smail-2.5 fix for domain gateway routing

Guy Middleton gamiddleton at
Wed Jan 23 17:18:30 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan14.234354.8055 at eci386.uucp> woods at eci386 (Greg A. Woods) writes:
> Here's the problem, as told by Mark Moraes <moraes at>:
> 	When looking up "", first look it up as is.
> 	If matched, replace the %s in the path with username.  Else,
> 	remove the first domain component (foo) and look up
> 	"".  If that matches, replace the %s in the path
> 	with THE FULL DOMAIN NAME AND username.  I.e:
> 		lsuc!utai!watmath!!user
> 	NOT
> 		lsuc!utai!watmath!user
> 	smail2.5 interprets it the latter way, which is wrong.

I think it would be nicer if the result was


That way, I could use smail on watmath to decide that was a
local connection, instead of having to embed that information in my file.

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