v04i092: TPUVI for VMS part 1 of 17
Gregg Wonderly
gregg at a.cs.okstate.edu
Mon Sep 26 11:46:45 AEST 1988
Posting-number: Volume 4, Issue 92
Submitted-by: "Gregg Wonderly" <gregg at a.cs.okstate.edu>
Archive-name: vms-vi-2/Part01
There are 17 parts to the distribution of VI written in TPU. The first,
this file, is a plain text file. The remainder, are DCL command files.
Files 1-16 should each be executed as DCL procedures in sequence. Below
is a sequence of steps that should allow you to get VI up and running.
1) You should pick a directory to place VI under. Three subdirectories
will be created during the unpacking process. They are [.SRC],
[.EXE], and [.DOC]. The directory names should reveal the purposes of
these directories.
2) Place all 17 of the VI parts into the directory chosen in step 1.
For each part, 1 through 16, execute each file as a command procedure
using the command "@<filename>", where <filename> is the name of
the file to execute (e.g. @VI_001.COM, followed by @VI_002.COM, etc).
During the execution of VI_016, several diagnostic messages will
be displayed. You should only pay attention to the final message
that says that the section file was either installed properly or
was not.
[.SRC]MAKE.COM invokes the $ INSTALL program to REPLACE the
VI$ROOT:[EXE]VI.GBL file IFF it is already installed. One possible
diagnostic message from INSTALL says
%INSTALL-E-OPENIN, error opening VI$ROOT:<EXE>VI.GBL; as input
-RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation
and can be ignored since, obviously, there is no such logical name
If you have previously installed VI on your machine, but, VI.GBL is
not 'installed', then you will get a diagnostic to the effect of
-INSTALL-E-NOKFEFND, Known File Entry not found
This can also be ignored.
If you previously installed VI on your machine, and VI.GBL is
'installed', then this procedure will replace the old one with what
ever is the latest version of VI.GBL in VI$ROOT:[EXE]. You MUST
decide whether or not this is what you want to do. You should EDIT
[.SRC]MAKE.COM and comment out the INSTALL invocation if desired.
3) After executing the VI_016 command file, you should set default to the
[.SRC] directory, and use the command "$ @make exe,tpusubs" to create
the VI.EXE executable, and the CALL_USER routines for VI to use.
4) Next, set default to [-.DOC] (from the SRC directory), and execute
the command "$ @VIDOC", and "$ @VIDOC HELP" to create a printable
version of the current documentation, as well as a HELP file
that VI can use. When asked the question:
Name of library to install HELP files in?
you should probably answer, VI, unless you really desire to put the
help file into a library in another directory. VI.TPU contains the
path VI$ROOT:[DOC]VI.HLB as the place where it will work from, so if
you do not place the help file in this library (It will automatically
be created for you), then you must edit VI.TPU to contain the proper
5) Here you have a decision to make. I have written an interface to
callable TPU, [-.SRC]VI.MAR. If you wish to use this interface,
then there must be a CLD definition for it installed in DCLTABLES.
This is really only necessary for using VI as a SUB-process, but
I find it convienent to install the CLD so that I do not have
to wait for SET COMMAND to complete when I log in. If do not
wish to use the callable TPU interface then go to the next step NOW,
otherwise hang tight.
The CLD definition that needs to be installed is in [-.EXE]VI.CLD. If
you do not have sufficient privileges to install a new DCLTABLES you
should get prepared to do so, or find someone that will do it for you
(now is not entirely necessary, as you can skip to step 6, and do this
a) Take the time to examine the CLD, and make sure it is ok for
your installation. If you are on a cluster, then there is
some extra work that I won't describe here since I have never
done it. Basically you need to do the following set of commands.
(the dollar signs are provide by DCL in case it wasn't obvious).
b) This should be all that single CPU sites need to do. If you
have a different arrangement at your sight that requires
something different, then you would know that better than I.
Remeber that you MUST logout and log back in to have the updated
DCLTABLES available to your process. Step 8, below, can not be
done unless you either 1) do not do (c) below, or 2) you logout and
log back in after reinstalling DCLTABLES.
c) [-.EXE]VI.COM, and [-.EXE]VISETUP.COM contain uses of the symbol,
"VI". This symbol is normally equated to "EDIT/TPU". Once you
have made the changes necessary to update DCLTABLES, then these
references should be changed. In [-.EXE]VI.COM, change VI to
be "VI", instead of "EDIT/TPU". In [-.EXE]VISETUP.COM, delete
the assignment to the variable VI, as the comment there says
6) Next, set default to [-.EXE] (from [.DOC]), and edit the file
VISETUP.COM. This file must be executed by each user wishing to
use VI before they can use it. You should change the definition of
VI$ROOT to be the parent directory of the directory you are in NOW.
E.g. if you are in the directory DUA0:[PUBLIC.VI.DOC], then VI$ROOT
should be defined to be DUA0:[PUBLIC.VI.]. Note that this file
potentially defines 3 symbols. VI allows normal use of VI, VIS
allows use of the VI.COM procedure to run VI in a subprocess, and
VIEW allows READONLY editing of a file (as in UNIX).
7) The command file VI.COM is used to envoke VI in a sub-process
so that a minimal amount of overhead for image activation will
be incurred by the system. In the VI.COM that you have, there
are invocations of a SUSPEND, and a RESUME command. I use these
commands to suspend kept editors while they are not it use so that
they will be swapped out or trimmed by the SWAPPER in a more timely
manner. This will allow their memory to be put to use by other
processes whenever possible. If you do not wish to do this and/or
do not have these facilities available to you, then you should comment
out these command lines.
You may substitute the use of SET PROC/SUSPEND and SET PROC/RESUME
for these commands. See the DCL manual or HELP for usage.
8) Next, you should be ready to give VI a trial run. Execute the
VISETUP.COM procedure in [.EXE]. Then type VI, and hit return.
You should be off and running.
Gregg Wonderly
Department of Mathematics
Oklahoma State University
INTERNET: gregg at nemo.math.okstate.edu
UUCP: {ihnp4, rutgers, isucs1}!okstate!nemo.math.okstate.edu!gregg
401 Mathematical Sciences
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
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