v03INF2: Index for Volume 2 (2 of 2)
Brandon S. Allbery
allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Mon Apr 25 09:30:49 AEST 1988
This is the index for Volume 2 since the old X-Archive format was dropped.
It covers the period from March 1 to April 22. Future Index postings will
be synchronized with volume number changes rather than being posted monthly;
the Welcome message will continue to be posted monthly as before.
comp.sources.misc Index for Volume 2, by volume and issue number
Vol/Iss Archive-Name From / Subject
======= ============== ========================================================
v02i064 split-1.1 richard at gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
split -- V1.1
v02i065 lastlog-sys5 lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano)
lastlogin.c source (was: Re: SysV lastlog)
v02i066 font-8x9-3b1 jr at amanue.UUCP (Jim Rosenberg)
8x9 font for 3B1/7300
v02i067 split-1.1/Patc richard at gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
split V1.1 bugfix
v02i068 msdos-pipes reynolds at uunet.uu.net@hsvpmi.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
UN*X pipes for MSDOS
v02i069 turbo-C-timers asjoshi at phoenix.princeton.edu (Amit S. Joshi)
Timer and CTRL BRK functions in Turbo C
v02i070 sq mikew at wyse1.wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
sq - squeeze a dictionary
v02i071 correct powell at ole.UUCP (Gary Powell)
shell script to manage personal dictionary and correct text
v02i072 checklink jason at violet.berkeley.edu (Jason Venner)
checklink - check for symlinks in limbo
v02i073 name dupuy at westend.columbia.edu (Alexander Dupuy)
A filename canonicalizer for BSD
v02i074 substr davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP (William E. Davidsen Jr)
a command line substring function
v02i075 pstrings ian at unix.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk (Ian Cottam)
Unbounded Strings Package in ISO level 1 Pascal
v02i076 pstrings/Patch ian at unix.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk (Ian Cottam)
Patch to "pstrings" package
v02i077 termcap azadian at hslrswi.UUCP (Norman H. Azadian)
termcap implementation: works under MS-DOS, 4.xBSD
v02i078 areacode dewey at auscso.UUCP (Dewey Coffman)
New areacode.c program, new areacodes from phone company
v02i079 sun2ps boysko at l.UUCP (Glenn Boysko)
sun2ps - sun rasterfile to PostScript image translator
v02i080 pbm/Part3 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 3/4
v02i081 pbm/Part2 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 2/4
v02i082 pbm/Part4 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 4/4
v02i083 pbm/Part1 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 1/4
v02i084 mkfont sysad at tikal.teltone.com (Duane Hesser)
mkfont/rdfont--compile and uncompile ditroff fonts
v02i085 phil jrp at rducky.UUCP (Jim Pickering)
phil -- Example of the "Dining Philosophers" problem (System V)
v02i086 tdp gry at IDA.LiU.SE.UUCP (Goran Rydquist)
Determine Troff document type
v02i087 ucomp16 uucpa at gamma.UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy)
"Stripped" 16-bit uncompress
v02i088 argproc dan at srs.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
argproc(), a command line parser
v02i089 sun2ps/Patch1 boysko at dsrgsun.CES.CWRU.Edu (Glenn J. Boysko)
Bug fix for 'sun2ps'
v02i090 getopt mpatnode at polyslo.UUCP (Mike Patnode)
v02i091 cls jerryp at cmx.npac.syr.EDU (Jerry Peek)
cls, etc.: Compressed "ls"-type listing programs for BSD
v02i092 molecule gfs at decwrl.dec.com@x.UUCP (Greg F. Shay)
A simple 2-D particle system (animated atoms)
v02i093 autoload john at basser.cs.OZ (A. Nonymous)
Autoloading shell scripts as functions
v02i094 trapfile aj at zyx.UUCP (Arndt Jonasson)
trapfile - a file-opening logger
v02i095 saverate dennis at rlgvax.UUCP (Dennis.Bednar)
saverate.c - program to calculate interest rate from periodic savings
v02i096 xrand agn at UNH.CS.CMU.EDU (Andreas Nowatzyk)
xrand, xcrypt -- a random number generator & application
v02i097 refer2tex dfk at duke.cs.duke.edu (David Kotz)
sources for refer => BiBTeX conversion
v02i098 cal.bs wrv at ihlpm.UUCP (Vogel)
personal postscript calendars
v02i099 c_puns mjs at tropix.UUCP (Michael J Shon)
a little joke in C
v02i100 ms-termcap root at nccnat.UUCP (Paul Shields)
GNU Termcap ported to MS-DOS.
v02i101 ditdvi ken at rochester.UUCP (Ken Yap)
ditroff to DVI filter - ditdvi
v02i102 usg-fmt bgray at marque.mu.edu (Bill Gray)
fmt: a simple text formatter
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