C News patch of 16-Mar-1991

Henry Spencer henry at zoo.toronto.edu
Sun Mar 17 14:29:51 AEST 1991

This again is the first of a set, which should appear within the next week.
The members of the set are interrelated to some extent, and installing one
without the others voids your warranty. :-)  Turned out we had rather more
than one patch worth of stuff built up.

README changed to include FTP instructions; COPYRIGHT changed to include
important acknowledgement (not really a copyright issue, but we had to put
it *somewhere*, and COPYRIGHT is where the authors are named...).  Batchsplit
estimates size of ihave/sendme batches more accurately.  Build takes -r
option to suppress rewriting defaults file.  Warnings about dbz/dbm file
incompatibility made louder.  Build uses sed rather than ed to avoid some
unportabilities.  Dbz default hash-table density reduced in an attempt to
avoid files with holes in them.  dbzcancel() added to provide better for
dbz-using programs that fork().  Dbz now does unbuffered i/o when compiled
for B News, to minimize problems with B News's inadequate locking.  Dbz
rebuild does not shrink the hash table when it is relatively new, to avoid
startup transients which have bothered many people.  Doexpire removes
history.o before checking space, since it's about to be removed anyway
and it can be large.  Expire "stretches" defaults so that an explicit
expiry date is not rejected for being outside the /bounds/ defaults.
Histdups fixed not to emit an empty line if there is no input, which
made addmissing choke.  Histinfo and histslash made more robust, avoiding
problems with really trashed files that could cause core dumps from
mkhistory and addmissing.  Mkhistory fixed to include only top-level
directories, not top-level files (which cannot be articles).  Cunbatch
added to NEWSBIN/input for convenience when giving HDB/BNU uucp full
pathnames.  Input subsystem gets tagging of files by type (which avoids
a multitude of bugs and inefficiencies) and grade (not used yet, but
potentially available to assign priorities to input); extensive revisions
to regression test to match, including a fix for a timing bug that could
make the test spuriously fail on fast machines.  Newsrun punts to server
for whole run rather than each relaynews.

NOTE AN INCOMPATIBILITY:  newsrun will no longer try applying c7decode
to a non-type-tagged input, so c7encoded input had better come in through
newsspool to get tagged properly.  Almost nobody uses c7encoded format
anyway, and this saves hassles.

start of patch 16-Mar-1991
(suggested archive name: `pch16Mar91.Z')
this should be run with   patch -p0 <thisfile

The following is a complete list of patches to date.

Prereq: 23-Jun-1989
Prereq: 7-Jul-1989
Prereq: 23-Jul-1989
Prereq: 22-Aug-1989
Prereq: 24-Aug-1989
Prereq: 14-Sep-1989
Prereq: 13-Nov-1989
Prereq: 10-Jan-1990
Prereq: 16-Jan-1990
Prereq: 17-Jan-1990
Prereq: 18-Jan-1990
Prereq: 12-Mar-1990
Prereq: 14-Apr-1990
Prereq: 15-Apr-1990
Prereq: 16-Apr-1990
Prereq: 25-May-1990
Prereq: 1-Sep-1990
Prereq: 7-Sep-1990
Prereq: 1-Dec-1990
Prereq: 12-Dec-1990
Prereq: 13-Dec-1990
Prereq: 14-Dec-1990
Prereq: 15-Dec-1990
*** PATCHDATES.old	Sat Mar 16 21:46:45 1991
--- PATCHDATES	Sat Mar 16 21:46:45 1991
*** 1,23 ****
--- 1,24 ----
+ 16-Mar-1991

Changed files, if any:

*** cnpatch/old/COPYRIGHT	Sat Mar 16 21:46:51 1991
--- COPYRIGHT	Sat Mar 16 21:30:40 1991
*** 1,6 ****
!  * Copyright (c) University of Toronto 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990.
   * All rights reserved.
   * Written mostly by Geoffrey Collyer and Henry Spencer.
   * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
   * and Telegraph Company, the Regents of the University of California, or
--- 1,8 ----
!  * Copyright (c) University of Toronto 1985-1991 and years between.
   * All rights reserved.
   * Written mostly by Geoffrey Collyer and Henry Spencer.
+  * Our thanks to UUNET Communications Services Inc for financial support.
+  *
   * This software is not subject to any license of the American Telephone
   * and Telegraph Company, the Regents of the University of California, or

*** cnpatch/old/README	Sat Mar 16 21:46:53 1991
--- README	Sat Mar  2 16:40:23 1991
*** 1,3 ****
! This is C News, superseding assorted preliminary releases.  28 Oct 1990
  C News is a reimplementation of the transport and storage subsystems of the
--- 1,3 ----
! This is C News, superseding assorted preliminary releases.  16 Jan 1991
  C News is a reimplementation of the transport and storage subsystems of the
*** 180,183 ****
--- 180,190 ----
  decvax, floyd, hoptoad, kitty, linus, mnetor, pyramid, suncan, utai, utgpu,
  watmath, or yunexus).
+ The current C News distribution can currently always be retrieved by
+ anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.toronto.edu in file pub/c-news/c-news.Z (a shell
+ archive) or pub/c-news/c-news.tar.Z (a tar archive) and the complete set
+ of patches can also be found on ftp.cs.toronto.edu in the directory
+ pub/c-news/patches.  FTP during our peak hours (12h00-17h00 Eastern) is
+ not encouraged.
  					Geoff Collyer

*** cnpatch/old/batch/batcher.c	Sat Mar 16 21:46:56 1991
--- batch/batcher.c	Sat Jan 12 23:15:29 1991
*** 66,70 ****
  	if (!feof(list))
! 		error("fgetmfs failure", "");
--- 66,71 ----
  	if (!feof(list))
! 		error("fgetms failure (read error or out of memory) in `%s'",
! 								argv[optind]);

*** cnpatch/old/batch/batchsplit	Sat Mar 16 21:46:59 1991
--- batch/batchsplit	Mon Jan 14 17:38:43 1991
*** 68,74 ****
  		batch = "togo." bno ; nbatches = 7 }
! 		if (NF == 1)
! 			size = 3000	# Arbitrary guess.
! 		else
  			size = $NF
  		if (total + size > limit && ninbatch > 0) {
--- 68,77 ----
  		batch = "togo." bno ; nbatches = 7 }
! 		if (NF == 1) {
! 			if ($1 ~ /^<.*>$/)	# probably ihave/sendme m-id
! 				size = length
! 			else
! 				size = 3000	# Arbitrary guess.
! 		} else
  			size = $NF
  		if (total + size > limit && ninbatch > 0) {

*** cnpatch/old/batch/sendbatches	Sat Mar 16 21:47:09 1991
--- batch/sendbatches	Sun Jan 27 00:06:36 1991
*** 13,16 ****
--- 13,23 ----
+ case "$-" in
+ *x*)	n='***NOTE***'
+ 	echo "$n expect spurious batching failures due to \`sh -x' $n" >&2
+ 	# no, there isn't any portable fix
+ 	;;
+ esac
  # lock against multiple simultaneous execution
*** 146,149 ****
--- 153,162 ----
  		for f in $them
+ 			# Sigh... sh -x on this won't work, because the -x
+ 			# output ends up in /tmp/nb$$, and there is no way
+ 			# to either (a) separate it out (bearing in mind that
+ 			# some shells randomly interleave -x lines from the
+ 			# processes in a pipeline) or (b) turn off -x for
+ 			# a moment in a portable way.
  			( ( cd $NEWSARTS ; $batcher $here/$f ) | $muncher |
  						$sender $sys ) >/tmp/nb$$ 2>&1
*** 157,160 ****
--- 170,174 ----
  					echo "$0: aborting"
  				) | mail $NEWSMASTER
+ 				rm /tmp/nb$$
  				exit 1

*** cnpatch/old/conf/build	Sat Mar 16 21:47:27 1991
--- conf/build	Mon Feb 11 17:03:41 1991
*** 42,45 ****
--- 42,51 ----
  chmod +x ask yesno notinlist	# just in case
+ rewrite=yes
+ case "$1" in
+ -r)	rewrite=no
+ 	shift
+ 	;;
+ esac
  case $# in
  0)	;;
*** 313,320 ****
  echo 'The news system uses a database package, typically the old "dbm"'
  echo 'library from Version 7 or a lookalike, as an indexing system.  We'
! echo 'supply a version of the "dbz" library which is faster than "dbm"'
! echo 'and uses much less disk space.  This is usually the best thing to'
! echo 'use, unless you have major backward-compatibility problems.  Do you'
! tmp=`yesno 'want to use our "dbz" library' $has`
  case "$tmp" in
  yes)	dbzlib=dbz
--- 319,328 ----
  echo 'The news system uses a database package, typically the old "dbm"'
  echo 'library from Version 7 or a lookalike, as an indexing system.  We'
! echo 'supply a version of the "dbz" library, which is faster than "dbm",'
! echo 'uses much less disk space, and is program-compatible (although'
! echo 'it is *not* file-compatible, so anything else using the database'
! echo '[notably NNTP, if applicable] has to be relinked with it).  Dbz'
! echo 'is usually preferable to dbm, barring major backward-compatibility'
! tmp=`yesno 'problems.  Do you want to use our "dbz" library' $has`
  case "$tmp" in
  yes)	dbzlib=dbz
*** 763,770 ****
  	echo 'make all || exit 1'
  	echo 'cd ../hfake'
! 	echo "ed - Makefile <<'!'"
! 	echo "/NEEDED =/s~.*~NEEDED = $fakehdrs~"
! 	echo "w"
! 	echo "!"
  	echo "make all || exit 1"
  	echo ": done"
--- 771,776 ----
  	echo 'make all || exit 1'
  	echo 'cd ../hfake'
!  	echo "sed -e '/NEEDED =/s~.*~NEEDED = $fakehdrs~' Makefile" '>M.$$'
!  	echo 'mv -f M.$$ Makefile'
  	echo "make all || exit 1"
  	echo ": done"
*** 812,819 ****
  	echo "done"
  	echo "cd ../libfake"
! 	echo "ed - Makefile <<'!'"
! 	echo "/NEEDED =/s/.*/NEEDED = $fake/"
! 	echo "w"
! 	echo "!"
  	echo "make u $ccc || exit 1"
  	echo "cd ../conf"
--- 818,823 ----
  	echo "done"
  	echo "cd ../libfake"
!  	echo "sed -e '/NEEDED =/s/.*/NEEDED = $fake/' Makefile" '>M.$$'
!  	echo 'mv -f M.$$ Makefile'
  	echo "make u $ccc || exit 1"
  	echo "cd ../conf"
*** 1027,1054 ****
! echo 'saving defaults...'
! rm -f $memory
! >$memory
! warn='# These answers are interdependent; do not edit this file!'
! if test ! -w $memory
! then
! 	echo 'It appears that I cannot save the defaults.'
! else
! 	(
! 		for v in $vars
! 		do
! 			echo "$warn"
! 			if test " $v" = " organization"
! 			then
! 				echo "organization=\"$organization\""
! 			else
! 				# even this horror botches metachars in var
! 				eval "echo $v=\\\"\"\$$v\"\\\""
! 			fi
! 		done
! 	) >>$memory
! 	echo 'done'
! fi
! chmod -w $memory
--- 1031,1063 ----
! case "$rewrite" in
! no)	;;
! yes)	echo
! 	echo 'saving defaults...'
! 	rm -f $memory
! 	>$memory
! 	warn='# These answers are interdependent; do not edit this file!'
! 	if test ! -w $memory
! 	then
! 		echo 'It appears that I cannot save the defaults.'
! 	else
! 		(
! 			for v in $vars
! 			do
! 				echo "$warn"
! 				if test " $v" = " organization"
! 				then
! 					echo "organization=\"$organization\""
! 				else
! 					# even this horror botches metachars in var
! 					eval "echo $v=\\\"\"\$$v\"\\\""
! 				fi
! 			done
! 		) >>$memory
! 		echo 'done'
! 	fi
! 	chmod -w $memory
! 	;;
! esac

*** cnpatch/old/conf/subst.1	Sat Mar 16 21:47:43 1991
--- conf/subst.1	Mon Feb 25 15:12:03 1991
*** 1,4 ****
  .TH SUBST 1 local
! .DA 21 Feb 1989
  subst \- substitute definitions into file(s)
--- 1,4 ----
  .TH SUBST 1 local
! .DA 25 Feb 1990
  subst \- substitute definitions into file(s)
*** 26,30 ****
  The first field is the \fIname\fR of the substitution, the second
  is the \fIvalue\fR.
! Neither should contain the character `#'.
  A line starting with `#' is a comment and is ignored.
--- 26,32 ----
  The first field is the \fIname\fR of the substitution, the second
  is the \fIvalue\fR.
! Neither should contain the character `#', and use of text-editor
! metacharacters like `&' and `\e' is also unwise;
! the name in particular is best restricted to be alphanumeric.
  A line starting with `#' is a comment and is ignored.
*** 77,84 ****
! .ta \w'n.\fIvictim\fR'u+4n
! n.\fIvictim\fR	new version being built
! o.\fIvictim\fR	old version during renaming
--- 79,86 ----
! .ta \w'\fIvictimdir\fR/substtmp.old'u+4n
! \fIvictimdir\fR/substtmp.new	new version being built
! \fIvictimdir\fR/substtmp.old	old version during renaming

*** cnpatch/old/conf/subst.hs	Sat Mar 16 21:47:47 1991
--- conf/subst.hs	Sat Mar 16 21:08:16 1991
*** 48,49 ****
--- 48,53 ----
+ misc/addmissing
+ misc/histfrom
+ misc/newsfrom
+ misc/newshist

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/Makefile	Sat Mar 16 21:47:54 1991
--- dbz/Makefile	Sat Mar 16 19:16:04 1991
*** 15,19 ****
! RPSIZE=3012
  # history files for regression and performance tests
--- 15,19 ----
! RPSIZE=2679
  # history files for regression and performance tests
*** 29,32 ****
--- 29,35 ----
  	cp dbz $(NEWSBIN)
+ cmp:	dbz
+ 	cmp dbz $(NEWSBIN)/dbz
  	: nothing
*** 148,152 ****
  	: test massive overflow, throw in case sensitivity and tag mask
  	cp $(R2HIST) dbase
! 	./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -p '0 0 7ff00000' dbase
  	./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -cq dbase
  	sed 100q dbase | egrep '[aA].*	' | tr aA Aa >dbase.ick
--- 151,155 ----
  	: test massive overflow, throw in case sensitivity and tag mask
  	cp $(R2HIST) dbase
! 	./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -p '0 0 7ffc0000' dbase
  	./rdbz -E 1000 -0 -cq dbase
  	sed 100q dbase | egrep '[aA].*	' | tr aA Aa >dbase.ick

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbz.1	Sat Mar 16 21:47:58 1991
--- dbz/dbz.1	Sat Feb  2 01:46:49 1991
*** 1,3 ****
! .TH DBZ 1 "12 April 1990"
  .BY "C News"
--- 1,3 ----
! .TH DBZ 1 "2 Feb 1991"
  .BY "C News"
*** 179,183 ****
  .B \&.pag
! file is normally 5-6 bytes per record (based on the estimate given to
  .B \-p
  or the previous history of the
--- 179,183 ----
  .B \&.pag
! file is normally about 6 bytes per record (based on the estimate given to
  .B \-p
  or the previous history of the

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbz.3z	Sat Mar 16 21:48:00 1991
--- dbz/dbz.3z	Sun Feb  3 01:43:48 1991
*** 1,3 ****
! .TH DBZ 3Z "13 Oct 1990"
  .BY "C News"
--- 1,3 ----
! .TH DBZ 3Z "3 Feb 1991"
  .BY "C News"
*** 6,10 ****
  dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzfetch, dbzstore \- database routines
! dbzsize, dbzincore, dbzdebug \- database routines
--- 6,10 ----
  dbzfresh, dbzagain, dbzfetch, dbzstore \- database routines
! dbzsync, dbzsize, dbzincore, dbzcancel, dbzdebug \- database routines
*** 51,54 ****
--- 51,56 ----
  .B dbzincore(newvalue)
+ .B dbzcancel()
+ .PP
  .B dbzdebug(newvalue)
*** 163,167 ****
  is a prime number and
  the number of key-value pairs stored in the database does not exceed
! about 75% of
  .IR size .
--- 165,169 ----
  is a prime number and
  the number of key-value pairs stored in the database does not exceed
! about 2/3 of
  .IR size .
*** 402,405 ****
--- 404,417 ----
  for an in-memory database.
+ .I Dbzcancel
+ cancels any pending writes from buffers.
+ This is typically useful only for in-core databases, since writes are
+ otherwise done immediately.
+ Its main purpose is to let a child process, in the wake of a
+ .IR fork ,
+ do a
+ .I dbmclose
+ without writing its parent's data to disk.
+ .PP
  .I dbz
*** 526,527 ****
--- 538,547 ----
  too big for
  tagging, and shrink the tag mask to match.
+ .PP
+ Marking
+ .IR dbz 's
+ file descriptors
+ .RI close-on- exec
+ would be a better approach to the problem
+ .I dbzcancel
+ tries to address, but that's harder to do portably.

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbz.c	Sat Mar 16 21:48:03 1991
--- dbz/dbz.c	Sun Feb  3 02:38:57 1991
*** 1,5 ****
! dbz.c  V3.1
  Copyright 1988 Jon Zeeff (zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us)
--- 1,5 ----
! dbz.c  V3.2
  Copyright 1988 Jon Zeeff (zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us)
*** 42,47 ****
   * DBZDEBUG	enable debugging
   * DEFSIZE	default table size (not as critical as in old dbz)
!  * OLDBNEWS	default case mapping as in old B News
!  * BNEWS	default case mapping as in current B News
   * DEFCASE	default case-map algorithm selector
   * NOTAGS	fseek offsets are strange, do not do tagging (see below)
--- 42,47 ----
   * DBZDEBUG	enable debugging
   * DEFSIZE	default table size (not as critical as in old dbz)
!  * OLDBNEWS	default case mapping as in old B News; set NOBUFFER
!  * BNEWS	default case mapping as in current B News; set NOBUFFER
   * DEFCASE	default case-map algorithm selector
   * NOTAGS	fseek offsets are strange, do not do tagging (see below)
*** 50,53 ****
--- 50,54 ----
   * MAXRUN	length of run which shifts to next table (see below) (LIA)
   * OVERFLOW	long-int arithmetic overflow must be avoided, will trap
+  * NOBUFFER	do not buffer hash-table i/o, B News locking is defective
*** 86,91 ****
   * The table size is fixed for any particular database, but is determined
   * dynamically when a database is rebuilt.  The strategy is to try to pick
!  * the size so the first table will be no more than 75% full, that being
!  * about the point where performance starts to degrade.
--- 87,94 ----
   * The table size is fixed for any particular database, but is determined
   * dynamically when a database is rebuilt.  The strategy is to try to pick
!  * the size so the first table will be no more than 2/3 full, that being
!  * slightly before the point where performance starts to degrade.  (It is
!  * desirable to be a bit conservative because the overflow strategy tends
!  * to produce files with holes in them, which is a nuisance.)
*** 150,156 ****
--- 153,161 ----
  #ifdef OLDBNEWS
  #define	DEFCASE	'0'		/* B2.10 -- no mapping */
+ #define	NOBUFFER		/* B News locking is defective */
  #ifdef BNEWS
  #define	DEFCASE	'='		/* B2.11 -- all mapped */
+ #define	NOBUFFER		/* B News locking is defective */
  #ifndef DEFCASE			/* C News compatibility is the default */
*** 451,455 ****
! 	n = (contents/3)*4;	/* try to keep table at most 75% full */
  	if (!(n&01))		/* make it odd */
--- 456,460 ----
! 	n = (contents/2)*3;	/* try to keep table at most 2/3 full */
  	if (!(n&01))		/* make it odd */
*** 510,513 ****
--- 515,520 ----
  	register long top;
  	register FILE *f;
+ 	register int newtable;
+ 	register of_t newsize;
  	if (pagf != NULL) {
*** 535,544 ****
  	/* tinker with it */
  	top = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++)
  		if (top < c.used[i])
  			top = c.used[i];
  	if (top == 0) {
  		DEBUG(("dbzagain: old table has no contents!\n"));
! 		top = c.tsize/4*3;	/* and cross fingers */
  	for (i = NUSEDS-1; i > 0; i--)
--- 542,555 ----
  	/* tinker with it */
  	top = 0;
! 	newtable = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < NUSEDS; i++) {
  		if (top < c.used[i])
  			top = c.used[i];
+ 		if (c.used[i] == 0)
+ 			newtable = 1;	/* hasn't got full usage history yet */
+ 	}
  	if (top == 0) {
  		DEBUG(("dbzagain: old table has no contents!\n"));
! 		newtable = 1;
  	for (i = NUSEDS-1; i > 0; i--)
*** 545,549 ****
  		c.used[i] = c.used[i-1];
  	c.used[0] = 0;
! 	c.tsize = dbzsize(top);
  	/* write it out */
--- 556,562 ----
  		c.used[i] = c.used[i-1];
  	c.used[0] = 0;
! 	newsize = dbzsize(top);
! 	if (!newtable || newsize > c.tsize)	/* don't shrink new table */
! 		c.tsize = newsize;
  	/* write it out */
*** 637,643 ****
--- 650,666 ----
  		pagronly = 0;
+ #ifdef NOBUFFER
+ 	/*
+ 	 * B News does not do adequate locking on its database accesses.
+ 	 * Why it doesn't get into trouble using dbm is a mystery.  In any
+ 	 * case, doing unbuffered i/o does not cure the problem, but does
+ 	 * enormously reduce its incidence.
+ 	 */
+ 	(void) setbuf(pagf, (char *)NULL);
+ #else
  #ifdef _IOFBF
  	(void) setvbuf(pagf, (char *)pagbuf, _IOFBF, sizeof(pagbuf));
+ #endif
  	pagpos = -1;
  	/* don't free pagfname, need it below */
*** 790,793 ****
--- 813,834 ----
  	DEBUG(("dbzsync: %s\n", (ret == 0) ? "succeeded" : "failed"));
+ }
+ /*
+  - dbzcancel - cancel writing of in-core data
+  * Mostly for use from child processes.
+  * Note that we don't need to futz around with stdio buffers, because we
+  * always fflush them immediately anyway and so they never have stale data.
+  */
+ int
+ dbzcancel()
+ {
+ 	if (pagf == NULL) {
+ 		DEBUG(("dbzcancel: not opened!\n"));
+ 		return(-1);
+ 	}
+ 	written = 0;
+ 	return(0);

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbz.h	Sat Mar 16 21:48:08 1991
--- dbz/dbz.h	Sun Feb  3 01:32:24 1991
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,26 ----
  extern long dbzsize();
  extern int dbzincore();
+ extern int dbzcancel();
  extern int dbzdebug();

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbzmain.c	Sat Mar 16 21:48:10 1991
--- dbz/dbzmain.c	Thu Jan 31 17:56:47 1991
*** 71,74 ****
--- 71,75 ----
  void crfile();
  void doline();
+ void process();
*** 89,93 ****
  	extern int optind;
  	extern char *optarg;
- 	void process();
  	int doruns = 0;
  	extern long atol();
--- 90,93 ----

*** cnpatch/old/doc/interface	Sat Mar 16 21:48:20 1991
--- doc/interface	Sun Feb  3 01:48:00 1991
*** 1,3 ****
! .DA "3 Jan 1990"
  The Interface Between C News And The Outside World
--- 1,3 ----
! .DA "3 Feb 1991"
  The Interface Between C News And The Outside World
*** 161,172 ****
  of string functions (e.g. \fIstrtok\fR);
  we provide reasonably portable versions of these for places that lack them.
- .PP
- One thing that C News needs, because it is both useful
- and a user-visible part of B News,
- is the \fIdbm\fR library.
- AT&T has stupidly omitted it from System V.
- We include an emulation or two that are claimed to work reasonably well.
- If your system doesn't have a real \fIdbm\fR, however, our recommendation
- is that you harass your supplier about it.
--- 161,164 ----

*** cnpatch/old/expire/doexpire	Sat Mar 16 21:48:26 1991
--- expire/doexpire	Fri Mar  1 16:16:18 1991
*** 47,50 ****
--- 47,51 ----
  	for counter in x x x x		# four tries
+ 		rm -f history.o		# it's about to vanish anyway
  		size="`sizeof history history.pag history.dir`"
  		if test " `spacefor $size control`" -gt 0

*** cnpatch/old/expire/expire.c	Sat Mar 16 21:48:29 1991
--- expire/expire.c	Sat Feb  2 17:19:33 1991
*** 129,132 ****
--- 129,133 ----
  void checkdir();
  void fail();
+ void die();
  void control();
  void prime();
*** 264,268 ****
  		p = &line[strlen(line) - 1];
  		if (*p != '\n')
! 			fail("control line `%.30s...' too long", line);
  		*p = '\0';
  		if (line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '\0')
--- 265,269 ----
  		p = &line[strlen(line) - 1];
  		if (*p != '\n')
! 			die("control line `%.30s...' too long", line);
  		*p = '\0';
  		if (line[0] != '#' && line[0] != '\0')
*** 285,294 ****
  	int ndates;
- 	errno = 0;
  	nf = split(ctl, field, 4, "");
  	if (nf != 4)
! 		fail("control line `%.20s...' hasn't got 4 fields", ctl);
- 	errno = 0;
  	ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  	if (ct == NULL)
--- 286,293 ----
  	int ndates;
  	nf = split(ctl, field, 4, "");
  	if (nf != 4)
! 		die("control line `%.20s...' hasn't got 4 fields", ctl);
  	ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  	if (ct == NULL)
*** 295,299 ****
  		fail("out of memory for control list", "");
  	ct->groups = strsave(field[0]);
  	if (STREQ(field[1], "m"))
--- 294,297 ----
*** 304,311 ****
  		ct->ismod = EITHER;
! 		fail("strange mod field `%s' in control file", field[1]);
  	if (strlen(field[2]) > sizeof(datebuf)-1)
! 		fail("date specification `%s' too long", field[2]);
  	(void) strcpy(datebuf, field[2]);
  	ndates = split(datebuf, dates, 3, "-");
--- 302,309 ----
  		ct->ismod = EITHER;
! 		die("strange mod field `%s' in control file", field[1]);
  	if (strlen(field[2]) > sizeof(datebuf)-1)
! 		die("date specification `%s' too long", field[2]);
  	(void) strcpy(datebuf, field[2]);
  	ndates = split(datebuf, dates, 3, "-");
*** 327,336 ****
! 		fail("invalid date specification `%s'", field[2]);
  		/* NOTREACHED */
  	if (ct->retain < ct->normal || ct->normal < ct->purge)
! 		fail("preposterous dates: `%s'", field[2]);
  	if (STREQ(field[3], "-"))
--- 325,339 ----
! 		die("invalid date specification `%s'", field[2]);
  		/* NOTREACHED */
+ 	if (ct->retain < ct->normal && ndates <= 2)	/* stretch defaults */
+ 		ct->retain = ct->normal;
+ 	if (ct->normal < ct->purge && ndates == 1)
+ 		ct->purge = ct->normal;
  	if (ct->retain < ct->normal || ct->normal < ct->purge)
! 		die("preposterous dates: `%s'", field[2]);
  	if (STREQ(field[3], "-"))
*** 338,342 ****
  	else if (STREQ(field[3], "@")) {
  		if (defarch == NULL)
! 			fail("@ in control file but no -a", "");
  		ct->dir = defarch;
  	} else {
--- 341,345 ----
  	else if (STREQ(field[3], "@")) {
  		if (defarch == NULL)
! 			die("@ in control file but no -a", "");
  		ct->dir = defarch;
  	} else {
*** 350,353 ****
--- 353,358 ----
  	else if (STREQ(ct->groups, "/bounds/"))
  		bounds = ct;
+ 	else if (ct->groups[0] == '/')
+ 		die("unknown special line name `%s'", ct->groups);
  	else {
  		ct->next = NULL;
*** 379,383 ****
  		nf = split(line, field, NFACT, "");
  		if (nf != NFACT)
! 			fail("wrong number of fields in active for `%s'", field[0]);
  		ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  		if (ct == NULL)
--- 384,388 ----
  		nf = split(line, field, NFACT, "");
  		if (nf != NFACT)
! 			die("wrong number of fields in active for `%s'", field[0]);
  		ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  		if (ct == NULL)
*** 420,424 ****
  	sprintf(grump, "group `%%s' (%smoderated) not covered by control file",
  					(ct->ismod == MOD) ? "" : "un");
! 	fail(grump, ct->groups);
--- 425,429 ----
  	sprintf(grump, "group `%%s' (%smoderated) not covered by control file",
  					(ct->ismod == MOD) ? "" : "un");
! 	die(grump, ct->groups);
*** 452,455 ****
--- 457,461 ----
  		(void) fclose(eufopen("history.n.pag", "w"));
  		(void) dbzincore(1);
+ 		errno = 0;
  		if (dbzagain("history.n", "history") < 0)
  			fail("dbzagain(history.n) failed", "");
*** 462,469 ****
  			/* extract the message-id */
  			nameend = strchr(line, '\t');
! 			if (nameend == NULL) {
! 				errno = 0;
! 				fail("bad return from doline(): `%.75s'", line);
! 			}
  			/* make the DBM entry */
--- 468,473 ----
  			/* extract the message-id */
  			nameend = strchr(line, '\t');
! 			if (nameend == NULL)
! 				die("bad return from doline(): `%.75s'", line);
  			/* make the DBM entry */
*** 474,481 ****
  			rhs.dptr = (char *)&here;
  			rhs.dsize = sizeof(here);
- 			errno = 0;
  			ret = dbzstore(lhs, rhs);
  			if (ret < 0)
! 				fail("dbm failure on `%s'", line);
  			*nameend = '\t';
--- 478,484 ----
  			rhs.dptr = (char *)&here;
  			rhs.dsize = sizeof(here);
  			ret = dbzstore(lhs, rhs);
  			if (ret < 0)
! 				die("store failure on `%s'", line);
  			*nameend = '\t';
*** 738,750 ****
  	group = name;
  	slash = strchr(group, '/');
! 	if (slash == NULL) {
! 		errno = 0;
! 		fail("no slash in article path `%s'", name);
! 	} else
  		*slash = '\0';
  	if (strchr(slash+1, '/') != NULL) {
  		*slash = '/';
! 		errno = 0;
! 		fail("multiple slashes in article path `%s'", name);
--- 741,751 ----
  	group = name;
  	slash = strchr(group, '/');
! 	if (slash == NULL)
! 		die("no slash in article path `%s'", name);
! 	else
  		*slash = '\0';
  	if (strchr(slash+1, '/') != NULL) {
  		*slash = '/';
! 		die("multiple slashes in article path `%s'", name);
*** 826,833 ****
  	if (dir != NULL) {
  		if (*dir == '=') {
- 			errno = 0;
  			new = strrchr(name, '/');
  			if (new == NULL)
! 				fail("no slash in `%s'", name);
  			new = str3save(dir+1, "/", new);
--- 827,833 ----
  	if (dir != NULL) {
  		if (*dir == '=') {
  			new = strrchr(name, '/');
  			if (new == NULL)
! 				die("no slash in `%s'", name);
  			new = str3save(dir+1, "/", new);
*** 1168,1171 ****
--- 1168,1183 ----
+  - die - like fail, but errno contains no information
+  */
+ void
+ die(s1, s2)
+ char *s1;
+ char *s2;
+ {
+ 	errno = 0;
+ 	fail(s1, s2);
+ }
+ /*
   - readline - read history line (sans newline), with locking when we hit EOF
*** 1243,1250 ****
  	/* EOF but we haven't locked yet.  Lock and try again. */
! 	(void) signal(SIGINT, (sigarg_t)SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, (sigarg_t)SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGHUP, (sigarg_t)SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGTERM, (sigarg_t)SIG_IGN);
  	nlocked = 1;
--- 1255,1262 ----
  	/* EOF but we haven't locked yet.  Lock and try again. */
! 	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
! 	(void) signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
  	nlocked = 1;

*** cnpatch/old/expire/histdups	Sat Mar 16 21:48:33 1991
--- expire/histdups	Tue Feb  5 16:19:15 1991
*** 12,14 ****
  		names = names " " $3
! END { print mesgid, dates, names }
--- 12,17 ----
  		names = names " " $3
! END {
! 	if (mesgid != "")
! 		print mesgid, dates, names
! }

*** cnpatch/old/expire/histinfo.c	Sat Mar 16 21:48:35 1991
--- expire/histinfo.c	Mon Feb 11 17:27:20 1991
*** 33,36 ****
--- 33,37 ----
  	FILE *in;
  	char *inname;
+ 	register int i;
  	extern int optind;
  	extern char *optarg;
*** 55,59 ****
  	while ((inname = fgetms(stdin)) != NULL) {
! 		inname[strlen(inname)-1] = '\0';	/* kill newline */
  		if (strchr(inname, '.') == NULL) {	/* skip dot names */
  			in = efopen(inname, "r");
--- 56,62 ----
  	while ((inname = fgetms(stdin)) != NULL) {
! 		i = strlen(inname);
! 		if (i > 0)
! 			inname[i-1] = '\0';	/* kill newline */
  		if (strchr(inname, '.') == NULL) {	/* skip dot names */
  			in = efopen(inname, "r");
*** 82,85 ****
--- 85,89 ----
  	static char expnm[] =    "Expires: ";
  	register char *p;
+ 	register int i;
  	expiry = strsave("-");
*** 88,92 ****
  	/* read until EOF or blank line (end of headers) */
  	while ((line = fgetms(in)) != NULL && strcmp(line, "\n") != 0) {
! 		line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0';		/* trim newline */
  		if (CISTREQN(line, msgidnm, STRLEN(msgidnm))) {
  			if (msgid != NULL)
--- 92,98 ----
  	/* read until EOF or blank line (end of headers) */
  	while ((line = fgetms(in)) != NULL && strcmp(line, "\n") != 0) {
! 		i = strlen(line);
! 		if (i > 0)
! 			line[i-1] = '\0';		/* trim newline */
  		if (CISTREQN(line, msgidnm, STRLEN(msgidnm))) {
  			if (msgid != NULL)

*** cnpatch/old/expire/histslash.c	Sat Mar 16 21:48:36 1991
--- expire/histslash.c	Tue Feb 19 13:11:06 1991
*** 5,8 ****
--- 5,9 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <assert.h>
+ #include <string.h>
  #include "fgetmfs.h"
*** 14,22 ****
  	register char *last;
  	register char *line;
- 	extern char *strchr();
  	while ((line = fgetms(stdin)) != NULL) {
  		scan = strchr(line, '\t');
! 		scan = strchr(scan+1, '\t');
  		last = NULL;
--- 15,27 ----
  	register char *last;
  	register char *line;
  	while ((line = fgetms(stdin)) != NULL) {
  		scan = strchr(line, '\t');
! 		if (scan != NULL)
! 			scan = strchr(scan+1, '\t');
! 		if (scan == NULL) {
! 			complain("bad number of fields in `%s'", line);
! 			exit(1);
! 		}
  		last = NULL;

*** cnpatch/old/expire/mkhistory	Sat Mar 16 21:48:38 1991
--- expire/mkhistory	Wed Mar  6 15:52:13 1991
*** 30,34 ****
! find `ls | egrep -v '\.'` -type f -name '[0-9]*' -print | histinfo |
  	sort -t'	' +1n |
  	awk -f $NEWSBIN/expire/histdups | histslash >$NEWSCTL/history.n
--- 30,42 ----
! them=
! for f in `ls | egrep -v '\.'`
! do
! 	if test -d $f
! 	then
! 		them="$them $f"
! 	fi
! done
! find $them -type f -name '[0-9]*' -print | histinfo |
  	sort -t'	' +1n |
  	awk -f $NEWSBIN/expire/histdups | histslash >$NEWSCTL/history.n

*** cnpatch/old/h/dbz.h	Sat Mar 16 21:48:45 1991
--- h/dbz.h	Sun Feb  3 01:44:40 1991
*** 22,25 ****
--- 22,26 ----
  extern long dbzsize();
  extern int dbzincore();
+ extern int dbzcancel();
  extern int dbzdebug();

*** cnpatch/old/h/libc.h	Sat Mar 16 21:48:48 1991
--- h/libc.h	Tue Mar 12 17:45:04 1991
*** 20,27 ****
  /* Unix system calls */
- /* signal types: tailor to suite local tastes */
- typedef VOID (*sigret_t)();
- typedef VOID (*sigarg_t)();
  extern VOID _exit();
--- 20,23 ----
*** 38,47 ****
  extern char **environ;
! /* C library */
! extern int strcmp(), strncmp(), strlen();	/* strings.h */
! #endif					/* A_STABLE_WORLD */
! extern char *strcpy(), *strcat(), *strncpy(), *strncat();	/* strings.h */
! extern char *strchr(), *strrchr();	/* strings.h */
--- 34,38 ----
  extern char **environ;
! #include <string.h>

*** cnpatch/old/h/news.h	Sat Mar 16 21:48:51 1991
--- h/news.h	Tue Mar 12 17:43:17 1991
*** 17,23 ****
--- 17,26 ----
  /* STATIC & FORWARD must agree to avoid redeclarations(!) */
+ #ifndef STATIC
  #define STATIC	static		/* "static" when not debugging|profiling */
+ #endif
  /* adapt to compiler limitations */
+ #ifndef FORWARD
  #ifdef pdp11
  #define FORWARD			/* "static" except for dmr's 11 compiler */
*** 25,28 ****
--- 28,32 ----
  #define FORWARD static		/* "static" except for dmr's 11 compiler */
+ #endif
  /* #define void int		/* if your compiler doesn't understand void's */
  /* #define MAXLONG 017777777777L	/* if your compiler lacks "unsigned long" type */
*** 72,76 ****
  #define STRCHR(src, chr, dest) (dest) = strchr(src, chr)
- extern char *strchr();
  #define STRCHR(src, chr, dest) \
--- 76,79 ----

*** cnpatch/old/input/Makefile	Sat Mar 16 21:48:58 1991
--- input/Makefile	Sun Mar  3 01:25:57 1991
*** 5,9 ****
  LIBS= ../libcnews.a
  BATCH = ../batch
! THEMBIN = newsrun newsrunning c7decode bdecode recenews recpnews rnews
  THEM = newsspool $(THEMBIN)
  RBIN = /bin
--- 5,9 ----
  LIBS= ../libcnews.a
  BATCH = ../batch
! THEMBIN = newsrun newsrunning c7decode bdecode recenews recpnews rnews cunbatch
  THEM = newsspool $(THEMBIN)
  RBIN = /bin
*** 22,27 ****
  	rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool
  	cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/input
! 	cp rnews $(RBIN)/rnews
! 	cp rnews $(RBIN)/cunbatch
  	: "and newsspool needs to be made setuid-news"
--- 22,26 ----
  	rm -f $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool
  	cp $(THEM) $(NEWSBIN)/input
! 	cp rnews cunbatch $(RBIN)
  	: "and newsspool needs to be made setuid-news"
*** 29,33 ****
  	for f in $(THEM) ; do cmp $(NEWSBIN)/input/$$f $$f ; done
  	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/rnews
! 	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/cunbatch
  	ls -lg $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool | egrep -s '^-rwsrwsr-x  1 news     news'
--- 28,32 ----
  	for f in $(THEM) ; do cmp $(NEWSBIN)/input/$$f $$f ; done
  	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/rnews
! 	cmp cunbatch $(RBIN)/cunbatch
  	ls -lg $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool | egrep -s '^-rwsrwsr-x  1 news     news'
*** 35,39 ****
  	for f in $(THEM) ; do cmp $(NEWSBIN)/input/$$f $$f || true ; done
  	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/rnews || true
! 	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/cunbatch || true
  	ls -lg $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool | egrep -s '^-rwsrwsr-x  1 news     news'
--- 34,38 ----
  	for f in $(THEM) ; do cmp $(NEWSBIN)/input/$$f $$f || true ; done
  	cmp rnews $(RBIN)/rnews || true
! 	cmp cunbatch $(RBIN)/cunbatch || true
  	ls -lg $(NEWSBIN)/input/newsspool | egrep -s '^-rwsrwsr-x  1 news     news'
*** 56,59 ****
--- 55,61 ----
  	$(CC) -c -I$(BATCH) $(CFLAGS) bdecode.c
+ cunbatch:	rnews
+ 	cp rnews $@
  lint:	newsspool.c
  	lint $(LINTFLAGS) newsspool.c 2>&1 | tee lint
*** 63,74 ****
  	echo 'here is a phony first batch' >>$@
! test.2:
! 	echo '#! cunbatch' >$@
! 	echo '#! rnews' >>$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony second batch' >>$@
! test.3p:
  	echo '#! rnews' >$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony third batch' >>$@
  test.3:	test.3c
--- 65,75 ----
  	echo 'here is a phony first batch' >>$@
! test.2:	test.2p
! 	: compress tends to return silly exit status for tiny inputs
! 	-compress -b12 <test.2p >$@
! test.2p:
  	echo '#! rnews' >$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony second batch' >>$@
  test.3:	test.3c
*** 79,82 ****
--- 80,87 ----
  	-compress -b12 <test.3p >$@
+ test.3p:
+ 	echo '#! rnews' >$@
+ 	echo 'here is a phony third batch' >>$@
  	echo '#! rnews' >$@
*** 87,93 ****
  	echo 'here is a phony third batch' >>$@
! setup:	all
  	chmod +x rnews
- 	rm -rf bin
  	mkdir bin
  	cp $(THEM) bin
--- 92,105 ----
  	echo 'here is a phony third batch' >>$@
! test.out2:
! 	echo '#! rnews' >$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony second batch' >>$@
! 	echo '#! rnews' >>$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony first batch' >>$@
! 	echo '#! rnews' >>$@
! 	echo 'here is a phony third batch' >>$@
! setup:	all rtidy
  	chmod +x rnews
  	mkdir bin
  	cp $(THEM) bin
*** 94,98 ****
  	mkdir bin/input
  	cp newsrun bin/input
- 	rm -f tmp.1
  	here=`pwd` ; echo "cat >>$$here/tmp.1" >bin/relaynews
  	echo "echo 1" >bin/spacefor
--- 106,109 ----
*** 100,116 ****
  	echo 'echo 10' >bin/sizeof
  	chmod +x bin/* bin/input/*
- 	rm -rf in.coming
  	mkdir in.coming
! r:	all test.1 test.2 test.3 test.3c test.out setup
  	chmod +x $(THEM)
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.1
  	cmp in.coming/* test.1
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.2
! 	sed 1d test.2 >tmp.2
! 	cmp `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` tmp.2
! 	rm tmp.2
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.3
  	cmp `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` test.3c
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./newsrunning off
  	test -r in.coming/stop ;
--- 111,129 ----
  	echo 'echo 10' >bin/sizeof
  	chmod +x bin/* bin/input/*
  	mkdir in.coming
! r:	all test.1 test.2 test.3 test.3c test.out test.out2 setup
  	chmod +x $(THEM)
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.1
  	cmp in.coming/* test.1
+ 	expr in.coming/* : '.*\.t' >/dev/null
+ 	sleep 2			# must delay for sake of "ls -t"!
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.2
! 	cmp `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` test.2
! 	expr `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` : '.*\.Z' >/dev/null
! 	sleep 2
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.3
  	cmp `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` test.3c
+ 	expr `ls -t in.coming | sed -n '1s;^;in.coming/;p'` : '.*\.Z' >/dev/null
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./newsrunning off
  	test -r in.coming/stop ;
*** 123,136 ****
  	rm tmp.1
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.1
! 	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.2
  	echo >rnews.newsrun
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` NEWSBIN=`pwd`/bin ./rnews <test.3
! 	cmp tmp.1 test.out
  	test " `echo in.coming/*`" = ' in.coming/bad' ;
- 	rm tmp.1
- 	rm -r bin in.coming
! clean:
! 	rm -f *.o newsspool c7decode tmp.? test.* dtr lint rnews.newsrun
! 	rm -f bdecode
! 	rm -rf in.coming bin
--- 136,152 ----
  	rm tmp.1
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./rnews <test.1
! 	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` ./newsspool -g 4 <test.2 2>/dev/null
  	echo >rnews.newsrun
  	NEWSARTS=`pwd` NEWSCTL=`pwd` NEWSBIN=`pwd`/bin ./rnews <test.3
! 	cmp tmp.1 test.out2
  	test " `echo in.coming/*`" = ' in.coming/bad' ;
! rtidy:
! 	rm -f tmp.? LOCK* rnews.newsrun
! 	rm -rf bin in.coming
! rclean:	rtidy
! 	rm -f test.*
! clean:	rclean
! 	rm -f *.o newsspool c7decode bdecode dtr lint cunbatch

*** cnpatch/old/input/bdecode.c	Sat Mar 16 21:49:00 1991
--- input/bdecode.c	Tue Mar 12 17:52:57 1991
*** 3,6 ****
--- 3,7 ----
  #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
  #include "coder.h"
  char *myname, *inputfile = "(stdin)";
*** 18,22 ****
  	int w, crc2;
  	char buf[512];
- 	extern char *strchr();
  	myname = argv[0];
--- 19,22 ----

*** cnpatch/old/input/newsrun	Sat Mar 16 21:49:02 1991
--- input/newsrun	Sun Mar  3 00:32:27 1991
*** 8,11 ****
--- 8,24 ----
  umask $NEWSUMASK
+ # Should we be running on this machine at all?
+ if test -r $NEWSCTL/server
+ then
+ 	me="`hostname`"
+ 	server="`cat $NEWSCTL/server`"
+ 	if test " $server" != " `hostname`"
+ 	then
+ 		exec rsh $server exec /bin/sh -c "PATH=$PATH exec newsrun $*"
+ 		exit 2		# should never be reached
+ 	fi
+ fi
+ # Options.
  case "$1" in
*** 13,24 ****
! here="$NEWSARTS/in.coming"
! cd $here
! # First, is it worth trying at all?
  if test -r stop
! 	exit 0
  # Lock against others running.
--- 26,50 ----
! # Go to our base of operations.
! cd $NEWSARTS/in.coming
! # Consider what grades we should process, and check for work.
! sawstop=n
! stoppat='0\.'
  if test -r stop
! 	pat="$stoppat"
! 	sawstop=y
! else
! 	pat='[0-9]'
+ case "$1" in
+ '')			;;
+ *)	pat="[$1]\."	;;
+ esac
+ if test "`ls | egrep \"^$pat\"`" = ""
+ then
+ 	exit 0	
+ fi
  # Lock against others running.
*** 34,47 ****
- # Sort out where we are.
- if test -r $NEWSCTL/server
- then
- 	me="`hostname`"
- 	server=`cat $NEWSCTL/server`
- else
- 	me=thishost		# don't need actual name
- 	server="$me"		# no server file --> we're it
- fi
  # Master loop.
  while :				# "while true", but : is faster
--- 60,63 ----
*** 48,53 ****
  	# Find some work.
! 	them=`ls | sed '/[^0-9]/d;50q'`
! 	if test " $them" = " "
  		break			# NOTE BREAK OUT
--- 64,69 ----
  	# Find some work.
! 	them="`ls | egrep \"^$pat\" | sed 50q`"
! 	if test " $them" = " "		# if no work...
  		break			# NOTE BREAK OUT
*** 71,79 ****
  	for f in $them
! 		# Check for request to stop.
! 		if test -r stop
! 			rm -f $tmp $rmlist
! 			exit 0
--- 87,98 ----
  	for f in $them
! 		# If the stop file has come into existence, punch out to
! 		# the outer loop to reconsider whether there is anything
! 		# left that should be processed now.
! 		if test " $sawstop" = " n" -a -r stop
! 			sawstop=y
! 			pat="$stoppat"
! 			break		# NOTE BREAK OUT
*** 97,117 ****
! 		# Decompress if necessary.  People who get lots of
! 		# uncompressed batches and never use c7 encoding might
! 		# want to remove the c7decode attempt to speed things up.
! 		if compress -d <$f >$text 2>/dev/null
! 		then
! 			: okay
! 		elif c7decode <$f 2>/dev/null | compress -d >$text 2>/dev/null
! 		then
! 			: okay
! 		else
! 			>$text		# compress might have left garbage
! 		fi
  		rmlist="$rmlist $f"
! 		# Check for empty.
  		if test ! -s $text
--- 116,139 ----
! 		# Decompress if necessary.
! 		case $f in
! 		*.Z)	uncompress <$f >$text	;;
! 		*.7)	c7decode <$f | uncompress >$text	;;
! 		*.t)	>$tmp		# in case compress left trash
! 			;;
! 		*)	if uncompress <$f >$tmp 2>/dev/null
! 			then
! 				: okay
! 			else
! 				>$tmp
! 				text=$f
! 			fi
! 			;;
! 		esac
  		rmlist="$rmlist $f"
! 		# Empty batches need no processing.
  		if test ! -s $text
*** 123,133 ****
  		# NNTP-feed sites and doesn't hurt uucp-feed sites unless
  		# they refuse a good fraction of what they get.
! 		if test " $server" = " $me"	# if local
! 		then
! 			relaynews -r -n <$text
! 		else
! 			# N.B.: rsh exit status is not useful
! 			rsh $server exec /bin/sh -c "PATH=$PATH exec relaynews -r -n" <$text
! 		fi
  		if test $st -ne 0
--- 145,149 ----
  		# NNTP-feed sites and doesn't hurt uucp-feed sites unless
  		# they refuse a good fraction of what they get.
! 		relaynews -r -n <$text
  		if test $st -ne 0
*** 151,155 ****
  				mv $f $bad	# Not $text, save the ORIGINAL!
! 			echo "$server relaynews \`$bad' failed, status $st (see errlog)" |
  							mail "$NEWSMASTER"
--- 167,171 ----
  				mv $f $bad	# Not $text, save the ORIGINAL!
! 			echo "relaynews <\`$bad' failed, status $st (see errlog)" |
  							mail "$NEWSMASTER"

*** cnpatch/old/input/newsspool.c	Sat Mar 16 21:49:04 1991
--- input/newsspool.c	Sun Mar  3 01:10:08 1991
*** 40,43 ****
--- 40,45 ----
  char buf[BUFSIZ*16];	/* try to get a batch in a few gulps */
  int immed = 0;		/* try an immediate newsrun? */
+ char *suffix = ".t";	/* suffix for filename, default is plain text */
+ char grade[3] = "";	/* 3 = digit, period, NUL */
  void process();
*** 65,69 ****
  	progname = mkprogname(argv[0]);
! 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "id")) != EOF)
  		switch (c) {
  		case 'i':	/* try immediate newsrun */
--- 67,71 ----
  	progname = mkprogname(argv[0]);
! 	while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "ig:d")) != EOF)
  		switch (c) {
  		case 'i':	/* try immediate newsrun */
*** 70,73 ****
--- 72,80 ----
+ 		case 'g':	/* grade */
+ 			if (strchr("0123456789", *optarg) == NULL)
+ 				error("invalid grade `%s'", optarg);
+ 			sprintf(grade, "%c.", *optarg);
+ 			break;
  		case 'd':	/* Debugging. */
*** 211,215 ****
  	for (;;) {
  		now = time((time_t *)NULL);
! 		sprintf(p, "%ld", now);
  		if (debug)
  			fprintf(stderr, "trying renaming to %s\n", name);
--- 218,222 ----
  	for (;;) {
  		now = time((time_t *)NULL);
! 		sprintf(p, "%s%ld%s", grade, now, suffix);
  		if (debug)
  			fprintf(stderr, "trying renaming to %s\n", name);
*** 233,237 ****
!  - cunskip - inspect block for silly #! cunbatch headers
  int				/* number of chars at start to skip */
--- 240,244 ----
!  - cunskip - inspect block for silly #! cunbatch headers, classify input
  int				/* number of chars at start to skip */
*** 242,247 ****
  	static char goop[] = "cunbatch";
  #	define	GOOPLEN	(sizeof(goop)-1)	/* strlen(goop) */
! 	static char goop2[] = "c7unbatch";
! #	define	GOOP2LEN	(sizeof(goop2)-1)	/* strlen(goop2) */
  	register char *p;
  	register int nleft;
--- 249,257 ----
  	static char goop[] = "cunbatch";
  #	define	GOOPLEN	(sizeof(goop)-1)	/* strlen(goop) */
! 	static char suf[] = ".Z";
! 	static char goop7[] = "c7unbatch";
! #	define	GOOP7LEN	(sizeof(goop7)-1)	/* strlen(goop7) */
! 	static char suf7[] = ".7";
! 	static char comp[2] = { 037, 0235 };	/* compress's magic no. */
  	register char *p;
  	register int nleft;
*** 252,255 ****
--- 262,271 ----
  	if (nleft < 2)				/* no room for a header */
+ 	if (p[0] == comp[0] && p[1] == comp[1]) {	/* compressed */
+ 		suffix = suf;
+ 		return(0);
+ 	}
  	if (*p++ != '#' || *p++ != '!')		/* doesn't start with #! */
*** 266,272 ****
  		p += GOOPLEN;
  		nleft -= GOOPLEN;
! 	} else if (nleft >= GOOP2LEN+1 && STREQN(p, goop2, GOOP2LEN)) {
! 		p += GOOP2LEN;
! 		nleft -= GOOP2LEN;
  	} else					/* no header */
--- 282,290 ----
  		p += GOOPLEN;
  		nleft -= GOOPLEN;
! 		suffix = suf;
! 	} else if (nleft >= GOOP7LEN+1 && STREQN(p, goop7, GOOP7LEN)) {
! 		p += GOOP7LEN;
! 		nleft -= GOOP7LEN;
! 		suffix = suf7;
  	} else					/* no header */

end of patch 16-Mar-1991
"But this *is* the simplified version   | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
for the general public."     -S. Harris |  henry at zoo.toronto.edu  utzoo!henry

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