Problem with compress

Chip Salzenberg chip at
Sun May 19 04:49:46 AEST 1991

According to rickert at (Neil Rickert):
> Am I alone in thinking that the way compress handles symlinks is just fine.

Apparently so.

>What I don't like is the way it handles hard links.  What would be wrong with
>'compress foo' just creating the compressed 'foo.Z' and deleting 'foo', and
>'uncompress foo.Z' creating the uncompressed 'foo' and removing 'foo.Z'?

Compress has that behavior when invoked with the "-f" flag.
Brand X Industries Custodial, Refurbishing and Containment Service:
         When You Never, Ever Want To See It Again [tm]
     Chip Salzenberg   <chip at>, <uunet!pdn!tct!chip>

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