v03i022: calcdate.c -- date calculator
gordon at 1solaria.ori-cal.com
Tue May 17 11:15:21 AEST 1988
comp.sources.misc: Volume 3, Issue 22
Submitted-By: "Gordon" <gordon at 1solaria.ori-cal.com>
Archive-Name: calcdate
I thought the net folks might find this useful, if something like
it doesn't exist already. I couldn't find anything, so...
I probably should make a little disclaimer here, in reference to
the lack of a "user-friendly" option of being prompted for the
information, so here goes;
This is just something I whipped up fairly quickly and then redid
to add the second feature (diff between dates), and for our uses
here it was deemed (yes, I consulted the users) unnecessary to
have prompts. If anyone out there disagrees, please feel free to
make the mod and post it.
Hope some of you find it useful...
Oh, yeah...
Neither ORI/Calculon nor myself, nor anyone else, warranty this product in
any way, and accept no responsibility if it doesn't work right. Of course,
I know for sure that it works under SCO XENIX V, Altos UNIX V, and
Intel XENIX 3.5 (a brain-dead Sys III port), so it probably works on most
other systems as well. ;-)
--------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------->>
Program: calcdate
Synopsis: calcdate mmddyy { -o [-]offset | -d mmddyy }
Purpose: Calculate the target date when given an initial date and an
offset in days, or the difference between two dates when
given two dates.
Options: There are two options as listed below. One or the other must
be entered.
-o [-]offset Allows the user to enter an offset (in days)
and returns the initial date plus the offset.
Negative offsets are permitted.
-d mmddyy Allows the user to enter a second date, and
returns the difference between the two dates
relative to the first date.
Author: Gordon A. Runkle ORI/Calculon
#include <stdio.h>
#define REG 0
#define LEAP 1
#define NEG 0
#define POS 1
/* Version and usage information. usage is used to print */
char *version = "calcdate v2.01, 17 May 88, Gordon A. Runkle, ORI/Calculon\n";
char *usage = "Usage: calcdate mmddyy { -o [-]offset | -d mmddyy }\n\n";
char *prog = "calcdate";
/* External variables for holding results of parsing of date values */
int month_1, day_1, year_1, month_2, day_2, year_2;
/* no_days[0] is for reg yrs, no_days[1] is for leap yrs */
int no_days[2][12] =
{ 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 },
{ 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
extern char *version, *usage;
/* Test for the proper number of args. */
if (argc != 4)
fprintf(stderr, version);
fprintf(stderr, usage);
/* Tests first date for valid format and contents */
if (valid_date(argv[1], 1) != 0)
exit(-1); /* The error message is in the function */
/* Test for an option flag in the second arg */
if (argv[2][0] != '-')
fprintf(stderr, usage);
/* Make a decision based on the option */
if (argv[2][1] == 'o')
if (off_calc(argv[3]) != 0)
else if (argv[2][1] == 'd')
if (valid_date(argv[3], 2) != 0)
if (dates_calc() != 0) /* no arg is needed - valid_date */
exit (-1); /* takes care of the dates */
fprintf(stderr, usage);
valid_date(tst_date, date_flag)
char tst_date[];
int date_flag;
extern int month_1, day_1, year_1;
extern int month_2, day_2, year_2;
extern char *prog;
int i, leap_flag, month, day, year;
if (strlen(tst_date) != 6)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: date must be entered as mmddyy\n", prog);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (tst_date[i] < '0' || tst_date[i] > '9')
fprintf(stderr, "%s: date must be entered as mmddyy\n", prog);
sscanf(tst_date, "%2d%2d%2d", &month, &day, &year);
if (month > 12)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid month %d\n", prog, month);
if (year % 4 == 0)
leap_flag = LEAP;
leap_flag = REG;
if (day > no_days[leap_flag][month - 1])
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid day %d\n", prog, day);
/* This determines where our carefully-checked values are stored */
if (date_flag == 1)
day_1 = day;
month_1 = month;
year_1 = year;
else if (date_flag == 2)
day_2 = day;
month_2 = month;
year_2 = year;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unexpected error assigning date values\n", prog);
char offset[];
extern int no_days[2][12];
extern int month_1, day_1, year_1;
extern char *prog;
int atoi();
int i_offset, n_month, n_day, n_year, month_bal;
int i, leap_flag;
char newdate[7];
/* This checks for a valid offset value. Negative values are allowed
and checked for. It stops at the first null. */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (offset[i] == '\0')
if (i == 0 && offset[i] == '-')
if (offset[i] < '0' || offset[i] > '9')
fprintf(stderr, "%s: offset must be entered as an integer\n", prog);
i_offset = atoi(offset);
/* This is the beginning of the neat stuff. I hope it works! */
/* leap year is when =>> year % 4 == 0 */
n_year = year_1; /* the *_1 is used, as this is the value of the */
n_month = month_1; /* first date entered */
n_day = day_1;
if (i_offset >= 0)
while (i_offset > 0)
if (n_year % 4 == 0)
leap_flag = LEAP;
leap_flag = REG;
month_bal = no_days[leap_flag][n_month - 1] - n_day;
if (i_offset > month_bal)
i_offset -= month_bal;
if (n_month > 12)
n_month = 1;
if (n_year > 99)
n_year = 0;
n_day = 0;
n_day += i_offset;
i_offset = 0;
while (i_offset < 0) /* this loop processes neg offsets */
if (n_year % 4 == 0)
leap_flag = LEAP;
leap_flag = REG;
month_bal = n_day - 1;
if (abs(i_offset) > month_bal)
i_offset += month_bal;
if (n_month < 1)
n_month = 12;
if (n_year < 0)
n_year = 99;
n_day = no_days[leap_flag][n_month - 1] + 1;
n_day += i_offset;
i_offset = 0;
sprintf(newdate, "%2d%2d%2d", n_month, n_day, n_year);
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
if (newdate[i] == ' ')
newdate[i] = '0';
fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", newdate);
extern int no_days[2][12];
extern int month_1, day_1, year_1, month_2, day_2, year_2;
int first_rec = 0, curr_offset = 0;
int leap_flag, sign_flag;
int start_day, start_month, start_year, end_day, end_month, end_year;
This section determines which date is later, so that the program
may evaluate the earlier one first. There is a flag set to indicate
what sign the end result should have based on whether the first date
entered is earlier or later than the second.
/* set the default sign */
sign_flag = NEG;
if (year_1 < year_2)
sign_flag = POS;
if (year_1 == year_2 && month_1 < month_2)
sign_flag = POS;
if (year_1 == year_2 && month_1 == month_2 && day_1 < day_2)
sign_flag = POS;
/* This makes the earlier date be set to start_* */
if (sign_flag == POS)
start_day = day_1;
start_month = month_1;
start_year = year_1;
end_day = day_2;
end_month = month_2;
end_year = year_2;
start_day = day_2;
start_month = month_2;
start_year = year_2;
end_day = day_1;
end_month = month_1;
end_year = year_1;
/* The calculations below keep incrementing curr_offset and start_* until
start_* == end_* */
for (;;)
if (start_year % 4 == 0)
leap_flag = LEAP;
leap_flag = REG;
if (first_rec == 0)
/* This is for when the month and year start out the same, and
the user just wants the days (ie. 051688 052688 */
if (start_month == end_month && start_year == end_year)
curr_offset = end_day - start_day;
curr_offset = no_days[leap_flag][start_month - 1] - start_day;
first_rec = 1;
else if (start_month == end_month && start_year == end_year)
curr_offset += end_day;
break; /* This is the end of it */
curr_offset += no_days[leap_flag][start_month - 1];
if (start_month > 12)
start_month = 1;
if (start_year > 99)
start_year = 0;
if (sign_flag == NEG)
curr_offset = -curr_offset;
fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", curr_offset);
/* end of calcdate.c -=gordon=- */
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