gcc 1.39 , SS1+, OS 4.1.1

Harry Langenbacher harry at neuron6.Jpl.Nasa.Gov
Tue Mar 5 01:35:55 AEST 1991

>To: phil at macs.ysu.edu
>Returned mail: Cannot send message for 5 days
>421 macs.ysu.edu: Host YSUMAX.MACS.YSU.EDU is down

I have succesfully installed and used gcc 1.39 on an SS1+ running SunOS 4.1.1.
It worked both before and after the patch from this source:

#Article 2965 of comp.sources.bugs:
#From: chip at tct.uucp (Chip Salzenberg)
#Newsgroups: gnu.gcc.help,comp.unix.sysv386,comp.sources.bugs
#Subject: REPOST: GCC 1.39 patches for SCO UNIX, plus goodies
#Date: 14 Feb 91 16:37:37 GMT
#Organization: Teltronics/TCT, Sarasota, FL
#Lines: 606

I ran "config.gcc sun4-os4" .
I made these mods to my Makefile:
ALLOCA = alloca.o

and some mods as to where I wanted stuff installed.

then I did:

make stage1
make CC=stage1/gcc CFLAGS="-O -Bstage1/"
make CC=stage2/gcc CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/"
foreach file (*.o)
cmp $file stage2/$file
make install

Hope this helps.

Harry Langenbacher 818-354-9513 harry%neuron6 at jpl-mil.jpl.nasa.gov
Neuroprocessing & Analog Computing Devices Group, FAX 818-393-4540
JPL,  M/S 302-231, 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Pasadena CA 91109

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