
Ulli Blancke ulli at
Fri May 17 18:16:50 AEST 1991

In article <7589 at unix386.Convergent.COM> jms at unix386.Convergent.COM (John Sully) writes:

   Xref: pbinfo comp.unix.misc:1101 comp.sources.bugs:2460
   Path: pbinfo!unido!mcsun!uunet!!usc!apple!voder!pyramid!ctnews!unix386!jms
   From: jms at unix386.Convergent.COM (John Sully)
   Newsgroups: comp.unix.misc,comp.sources.bugs
   Date: 14 May 91 17:43:25 GMT
   References: <ULLI.91May14125345 at>
   Distribution: comp.unix.misc
   Organization: Unisys/Convergent, San Jose, CA
   Lines: 49

   ulli at (Ulli Blancke) writes:

   >We have problems retrieving modules from cvs. To give you an exact picture
   >we discribe here what we have done, but most interesting should be the
   >end ....


   >edit file modules to contain the line
   >	ex	ex a b


   >trying to retrieve the information DOES NOT SUCCEED!!!!!!
   >	$ cd ~/newdir
   >	$ cvs co ex
   >	cvs: nothing known about a
   >	cvs: nothing known about b
   >	cvs: failed; correct the above errors first

   It looks like you did everything right, the problem may be that your module
   name and the name of the directory are the same.  I haven't tried this sort
   of setup here, preferring instead to use the alias mechanism.  Perhaps trying
   something like:

	   foo	ex a b

   in your modules file will work a little bit better.  After this try:

	   cvs co foo

   and it should create a directory "foo" in your current directory.  If you 
   don't have the "ex" entry in your modules file it will also work as expected.

   The modules mechanism does have it's bugs, mostly having to do with nested
   aliases, but they can be worked around without too much trouble.

   BTW: I'm posting followups to comp.sources.bugs, since that seems to be a
   better place for this discussion.

   John M. Sully                      
   Unisys Corporation                 
   2700 N. First St.                  
   San Jose, CA 95150                 

   Phone : (408) 435-3129             
   E-Mail: jms at 

Thank you for all answers. My mistake was that I used version 1.0 of
cvs with rcs5.5. As I heard, I have to use cvs1.2. Actually I get this
version from a server here in europa. I tested this version and it

Thanks you 

------------------- >		Cadlab          <-----------------------
Ulrich Blancke			Bahnhofstr. 32
ulli at		4790 Paderborn
Phone: +49 (5251)-284113 	( Germany )

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