v04i131: curses-based widget library and dem.
rac at gec-rl-hrc.co.uk
Sat Oct 22 11:31:21 AEST 1988
Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 131
Submitted-by: "rac" <rac at gec-rl-hrc.co.uk>
Archive-name: curses-widgets
--------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. To extract the files type 'sh file'
# This archive created on Fri Oct 14 13:28:51 BST 1988
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo 'Shar: extracting 'README' ( 1974 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
Widgetlib is a standard C library which allows the user to define
and interact with widgets (window gadget). The files provided are:
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 1960 Oct 14 13:25 README
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 1144 Oct 14 13:23 makefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 2752 Oct 14 13:15 widget.h
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 10946 Oct 14 12:18 widget.ms
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 34817 Oct 14 13:15 widgetlib.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 pjs net 3218 Oct 14 13:14 wpage.c
1) widgetlib.c (the actual code)
2) widget.h (the header file which is needed in programs intending
to incorporate the library)
3) widget.ms (an explanation of the library and how to use it)
4) wpage.c (a little example of the library in use)
5) makefile (compiles everything together)
Compiling things
Type 'make' within the directory which contains the files.
This creates a local library within the directory, and creates the
executable 'wpage' (a demo for you to play with).
For general use 'widget.h' must be placed in the standard include directory
and the library 'widgetlib.a' must go in a globally accessable place such
as /usr/lib.
Printing doc
'widget.ms' was created using the ms macros and can printed using something like
'nroff -ms widget.ms'
Have fun. Richard C.
if test 1974 -ne `wc -c < 'README'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'README' (should have been 1974 charcaters)'
echo 'Shar: extracting 'makefile' ( 1144 characters)'
if test -f 'makefile'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'makefile'
/* FILE: makefile
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
# Use -g if you want large, but sdb-,gdb-,dbx-able objects.
# BSD systems, in particular, will want -lcurses -ltermcap.
CURSES= -lcurses
# SYS5 systems, in particular, do not have ranlib(1) for their libraries.
# So define this as, for example, touch, if you don't have ranlib.
RANLIB= touch
WDGTLIB= widgetlib.a
all: wpage
widgetlib.a: widgetlib.o widget.h
ar crv $@ widgetlib.o
${RANLIB} $@
rm -f widgetlib.o
wpage: widgetlib.a wpage.o
cc ${OPTION} -o $@ wpage.o ${WDGTLIB} ${CURSES}
rm -f wpage *.o *.a
if test 1144 -ne `wc -c < 'makefile'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'makefile' (should have been 1144 charcaters)'
echo 'Shar: extracting 'widget.h' ( 2752 characters)'
if test -f 'widget.h'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'widget.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'widget.h'
/* FILE: widget.h
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DESCRIPTION: Contains the definitions of the widget structures.
/* It should be included by all programs that want to
/* use the widget library.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
#include <curses.h>
/* definition for command widget entry in linked list */
struct cmdwid{
WINDOW *widget;
int id;
char msg[100];
char acpt;
int (*func)();
int length;
int x,y;
int active;
struct cmdwid *next;
} *cmdlist;
/* definition for label widget entry in linked list */
struct lblwid{
WINDOW *widget;
int id;
char msg[100];
char pos;
int length;
int difference;
int x,y;
struct lblwid *next;
} *lbllist;
/* definition for togle widget entry in linked list */
struct tglwid{
WINDOW *widget;
int id;
char msg[100];
char tgl[10][20];
char toggle;
int cur;
int total;
int length;
int xtgl;
int x,y;
int active;
struct tglwid *next;
} *tgllist;
/* definition for input widget entry in linked list */
struct inpwid{
WINDOW *widget;
int id;
char msg[100];
char acpt;
char *input;
int sofi;
int exec;
int lofs;
int length;
int x,y;
int active;
struct inpwid *next;
} *inplist;
/* linked list of characters used for activating widgets */
struct chentry {
char ch;
int type;
int id;
struct chentry *next;
} *actlist;
/* null entries in the various linked list */
#define NULLCMD (struct cmdwid *)NULL
#define NULLLBL (struct lblwid *)NULL
#define NULLTGL (struct tglwid *)NULL
#define NULLINP (struct inpwid *)NULL
#define NULLCH (struct chentry *)NULL
/* part of the specifications for label widgets */
#define CENTRE 1
#define LEFTJUST 2
#define RIGHTJUST 4
#define NOHIGH 8
/* the types of the widgets */
#define CMD 1
#define TGL 2
#define LBL 3
#define INP 4
#define BLANK 1
#define NOBLANK 0
#define NULLWIDGET 0
#define EXEC 1
#define NOEXEC 0
#define VERTICAL 1
#define HORIZONTAL 2
typedef int WIDGET;
typedef int WIDGETTYPE;
if test 2752 -ne `wc -c < 'widget.h'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'widget.h' (should have been 2752 charcaters)'
echo 'Shar: extracting 'widget.ms' ( 10946 characters)'
if test -f 'widget.ms'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'widget.ms'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'widget.ms'
.nr PS 12
.nr VS 13
A Window based Interactive Programming Utility On Unix:
A Library Package for C programmers
Richard A. Culshaw
GEC Hirst Research Centre
Data Systems Division
East Lane
Middlesex HA9 7PP
A Widget is a user definable
.B "window gadget."
They allow the user to interact with the program in specifying operations to be carried out. Widgetlib is a set of library functions which allows the user to create and interact with
.B widgets.
A widget can be one of four types :
.B Command
.B Label
.B Toggle
.B Input
Command Widgets
A command widget allows the user to select a function to be carried out, e.g in a paging program one such command could be 'Next Page'. In creating a command widget the programmer must pass it the function to be carried out when the widget is selected (activated). The widget is activated using a unique 'activation' character which is displayed in the widget for easy reference.
Label Widgets
A label widget is simply a widget which holds a character string such as a heading, which can be changed at will later. The programmer can supply parameters which can either left justify (default), right justify, or centre the message within the widget (which has a user definable width) as well as highlight (default) or dehighlight it.
Toggle Widgets
A toggle widget contains a message which indicates the current value of an entity which can be more than one value e.g, Yes/No/Don't-Know. The value is toggled when a given character is pressed. The activation character is also displayed in the widget. At any point the programmer can enquire as to the the current toggle value.
Input Widgets
An input widget allows the user to enter information into the program in the form of a string, e.g in a paging program one might want to supply a file name. There are two types of input widgets :
a) The widget is activated immediately on creation therefore an activation character is not required. E.g in a paging program one might have a command widget which activates this type of input widget in order to get a file name.
b) The widget has an associated activation character so therefore it may be activated at any point after creation. The character is displayed in the widget.
For ease of use the input widgets contain character strings which can explain
there use within the program.
Text Window
The library also allows the user to define a text window into which the program may report information. On creation the program has to pass a parameter which specifies how much room to leave before the top of the text window. E.g 0 means place the window immediately below the lowest widget, 1 means allow room for one more row of widgets before placing the window. The text window always stretches to the bottom of the screen. The window can be bordered on any 2 opposite sides or on all 4 (effectively boxing
Widget Placement
The library maintains the current X,Y coordinate of the last widget created. When a new widget is created the program must pass a parameter 0 or 1. A 0 means put the new widget on the current row if possible, else go onto the next row. A 1 forces the new widget onto the next row. This means that widgets can only go after preceding ones and not before. But however widgets can be placed over widgets which have previously been destroyed.
Compiling Things
In order to use the library, it is necessary to have certain types and variables defined. Therefore, the program must have the line:
.B "#include <widgets.h>"
at the top of the source. The header file includes <curses.h>, <sgetty.h>, <stdio.h> so you don't have to include them also. Also compilations should have the following form:
.B "cc [flags] file ... -lwidgets -lcurses"
Type Definitions
The functions which create widgets return a type
which is used for later identification of the widget.
If a function is required to return a widget identifier, then it will return
upon error.
Screen Refresh
The library supports a standard screen refresh invoked by ^L.
Getting Started
The first thing to do when using the library is set up the windowing system by calling
.in 0.5i
.in 0
Creating Widgets
.in 0.5i
WIDGET mkcmdwidget (message, ch, function, row)
char message[];
char ch;
int line;
.in 0
Creates a new command widget. message holds the message to be displayed in the command widget. ch is the activation character on which function is executed. row specifies where to place the widget (as described above). The returned value is the widget identifier for later use.
.in 0.5i
WIDGET mklblwidget (message, position, space, row)
char message[];
int position, space, row;
.in 0
Creates a new label widget. Message holds the contents of the label, position specifies how the message is to appear. Using the constants CENTRE, LEFTJUST, RIGHTJUST, NOHIGH, pass a combination to position e.g CENTRE or LEFTJUST|NOHIGH etc.space indicates how large the label widget is to be. A positive value is the absolute length of the widget, whereas value <= 0 specifies how far the widget is to be from the righthand edge of the screen. row specifies where to place the widget (as described above). The r
eturned value is the widget identifier for later use.
.in 0.5i
WIDGET mktglwidget (message, number, tgl, tglch, row)
char message[];
int number;
char tgl[10][20];
char tglch;
int row;
.in 0
Creates a new toggle widget. message contains a label for the widget, and number holds the number of toggle values. tgl is used for holding actual toggle values which are toggled between using the activation character tglch. At present there is a limit of 10 toggle values, each being a maximum length of 20 characters. row specifies where to place the widget (as described above). The returned value is the widget identifier for later use.
.in 0.5i
WIDGET mkinpwidget (message, character, input, lengthstr, lengthwid, row, exec)
char message[], character, input[];
int lengthstr, lengthwid, row, exec;
.in 0
Creates a new input widget. message contains the label for the widget, and character is the activation character for the widget. input is the variable in which the user wishes the data obtained from the input widget to be placed, lengthstr is the length of input. lengthwid specifies how big to make the widget. A positive value indicates the absolute length of the widget, where as a value <= 0 indicates how far from the righthand edge the widget is to be. exec is used to indicate whether the widget should b
e activated on creation by (passing EXEC), or should remain dormant until the activation character is used (passing NOEXEC). (n.b when passing EXEC an activation character is not needed therefore one could pass NULL for character.)
Text Window Management
.in 0.5i
int opentextwindow (position, border)
int position, border;
.in 0
Opens and displays the text window. position specifies where the window is to go. i.e position = 0 will place the window immediately below the lowest widget, position = 1 will allow room for 1 more row of widgets below the current lowest before placing the window etc. border is used to indicate whether the window should be bordered. i.e using the parameters VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL, one can specify whether the window should be bordered vertically (passing VERTICAL), horizontally (passing HORIZONTAL), both (pa
ssing VERTICAL|HORIZONTAL), or neither (passing 0). The function returns the number of lines within the window.
.in 0.5i
report (message)
char *message;
.in 0
Displays the given message in the text window. Scrolling is done automatically when the bottom of the window is reached and is therefore of no concern for the user.
.in 0.5i
cleartextwindow ()
.in 0
Clears the text window and returns its cursor to the top lefthand corner.
.in 0.5i
killtextwindow ()
.in 0
Destroys the text window. The text window can be redefined at a later date.
Killing Widgets
.in 0.5i
int killwidget (ptr)
.in 0
Kills the given widget. the function returns TRUE if successfull or FALSE if the widget doesn't exist.
.in 0.5i
WIDGET widgetinput ()
.in 0
Wait for input from widgets. Program control is passed back when :-
a) A Command widget is activated and control is passed to its associated function.
b) An input widget is activated and after subsequent input, control is passed to the calling function with the widget pointer of the activated input widget.
Activating a toggle widget just toggles the widget, control is only passed back upon one of the above conditions.
.in 0.5i
int tsttglwidget (ptr)
.in 0
Returns the index value of the current state of the given toggle widget (0 < index < number toggle values - 1). Returns FALSE if the given widget does not exist.
.in 0.5i
int activate (ptr)
.in 0
Reactivates a widget which was previously deactivated. Returns TRUE if successful otherwise FALSE.
.in 0.5i
int deactivate (ptr, blank)
int blank;
.in 0
Deactivates the given active widget. The widget remains on screen but it cannot be activated. blank can be BLANK or NOBLANK which indicates whether the contents of the widget should be blanked out or not while it is inactive. The function returns TRUE if successful or FALSE if the given widget does not exist.
.in 0.5i
int highlight (ptr)
.in 0
Highlights the given widget. Returns TRUE if successful else FALSE if the widget does not exist.
.in 0.5i
int dehighlight (ptr)
.in 0
Turns off the highlighting of the given widget. Returns TRUE if successful else FALSE if the widget does not exist.
.in 0.5i
int changelblwidget (ptr, message, position)
char message[];
int position;
.in 0
Changes the contents of the given label widget to that given in message. position specifies how the message is to appear (see mklblwidget). The function returns TRUE if successful else FALSE.
.in 0.5i
WIDGETTYPE widgettype (ptr)
.in 0
Returns the type of widget pointed too by ptr. The returned type value is one of CMD, LBL, TGL, INP or FALSE if the widget does not exist.
Finishing Up
.in 0.5i
endwidgets ()
.in 0
Closes down the windowing system and should be used at the end. This function is also automatically called on an interrupt (e.g ^C).
if test 10946 -ne `wc -c < 'widget.ms'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'widget.ms' (should have been 10946 charcaters)'
echo 'Shar: extracting 'widgetlib.c' ( 34817 characters)'
if test -f 'widgetlib.c'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'widgetlib.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'widgetlib.c'
/* FILE: widgetlib.c
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DESCRIPTION: Contains the code to manipulate the widget structures
/* and the i/o. It forms a single library that should
/* be linked in with all code using these widgets.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
#include <widget.h>
extern char *malloc();
int textwindowdefined = FALSE;
int widx, widy;
int maxwidy;
int scry;
int curid;
int sizescreg;
int screenborder = 0;
WINDOW *screen;
WINDOW *screenbox;
WINDOW *edge1;
WINDOW *edge2;
initialisewidgets ()
/* sets up screen and initialises global variables */
int i, endwidgets();
widx = widy = scry = 0;
curid = 1;
maxwidy = LINES - 3;
initscr ();
crmode ();
noecho ();
cmdlist = NULLCMD;
lbllist = NULLLBL;
tgllist = NULLTGL;
inplist = NULLINP;
actlist = NULLCH;
for (i=0; i<18; i++)
signal (i, endwidgets);
drawtextwindow (y)
/* draws the text window and draws a box around it */
int y;
int i;
if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) && (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
box (screenbox, '|', '-');
mvwaddch (screenbox, 0, 0, '.');
mvwaddch (screenbox, 0, COLS-2, '.');
mvwaddch (screenbox, LINES-y-1, 0, '`');
mvwaddch (screenbox, LINES-y-1, COLS-2, '\'');
touchwin (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
else if (screenborder & HORIZONTAL) {
waddstr (edge1, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
waddstr (edge2, "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
else if (screenborder & VERTICAL) {
for (i=0; i<=sizescreg; i++) {
mvwaddch (edge1, i, 0, '|');
mvwaddch (edge2, i, 0, '|');
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
touchwin (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
int opentextwindow (position, border)
/* define the text window from current position down + position * widget depth*/
int position;
int border;
if ((position >= 0) && (!textwindowdefined) && (widy + 3*position < 21)) {
maxwidy = widy + position * 3 + 3;
if ((border & VERTICAL) && (border & HORIZONTAL)) {
screenbox = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
screen = newwin (LINES-2-maxwidy, COLS-3, maxwidy+1, 1);
sizescreg = LINES-2-maxwidy;
else if (border & HORIZONTAL) {
screen = newwin (LINES-2-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy+1, 0);
edge1 = newwin (1, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
edge2 = newwin (1, COLS-1, LINES-1, 0);
sizescreg = LINES-2-maxwidy;
else if (border & VERTICAL) {
screen = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-3, maxwidy, 1);
edge1 = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, 1, maxwidy, 0);
edge2 = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, 1, maxwidy, COLS-2);
sizescreg = LINES-maxwidy;
else {
screen = newwin (LINES-maxwidy, COLS-1, maxwidy, 0);
sizescreg = LINES-maxwidy;
screenborder = border;
scrollok (screen, TRUE);
drawtextwindow (maxwidy);
wmove (screen, scry, 0);
wrefresh (screen);
textwindowdefined = 1;
return sizescreg;
int addtochlist (ch, id, type)
/* add a new character to array of activation chars.
* returns TRUE if successful (char not already in list) else FALSE
char ch;
int id;
struct chentry *chlist;
struct chentry *newentry;
/* search list to see char already entered in the list */
chlist = actlist;
if (chlist != NULLCH) {
while (chlist -> next != NULLCH)
if (chlist -> ch == ch)
return FALSE; /* char exists => error */
chlist = chlist -> next;
newentry = (struct chentry*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct chentry));
chlist -> next = newentry;
else {
newentry = (struct chentry*)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct chentry));
actlist = newentry;
/* char not there so add to list */
newentry -> ch = ch;
newentry -> id = id;
newentry -> type = type;
newentry -> next = NULLCH;
return TRUE;
WIDGETTYPE widgettype (ptr)
/* given a widget pointer returns the type of widget.
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
/* is it a command widget ? */
for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr))
return CMD;
/* is it a toggle widget ? */
for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr))
return TGL;
/* is it a label widget ? */
for (llist = lbllist; llist != NULLLBL; llist = llist -> next)
if ((llist != NULLLBL) && (llist -> id == ptr))
return LBL;
/* is in an input widget ? */
for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr))
return INP;
/* doesn't exist, return error */
return FALSE;
boxwidget (widget, length)
WINDOW *widget;
int length;
int i;
wmove (widget, 0, 1);
for (i=1; i < length; i++)
waddch (widget, '-');
wmove (widget, 2, 1);
for (i=1; i < length; i++)
waddch (widget, '-');
mvwaddch (widget, 1, 0, '|');
mvwaddch (widget, 1, length, '|');
mvwaddch (widget, 0, 0, '.');
mvwaddch (widget, 0, length, '.');
mvwaddch (widget, 2, 0, '`');
mvwaddch (widget, 2, length, '\'');
drawcmdwidget (widget, info, ch, length, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char ch;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
wstandout (widget);
waddch (widget, ch);
if (!boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wprintw (widget, ":%s", info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawlblwidget (widget, info, pos, difference, space, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char pos;
int difference;
int space;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, space+1);
/* work out justification */
if ((pos & LEFTJUST) || (difference == 0))
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
else if (pos & RIGHTJUST)
wmove (widget, 1, 1+difference);
else if (pos & CENTRE)
wmove (widget, 1, difference / 2 + 1);
if (boolean)
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%s", info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawtglwidget (widget, info, tgl, toggle, length, boolean)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char tgl[];
char toggle;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%c", toggle);
if (!boolean)
wstandend (widget);
wprintw (widget, ":%s:", info);
if (!boolean)
wstandout (widget);
wprintw (widget, "%s", tgl);
wstandend (widget);
wrefresh (widget);
drawinpwidget (widget, info, ch, length, boolean, exec)
WINDOW *widget;
char info[];
char ch;
int length;
int boolean;
boxwidget (widget, length-1);
wmove (widget, 1, 1);
if (boolean)
wstandout (widget);
if (exec)
wprintw (widget, "%s", info);
wprintw (widget, "%c:%s", ch, info);
if (boolean)
wstandend (widget);
waddch (widget, '>');
wrefresh (widget);
screenrefresh ()
/* clear the screen and redraw all the widgets and the text screen if present */
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
/* clear the entire screen */
/* redraw all the command widgets */
clist = cmdlist;
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
touchwin (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
clist = clist -> next;
/* redraw all the label widgets */
llist = lbllist;
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
touchwin (llist -> widget);
wrefresh (llist -> widget);
llist = llist -> next;
/* redraw all the toggle widgets */
tlist = tgllist;
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
touchwin (tlist -> widget);
wrefresh (tlist -> widget);
tlist = tlist -> next;
/* redraw all the input widgets */
ilist = inplist;
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
touchwin (ilist -> widget);
wrefresh (ilist -> widget);
ilist = ilist -> next;
/* redraw text window if present */
if (textwindowdefined) {
touchwin (screen);
touchwin (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
wrefresh (screen);
WIDGET widgetinput ()
/* scan standard input for chars and act on them */
struct cmdwid *list;
struct chentry *chlist;
char ch;
int i;
int j;
for (;;)
ch = getchar ();
if (ch == '\014') {
screenrefresh ();
chlist = actlist;
while ((chlist != NULLCH) && (chlist -> ch != ch))
chlist = chlist -> next;
if (chlist == NULLCH)
if (chlist -> type == 1) { /* does char activate a command widget ? */
for (list = cmdlist; list != NULLCMD; list = list->next)
if (list -> id == chlist -> id)
if (list -> active)
return (*(list -> func))();
else if (chlist -> type == 2) /* does char activate a toggle widget ?*/
togglewidget (chlist -> id);
return (getinput (chlist -> id)); /* must activate input widget */
togglewidget (id)
/* toggle widget given its id */
struct tglwid *list;
int i=0;
int x,y;
int pos;
list = tgllist;
/* find toggle widget with given id */
while (list -> id != id)
list = list -> next;
if (!list -> active)
/* increase its toggle value */
pos = ++(list -> cur);
if (pos == list -> total) /* do we need to wrap round values */
{ pos = 0;
list -> cur = 0;
/* output new toggle value */
wstandout (list -> widget);
mvwaddstr (list -> widget, 1, list -> xtgl, list -> tgl[pos]);
wstandend (list -> widget);
getyx (list -> widget, y, x);
for (; x < list -> length-1; x++)
waddch (list -> widget, ' ');
wrefresh (list -> widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
int getinput (id)
/* get input from an input widget and put value into given place */
struct inpwid *list;
int i = 0;
int j;
int cursor = 0;
int index = 0;
WINDOW *widgy;
int max;
char ch = '\0';
int flag = 0;
int sofi;
highlight (id);
list = inplist;
/* find the input widget with the given id */
while (list -> id != id)
list = list -> next;
if (!list -> active)
widgy = list -> widget;
sofi = list -> sofi;
max = list -> length - sofi - 1;
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
/* repeatidly get chars from stdin until carriage return is pressed */
while ((ch = getchar()) != '\n') {
if ((ch > 31) || (ch == '\025') || (ch == '\014'))
switch (ch) {
/* delete ? */
case '\177' : if ((!flag) && (cursor > 0)){ /* chars don't spill over */
cursor -= 1;
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi, ' ');
wmove (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi);
index -= 1;
wrefresh (widgy);
else if (cursor > 0){ /* chars spill over */
index -= 1;
if (index == max-1) {
flag = 0;
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
for (j=0; j < max-1; j++)
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, j+sofi, list -> input [index-max+j+1]);
wmove (widgy, 1, cursor + sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
else /* nothing to delete ! */
/* ^U pressed (delete all) */
case '\025' : index = cursor = 0;
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
for (j=0; j < max; j++)
waddch (widgy, ' ');
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
wrefresh (widgy);
/* ^L pressed (screen refresh) */
case '\014' : screenrefresh ();
wmove (widgy,1,cursor+sofi);
wrefresh (widgy);
/* default = all other chars except remaining control chars */
default : if (index < list -> lofs) { /* space still remaining ? */
list -> input [index++] = ch;
if (cursor == (max-1)) { /* about to spill over ? */
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '<');
for (j=0; j < max-2; j++)
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, j+sofi, list ->input [index-max+j+1]);
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, cursor+sofi-1, ch);
flag = 1;
else /* not spilt over */
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, (cursor++) +sofi, ch);
wrefresh (widgy);
else /* no room left ! */
/* terminate input */
list -> input [index] = '\0';
/* clean up input line */
wmove (widgy, 1, sofi);
for (j=0; j < max; j++)
waddch (widgy, ' ');
mvwaddch (widgy, 1, sofi-1, '>');
wrefresh (widgy);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
dehighlight (id);
return id;
WIDGET mkcmdwidget (info, acpt, func, line)
/* make a new command widget */
char info[];
char acpt;
int (*func)();
int line;
struct cmdwid *list;
struct cmdwid *temp;
int length = 0;
while (info [length++] != '\0') /* work out length of command */
length += 3;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || widx == COLS-1)
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy) /* go onto next line */
else {
widy += 3;
widx = 0;
if (!addtochlist (acpt, curid, 1)) /* activation char in use ? */
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = cmdlist;
if (temp != NULLCMD) {
while (temp -> next != NULLCMD)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct cmdwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct cmdwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct cmdwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct cmdwid));
cmdlist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawcmdwidget (list -> widget, info, acpt, length, FALSE);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> func = func;
list -> acpt = acpt;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLCMD;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid-1);
WIDGET mklblwidget (info, pos, space, line)
/* make a new label widget */
char info[];
int pos;
int space;
int line;
struct lblwid *list;
struct lblwid *temp;
int length = 0;
int difference;
if (!((pos & CENTRE) || (pos & LEFTJUST) || (pos & RIGHTJUST)))
pos = pos|LEFTJUST;
/* calculate length of label widget */
while (info [length++] != '\0')
length -= 1;
if ((space < length) && (space > 0)) /* not given enough room so error */
if (space <= 0)
if ((line == 1) || (widx == COLS-1))
space += COLS - 3;
space += COLS - 3 - widx;
difference = space - length;
if ((line == 1) || ((space + 2 + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS-1))
/* not enough room on existing line so go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* find end of list and alllocate memory for new entry */
temp = lbllist;
if (temp != NULLLBL) {
while (temp -> next != NULLLBL)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct lblwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct lblwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct lblwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct lblwid));
lbllist = list;
/* create new and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, space+2, widy, widx);
drawlblwidget (list -> widget, info, pos, difference, space, !(pos & NOHIGH));
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> pos = pos;
list -> length = space+2;
list -> difference = difference;
list -> next = NULLLBL;
curid += 1;
widx += space+2;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid - 1);
WIDGET mktglwidget (info, num, tgl, toggle, line)
/* make a new toggle widget */
char info[];
int num;
char *tgl[10];
char toggle;
int line;
int length = 0;
struct tglwid *list;
struct tglwid *temp;
int xtgl;
int max = 0;
int i, j, x;
/* calculate maximum length of toggle */
for (i=0; i < num; i++)
for (j=0, x=0; tgl[i][j] != '\0'; j++)
if ((x-1)>max)
max = x-1;
while (info [length++] != '\0')
xtgl = length + 3;
length = length + max + 5;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS-1))
/* not enough room on existing line so go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* add char to activation list if not already in use */
if (!addtochlist (toggle, curid, 2))
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = tgllist;
if (temp != NULLTGL) {
while (temp -> next != NULLTGL)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct tglwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct tglwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct tglwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct tglwid));
tgllist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawtglwidget (list -> widget, info, tgl[0], toggle, length, FALSE);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> xtgl = xtgl;
list -> total = num;
for (i=0; i<num; i++)
strcpy (list -> tgl[i], tgl[i]);
list -> cur = 0;
list -> toggle = toggle;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLTGL;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (curid-1);
WIDGET mkinpwidget (info, acpt, input, lofs, length, line, exec)
/* make a new input widget */
char info[];
char acpt;
char input[];
int lofs;
int length;
int line;
int exec;
struct inpwid *list;
struct inpwid *temp;
int count = 0;
int offset;
if (exec)
offset = 3;
offset = 5;
while (info [count++] != '\0')
if (length <= 0)
if ((line == 1) || (widx == COLS-1))
length += COLS-offset-count;
length += COLS-offset-widx-count;
length += offset-1+count;
if ((line == 1) || ((length + widx) > COLS-1) || (widx == COLS -1))
/* if no room on existing line go onto next */
if (widy + 3 == maxwidy)
else {
widx = 0;
widy += 3;
/* add activation char to list if not already in use */
if (!addtochlist (acpt, curid, 3))
/* find end of list and allocate memory for new entry */
temp = inplist;
if (temp != NULLINP) {
while (temp -> next != NULLINP)
temp = temp -> next;
list = (struct inpwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct inpwid));
temp -> next = list;
else {
list = (struct inpwid *)malloc((unsigned)sizeof(struct inpwid));
inplist = list;
/* create and display new widget */
list -> widget = newwin (3, length, widy, widx);
drawinpwidget (list -> widget, info, acpt, length, FALSE, exec);
/* assign information to be withheld */
list -> x = widx;
list -> y = widy;
list -> id = curid;
strcpy (list -> msg ,info);
list -> acpt = acpt;
list -> input = input;
list -> lofs = lofs;
if (exec)
list -> sofi = count+1;
list -> sofi = count+3;
list -> length = length;
list -> next = NULLINP;
list -> exec = exec;
list -> active = TRUE;
curid += 1;
widx += length;
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
if (exec)
getinput (curid-1);
return (curid-1);
cleartextwindow ()
werase (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
scry = 0;
report (info)
/* place given info into data screen */
char *info;
int i, count = 0;
if (textwindowdefined) {
if (scry == sizescreg) /* scroll window if reached bottom */
scroll (screen);
scry -= 1;
for (i=0; info[i] != '\0'; i++)
if (info[i] == '\n')
count += 1;
mvwaddstr (screen, scry, 0, info);
scry += 1+count;
wrefresh (screen);
int tsttglwidget (ptr)
/* return the index value of the current state of the given toggle widget */
struct tglwid *list;
int i=0;
/* locate the record of the given toggle widget pointer */
list = tgllist;
while ((list != NULLTGL) && (list -> id != ptr))
list = list -> next;
/* if it exists return index value else return error FALSE */
if (list -> id == ptr)
return list -> cur;
return FALSE;
deletechentry (ch)
/* remove the entry from character list for killed widget */
char ch;
struct chentry *chlist;
struct chentry *previous;
chlist = actlist;
if (chlist -> ch == ch) { /* is required entry at head of list ? */
actlist = chlist -> next;
free ((char*)chlist); /* deallocate memory for deleted entry */
else {
while (chlist -> ch != ch) { /* locate required entry in the list */
previous = chlist;
chlist = chlist -> next;
previous -> next = chlist -> next; /* remove entry by skiping it */
free ((char*)chlist); /* deallocate memory for deleted entry */
killcmdwidget (ptr)
/* kill a command widget given a valid pointer */
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct cmdwid *previous;
clist = cmdlist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* required widget at head of list ? */
cmdlist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* if last widget added */
widx -= clist -> length; /* pull back widx */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip unrequired widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* if last widget added */
widx -= clist -> length; /* pull back widx */
free ((char*)clist);
killlblwidget (ptr)
/* kill label widget given a valid pointer */
struct lblwid *clist;
struct lblwid *previous;
clist = lbllist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
lbllist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
killtglwidget (ptr)
/* kill toggle widget given a valid pointer */
struct tglwid *clist;
struct tglwid *previous;
clist = tgllist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
tgllist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> toggle);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* find widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip widget in list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> toggle);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
killinpwidget (ptr)
/* kill an input widget given a valid pointer */
struct inpwid *clist;
struct inpwid *previous;
clist = inplist;
if (clist -> id == ptr) { /* is widget at head of list ? */
inplist = clist -> next;
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
else {
while (clist -> id != ptr) { /* locate widget in linked list */
previous = clist;
clist = clist -> next;
previous -> next = clist -> next; /* skip entry in linked list */
werase (clist -> widget);
wrefresh (clist -> widget);
delwin (clist -> widget);
deletechentry (clist -> acpt);
if ((clist -> x + clist -> length) == widx) /* pull back widx if */
widx -= clist -> length; /* last widget added */
free ((char*)clist);
int killwidget (ptr)
/* kills the widget identified by ptr */
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD : killcmdwidget (ptr); /* command widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case TGL : killtglwidget (ptr); /* toggle widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case LBL : killlblwidget (ptr); /* label widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case INP : killinpwidget (ptr); /* input widget */
home ();
return TRUE;
case FALSE : return FALSE; /* doesn't exist */
int chactive (ptr, boolean, blank)
/* given a widget ptr and a boolean value will activate/deactivate a widget */
int boolean;
int blank;
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
int i;
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD: for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (clist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < clist->length-2; i++)
waddch (clist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (clist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return(clist -> active = boolean);
case TGL: for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (tlist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < tlist->length-2; i++)
waddch (tlist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (tlist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return(tlist -> active = boolean);
case INP: for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr)) {
if ((!boolean) && (blank)) {
wmove (ilist->widget, 1, 1);
for (i=0; i < ilist->length-2; i++)
waddch (ilist->widget, ' ');
wrefresh (ilist->widget);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (ilist -> active = boolean);
default : return FALSE;
int activate (ptr)
/* reactivate a widget given its ptr */
int boolean;
boolean = (chactive (ptr, TRUE));
light (ptr, FALSE);
return boolean;
int deactivate (ptr, blank)
/* deactivates a widget given its ptr */
int blank;
return (chactive (ptr, FALSE, blank));
int light (ptr, boolean)
/* will highlight or dehighlight a given widget */
int boolean;
struct cmdwid *clist;
struct tglwid *tlist;
struct lblwid *llist;
struct inpwid *ilist;
switch (widgettype (ptr)) {
case CMD: for (clist = cmdlist; clist != NULLCMD; clist = clist -> next)
if ((clist != NULLCMD) && (clist -> id == ptr)) {
if (clist -> active)
drawcmdwidget (clist->widget,clist->msg,clist->acpt,clist->length,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (clist -> active);
case TGL: for (tlist = tgllist; tlist != NULLTGL; tlist = tlist -> next)
if ((tlist != NULLTGL) && (tlist -> id == ptr)) {
if (tlist -> active)
drawtglwidget (tlist->widget,tlist->msg,tlist->tgl[tlist->cur],tlist->toggle,tlist->length,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (tlist -> active);
case LBL: for (llist = lbllist; llist != NULLLBL; llist = llist -> next)
if ((llist != NULLLBL) && (llist -> id == ptr))
drawlblwidget (llist->widget,llist->msg,llist->pos,llist->difference,llist->length-2,boolean);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return TRUE;
case INP: for (ilist = inplist; ilist != NULLINP; ilist = ilist -> next)
if ((ilist != NULLINP) && (ilist -> id == ptr)) {
if (ilist -> active)
drawinpwidget (ilist->widget,ilist->msg,ilist->acpt,ilist->length,boolean,ilist->exec);
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (ilist -> active);
return FALSE;
int highlight (ptr)
/* highlights the given ACTIVE widget */
return (light (ptr, TRUE));
int dehighlight (ptr)
/* dehighlights the given ACTIVE widget */
return (light (ptr, FALSE));
home ()
/* scans the current state of the screen and places the x,y cursor coordinates
at the end of widget furthest down and to the right */
struct cmdwid *clist = cmdlist;
struct lblwid *llist = lbllist;
struct tglwid *tlist = tgllist;
struct inpwid *ilist = inplist;
int x, y;
x = y = 0;
/* look through command widgets */
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
if (clist -> y > y) {
y = clist -> y;
x = clist->x + clist->length;
else if ((clist->x + clist->length > x) && (clist -> y == y)) {
x = clist->x + clist->length;
clist = clist -> next;
/* look through toggle widgets */
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
if (tlist -> y > y) {
y = tlist -> y;
x = tlist->x + tlist->length;
else if ((tlist->x + tlist->length > x) && (tlist -> y == y)) {
x = tlist->x + tlist->length;
tlist = tlist -> next;
/* look through label widgets */
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
if (llist -> y > y) {
y = llist -> y;
x = llist->x + llist->length;
else if ((llist->x + llist->length > x) && (llist -> y == y)) {
x = llist->x + llist->length;
llist = llist -> next;
/* look through input widgets */
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
if (ilist -> y > y) {
y = ilist -> y;
x = ilist->x + ilist->length;
else if ((ilist->x + ilist->length > x) && (ilist -> y == y)) {
x = ilist->x + ilist->length;
ilist = ilist -> next;
/* update screen x,y coordinates */
widx = x;
widy = y;
int changelblwidget (ptr, info, pos)
char info[];
int pos;
struct lblwid *list = lbllist;
int length = 0;
while ((list != NULLLBL) && (list->id != ptr))
list = list -> next;
if (list == NULLLBL)
return FALSE;
if (!((pos & CENTRE) || (pos & LEFTJUST) || (pos & RIGHTJUST)))
pos = pos|LEFTJUST;
/* calculate length of label widget */
while (info [length++] != '\0')
length -= 1;
if (list->length-2 < length) /* not given enough room so error */
return FALSE;
list -> difference = list->length-2 - length;
strcpy (list -> msg, info);
list -> pos = pos;
werase (list->widget);
drawlblwidget (list->widget,info,pos,list->difference,list->length-2,!(pos & NOHIGH));
if (textwindowdefined)
wrefresh (screen);
return (TRUE);
endwidgets ()
/* tidy up at the end */
struct cmdwid *clist = cmdlist;
struct lblwid *llist = lbllist;
struct tglwid *tlist = tgllist;
struct inpwid *ilist = inplist;
while (clist != NULLCMD) {
killcmdwidget (clist -> id);
clist = cmdlist;
while (llist != NULLLBL) {
killlblwidget (llist -> id);
llist = lbllist;
while (tlist != NULLTGL) {
killtglwidget (tlist -> id);
tlist = tgllist;
while (ilist != NULLINP) {
killinpwidget (ilist -> id);
ilist = inplist;
killtextwindow ();
endwin ();
exit (0);
killtextwindow ()
/* destroy screen and any borders */
if (textwindowdefined) {
werase (screen);
wrefresh (screen);
delwin (screen);
textwindowdefined = FALSE;
if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) && (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
werase (screenbox);
wrefresh (screenbox);
delwin (screenbox);
else if ((screenborder & VERTICAL) || (screenborder & HORIZONTAL)) {
werase (edge1);
werase (edge2);
wrefresh (edge1);
wrefresh (edge2);
delwin (edge1);
delwin (edge2);
maxwidy = LINES - 2;
screenborder = 0;
if test 34817 -ne `wc -c < 'widgetlib.c'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'widgetlib.c' (should have been 34817 charcaters)'
echo 'Shar: extracting 'wpage.c' ( 3218 characters)'
if test -f 'wpage.c'
echo "Shar: will not overwrite existing file 'wpage.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'wpage.c'
/* FILE: wpage.c
/* DATE: August 1988.
/* AUTHOR: Richard A. Culshaw.
/* DESCRIPTION: A small demonstration program using the widgets.
/* DISCLAIMER: This file is deemed to be public-domain, on the simple
/* provisos that this section remains in this file and
/* that code using it do not do so for monetary gain.
/* Neither the author, nor the authors employees at the
/* time of developing this code, accept any liability or
/* responsibility for the use, abuse or misuse of this
/* code.
#include <widget.h>
WIDGET title, nlcmd, npcmd, qcmd, finput, gfile, frac;
char filename[14];
char string[20];
int nolines;
int filepresent;
FILE *f;
long size, ftell();
int readline ()
int i;
int space;
char buffer [80];
int count;
int ch;
count = 0;
while ((count < 79) && (ch = getc(f)) && (ch != '\n') && (ch != EOF))
if (ch == '\t') {
space = 8 - count % 8;
for (i=0; i<space; i++)
buffer [count++] = ' ';
buffer [count++] = ch;
buffer [count] = '\0';
if ((count > 0) || (ch == '\n'));
report (buffer);
return (ch);
changefrac ()
long cur;
char data[5];
cur = ftell (f);
sprintf (data, "%ld%%", cur*100L/size);
changelblwidget (frac, data, RIGHTJUST|NOHIGH);
nextline ()
int ch;
highlight (nlcmd);
ch = readline ();
dehighlight (nlcmd);
if (ch == EOF) {
deactivate (npcmd, BLANK);
deactivate (nlcmd, BLANK);
changefrac ();
widgetinput ();
nextpage ()
int line = 0;
int ch;
highlight (npcmd);
cleartextwindow ();
while ((line++ != nolines) && ((ch = readline()) != EOF))
dehighlight (npcmd);
if (ch == EOF) {
deactivate (npcmd, BLANK);
deactivate (nlcmd, BLANK);
changefrac ();
widgetinput ();
quit ()
endwidgets ();
getfile ()
int i;
if (!filepresent) {
highlight (gfile);
killwidget (title);
changelblwidget (frac, "", RIGHTJUST|NOHIGH);
finput = mkinpwidget ("file", NULL, filename, 14, 0, 0, EXEC);
killwidget (finput);
filepresent = FALSE;
for (i=5; i<=20; i++)
string [i] = filename [i-5];
dehighlight (gfile);
f = fopen (filename, "r");
if (f == NULL) {
cleartextwindow ();
report ("File does not exist. Try again");
getfile ();
title = mklblwidget (string, CENTRE, 0, 0);
fseek (f, 0L, 2);
size = ftell (f);
rewind (f);
activate (nlcmd);
activate (npcmd);
nextpage ();
main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
initialisewidgets ();
if (argc > 1) {
strcpy (filename, argv[1]);
filepresent = TRUE;
strcpy (string, "File=");
qcmd = mkcmdwidget ("Quit", 'q', quit, 0);
nlcmd = mkcmdwidget ("Next line", 'n', nextline, 0);
npcmd = mkcmdwidget ("Next page", 'N', nextpage, 0);
gfile = mkcmdwidget ("Get file", 'f', getfile, 0);
frac = mklblwidget ("", CENTRE, 4, 0);
nolines = opentextwindow (0, HORIZONTAL);
getfile ();
if test 3218 -ne `wc -c < 'wpage.c'`
echo 'Shar: error transmitting 'wpage.c' (should have been 3218 charcaters)'
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