
! if (strcmp(temp->machine, community) == 0)
STRCPY(community, temp->community) ;
--- 406,412 ----
/* Grovel through the machine/community association list. */
for (temp = machines; temp != NULL; temp = temp->next)
! if (soft_match(temp->machine, community) == 0)
STRCPY(community, temp->community) ;
*** 592,595 ****
--- 596,611 ----
FCLOSE(fd) ;
+ }
+ soft_match(d_ptr, c_ptr)
+ register char *c_ptr, *d_ptr ;
+ {
+ if (*d_ptr == '*')
+ {
+ d_ptr++ ;
+ c_ptr = c_ptr + strlen(c_ptr) - strlen(d_ptr) ;
+ }
+ return(!EQUAL(c_ptr, d_ptr)) ;
------- mon.c -------
*** /tmp/da09635 Mon Jan 7 18:56:09 1991
--- mon.c Mon Jan 7 18:40:58 1991
*** 25,32 ****
--- 25,36 ----
#ifndef mips
#include <sys/time.h>
+ #ifdef SYSTYPE_BSD43
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #else
#include <bsd/sys/time.h>
+ #endif
#include <sys/file.h>
#include "faces.h"
#include "extern.h"
*** 143,148 ****
--- 147,153 ----
repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
+ add_face(DISP_ICON, NOMAIL, "") ;
toclear = 1 ;
do_check() ;
*** 157,165 ****
--- 162,173 ----
do_mail(mtype) /* Monitor a mail file for new or all mail. */
enum mon_type mtype ;
+ int eoh ; /* Set true, if end of mail header detected. */
FILE *fp ; /* File descriptor for users mail spool file. */
time_t ubuf[2] ; /* For reseting the access time on spoolfile. */
+ static time_t lastmtime ; /* Only look at mailfile when it's changed. */
column = row = 0 ; /* Start in top left corner of pixrect. */
newmail = 0 ; /* Assume no new mail. */
noicons = 0 ;
*** 173,178 ****
--- 181,194 ----
else make_display() ; /* Output icons and tidyup chain of records. */
return ;
+ /* See if there is any work to do. If the file hasn't changed, then no need
+ * to do anythingf but exit.
+ */
+ if (buf.st_mtime == lastmtime) return ;
+ lastmtime = buf.st_mtime ;
if (buf.st_size > lastsize ||
mhflag && buf.st_size < lastsize && buf.st_size != 0)
*** 200,215 ****
if (mtype == MONNEW) FSEEK(fp, lastsize, 0) ;
lastsize = buf.st_size ;
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
if (EQUAL(line, "From "))
if (froms_found) process_info() ; /* Process previous mail. */
process_from() ; /* Save new from details. */
! else if (EQUAL(line, "From:")) process_from() ;
! else if (EQUAL(line, "X-Face:")) process_face() ;
! else if (doing_xface) process_face() ;
FCLOSE(fp) ;
--- 216,234 ----
if (mtype == MONNEW) FSEEK(fp, lastsize, 0) ;
lastsize = buf.st_size ;
+ eoh = FALSE ;
while (fgets(line, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
if (EQUAL(line, "From "))
if (froms_found) process_info() ; /* Process previous mail. */
+ eoh = FALSE ;
process_from() ; /* Save new from details. */
! else if (*line == '\n') eoh = TRUE ;
! else if (EQUAL(line, "From:") && eoh == FALSE) process_from() ;
! else if (EQUAL(line, "X-Face:") && eoh == FALSE) process_face() ;
! else if (doing_xface && eoh == FALSE) process_face() ;
FCLOSE(fp) ;
*** 596,601 ****
--- 615,621 ----
char *host, *user ;
char temp[MAXLINE], ts[9] ;
+ char from_address[MAXLINE] ;
if (EQUAL(line, "From "))
*** 604,613 ****
STRCPY(face_ts, ts) ;
froms_found = 1 ;
! else
if (fromc_found) return ; /* Only process first From: line. */
fromc_found = 1 ;
if (parsefrom(line, &user, &host))
--- 624,658 ----
STRCPY(face_ts, ts) ;
froms_found = 1 ;
! else if (EQUAL(line, "From:"))
if (fromc_found) return ; /* Only process first From: line. */
fromc_found = 1 ;
+ /* An ugly hack: if an alias of a special form (comm/full-address) exists,
+ * then skip the "From:" lookup. This allows stuff from mailing lists to be
+ * recognized as such, instead of the individual senders. In,
+ * include a line like:
+ *
+ * someplace/foolist at someplace=mailinglist
+ */
+ STRCPY(from_address, face_user) ;
+ if (*face_host != '\0')
+ {
+ STRCAT(from_address, "@") ;
+ STRCAT(from_address, face_host) ;
+ }
+ h_to_c(face_host, community) ;
+ a_to_u(community, from_address, realcomm, temp) ;
+ if (strcmp(from_address, realname) != 0)
+ {
+ /* Had an entry for the full name, that means don't try to do further
+ * interpretation of the From:
+ */
+ return ;
+ }
if (parsefrom(line, &user, &host))
------- patchlevel.h -------
*** /tmp/da09638 Mon Jan 7 18:56:10 1991
--- patchlevel.h Tue Jan 1 11:40:45 1991
*** 14,17 ****
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define PATCHLEVEL 9
--- 14,17 ----
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
! #define PATCHLEVEL 10
------- README -------
*** /tmp/da09641 Mon Jan 7 18:56:10 1991
--- README Fri Jan 4 09:44:38 1991
*** 201,237 ****
5. How to include your compressed face image with mail.
! Faces is capable of recognising the compressed face image anywhere in the
! mail message (header or body), but the best place to put it is in the mail
! header (out of the way).
It is suggested that each user store the compressed image (generated by
! compface) in a file called .face in their home directory. For example, my
.face file contains:
qROdT{Vzn{!ouXy.&*#V#Q&Zf7a8lX2Kb}"$UT^VhnsJ?){wFU5r+,duO>4 at L
- Note that there is no initial "X-Face:" and leading spaces have been
- removed from each line.
To automatically include this into a header into an Elm mail message, just
add the following line to your .elm/elmheaders file:
X-Face: `cat $HOME/.face`
- Included with this faces distribution, is an unofficial patch to mush v7.1.2
- to allow for X-Face support. The Mush mail program will look for the
- existence of a .face file (in the above format) in the users home directory,
- and generate a similar header.
- For users of other mailers, it is suggested that the X-Face: line[s] be
- added to your .signature file. Note that in this case, the initial line
- should have "X-Face: " prepended, and second and subsequent lines should
- start with at least one whitespace character.
6. Automatically updating the faces database.
--- 201,255 ----
5. How to include your compressed face image with mail.
! As of patch #10 to v1.4, faces is capable of recognising the compressed face
! image only in the mail message header. Previous to this, it was also
! recognised in the body of the message. The latter case causes problems when
! a mail message includes other messages with X-Face: lines.
+ The following method works for Berkeley Mail (aka /usr/ucb/mail), Open
+ Windows mailtool and mush. It probably works for others too. Note that the
+ special patch to the mush mail source is no longer needed. It fact, if you
+ are using a version of mush which has this patch applied, you should un-apply
+ it before making the changes listed below, otherwise you will have two sets
+ of X-Face lines in your mail headers. The file mush.xface.patch can be
+ removed from this faces distribution.
It is suggested that each user store the compressed image (generated by
! compface) in a file called .face in their home directory. The first line
! should have the X-Face: prepended; second and subsequent lines should have
! a preceding tab, and there should be a trailing blank line. For example, my
.face file contains:
+ ------CUT HERE------START------CUT HERE------
+ X-Face: *7O.<19S{MCsaxxe=iCc*y5!i:>e,K40m^btp"<`~gNx5>o?eJMzUng=j]%KybY
+ \/VaZ/3a4pD%#rGu7D<M$.TDpaDN8#8eJC&^^&Mr]@~}Pa,*F-ePrMg5.}e,,bu
+ qROdT{Vzn{!ouXy.&*#V#Q&Zf7a8lX2Kb}"$UT^VhnsJ?){wFU5r+,duO>4 at L
+ ------CUT HERE-------END-------CUT HERE------
+ Each user should add the line:
+ set sendmail=/usr/local/bin/faces.sendmail
+ to their ~/.mailrc file, where /usr/local/bin is equivalent to the BINDIR
+ definition in the Makefile. This small shell script will be installed when
+ you do a "make install".
+ A similar method exists with the Elm mailer. The user's compressed face
+ image should be setup in a ~/.face file, but without the initial "X-Face:",
+ and leading spaces removed from each line. There is also no trailing blank
+ line. Here's an example:
qROdT{Vzn{!ouXy.&*#V#Q&Zf7a8lX2Kb}"$UT^VhnsJ?){wFU5r+,duO>4 at L
To automatically include this into a header into an Elm mail message, just
add the following line to your .elm/elmheaders file:
X-Face: `cat $HOME/.face`
6. Automatically updating the faces database.
*** 264,269 ****
--- 282,290 ----
James Ashton for the mail header face compression / uncompression code.
+ John Mackin for the faces.sendmail shell script, which is used to automatically
+ put the compressed X-Face: image lines in your mail headers.
Pat Lashley for fixing up the NeWS version; modifying it to use cps, and
improving the quality of the NeWS code. Pat also added the ability to use
the Sun NIS, to look for hosts not found in the file.
*** 276,282 ****
Hal Stern for the face_update shell script.
Dan Heller and Bart Schaefer for suggesting what should be in the unofficial
! patch to mush v7.1.2 to support X-Face lines.
Guy Harris for the basis of the previous manual page.
--- 297,304 ----
Hal Stern for the face_update shell script.
Dan Heller and Bart Schaefer for suggesting what should be in the unofficial
! patch to mush v7.1.2 to support X-Face lines. Note that this is no longer
! needed.
Guy Harris for the basis of the previous manual page.
*** 311,318 ****
Lashley, Dave Glowacki, Chris Steinbroner, Steven M. Miller, Bob Posert,
Hugues Leroy, Graham Dumpleton, Michael Schmidt, Robert Adams, Rod Whitby,
Greg Rose, Mike Khaw, Ian Darwin, Ken Wood, Lindsay F. Marshall, Bruno
! Pillard and Johan Vromans for various bug reports, fixes and suggestions
! for improvement.
--- 333,340 ----
Lashley, Dave Glowacki, Chris Steinbroner, Steven M. Miller, Bob Posert,
Hugues Leroy, Graham Dumpleton, Michael Schmidt, Robert Adams, Rod Whitby,
Greg Rose, Mike Khaw, Ian Darwin, Ken Wood, Lindsay F. Marshall, Bruno
! Pillard, Johan Vromans, Chris Mackerell, Howard Pelling and Alan Skea for
! various bug reports, fixes and suggestions for improvement.
*** 321,324 ****
and comments.
Rich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb at Aus.Sun.COM
! PHONE: +61 2 413 2666 ACSnet: richb at
--- 343,346 ----
and comments.
Rich Burridge, DOMAIN: richb at Aus.Sun.COM
! PHONE: +61 2 413 2666 ACSnet: richb at sunaus.sun.oz
------- faces.1 -------
*** /tmp/da09644 Mon Jan 7 18:56:11 1991
--- faces.1 Fri Jan 4 08:48:17 1991
*** 1,6 ****
.\" %Z%%M% %I% %E%
.\" tbl faces.1 | nroff -man
! .TH FACES 1 "26 June 1990"
faces \- visual mail, user and print face server.
--- 1,6 ----
.\" %Z%%M% %I% %E%
.\" tbl faces.1 | nroff -man
! .TH FACES 1 "4 January 1991"
faces \- visual mail, user and print face server.
*** 490,495 ****
--- 490,557 ----
+ .I Faces
+ is capable of recognising a compressed face image in the mail message header.
+ It uses special X-Face: lines to do this. It is very simple to add your
+ compressed face image to a mail header.
+ .LP
+ The following method works for Berkeley Mail (aka /usr/ucb/mail), Open
+ Windows mailtool and mush. It probably works for others too.
+ .LP
+ It is suggested that each user store the compressed image (generated by
+ .I compface
+ ) in a file called
+ .I .face
+ in their home directory. See the compface manual page for more information
+ on how to generate the compressed face image. The first line should have the
+ X-Face: prepended; second and subsequent lines should have a preceding tab,
+ and there should be a trailing blank line. Here is a typical
+ .I .face file:
+ .LP
+ .sp 0.5
+ .nf
+ X-Face: *7O.<19S{MCsaxxe=iCc*y5!i:>e,K40m^btp"<`~gNx5>o?eJMzUng=j]%KybY
+ \/VaZ/3a4pD%#rGu7D<M$.TDpaDN8#8eJC&^^&Mr]@~}Pa,*F-ePrMg5.}e,,bu
+ qROdT{Vzn{!ouXy.&*#V#Q&Zf7a8lX2Kb}"$UT^VhnsJ?){wFU5r+,duO>4 at L
+ .sp 1.5
+ .fi
+ Each user should add the line:
+ .LP
+ .sp 0.5
+ .nf
+ set sendmail=/usr/local/bin/faces.sendmail
+ .sp 1.5
+ .fi
+ to their
+ .I ~/.mailrc
+ file, where
+ .I /usr/local/bin
+ is the directory where your
+ .I faces
+ binaries were installed.
+ .LP
+ A similar method exists with the Elm mailer. The user's compressed face
+ image should be setup in a
+ .I ~/.face
+ file, but without the initial "X-Face:", and leading spaces removed from
+ each line. There is also no trailing blank line. Here's an example:
+ .LP
+ .sp 0.5
+ .nf
+ *7O.<19S{MCsaxxe=iCc*y5!i:>e,K40m^btp"<`~gNx5>o?eJMzUng=j]%KybY
+ \/VaZ/3a4pD%#rGu7D<M$.TDpaDN8#8eJC&^^&Mr]@~}Pa,*F-ePrMg5.}e,,bu
+ qROdT{Vzn{!ouXy.&*#V#Q&Zf7a8lX2Kb}"$UT^VhnsJ?){wFU5r+,duO>4 at L
+ .sp 1.5
+ .fi
+ To automatically include this into a header into an Elm mail message, just
+ add the following line to your .elm/elmheaders file:
+ .LP
+ .sp 0.5
+ .nf
+ X-Face: `cat $HOME/.face`
+ .sp 1.5
+ .fi
mail(1), elm(1), mush(1), aliases(7).
------- Makefile -------
*** /tmp/da09647 Mon Jan 7 18:56:12 1991
--- Makefile Fri Jan 4 09:45:43 1991
*** 247,253 ****
HDRS = extern.h faces.h patchlevel.h
IMAGES = noface.icon nomail.icon noprint.icon nopaper.icon \
faces.1 face_update.1 faces_cps.cps Makefile face_update
SFILES1 = mon.c main.c rec.c
--- 247,253 ----
HDRS = extern.h faces.h patchlevel.h
IMAGES = noface.icon nomail.icon noprint.icon nopaper.icon \
faces.1 face_update.1 faces_cps.cps Makefile face_update
SFILES1 = mon.c main.c rec.c
*** 255,262 ****
SFILES3 = xview.c x11.c $(HDRS)
SFILES5 = faces.1 face_update.1 faces_cps.cps face_update \
! mush.xface.patch $(IMAGES)
--- 255,262 ----
SFILES3 = xview.c x11.c $(HDRS)
SFILES5 = faces.1 face_update.1 faces_cps.cps face_update \
! faces.sendmail $(IMAGES)
*** 326,335 ****
(cd filters; $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPTS) install)
install -s -m 751 faces $(BINDIR)
install -c -m 755 face_update $(BINDIR)
install -c -m 644 faces.1 \
install -c -m 644 face_update.1 \
! $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECT)face_update.$(MANSECT)
(cd compface; $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPTS) clean)
--- 326,336 ----
(cd filters; $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPTS) install)
install -s -m 751 faces $(BINDIR)
install -c -m 755 face_update $(BINDIR)
+ install -c -m 755 faces.sendmail $(BINDIR)
install -c -m 644 faces.1 \
install -c -m 644 face_update.1 \
! $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECT)/face_update.$(MANSECT)
(cd compface; $(MAKE) $(MAKEOPTS) clean)
------- MANIFEST -------
*** /tmp/da09650 Mon Jan 7 18:56:12 1991
--- MANIFEST Fri Jan 4 09:47:28 1991
*** 10,17 ****
TODO | 4
Makefile | 4
faces.1 | 5
face_update.1 | 5
- mush.xface.patch | 5
face_update | 4
main.c | 1
get.c | 2
--- 10,18 ----
TODO | 4
Makefile | 4
faces.1 | 5
+ | 5
+ faces.sendmail | 5
face_update.1 | 5
face_update | 4
main.c | 1
get.c | 2
------- x11.c -------
*** /tmp/da09653 Mon Jan 7 18:56:13 1991
--- x11.c Fri Jan 4 09:03:04 1991
*** 21,28 ****
--- 21,33 ----
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
+ #ifdef SYSTYPE_BSD43
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/time.h>
+ #else
#include <bsd/sys/types.h>
#include <bsd/sys/time.h>
+ #endif
#include "faces.h"
#include "extern.h"
------- TODO -------
*** /tmp/da09656 Mon Jan 7 18:56:14 1991
--- TODO Mon Jan 7 18:46:17 1991
*** 1,14 ****
! 1/ From Lindsay F. Marshall < at munnari.oz>
The domain name munging (i..e a.b.c -> b.c -> c) doesnt
seem to work at all, and of course its the wrong way round
for the uk anyway.
! 2/ From Ian Donaldson <rcodi at>
Is it possible to have the faces cleared automatically once the
mail has been read? I'm clearing by clicking on the window at
the moment.
! 3/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Have you given any thought to how to support multiple windowing systems at
execution time? I am currently using the sun386i version of architecture
independant /vol trees to make locally installed programs available
--- 1,14 ----
! * From Lindsay F. Marshall < at munnari.oz>
The domain name munging (i..e a.b.c -> b.c -> c) doesnt
seem to work at all, and of course its the wrong way round
for the uk anyway.
! * From Ian Donaldson <rcodi at>
Is it possible to have the faces cleared automatically once the
mail has been read? I'm clearing by clicking on the window at
the moment.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Have you given any thought to how to support multiple windowing systems at
execution time? I am currently using the sun386i version of architecture
independant /vol trees to make locally installed programs available
*** 19,34 ****
windowing system is in use, and envoke the appropriate binary. The difficulty
is in how to determine which system is in use.
! 4/ From: Chris Orgill, at
How about allowing the Sunview version to use arbitrary size Sun icons ?
! 5/ From Lindsay F. Marshall < at munnari.oz>
There is a byte-order assumption somewhere that screws up
any X bitmaps read in from a file - why dont you use the
procedure provided by the system rather than writing your
own?? That copes with the problems correctly.
! 6/ The NeWS version needs to be finished.
Remaining problems are:
(a) There are two warnings on compiling news.c, due to FILE operations
--- 19,34 ----
windowing system is in use, and envoke the appropriate binary. The difficulty
is in how to determine which system is in use.
! * From: Chris Orgill, at
How about allowing the Sunview version to use arbitrary size Sun icons ?
! * From Lindsay F. Marshall < at munnari.oz>
There is a byte-order assumption somewhere that screws up
any X bitmaps read in from a file - why dont you use the
procedure provided by the system rather than writing your
own?? That copes with the problems correctly.
! * The NeWS version needs to be finished.
Remaining problems are:
(a) There are two warnings on compiling news.c, due to FILE operations
*** 37,64 ****
(b) The new input functionality (click left/middle mouse, raise window,
Del, ^L and q) has to be added in.
! 7/ With the XView version, add a Properties pinup window which would
allow you to change the various monitoring options on the fly.
! 8/ Add in audio capabilities.
! 9/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
There is no reason that FaceSaver images couldn't be parsed by faces and
sent to NeWS with the appropriate transformation matrix to squeeze it down
to icon size. Let the NeWS PostScript interpreter do the bit
! 10/ If an X-Face is found inside a piece of mail that has been forwarded
! inside another mail item, and the -U option is set, then it is possible
! to update the wrong face in the faces database. The only clean solution
! to this, is if faces only recognises X-Face lines in the mail header.
! From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
! The problem with finding an X-Face: entry in an included message can be
! resolved by a flag which would restrict X-Face: recognition to the header
! or the first non-blank line of the body.
! 11/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
An entry of the form `+domainname=community' in the file to
indicate that if a hostname is found without domain specifier, and it
doesn't match any other entry, and YP (oops, NIS) access to
--- 37,54 ----
(b) The new input functionality (click left/middle mouse, raise window,
Del, ^L and q) has to be added in.
! * With the XView version, add a Properties pinup window which would
allow you to change the various monitoring options on the fly.
! * Add in audio capabilities.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
There is no reason that FaceSaver images couldn't be parsed by faces and
sent to NeWS with the appropriate transformation matrix to squeeze it down
to icon size. Let the NeWS PostScript interpreter do the bit
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
An entry of the form `+domainname=community' in the file to
indicate that if a hostname is found without domain specifier, and it
doesn't match any other entry, and YP (oops, NIS) access to
*** 67,99 ****
indicates that the current NIS domain should be used. This should
probably be enabled by a compile-time option for those who don't run NIS.
! 12/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
An option to display unknown users individually with the username,
instead of clustered under a single `unknown' user. Really hot would be
some way to specify this on a per-community basis...
! 13/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Multiple face directory hierarchies. I.e:
`-f $HOME/facedir -f /import/group/facedir -f /import/global/facedir ...'
The order of specification would indicate the search order.
! 14/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Accept SIGHUP as an indication that various internal databases should be
updated from the files (i.e., and that the display should be
immediatly updated to reflect current state instead of waiting for the
polling period to end.
! 15/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Accept SIGALRM as an indication that the current polling period should be
immediatly terminated, and the display updated.
! 16/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
More internal comments and a general design document.
! 17/ Provide a template of what each of the independent graphics routine do,
to aid porting to new graphics environments.
! 18/ From John Mackin <john at>
If the mailbox is empty, or contains just one mail item, faces -a starts
out 10 icon-widths long (with the right-hand part being white instead of
background grey), then shrinks to one icon-width as soon as a mail item
--- 57,89 ----
indicates that the current NIS domain should be used. This should
probably be enabled by a compile-time option for those who don't run NIS.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
An option to display unknown users individually with the username,
instead of clustered under a single `unknown' user. Really hot would be
some way to specify this on a per-community basis...
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Multiple face directory hierarchies. I.e:
`-f $HOME/facedir -f /import/group/facedir -f /import/global/facedir ...'
The order of specification would indicate the search order.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Accept SIGHUP as an indication that various internal databases should be
updated from the files (i.e., and that the display should be
immediatly updated to reflect current state instead of waiting for the
polling period to end.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Accept SIGALRM as an indication that the current polling period should be
immediatly terminated, and the display updated.
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
More internal comments and a general design document.
! * Provide a template of what each of the independent graphics routine do,
to aid porting to new graphics environments.
! * From John Mackin <john at>
If the mailbox is empty, or contains just one mail item, faces -a starts
out 10 icon-widths long (with the right-hand part being white instead of
background grey), then shrinks to one icon-width as soon as a mail item
*** 105,115 ****
window, and shrinks the window back to one row/-c widths when it is
! 19/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Change window header to show what is being monitored (mail, lp1, users,
! 20/ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
A mixed-mode version which would use xview for the basic windowing and
property sheets; but use NeWS for the rendering. It is, of course,
dependant upon having the X/NeWS server, but there may be some way to
--- 95,105 ----
window, and shrinks the window back to one row/-c widths when it is
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
Change window header to show what is being monitored (mail, lp1, users,
! * From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
A mixed-mode version which would use xview for the basic windowing and
property sheets; but use NeWS for the rendering. It is, of course,
dependant upon having the X/NeWS server, but there may be some way to
*** 116,150 ****
determine at run-time whether the NeWS operations are available, or
whether to stick to XView/X11 mechanisms.
! 21/ From Kee Hinckley <nazgul at>
Any possibility of changing that header to an RFC1154 (I think that's
the number) conformant form? Namely an encoding field in the
header (presumbably with a new name for the faces format, or using
one of the existing ones (G3Fax uuencode would probably be good)).
! 22/ Get the SunView, XView and NeWS drivers to use the -bg and -fg color
! 23/ From Ken Wood <kwood at>
Do you have any plans to get xfaces to read geometry etc from the
database ?
! 24/ When the -w and/or -h options are used with the SunView version, the
size of the icon created is incorrect.
! 25/ From John Mackin <john at>
The usage message claims you can use "-bg background_color". This isn't
in the manual page, and it also doesn't work at all (under X11). The
argument appears to be completely ignored
! 26/ From John Mackin <john at>
The "-b icon_file" option doesn't work. It still comes up with the
default background.
! 27/ From John Mackin <john at>
! The manual entry makes no mention of X-Face: lines.
! 28/ From John Mackin <john at>
It should be made more explicit in the manual page that in the
previous version of faces, a -f option _added_ the directory to
the face search path, so that if you did -f you got those faces
--- 106,137 ----
determine at run-time whether the NeWS operations are available, or
whether to stick to XView/X11 mechanisms.
! * From Kee Hinckley <nazgul at>
Any possibility of changing that header to an RFC1154 (I think that's
the number) conformant form? Namely an encoding field in the
header (presumbably with a new name for the faces format, or using
one of the existing ones (G3Fax uuencode would probably be good)).
! * Get the SunView, XView and NeWS drivers to use the -bg and -fg color
! * From Ken Wood <kwood at>
Do you have any plans to get xfaces to read geometry etc from the
database ?
! * When the -w and/or -h options are used with the SunView version, the
size of the icon created is incorrect.
! * From John Mackin <john at>
The usage message claims you can use "-bg background_color". This isn't
in the manual page, and it also doesn't work at all (under X11). The
argument appears to be completely ignored
! * From John Mackin <john at>
The "-b icon_file" option doesn't work. It still comes up with the
default background.
! * From John Mackin <john at>
It should be made more explicit in the manual page that in the
previous version of faces, a -f option _added_ the directory to
the face search path, so that if you did -f you got those faces
*** 152,158 ****
_supersedes_ the system faces and you must include a trailing
colon to have them searched.
! 29/ From John Mackin <john at>
A comment on the domain lookup algorithm. According to the manual page:
--- 139,145 ----
_supersedes_ the system faces and you must include a trailing
colon to have them searched.
! * From John Mackin <john at>
A comment on the domain lookup algorithm. According to the manual page:
*** 181,192 ****
The idea is that at each level, if the next component exists and is
a directory, you descend into it and look there.
! 30/ From John Mackin <john at>
! The code in mon.c recognises From: lines in the body of the mail.
! This is an error. From: lines should only be recognised before
! the first blank line.
! 31/ From John Mackin <john at>
You test if the beginning of the line is identically equal to
"X-Face:" or "From:". This is contrary to RFC822, which specifies
--- 168,174 ----
The idea is that at each level, if the next component exists and is
a directory, you descend into it and look there.
! * From John Mackin <john at>
You test if the beginning of the line is identically equal to
"X-Face:" or "From:". This is contrary to RFC822, which specifies
*** 196,210 ****
the field-name and the colon (so "FRoM : Foo Bar <foo at bar>"
should work).
! 32/ From John Mackin <john at>
The RFC822 address parsing in parsefrom.c appears, on quick
inspection, to be grossly inadequate. (It certainly doesn't
handle comments in addresses, for one thing.)
! 33/ From Alan Skea <skea at>
If you are running faces with the -a option, and mail arrived from
x at y with an X-Face: line then another article arrives from x at y with
a different X-Face: line, then the second face is not shown; just
the count of the first face get's incremented.
! 34/ Optimise.
--- 178,196 ----
the field-name and the colon (so "FRoM : Foo Bar <foo at bar>"
should work).
! * From John Mackin <john at>
The RFC822 address parsing in parsefrom.c appears, on quick
inspection, to be grossly inadequate. (It certainly doesn't
handle comments in addresses, for one thing.)
! Here's an example that fails:
! From: user at host.dom.ain (A (Nested) Comment)
! * From Alan Skea <skea at>
If you are running faces with the -a option, and mail arrived from
x at y with an X-Face: line then another article arrives from x at y with
a different X-Face: line, then the second face is not shown; just
the count of the first face get's incremented.
! * Optimise.
------- CHANGES -------
*** /tmp/da09659 Mon Jan 7 18:56:14 1991
--- CHANGES Mon Jan 7 18:52:58 1991
*** 532,534 ****
--- 532,625 ----
- The RFC822 address parsing in parsefrom.c appears, on quick
inspection, to be grossly inadequate. (It certainly doesn't
handle comments in addresses, for one thing.)
+ v1.4 - patchlevel 10 - 7th January 1991.
+ - Faces now only looks for X-Face: lines in the mail header, now
+ that there is a simple method for everybody to get their X-Face:
+ lines into the mail header (see below). This fixes up the following
+ problems (which have been removed from the TODO file):
+ If an X-Face is found inside a piece of mail that has been
+ forwarded inside another mail item, and the -U option is set, then
+ it is possible to update the wrong face in the faces database. The
+ only clean solution to this, is if faces only recognises X-Face
+ lines in the mail header.
+ From Pat Lashley <patl at Sun.COM>
+ The problem with finding an X-Face: entry in an included message
+ can be resolved by a flag which would restrict X-Face: recognition
+ to the header or the first non-blank line of the body.
+ - From John Mackin <john at>
+ The code in mon.c recognises From: lines in the body of the mail.
+ This is an error. From: lines should only be recognised before
+ the first blank line.
+ - From John Mackin <john at>
+ A small shell script called faces.sendmail has been written, which
+ will automatically add X-Face: compressed image lines to a mail
+ header. This is used in conjunction with the set sendmail entry in
+ a user's ~/.mailrc file. See the README file and the faces manual
+ pages for more details. This method is known to work with Berkeley
+ Mail, Open Windows mailtool and mush. It should work with other
+ mailers too. The special patch to mush is no longer needed; in
+ fact if it has been applied, it should be un-applyed otherwise you
+ will get two sets of X-Face: lines in your mail headers. The
+ mush.xface.patch file can be removed from the faces distribution.
+ FILES, MANIFEST, Makefile, README and faces.1 have been updated.
+ - From John Mackin <john at>
+ The manual entry makes no mention of X-Face: lines.
+ - From Mike Khaw <khaw at>
+ The "install" target for the Makefile is missing a "/" between
+ $(MANSECT) and face_update; i.e., the last line should be
+ $(MANDIR)/man$(MANSECT)/face_update.$(MANSECT)
+ - From Chris Mackerell <chris at>
+ Changes to faces to get it compile in the BSD4.3 environment of
+ Mips RISCos 4.5 (beta).
+ - From brew%qa at
+ There is a problem parsing the address from which mail comes
+ if the address looks like
+ From: person at machine
+ ie: no "(comment)" after it. You parse this so that the machine
+ name has a trailing '\n'.
+ Although I sometimes get mail like this, perhaps this is not correct
+ RFC822 syntax.
+ - From Chris Maltby <chris at>
+ It the user had cleared the faces window by hitting the Del key,
+ the icon wasn't being reset to the "no mail" icon.
+ - From Howard Pelling <Howard.Pelling at UK.Sun.COM>
+ Modifications to allow faces to recognise partial domains in the
+ file. Eg. mail from and
+ will come from the same community.
+ - From Graham Dumpleton <grahamd at otc.otca.oz>
+ From Alan Skea <skea at vast.eecs.unsw.oz>
+ If the From: line just had a username (no hostname), then the
+ trailing newline was not being removed (in parsefrom.c).
+ - A plain text version of the faces manual pages is now included with
+ the faces distribution. It's called
+ - From Gregory Dudek <dudek at daeron.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
+ In process_info() in mon.c, don't do anything if the mailbox hasn't
+ changed since the last look.
+ - From Gregory Dudek <dudek at daeron.McRCIM.McGill.EDU>
+ In process_from() in mon.c, I've added an UGLY hack so that mailing
+ lists could be recognized as such, rather than causing zillions of
+ different unknown's to appear. It expects an ugly ugly magic trick
+ in The mailing list must appear as
+ listplace/list at listplace eg.
+ ics.UCI.EDU/fa.think-c-outbound-request at ics.UCI.EDU
------- FILES -------
*** /tmp/da09662 Mon Jan 7 18:56:15 1991
--- FILES Fri Jan 4 09:48:04 1991
*** 10,18 ****
TODO - suggested enhancements. Volunteers anyone?
Makefile - used to build faces on Unix systems.
faces.1 - the faces manual page (tbl + troff/nroff -man format).
face_update - shell script to automatically update the faces database.
face_update.1 - the face_update manual page (troff/nroff -man format)
- mush.xface.patch - unofficial patch to mush v7.1.2 to support X-Face lines.
main.c - STANDARD SOURCE FILES: includes declarations and main().
get.c - routines to get information, objects, icons etc..
--- 10,19 ----
TODO - suggested enhancements. Volunteers anyone?
Makefile - used to build faces on Unix systems.
faces.1 - the faces manual page (tbl + troff/nroff -man format).
+ - plain text version of the faces manual pages.
+ faces.sendmail - shell script to add X-Face: lines to a mail header.
face_update - shell script to automatically update the faces database.
face_update.1 - the face_update manual page (troff/nroff -man format)
main.c - STANDARD SOURCE FILES: includes declarations and main().
get.c - routines to get information, objects, icons etc..
------- parsefrom.c -------
*** /tmp/da09665 Mon Jan 7 18:56:16 1991
--- parsefrom.c Fri Jan 4 09:26:57 1991
*** 44,50 ****
/* RFC822 - two formats
* From: comment <address>
* From: address (comment)
! */
if ((p = index(user, '<')) != NULL) {
user = ++p;
if ((p = index(user, '>')) != NULL)
--- 44,53 ----
/* RFC822 - two formats
* From: comment <address>
* From: address (comment)
! *
! * Will also handle:
! * From: address
! */
if ((p = index(user, '<')) != NULL) {
user = ++p;
if ((p = index(user, '>')) != NULL)
*** 52,58 ****
return 0;
! else if ((p = rindex(user, '(')) != NULL) {
*p = '\0';
while (*--p == ' ' || *p == '\t');
--- 55,62 ----
return 0;
! else if ((p = rindex(user, '(' )) != NULL ||
! (p = rindex(user, '\n')) != NULL) {
*p = '\0';
while (*--p == ' ' || *p == '\t');
*** 100,105 ****
--- 104,111 ----
else if ((p = index(host, '.')) != NULL)
*p = '\0';
#endif /* NODOMAINS */
+ if ((p = index(user, '\n')) != NULL)
+ *p = '\0';
if ((p = index(host, '\n')) != NULL)
*p = '\0';
*hostp = host;
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