v04i011: curly/uncurly: fold and unfold file names into csh {} form
Kevin Braunsdorf
ksb at s.cc.purdue.edu
Sun Jul 31 10:08:08 AEST 1988
Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 11
Submitted-by: "Kevin Braunsdorf" <ksb at s.cc.purdue.edu>
Archive-name: curly
# This is a shell archive.
# Remove everything above and including the cut line.
# Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar: Shell Archiver
# Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
# curly.c
# uncurly.c
# This archive created: Sat Jul 30 18:57:01 1988
# By: Kevin Braunsdorf (Purdue UNIX Group)
sed 's/^K//' << \SHAR_EOF > README
KHere are two programs I have found (recently) to be quite useful.
KOne of them expands the C-Shell curly braces notation for file name
Kbuilding, the other compresses a list of file names into one of
Kthese expressions. I called these programs `curly' and `uncurly'.
KThere is am example usage of {un,}curly in the comments in the code,
Kcopied below. I have used them to compress a dictionary (one initial
Kletter at a time BTW), and to compress lists of files on tape.
KOne might pipe the output of a find to uncurly and compress to store
Ka list of filenames as:
K $ find . -type f -print | uncurly | compress > /tmp/files.u.Z
Kthen (later on) we need that list of files again...
K $ zcat /tmp/files.u.Z | curly | xargs do_something
Kthis yields substantial compression over just compress alone, which it
Kshouldn't. (We know something quite special about the output of find
Kon a `normal' find output that gives us an advantage here.)
KI always name the output from uncurly as files.u. Here is some sample
Kcompression data (for 567 handy filenames in my src directory):
K 15 -rw-r----- 1 ksb 14435 Jul 30 17:27 files # 100%
K 5 -rw-r----- 1 ksb 4754 Jul 30 17:27 files.Z # 32.9%
K 5 -rw-r----- 1 ksb 5074 Jul 30 17:26 files.u # 35.2%
K 3 -rw-r----- 1 ksb 2810 Jul 30 17:27 files.u.Z # 17.3%
KI would like to be mailed any bug reports so I can fix my own copy.
KKnown bugs: doesn't handle files with `{' or `}' in them well.
Kkayessbee (Kevin S Braunsdorf, ksb at j.cc.purdue.edu, pur-ee!ksb)
sed 's/^K//' << \SHAR_EOF > curly.c
K * curly -- expand {...} as csh(1) (ksb)
K *
K * Copyright 1988, All Rights Reserved
K * Kevin S Braunsdorf
K * ksb at j.cc.purdue.edu, pur-ee!ksb
K * Math/Sci Building, Purdue Univ
K * West Lafayette, IN
K *
K * `You may redistibute this code as long as you don't claim to have
K * written it. -- ksb'
K *
K * We are limited to not eating backslash escapes because that would be
K * very confusing to the user. If you need a file name {a}.c don't call
K * this routine. Simple. (If we did use \ as special, then \.c would
K * need to be quoted from us... it never ends, so we let the shells worry
K * about \ quoting for us.)
K *
K * We don't expand other globbing characters, because ksh will expand
K * those for us when it reads our output in `quotes`.
K *
K * The command
K * $ curly c{1,2,3,4,5}.c
K * outputs
K * c1.c c2.c c3.c c4.c c5.c
K *
K * So use you might use
K * $ tar xv `curly c{1,2,3,4,5}.c`
K * to extract them from tape.
K *
K * If we are given no arguments we can read stdin for strings to glob.
K * The READSTDIN switch controls this feature.
K *
K * Improvments:
K *
K * This code could be mixed with other globbing code to fully emulate
K * csh(1) globbing in a few minutes, I have no need of this (yet).
K *
K * We can avoid the malloc/strcpy/strcat in DoExpr if we build right
K * context right to left in a large buffer; this buffer could limit the
K * size of the glob expression, but other factors limit it already.
K *
K * $Compile: ${CC-cc} ${DEBUG--O} ${SYS--Dbsd} -DREADSTDIN %f -o %F
K * $Compile: ${CC-cc} ${DEBUG--O} ${SYS--Dbsd} %f -o %F
K * $Lint: lint -abhxp ${SYS--Dbsd} -DREADSTDIN %f
K * $Lint: lint -abhxp ${SYS--Dbsd} %f
K */
K#include <stdio.h>
K#include <sys/param.h>
K#include <sys/types.h>
Kstatic char *progname =
K "$Id: curly.c,v 2.0 88/07/30 17:10:38 ksb Exp $";
K * If your compiler doesn't allow `register' as a parameter storage class
K * define PREG as empty, and don't worry about it.
K */
K#define PREG register /* make arguments faster access */
K/* #define PREG /* no register arguments */
K#if defined(bsd)
K#define strrchr rindex /* I must be on bsd, us rindex */
K#if !defined(MAXPATHLEN)
K#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
Kextern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *strcpy();
K/* static int iMatch = 0; */
Kstatic char acName[MAXPATHLEN];
Kextern void DoExpr(), DoList();
K#if defined(READSTDIN)
K#define FIRST_GUESS 8 /* be get on MAXPATHLEN * this */
K#define NEXT_GUESS 2 /* we hedge with MAXPATHLEN * this */
K#define GRAB 2 /* size chunk to read (<= NEXT_GUESS) */
Kstatic char acNoMem[] = "%s: out of memory\n";
K * Here we call gets() to read a glob expression to do. (ksb)
K * Repeat until end of file.
K */
KPREG char *pcAccum;
K extern char *strrchr();
K auto char acLine[MAXPATHLEN*GRAB];
K static char *pcLine = (char *)0;
K static unsigned uBufLen = 0;
K register unsigned uPos;
K register char *pcNewLine;
K acLine[MAXPATHLEN*GRAB-1] = '\000';
K if ((char *)0 == pcLine) {
K pcLine = malloc(uBufLen);
K if ((char *)0 == pcLine) {
K fprintf(stderr, acNoMem, progname);
K exit(1);
K }
K }
K uPos = 0;
K while (NULL != fgets(acLine, MAXPATHLEN*GRAB-1, stdin)) {
K pcNewLine = strrchr(acLine, '\n');
K if (0 == uPos && (char *)0 != pcNewLine) {
K *pcNewLine = '\000';
K DoExpr(pcAccum, acLine, "\n");
K continue;
K }
K if ((char *)0 != pcNewLine) {
K *pcNewLine = '\000';
K }
K if (uPos + MAXPATHLEN*GRAB-1 > uBufLen) {
K pcLine = realloc(pcLine, uBufLen);
K }
K strcpy(pcLine+uPos, acLine);
K if ((char *)0 == pcNewLine) { /* we got chars, no end yet */
K continue;
K }
K /* we have a line */
K DoExpr(pcAccum, pcLine, "\n");
K uPos = 0;
K }
K#endif /* we can read stdin for a list of patterns */
K * find a matching close char for the open we just ate, or (char *)0 (ksb)
K * pc = FindMatch("test(a,b))+f(d)", '(', ')', 1);
K * ^ pc points here
K */
Kchar *
KFindMatch(pcBuf, cOpen, cClose, iLevel)
Kchar *pcBuf;
Kchar cOpen, cClose;
Kint iLevel;
K while ('\000' != *pcBuf) {
K if (cClose == *pcBuf) {
K --iLevel;
K } else if (cOpen == *pcBuf) {
K ++iLevel;
K }
K if (0 == iLevel)
K return pcBuf;
K ++pcBuf;
K }
K return (char *)0;
K * if we can locate a curly expression in our expression if the form: (ksb)
K * left { list } right
K * 1) copy left side to pcAccum,
K * 2) add right to our right context (malloc a new buffer if needed)
K * 3) call DoList(pcAccum, list, right)
K * or if we find no such curly expression
K * 1) copy all nonspecial chars to pcAccum
K * 2) recurse with DoExpr(pcAccum, pcRight, "")
K */
KDoExpr(pcAccum, pcExpr, pcRight)
KPREG char *pcAccum;
Kchar *pcExpr, *pcRight;
K extern void DoList();
K extern char *malloc(), *strcat(), *strcpy();
K register char *pcClose;
K register char *pcComma;
K register char *pcTemp;
K register unsigned int uLen;
K while ('{' != *pcExpr && '\000' != *pcExpr) { /*}*/
K *pcAccum++ = *pcExpr++;
K }
K switch (*pcExpr) {
K case '\000':
K if (*pcRight == '\000') { /* no right context */
K if (pcAccum != acName) {
K *pcAccum = '\000';
K fputs(acName, stdout);
K /* ++iMatch; */
K }
K } else {
K DoExpr(pcAccum, pcRight, "");
K }
K break;
K case '{':
K pcClose = FindMatch(pcExpr, '{', '}', 0);
K /*
K * if an open is unbalanced we ignore it.
K */
K if ((char *)0 == pcClose) {
K *pcAccum++ = *pcExpr++;
K DoExpr(pcAccum, pcExpr, pcRight);
K break;
K }
K *pcClose++ = '\000';
K pcComma = pcExpr+1;
K /*
K * Now that the expr is cracked we can optimize if the
K * additional right context is empty. If it is not we
K * have to compute a new right context.
K */
K uLen = strlen(pcClose);
K if (0 == uLen) {
K DoList(pcAccum, pcComma, pcRight);
K } else {
K uLen += strlen(pcRight);
K pcTemp = malloc(uLen+1);
K (void) strcpy(pcTemp, pcClose);
K (void) strcat(pcTemp, pcRight);
K DoList(pcAccum, pcComma, pcTemp);
K free(pcTemp);
K }
K *--pcClose = '}';
K break;
K }
K * do a comma separated list of terms with known right context (ksb)
K * 1) loop through exprs at this level
K * 2) call DoExpr(pcAccum, SubExpr, Right)
K */
KDoList(pcAccum, pcList, pcRight)
KPREG char *pcAccum;
Kchar *pcList, *pcRight;
K extern void DoExpr();
K register char *pcThis;
K register int iLevel;
K iLevel = 0;
K for (pcThis = pcList; '\000' != *pcList; ++pcList) {
K switch (*pcList) {
K case '{':
K ++iLevel;
K break;
K case '}':
K --iLevel;
K break;
K default:
K break;
K case ',':
K if (0 == iLevel) {
K *pcList = '\000';
K DoExpr(pcAccum, pcThis, pcRight);
K *pcList = ',';
K pcThis = pcList+1;
K }
K break;
K }
K }
K DoExpr(pcAccum, pcThis, pcRight);
K * Special case "{}" as csh(1) does for find (YUCK!) (ksb)
K * We take no options so that they won't conflict with anything.
K * Count option exprs so we can output a blank line if we come up empty
K * (I've forgotten why we do this...)
K */
Kmain(argc, argv)
Kint argc;
Kchar **argv;
K register char *pcPat;
K progname = *argv++;
K --argc;
K#if defined(READSTDIN)
K if (0 == argc) {
K DoStdin(acName);
K }
K while (argc > 0) {
K pcPat = *argv++;
K --argc;
K /*
K * this kludge keeps us more csh(1) compatible
K */
K if ('{' == pcPat[0] && '}' == pcPat[1] && '\000' == pcPat[2]) {
K fputs("{}\n", stdout);
K /* ++iMatch; */
K continue;
K }
K DoExpr(acName, pcPat, "\n");
K }
K exit(0);
sed 's/^K//' << \SHAR_EOF > uncurly.c
K * unculry -- uncurly expand a list of parameters (ksb)
K *
K * Copyright 1988, All Rights Reserved
K * Kevin S Braunsdorf
K * ksb at j.cc.purdue.edu, pur-ee!ksb
K * Math/Sci Building, Purdue Univ
K * West Lafayette, IN
K *
K * `You may redistibute this code as long as you don't claim to have
K * written it. -- ksb'
K *
K * The command
K * $ uncurly c1.c c2.c c3.c c4.c c5.c
K * outputs
K * c{1,2,3,4,5}.c
K *
K * So one might pipe the ouptut of a find to uncurly to compress the filenames
K * like:
K * $ find . -type f -print | uncurly | compress > /tmp/${USER}files.Z
K * # later on we need the list again...
K * $ zcat /tmp/${USER}files.Z | curly | xargs do_something
K *
K * Improvments:
K *
K * This code could be mixed with other globbing code to fully emulate
K * an `arcglob' function, however this assumes the files exist in there
K * present form and is therefore less useful (to me).
K *
K * We could free more memory, if we were more carefull with our bookkeeping.
K *
K * The READSTDIN flag could be stired with the code for main to get something
K * that allocate less memory before UnCulry was called, free'd it and went
K * back to reading... if you run out of memory you can try it and send me
K * a patch :-).
K *
K * $Compile: ${CC-cc} ${DEBUG--O} ${SYS--Dbsd} -DREADSTDIN %f -o %F
K * $Compile: ${CC-cc} ${DEBUG--O} ${SYS--Dbsd} %f -o %F
K * $Lint: lint -abhxp ${SYS--Dbsd} -DREADSTDIN %f
K * $Lint: lint -abhxp ${SYS--Dbsd} %f
K */
K#include <stdio.h>
K#include <sys/param.h>
K#include <sys/types.h>
Kstatic char *progname =
K "$Id: uncurly.c,v 2.0 88/07/30 17:10:50 ksb Exp $";
K * If your compiler doesn't allow `register' as a parameter storage class
K * define PREG as empty, and don't worry about it.
K */
K#define PREG register /* make arguments faster access */
K/* #define PREG /* no register arguments */
K#if defined(bsd)
K#define strrchr rindex /* I must be on bsd, us rindex */
K#if !defined(MAXPATHLEN)
K#define MAXPATHLEN 1024
Kextern char *malloc(), *calloc(), *strrchr(), *strcat();
Kstatic char acNoMem[] = "%s: out of memory\n";
K * find a matching close char for the open we just ate, or (char *)0 (ksb)
K * pc = FindMatch("test(a,b))+f(d)", '(', ')', 1);
K * ^ pc points here
K */
Kchar *
KFindMatch(pcBuf, cOpen, cClose, iLevel)
KPREG char *pcBuf;
Kchar cOpen, cClose;
Kint iLevel;
K while ('\000' != *pcBuf) {
K if (cClose == *pcBuf) {
K --iLevel;
K } else if (cOpen == *pcBuf) {
K ++iLevel;
K }
K if (0 == iLevel)
K return pcBuf;
K ++pcBuf;
K }
K return (char *)0;
K * save a string in malloc space (ksb)
K */
Kchar *
Kchar *pc;
K extern char *strcpy();
K extern int strlen();
K register char *pcMem;
K pcMem = malloc((unsigned int) strlen(pc)+1);
K if ((char *)0 == pcMem) {
K fprintf(stderr, acNoMem, progname);
K exit(1);
K }
K return strcpy(pcMem, pc);
K#if defined(READSTDIN)
K#define FIRST_GUESS 8192 /* initial number of input files */
K#define NEXT_GUESS 2048 /* add this many if too few */
K * Joe wants us to turn a piped list of files into a big glob list (ksb)
K * we return the number of files (he gave us) and a vector of them.
K */
Kunsigned int
Kchar ***pppcArgv;
K extern char *realloc();
K register unsigned int uCount, uLeft;
K register char **ppcVector;
K auto char acFile[MAXPATHLEN];
K ppcVector = (char **) calloc(FIRST_GUESS, sizeof(char *));
K uCount = 0;
K while (NULL != gets(acFile)) {
K if (0 == uLeft) {
K uLeft = (uCount+NEXT_GUESS) * sizeof(char *);
K ppcVector = (char **) realloc((char *)ppcVector, uLeft);
K }
K ppcVector[uCount] = strsave(acFile);
K ++uCount;
K --uLeft;
K }
K *pppcArgv = ppcVector;
K return uCount;
K#endif /* find files from stdin */
K * longest common prefix of more than one string (ksb)
K * Note that the prefix must have balanced '{'..'}' in it.
K */
KPrefix(n, ppcList, puiLen)
Kunsigned int n;
Kchar **ppcList;
Kunsigned *puiLen;
K register int cCmp, cCur, iBal;
K auto unsigned int j, i, uArea, uLen, uSpan, uCurlen;
K *puiLen = 0;
K iBal = 0;
K for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
K if ('\000' == ppcList[j][0]) {
K break;
K }
K }
K /* trivial case either first or second sring is empty
K */
K if (j < 2) {
K return 0;
K }
K uCurlen = uArea = uLen = uSpan = 0;
K while ('\000' != (cCur = ppcList[0][uCurlen])) {
K if ('{' == cCur)
K ++iBal;
K else if ('}' == cCur)
K --iBal;
K for (i = 1; i < j; ++i) {
K cCmp = ppcList[i][uCurlen];
K if ('\000' == cCmp || cCur != cCmp) {
K j = i;
K break;
K }
K }
K ++uCurlen;
K if (0 == iBal && uCurlen * j > uArea) {
K uArea = uCurlen*j;
K uLen = uCurlen;
K uSpan = j;
K }
K }
K *puiLen = uLen;
K return uSpan;
K * longest common suffix of more than one string (ksb)
K * 1) find the ends of all the strings
K * 2) back off until we find a non-match, but keep looking
K * 3) return the one with most characters in it
K * Note that the suffix must have balanced '{'..'}' in it.
K */
KSuffix(n, ppcList, puiLen)
Kunsigned int n;
Kchar **ppcList;
Kunsigned *puiLen;
K register char **ppcLast, *pcTemp;
K register unsigned int j, i, uCurlen;
K auto unsigned uArea, uLen, uSpan, iStopAt;
K auto int cCur, iBal;
K *puiLen = 0;
K ppcLast = (char **)calloc(n, sizeof(char *));
K if ((char **)0 == ppcLast) {
K fprintf(stderr, acNoMem, progname);
K exit(1);
K }
K for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
K ppcLast[j] = strrchr(ppcList[j], '\000');
K if (ppcLast[j] == ppcList[j]) {
K break;
K }
K }
K iBal = uCurlen = uArea = uLen = uSpan = 0;
K while (ppcLast[0] != ppcList[0]) {
K cCur = ppcLast[0][-1];
K if ('{' == cCur)
K ++iBal;
K else if ('}' == cCur)
K --iBal;
K iStopAt = -1;
K for (i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
K pcTemp = --ppcLast[i];
K if (cCur != pcTemp[0]) {
K j = i;
K break;
K }
K if (ppcList[i] == pcTemp && -1 == iStopAt) {
K iStopAt = i;
K }
K }
K ++uCurlen;
K if (0 == iBal && uCurlen * j > uArea) {
K uArea = uCurlen*j;
K uLen = uCurlen;
K uSpan = j;
K }
K if (-1 != iStopAt) {
K j = iStopAt;
K }
K }
K *puiLen = uLen;
K free((char *)ppcLast);
K return uSpan;
K * determine context for a list ppcList[0..n-1] (ksb)
K * left { ... } right
K *
K * If the longest common prefix will eat more character then
K * we should use that, else try the longest common suffix.
K * If both are 0 chars just return the list (0).
K */
Kunsigned int
KSplit(n, ppcList, ppcLeft, ppcRight)
Kunsigned int n;
Kchar **ppcList, **ppcLeft, **ppcRight;
K register unsigned int i, iLcs, iLcp;
K register char *pcEnd;
K auto unsigned int iLcsLen, iLcpLen;
K auto int cKeep;
K *ppcLeft = (char *)0;
K *ppcRight = (char *)0;
K if (n == 1) {
K return 1 ;
K }
K iLcp = Prefix(n, ppcList, & iLcpLen);
K if (iLcp * iLcpLen < 2 + iLcpLen) {
K iLcp = 0;
K }
K iLcs = Suffix(n, ppcList, & iLcsLen);
K if (iLcs * iLcsLen < 2 + iLcsLen) {
K iLcs = 0;
K }
K if (iLcp * iLcpLen < iLcs * iLcsLen) {
K pcEnd = strrchr(ppcList[0], '\000') - iLcsLen;
K *ppcRight = strsave(pcEnd);
K for (i = 0; i < iLcs; ++i) {
K pcEnd = strrchr(ppcList[i], '\000') - iLcsLen;
K *pcEnd = '\000';
K }
K iLcp = Prefix(iLcs, ppcList, & iLcpLen);
K if (iLcp == iLcs) {
K pcEnd = ppcList[0] + iLcpLen;
K cKeep = *pcEnd;
K *pcEnd = '\000';
K *ppcLeft = strsave(ppcList[0]);
K *pcEnd = cKeep;
K for (i = 0; i < iLcp; ++i) {
K ppcList[i] += iLcpLen;
K }
K }
K return iLcs;
K } else if (0 != iLcpLen && 0 != iLcp) {
K pcEnd = ppcList[0] + iLcpLen;
K cKeep = *pcEnd;
K *pcEnd = '\000';
K *ppcLeft = strsave(ppcList[0]);
K *pcEnd = cKeep;
K for (i = 0; i < iLcp; ++i) {
K ppcList[i] += iLcpLen;
K }
K iLcs = Suffix(iLcp, ppcList, & iLcsLen);
K if (iLcs == iLcp) {
K pcEnd = strrchr(ppcList[0], '\000') - iLcsLen;
K *ppcRight = strsave(pcEnd);
K for (i = 0; i < iLcs; ++i) {
K pcEnd = strrchr(ppcList[i], '\000') - iLcsLen;
K *pcEnd = '\000';
K }
K }
K return iLcp;
K }
K return 0;
K/* If there are matched curlies around a
K * member of the list we can remove them.
K * uLen may be (a few chars) too big, who cares?
K */
Kmcat(pcAccum, pcElement)
KPREG char *pcAccum, *pcElement;
K extern int strlen();
K register char *pcMatch;
K register unsigned int uLen;
K if ('{' == pcElement[0]) {
K uLen = strlen(pcElement)-1;
K pcMatch = FindMatch(pcElement, '{', '}', 0);
K if (pcMatch == & pcElement[uLen]) {
K *pcMatch = '\000';
K strcat(pcAccum, pcElement+1);
K *pcMatch = '}';
K } else {
K strcat(pcAccum, pcElement);
K }
K } else {
K strcat(pcAccum, pcElement);
K }
K * undo what a {...} does in csh (ksb)
K * We make passes over the list until we can make no more reductions.
K * I think this works -- that is it does as good a job as I would.
K */
Kunsigned int
KUnCurly(n, ppcWhole)
Kunsigned int n;
Kchar **ppcWhole;
K register unsigned int m, i;
K register char **ppcList;
K auto unsigned int uInside, uLen, uEnd, uSquish;
K auto char *pcLeft, *pcRight;
K auto char *pcTemp, *pcSep;
K ppcList = ppcWhole;
K m = n;
K while (m > 0) {
K uInside = Split(m, ppcList, & pcLeft, & pcRight);
K switch (uInside) {
K case 0:
K case 1:
K /* skip boring files for next pass
K */
K --m;
K ++ppcList;
K break;
K default:
K /* Left "{" List[0] "," List[uInside-1] "}" Right
K */
K n -= m;
K uSquish = UnCurly(uInside, ppcList);
K uLen = 2; /* close curly and "\000" */
K if ((char *)0 != pcLeft) {
K uLen += strlen(pcLeft);
K }
K for (i = 0; i < uSquish; ++i) {
K uLen += 1 + strlen(ppcList[i]);
K }
K if ((char *)0 != pcRight) {
K uLen += strlen(pcRight);
K }
K pcTemp = malloc(uLen);
K if ((char *)0 == pcTemp) {
K fprintf(stderr, acNoMem, progname);
K exit(1);
K }
K pcTemp[0] = '\000';
K if ((char *)0 != pcLeft) {
K (void) strcat(pcTemp, pcLeft);
K free(pcLeft);
K }
K if (1 == uSquish) {
K mcat(pcTemp, ppcList[0]);
K } else {
K pcSep = "{";
K for (i = 0; i < uSquish; ++i) {
K register char *pcMatch;
K strcat(pcTemp, pcSep);
K mcat(pcTemp, ppcList[i]);
K pcSep = ",";
K }
K strcat(pcTemp, "}");
K }
K if ((char *)0 != pcRight) {
K (void) strcat(pcTemp, pcRight);
K free(pcRight);
K }
K uEnd = UnCurly(m-uInside, ppcList+uInside);
K n += 1 + uEnd;
K ppcList[0] = pcTemp;
K for (i = 0 ; i < uEnd; /* update below */) {
K ppcList[++i] = ppcList[uInside++];
K }
K ppcList = ppcWhole;
K m = n;
K break;
K }
K }
K return n;
K * do the opposite of csh(1) {...} (ksb)
K * we cannot process files with a comma in them, but as a special
K * case we will remove ",EXT" from the end of a list of files...
K * and process those if it is the only comma in each of the files.
K * 1) output UnCulry of files with no commas
K * 2) output UnCulry of files with `,EXT' (only) on the end
K * 3) output files with random commas in them (bletch)
K * 4) loop until all files have been done
K */
Kmain(argc, argv)
Kunsigned int argc;
Kchar **argv;
K register unsigned int i, uReplace, uCommon;
K register char *pcExt;
K progname = *argv++;
K --argc;
K#if defined(READSTDIN)
K if (argc == 0) {
K argc = GetFiles(& argv);
K }
K while (0 < argc) {
K for (uCommon = 0; uCommon < argc; ++uCommon) {
K if ((char *)0 != strrchr(argv[uCommon], ',')) {
K break;
K }
K }
K if (0 != uCommon) {
K uReplace = UnCurly(uCommon, argv);
K argc -= uCommon;
K for (i = 0; i < uReplace; ++i) {
K puts(argv[i]);
K }
K argv += uCommon;
K }
K do {
K pcExt = (char *)0;
K for (uCommon = 0; uCommon < argc; ++uCommon) {
K register char *pcComma;
K if ((char *)0 == (pcComma = strrchr(argv[uCommon], ','))) {
K break;
K }
K if ((char *)0 == pcExt) {
K *pcComma ='\000';
K pcExt = pcComma+1;
K } else if (0 != strcmp(pcExt, pcComma+1)) {
K break;
K } else {
K *pcComma = '\000';
K }
K if ((char *)0 != strrchr(argv[uCommon], ',')) {
K *pcComma = ',';
K break;
K }
K }
K if (0 != uCommon) {
K uReplace = UnCurly(uCommon, argv);
K argc -= uCommon;
K for (i = 0; i < uReplace; ++i) {
K fputs(argv[i], stdout);
K putchar(',');
K puts(pcExt);
K }
K argv += uCommon;
K }
K if ((char *)0 != strrchr(argv[0], ',')) {
K puts(argv[0]);
K argc -= 1;
K argv += 1;
K uCommon = 1;
K }
K } while (0 != uCommon);
K }
K exit(0);
# End of shell archive
exit 0
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