smail-2.5 fix for domain gateway routing

Michael Richardson mcr at Sandelman.OCUnix.On.Ca
Tue Jan 29 15:21:22 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jan24.114641.5326 at> rickert at (Neil Rickert) writes:
>In article <1991Jan24.034941.3360 at Sandelman.OCUnix.On.Ca> mcr at Sandelman.OCUnix.On.Ca (Michael Richardson) writes:
>>  The IDA systems seems to prefer rabid-rerouting (it certainly makes
>>it easier) but doesn't seem to insist upon it.

>  This is not true.  The standard announced IDA package will not do any
>rerouting other than deliberately chosen in user databases, and NEVER does
>'rabid rerouting' -- i.e. never removes uucp hosts from the address.
  I got the impression that this was an option. I did not investigate
it further. Rabid-rerouting DOES have its place. The whole world isn't
the Internet, and there may well be sub-nets and local organisations
that are sure they know the right way to do things. 

>>  The package does to header simplification.  That is, it will change the
>header address:  uunode1!uunode2!!user to
>!user (which it may reformat as
>user at

  In other words, it can undo some of the bad effects of some
rabid-rerouters --- the desire to rewrite as!user
which then gets further munged by the addition of
uunode!!user several hops later. Nice! 

>the envelope.  It is based on the principal of using a simple address as
>possible, but following the envelope recipient addresses so that manual
>override is possible where needed.

  Good.  I appologize for any hints of mad-dog syndrome in IDA.

>  Neil W. Rickert, Computer Science               <rickert at>
>  Northern Illinois Univ.
>  DeKalb, IL 60115                                   +1-815-753-6940

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