Bug in mush 7.2.2

Robert Berlinger naftoli at alsys1.aecom.yu.edu
Wed May 8 07:49:49 AEST 1991

I believe Mush 7.2.2 has a bug which causes outgoing From: headers to
not include the user's full name in the default case (i.e., relying on
the full name (gecos) field in the password file).

In init.c line 75,

	if (realname && *realname) {

the *realname test is failing because earlier on line 55, a for loop
increments realname to point to the nul at the end of the string

            for (p = buf; *realname; realname++)

Mush 7.1.1 did not have the second test and worked ok.  I'm not sure
why the second test was added, but it either needs to be backed out or
the code changed to increment a temp variable rather than realname.
Robert N. Berlinger                 |Domain: naftoli at aecom.yu.edu        
Manager of Networking and Systems   |UUCP: ...uunet!alsys1!naftoli
Research Information Technology     |CompuServe: 76067.1114 at compuserve.com
Albert Einstein College of Medicine |AppleLink: D3913 at applelink.apple.com

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