v08INF2: Administrivia: Index to comp.sources.misc, part 1 of 2
Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc
allbery at uunet.UU.NET
Sun Aug 20 10:36:51 AEST 1989
Posting-number: Volume 8, Administrivia 2
Submitted-by: allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
Archive-name: v8index/part01
[Yes, that's right, I've graduated to "makekit". ++bsa]
This is the current archive site list and the complete index of submissions
to comp.sources.misc. It is composed of a "shar" archive in two parts.
Please see the previous posting (the Welcome posting, "v07INF1" or "v7welcome")
for more information and guidelines for submissions.
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
# "End of archive 1 (of 2)."
# Contents: Archives Index01 Index02a Index02b Index03 Index05 Index06
# Wrapped by allbery at uunet on Sat Aug 19 20:33:31 1989
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'Archives' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Archives'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Archives'\" \(2573 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Archives' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XLIST OF comp.sources.misc ARCHIVE SITES -- LAST CHANGED 08/11/89
XIf you want to be included in this list, send mail to:
X comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.uu.net
XRick Perry (perry at vu-vlsi.UUCP; perry at vuvaxcom.BITNET) is archiving
Xcomp.sources.misc, and will accept email, anonymous UUCP, and tar/cpio tape
Xarchive requests. Send mail to him at one of the email addresses above for
Xmore information.
XJason Winters at Arix Systems (sun!aeras!jason) is archiving comp.sources.misc
Xand the .games and .unix groups. Send mail to sun!aeras!jason for more
XMichael Squires (pitt!sir-alan!mikes) has anonymous UUCP access to archives.
XThe L.sys (or Systems) file information is:
X sir-alan Any ACU 1200 18143336728 ogin:-BREAK-ogin: pdsrc
XThe index is available by requesting the file /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects.
XA mail server is also available; send mail to sir-alan!theo!snarf with a
Xsubject of "snarf" and body "snarf help" for help on its use.
XRob Marchand ({utzoo,watmath}!lsuc!array!rob) will email sources or, as a
Xlast resort, provide UUCP access. He is also the "official" VMS sources
Xarchiver, as he also archives sources in comp.os.vms.
XJoe Carlson (carlson at lll-winken.llnl.gov, has set up an archive
Xavailable via anonymous FTP; articles are stored by X-Archive: index in
Xsubdirectories of /pub/comp.sources.misc. Note that these archives start from
X9/87; anything from April to August isn't available. [NOTICE: A recent series
Xof HD failures has trashed the archives; they are being rebuilt under
XUUNET is keeping archives in ~ftp/comp.sources.misc, and I will be maintaining
Xthem. I seriously doubt that there will be a mail server (surprise me!).
Xxanth.cs.odu.edu [] has its archives of comp.sources.misc available
Xfor anonymous ftp. It should be complete (starting with volume2). Contact
XTad Guy (tadguy at cs.odu.edu) for more information.
XSandy Zelkovitz of alphacm is also keeping archives. Contact him at
Xroot at alphacm.UUCP for more information.
XMark Prior <munnari!sirius.ua.oz.au!mrp> has set up an archive on
Xsirius.ua.oz.au for comp.sources.misc (and some other groups). Volume2 and
Xlater are available for retrival via for either ACSnet "fetchfile" or anonymous
XFTP ( Files are stored in sources/misc/volume<nn> by issue
Xnumber in compressed form, (~ftp/pub/sources/misc/volume<nn> for ftp users).
XThere is a file in the misc subdirectory, called INDEX, that lists the issues
if test 2573 -ne `wc -c <'Archives'`; then
echo shar: \"'Archives'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Archives'
if test -f 'Index01' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index01'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index01'\" \(12438 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index01' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF June, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X(earlier submissions came before I set this up, sorry)
X8706/2: bexec -- force csh to execute shell scripts in particular ways
X8706/3: Display Tree for 4.3bsd (source)
X8706/4: grabheaders - update to news/misc submission
X8706/5: CORDIC code for vector rotation,sin,cos,atan2,P<->R
X8706/6: Setgrp - spawn a process into a new group
X8706/7: Patches to memdisk driver (BSD)
X8706/8: filedisk: make a file into a filesystem (1 of 2) (BSD4.3)
X8706/9: filedisk: make a file into a filesystem (2 of 2) (BSD4.3)
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF July, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8707/1: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Scribe format) 1 of 2
X8707/2: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Scribe format) 2 of 2
X8707/3: MicroEmacs 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 1 of 2
X8707/4: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 2 of 2
X8707/5: A File Patching Package
X8707/6: JOVE support for VT200-type function keys
X(a bug in the early program caused a gap in the sequence; no articles were
Xposted with these numbers)
X8707/32: fsfilt filesystem filter program
X8707/33: Program to set file access and modification times.
X8707/34: newguys submission 1/2
X8707/35: newguys submission 2/2
X8707/36: copytape -- copy magtapes (BSD or magtape ioctls thereof)
X8707/37: microemacs documentation in LaTeX (part 1 of 2)
X8707/38: microemacs documentation in LaTeX (part 2 of 2)
X8707/39: mod.sources submission (maltrace)
X8707/40: LaTeX Index Processor (Part 1 of 2)
X8707/41: LaTeX Index Processor (Part 2 of 2)
X8707/42: Recursive(dir) UUCP queuer script; someone might need it someday
X8707/43: /dev/full device for 4.3 BSD
X8707/44: Digital clock
X8707/45: Read tape and print format program
X8707/46: "glob" in C for MS-DOS (sources)
X8707/47: Yet Another Time Program......
X8707/48: N-dimensional, Radix 2 FFT Routine
X8707/49: Gabriel Benchmarks in Common Lisp
X8707/50: Filter to shorten names output by cfront (353-line C source)
X8707/51: {open,read,close}dir for MS-DOS
X8707/52: Forth interpreter in 68000 assembler
X8707/53: 3d Graphics System in Forth
X8707/54: arc that UnSquashes 1/2
X8707/55: arc that UnSquashes 2/2
X8707/56: email: icon inoptional mailer invoker for the Unix PC
X8707/57: A program to output block characters
X8707/58: monitor -- monitor a command using curses
X8707/59: malloc package with debugging
X8707/60: A Function Key maintenance program for HP2392a and clones
X8707/61: Simple Text Formatter
X8707/62: finger for VAX/VMS under Eunice
X8707/63: uul -- list uucp systems with jobs pending
X8707/64: arc repost (sort of) 1/4
X8707/65: arc repost (sort of) 2/4
X8707/66: arc repost (sort of) 3/4
X8707/67: arc repost (sort of) 4/4
X8707/68: Re: A Function Key maintenance program for HP2392a and clones
X8707/69: Batching news for mailing
X8707/70: Fast Fourier Transform
X8707/71: VTREE - draws directory tree structure (System V)
X8707/72: Troffable MicroEmacs manual, part 1 of 2 ...
X8707/73: Troffable MicroEmacs manual, part 2 of 2 ...
X8707/74: Posting sources
X8707/75: FFT in C
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF August, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8708/1: Load average, "w", and status line for USG systems
X8708/2: Program to enumerate all words derivable from a telephone number
X8708/3: A C configuration enquirer
X(article number 4 unused, sorry)
X8708/5: Original fft listing
X8708/6: config
X8708/7: uucost -- Display uucp costs on screen.
X8708/8: Modula-2 vi macro package
X8708/9: talk(1) enhancements (1 of 2)
X8708/10: talk(1) enhancements (2 of 2)
X8708/11: Submission to comp.sources.unix
X8708/12: utility to find changed files
X8708/13: Wasting time on a Sun3 (suntool that plots a graph)
X8708/14: Set type for C
X(article number 15 unused, sorry)
X8708/16: Submission for comp.sources.unix (Semaphore facilities exerciser for System V)
X8708/17: string compare for 8-bit non-English characters (accents...)
X8708/18: uupc.dcp.8.3
X8708/19: uupc.mac.8.4
X8708/20: uupc.read.8.1
X8708/21: uupc.uu.8.2
X8708/22: uupc.ami.8.6
X8708/23: uupc.dos.8.7
X8708/24: uupc.macl.8.8
X8708/25: uupc.st.8.5
X8708/26: bournebasic
X8708/27: Microsoft serial mouse routines update
X8708/28: MicroGnu for MSDOS
X8708/29: "Producer": Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 0/5)
X8708/30: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 1 of 5)
X8708/31: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 2 of 5)
X8708/32: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 3 of 5)
X8708/33: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 4 of 5)
X8708/34: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 5 of 5)
X8708/35: Patches for LaTeX Index Processor
X(the following duplicate X-Archive ID was assigned by mistake, sorry)
X8708/35: pshalf - print PostScript pages two to a page
X8708/36: Re: MicroGnu for MSDOS
X8708/uniflex-uupc/1: uniflex dcp Part 1 of 2
X8708/uniflex-uupc/2: uniflex dcp Part 2 of 2
X8708/pc-curses/1: PCcurses shar 1
X8708/pc-curses/2: PCcurses shar 2
X8708/pc-curses/3: PCcurses shar 4
X8708/pc-curses/4: PCcurses shar 3
X8708/pc-grafix/1: Grafix - a PC graphics library 1/3
X8708/pc-grafix/2: Grafix - a PC graphics library (2/3)
X8708/pc-grafix/3: Grafix - a PC graphics library 3/3
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF September, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8709/1: troff definitions for Swedish characters
X8709/2: Diffs for fnkey 1.2 upgrade
X8709/3: An install(1) program
X8709/4: cc command file for AT&T Unix/PC or 3B1
X8709/5: Sun rasterfile -> PostScript converter
X8709/6: Uuencode pair w/backwards compatible checksums & BITNET compatibility
X8709/7: ils - enhanced ls
X8709/8: ils manual pages
X8709/9: Re: rusers -- users(1) for rwho
X8709/10: dusort: size sort output of "du"
X8709/11: Patch #2 to Ispell Version 2.0 Beta
X8709/12: System V session recorder (uses ptys)
X8709/13: Working Pty Driver for UnixPC
X8709/14: ARCE31B fast ARC extractor does squashed ARCs
X8709/dbug/1: Dbug package (1 of 3)
X8709/dbug/2: Dbug package (2 of 3)
X8709/dbug/3: Dbug package (3 of 3)
X8709/15: directory stack manipulation routines for bourne shell
X8709/16: Re: directory stack manipulation routines for bourne shell
X8709/alex/1: ALEX part 1/2 (MS-DOS file exchange program)
X8709/alex/2: ALEX part 2/2 (MS-DOS library exchange program)
X8709/17: C version of uuque program
X8709/19: Disk Usage for VAX/VMS
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF October, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8710/1: Patch to 'dusort' so the disk-space-used figures come in a nice column
X8710/2: Upgrade to uudecode
X[Missing: software bug. Sigh... ++bsa]
X8710/4: yet another chat program
X8710/5: scpp: small fix to processing of #define's
X8710/6: Sun Multibus to VME Adapter Switch Setting Program
X8710/7: StarChart -- DITROFF output (Sagittarius)
X8710/8: StarChart -- PostScript output (Sagittarius)
X8710/9: e - a friendly interface to vi
X8710/10: Fix for CAPCTRL3.5
X8710/vms-vi/1: VI in TPU part 1/13
X8710/vms-vi/2: VI in TPU part 2/13
X8710/vms-vi/3: VI in TPU part 3/13
X8710/vms-vi/4: VI in TPU part 4/13
X8710/vms-vi/5: VI in TPU part 5/13
X8710/vms-vi/6: VI in TPU part 6/13
X8710/vms-vi/7: VI in TPU part 7/13
X8710/vms-vi/8: VI in TPU part 8/13
X8710/vms-vi/9: VI in TPU part 9/13
X8710/vms-vi/10: VI in TPU part 10/13
X8710/vms-vi/11: VI in TPU part 11/13
X8710/vms-vi/12: VI in TPU part 12/13
X8710/vms-vi/13: VI in TPU part 13/13
X8710/11: Gnumacs code for ID stuff
X[8710/12 was posted by mistake, and is not archived. Sorry. ++bsa]
X8710/13: prelog.c, a getty like front end for UNOS, mostly UNIX compatable
X8710/14: ccps - CalComp-to-PostScript library (4.3 BSD)
X8710/15: e - the friendly interface to vi. version 1.1
X8710/16: wpshalf - 'pshalf' for Interleaf's wps
X8710/17: Re: e - a friendly interface to vi
X8710/18: CAT troff to LaserJet II filter.
X8710/19: RFC822 parser in Yacc
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF November, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8711/1: UUCP lock file cleaner-upper
X8711/2: A customable string-comparison package
X8711/3: Utility for AT&T Unix-PC
X8711/4: mytags - awk script to complement ctags.
X8711/5: pipe - multi-input multi-output pipelining.
X8711/6: Printer Art and a Tool (1 of 2)
X8711/7: comp.sources.misc
X8711/8: pipe - multi-in multi-out pipelining BUG and fix.
X8711/9: submission for comp.sources.misc
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/1: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 1 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/2: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 2 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/3: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 3 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/4: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 4 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/5: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 5 of 5)
X8711/10: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 1 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/1: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 2 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/2: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 3 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/3: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 4 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/4: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 5 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/5: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 6 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/6: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 7 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/7: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 8 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/8: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 9 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/9: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 10 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/10: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 11 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/11: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 12 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/12: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 13 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/13: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 14 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/14: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 15 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/15: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 16 of 16)
X8711/11: substr - a substring extractor for shell scripts
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/1: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (1 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/2: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (2 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/3: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (3 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/4: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (4 of 4)
X8711/12: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (1 of 6)
X8711/13: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (2 of 6)
X8711/14: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (3 of 6)
X8711/15: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (4 of 6)
X8711/16: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (5 of 6)
X8711/17: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (6 of 6)
X8711/18: Calling another system over and over again
X8711/19: Manx MS-DOS makefile for MicroEMACS.
X8711/20: fake inews
X8711/21: smail 2.5 installation under SCO XENIX
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/1: PCcurses for Turbo-C (1 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/2: PCcurses for Turbo-C (2 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/3: PCcurses for Turbo-C (3 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/4: PCcurses for Turbo-C (4 of 4)
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF December, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8712/1: Copytape with remote tapes
X8712/2: 2D contouring routines
X8712/3: submission to source.misc - setuid shell...
X8712/4: selecting a random sample of stdin
X8712/5: Partridge.c - a Christmas Trivia
X8712/6: PScal - PostScript Calendar generator: leap year bug fixed
X8712/7: "sush" privileged shell
Xedif/1: EDIF parser, part 1 of 3 ...
Xedif/2: EDIF parser, part 2 of 3 ...
Xedif/3: EDIF parser, part 3 of 3 ...
X8712/8: Prettyprint a du listing
X8712/9: version of uupoll for system V
X8712/10: Smail under Xenix System V: a fix for Micnet users
X8712/11: Re: Desperately Seeking Makefile Maker
Xmkmf/1: "mkmf" makefile maker (1 of 2)
Xmkmf/2: "mkmf" makefile maker (2 of 2)
X8712/12: A shell script to create lost+found
X8712/13: Gone-- Reserve a terminal
X8712/14: b{en,de}code
X8712/15: scandir, ftw REDUX
if test 12438 -ne `wc -c <'Index01'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index01'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index01'
if test -f 'Index02a' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index02a'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index02a'\" \(4953 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index02a' <<'END_OF_FILE'
Xcomp.sources.misc Index for January 1988, by X-Archive and volume/issue number
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/1: v02i001: Public domain diff
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/2: v02i002: UNIX-PC Character font for nethack 2.2
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/3: v02i003: Smail under Xenix -- USE THIS ONE!!!
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/4: v02i004: 3B1 status bar redux
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/5: v02i005: File System Analyzer Tool
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/6: v02i006: Side-by-side file paginator
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/7: v02i007: New, really improved "ncode" random text construction kit
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/8: v02i008: Bob Larson's CDIFF source
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/9: v02i009: subst - substitute strings for strings
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/10: v02i010: survey - unix system usage profile report(BSD)
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/11: v02i011: Can - a good alias for "rm"
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/12: v02i012: Patch for file system analyzer
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/13: v02i013: Numlock code for IBM-PCs and the like.
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/14: v02i014: psmon - monitor error messages from postscript printers
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/15: v02i015: A Berkeley-style DF for System V
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/16: v02i016: filter backspaces into multiple lines
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/17: v02i017: MPG - Fuel Economy Calculator
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/18: submission for comp.sources.misc
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/19: v02i019: Image processing programs
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/20: v02i020: FRP traveller programs
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/21: v02i021: printerr() and fprinterr() - enhanced perror()s.
Xcomp.sources.misc/egafast/1: v02i022: EGAFAST #1 Ibm-PC Graphics PAckage
Xcomp.sources.misc/egafast/2: v02i023: EGAFAST #2 Ibm-Pc Graphics Package
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/22: v02i024: sysinfo: source to display system info on window (UNIX PC only)
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/23: v02i025: awk script to unpack EGAFAST
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/24: v02i026: A 3B1 script for compiling with shared libraries
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/25: v02i027: newest - print directory statistics
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/26: v02i028: man page for bencode/bdecode
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/27: v02i029: a shar shell script
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/28: v02i030: hdscan - interactive directory maintenance utility, Part 1/2
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/29: v02i031: hdscan - interactive directory maintenance utility, Part 2/2
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/30: v02i032: Smail 2.5 patches for Xenix -- finally!
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/31: v02i033: UNIFY(r) Screens with Curses, Part 1 of 4
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/32: v02i034: UNIFY(r) Screens with Curses, Part 2 of 4
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/33: v02i035: UNIFY(r) Screens with Curses, Part 3 of 4
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/34: v02i036: UNIFY(r) Screens with Curses, Part 4 of 4
Xcomp.sources.misc/8801/35: v02i037: UNIFY(r) Selection Preprocessor
Xcomp.sources.misc Index for February 1988, by X-Archive and volume/issue number
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/1: A quick uuxqt fix for compressed news
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/2: Symbolic directory copier ("lndir")
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/3: linksrc - utility to ease source maintenance over heterogenous NFS
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/4: qndxr.c
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/5: brwsr.c
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/6: v02i043: mcat - a cat utility for mmap only devices
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/7: v02i044: emake - "pre-processor" for makefiles
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/8: A C version of the lint driver script
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/9: spiro - generate pretty patterns
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/10: sunplot - Unix plot backend for Sun
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/11: SBBS "edit" update
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/12: Can - better and a definite replacement
Xcomp.sources.misc/accell-text/1: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 1/5
Xcomp.sources.misc/accell-text/2: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 2/5
Xcomp.sources.misc/accell-text/3: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 3/5
Xcomp.sources.misc/accell-text/4: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 4/5
Xcomp.sources.misc/accell-text/5: Unify TEXT fields from ACCELL Part 5/5
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/13: Diffs for a tag stack in vi (v3.7)
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/14: v02i056: spaceout - X11 animated space display
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/15: v02i057: vi macros simulate a Turing Machine
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/16: v02i058: shstat - system status display (System V)
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/17: v02i059: Patch for pd-cdiff (MS C, probably others)
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/18: v02i060: duonly - Program to display du output ONLY for a directory
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/19: v02i061: More complete patch for pd-cdiff
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/20: v02i062: New Version of the UnixPC pty driver
Xcomp.sources.misc/8802/21: v02i063: Yet another version of PD diff
if test 4953 -ne `wc -c <'Index02a'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index02a'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index02a'
if test -f 'Index02b' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index02b'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index02b'\" \(4230 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index02b' <<'END_OF_FILE'
Xcomp.sources.misc Index for Volume 2, by volume and issue number
XVol/Iss Archive-Name From / Subject
X======= ============== ========================================================
Xv02i064 split-1.1 richard at gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
X split -- V1.1
Xv02i065 lastlog-sys5 lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano)
X lastlogin.c source (was: Re: SysV lastlog)
Xv02i066 font-8x9-3b1 jr at amanue.UUCP (Jim Rosenberg)
X 8x9 font for 3B1/7300
Xv02i067 split-1.1/Patc richard at gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton)
X split V1.1 bugfix
Xv02i068 msdos-pipes reynolds at uunet.uu.net@hsvpmi.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X UN*X pipes for MSDOS
Xv02i069 turbo-C-timers asjoshi at phoenix.princeton.edu (Amit S. Joshi)
X Timer and CTRL BRK functions in Turbo C
Xv02i070 sq mikew at wyse1.wyse.com (Mike Wexler)
X sq - squeeze a dictionary
Xv02i071 correct powell at ole.UUCP (Gary Powell)
X shell script to manage personal dictionary and correct text
Xv02i072 checklink jason at violet.berkeley.edu (Jason Venner)
X checklink - check for symlinks in limbo
Xv02i073 name dupuy at westend.columbia.edu (Alexander Dupuy)
X A filename canonicalizer for BSD
Xv02i074 substr davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP (William E. Davidsen Jr)
X a command line substring function
Xv02i075 pstrings ian at unix.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk (Ian Cottam)
X Unbounded Strings Package in ISO level 1 Pascal
Xv02i076 pstrings/Patch ian at unix.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk (Ian Cottam)
X Patch to "pstrings" package
Xv02i077 termcap azadian at hslrswi.UUCP (Norman H. Azadian)
X termcap implementation: works under MS-DOS, 4.xBSD
Xv02i078 areacode dewey at auscso.UUCP (Dewey Coffman)
X New areacode.c program, new areacodes from phone company
Xv02i079 sun2ps boysko at l.UUCP (Glenn Boysko)
X sun2ps - sun rasterfile to PostScript image translator
Xv02i080 pbm/Part3 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
X pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 3/4
Xv02i081 pbm/Part2 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
X pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 2/4
Xv02i082 pbm/Part4 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
X pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 4/4
Xv02i083 pbm/Part1 jef at webster.UUCP (Jef Poskanzer)
X pbm - Portable Bitmap programs, Part 1/4
Xv02i084 mkfont sysad at tikal.teltone.com (Duane Hesser)
X mkfont/rdfont--compile and uncompile ditroff fonts
Xv02i085 phil jrp at rducky.UUCP (Jim Pickering)
X phil -- Example of the "Dining Philosophers" problem (System V)
Xv02i086 tdp gry at IDA.LiU.SE.UUCP (Goran Rydquist)
X Determine Troff document type
Xv02i087 ucomp16 uucpa at gamma.UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy)
X "Stripped" 16-bit uncompress
Xv02i088 argproc dan at srs.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X argproc(), a command line parser
Xv02i089 sun2ps/Patch1 boysko at dsrgsun.CES.CWRU.Edu (Glenn J. Boysko)
X Bug fix for 'sun2ps'
Xv02i090 getopt mpatnode at polyslo.UUCP (Mike Patnode)
X getopt.c
Xv02i091 cls jerryp at cmx.npac.syr.EDU (Jerry Peek)
X cls, etc.: Compressed "ls"-type listing programs for BSD
Xv02i092 molecule gfs at decwrl.dec.com@x.UUCP (Greg F. Shay)
X A simple 2-D particle system (animated atoms)
Xv02i093 autoload john at basser.cs.OZ (A. Nonymous)
X Autoloading shell scripts as functions
Xv02i094 trapfile aj at zyx.UUCP (Arndt Jonasson)
X trapfile - a file-opening logger
Xv02i095 saverate dennis at rlgvax.UUCP (Dennis.Bednar)
X saverate.c - program to calculate interest rate from periodic savings
Xv02i096 xrand agn at UNH.CS.CMU.EDU (Andreas Nowatzyk)
X xrand, xcrypt -- a random number generator & application
Xv02i097 refer2tex dfk at duke.cs.duke.edu (David Kotz)
X sources for refer => BiBTeX conversion
Xv02i098 cal.bs wrv at ihlpm.UUCP (Vogel)
X personal postscript calendars
Xv02i099 c_puns mjs at tropix.UUCP (Michael J Shon)
X a little joke in C
Xv02i100 ms-termcap root at nccnat.UUCP (Paul Shields)
X GNU Termcap ported to MS-DOS.
Xv02i101 ditdvi ken at rochester.UUCP (Ken Yap)
X ditroff to DVI filter - ditdvi
Xv02i102 usg-fmt bgray at marque.mu.edu (Bill Gray)
X fmt: a simple text formatter
if test 4230 -ne `wc -c <'Index02b'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index02b'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index02b'
if test -f 'Index03' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index03'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index03'\" \(9570 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index03' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X Index to volume 3 of comp.sources.misc
XVol/Iss Archive-Name From / Subject
X======= ============== ========================================================
Xv03INF1 Administrivia allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
X Index for Volume 2 (1 of 2)
Xv03INF2 Administrivia allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
X Index for Volume 2 (2 of 2)
Xv03i001 do geof at nswitgould.OZ (Geoffrey Jones)
X do.c - a calendar-like utility
Xv03i002 pcmail/Part1 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (1 of 8)
Xv03i003 pcmail/Part2 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (2 of 8)
Xv03i004 pcmail/Part3 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (3 of 8)
Xv03i005 pcmail/Part4 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (4 of 8)
Xv03i006 pcmail/Part5 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (5 of 8)
Xv03i007 pcmail/Part6 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (6 of 8)
Xv03i008 pcmail/Part7 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (7 of 8)
Xv03i009 pcmail/Part8 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's (8 of 8)
Xv03i010 pcmail/Patch1 wswietse at eutrc3.UUCP (Wietse Venema)
X uucp mail for pc's: minor patch
Xv03i011 indexmac davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen)
X Creating index listings with [nt]roff
Xv03i012 dnamail darin at decwrl.dec.com@c.UUCP (Darin Johnson)
X SUN <-> DECNET mailer
Xv03i013 core_notice rsalz at pineapple.bbn.com (A. Nonymous)
X Mail users about old files
Xv03i014 shar2 davidsen at crdos1.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen)
X shar2
Xv03i015 mail-s jv at mh.nl.UUCP (Johan Vromans)
X mail xmit with subject and suppression
Xv03i016 egetopt ljz at ames.arc.nasa.gov@@uunet.uu.net:fxgrp.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X egetopt: extended getopt()
Xv03i017 welcome pulsar at lsrhs.UUCP (Jim King)
X Welcome program for Ultrix
Xv03i018 getline daveb at geac.UUCP (David Collier-Brown)
X getline -- get a long line
Xv03i019 sm-smtp jv at mh.nl.UUCP (Johan Vromans)
X Sendmail replacement for smail sites
Xv03i020 redo goldman at cope.ucsf.edu (Eric S. Goldman)
X "redo"
Xv03i021 giftops hemphill at cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Scott Hemphill)
X GIF -> PostScript Converter
Xv03i022 calcdate gordon at 1solaria.ori-cal.com (Gordon)
X calcdate.c -- date calculator
Xv03i023 mmake eric at cs1.wsu.edu (Eric Schneider)
X mmake - Make for multiple environments
Xv03i024 which mjr at welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
X fast 'which(ucb)' command
Xv03i025 mg2a/Part1 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X Mg 2a part 1 of 15
Xv03i026 mg2a/Part2 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 2 of 15
Xv03i027 mg2a/Part3 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 3 of 15
Xv03i028 mg2a/Part4 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 4 of 15
Xv03i029 mg2a/Part5 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 5 of 15
Xv03i030 mg2a/Part06 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 6 of 15
Xv03i031 mg2a/Part07 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 7 of 15
Xv03i032 mg2a/Part08 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 8 of 15
Xv03INF3 Administrivia allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
X Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 4/1/88)
Xv03INF4 Administrivia allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
X Index for Volume 2 since format change
Xv03INF5 Administrivia allbery at ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery)
X comp.sources.misc Index to Volume 3 (to date)
Xv03i033 mg2a/Part9 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 9 of 15
Xv03i034 mg2a/Part10 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 10 of 15
Xv03i035 mg2a/Part11 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 11 of 15
Xv03i036 mg2a/Part12 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 12 of 15
Xv03i037 mg2a/Part13 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 13 of 15
Xv03i038 mg2a/Part14 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 14 of 15
Xv03i039 mg2a/Part15 BLARSON at ECLA.USC.EDU (Bob Larson)
X mg 2a part 15 of 15
Xv03i040 perlshar gz at spt.entity.com (Gail Zacharias)
X a perl shar file maker
Xv03i041 rename.sh gandalf at csli.stanford.edu (Juergen Wagner)
X File renaming utility
Xv03i042 which2 steven at cwi.nl.UUCP (Steven Pemberton)
X another fast 'which(ucb)' command
Xv03i043 hold bill at frito.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X hold -- yet another overwrite
Xv03i044 nobs chad at anasaz.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X backspace filter
Xv03i045 proto dcw at doc.ic.ac.uk (Duncan White)
X ANSI prototypes builder for C.
Xv03i046 getpath dtinker at gpu.utcs.toronto.edu ()
X Getpath.c Submission
Xv03i047 kiface mjr at welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
X key mapping library for curses type applications
Xv03i048 totri jpn at teddy.UUCP (John P. Nelson)
X Trigraph converter
Xv03i049 btree mjr at welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
X btree library
Xv03i050 bt-rio mjr at welchsun2.UUCP (Marcus J. Ranum)
X record I/O library for use with btree package
Xv03i051 nuudecode art at felix.UUCP (Art Dederick)
X comp.sources.misc posting request
Xv03i052 ppt jap at syssun.cl.msu.edu (Joseph A. Porkka)
X My favorite csh prompt generator
Xv03i053 hc srcs at frito.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X hc -- side-by-side file catenator
Xv03i054 yacshppt smith at cos.com (Steve Smith)
X Another csh prompt generator
Xv03i055 rose igp at camcon.UUCP (Ian Phillipps)
X A sunview program to draw "roses"
Xv03i056 clock chad at anasaz.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X clock program
Xv03i057 send ag at elgar.UUCP (Keith Gabryelski)
X send, reply, shout, huh, stom -- For SysV.
Xv03i058 rrcount heckbert.pa at xerox.com (A. Nonymous)
X Reagan Countdown Program!
Xv03i059 clockREPOST wille at hpccc.HP.COM (Ross Wille)
X clock program (another attempt at v03i056)
Xv03i060 vms-unix jacobson at eecs.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X VMS --> UNIX file name converter, using emacs backup numbers
Xv03i061 p d4a-las at psi.sm.luth.se (Anders S Lindb{ck)
X A prompt generator program
Xv03i062 activ marc at uunet.uu.net@tss.UUCP (Marc Meyer)
X program for keeping timed transcript for activity logs
Xv03i063 hexcalc1.1 richardh at killer.UUCP (Richard Hargrove)
X hexcalc 1.1
Xv03i064 bpe andy at uunet.UU.NET@mssx.UUCP (Andreas Pleschutznig)
X Screen oriented binary patch editor
Xv03i065 rrcount.pas fulton at cookie.dec.com (Roger Fulton CXO1-2/N22 x2146)
X Reagan countdown program for VAX/VMS Pascal
Xv03i066 newspaths jbuck at epimass.EPI.COM (Joe Buck)
X Perl program for accumulating Usenet traffic statistics
Xv03i067 runfilter liz at grian.UUCP (Liz Allen-Mitchell)
X runfilter for Sun textedit
Xv03i068 ascii mcgrath%rosemary.Berkeley.EDU at ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Roland McGrath)
X print an ASCII table the way I want it
Xv03i069 finder kinzler at iuvax.UUCP (Stephen Kinzler)
X A Directory Finder
Xv03i070 anotherprompt bsrdp at cu.warwick.ac.uk.UUCP (Mr H Boothroyd)
X csh prompt generator
Xv03i071 SYSVbanner brw at jim.ord.OZ.AU (Brian Wallis)
X SYSV-like banner program for "clock" (v03i056) on BSD systems
Xv03i072 quickprompt gwr at linus.UUCP (Gordon W. Ross)
X Re: v03i070: csh prompt generator
Xv03i073 donice loic at uunet.uu.net@axis.UUCP (A. Nonymous)
X donice system call for Nuxi VAX-11
Xv03i074 safe-rm koala at uunet.uu.net@chinet.uucp (A. Nonymous)
X Hello Again
Xv03i075 can2 athey at cod.nosc.mil (The Bit Butcher)
X "can" a fast "C" version, a great alias for "rm"
Xv03i076 xmases rsk at mace.cc.purdue.edu (Rich Kulawiec)
X Just for fun (something which once appeared on the net)
Xv03i077 hold2 bill at qst1.tcc.com (Bill Cox)
X hold -- terminate a pipe with its input
Xv03i078 dos-chmod pozar at hoptoad.UUCP (Tim Pozar)
X chmod for MS-DOS
Xv03i079 utc mike at whutt.UUCP (BALDWIN)
X N.B.S. Time Service program
Xv03i080 more-xmas peter at sugar.UUCP (Peter da Silva)
X Re: v03i076: Just for fun (something which once appeared on the net)
Xv03i081 pathindex julian at uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Julian Cowley)
X a csh alias to print out the path with reference numbers
Xv03i082 faces/Part1 richb at sunaus.oz.AU (Rich Burridge)
X faces - a visual mail and print monitor for Suns. Part 1 of 2.
Xv03i083 faces/Part2 richb at sunaus.oz.AU (Rich Burridge)
X faces - a visual mail and print monitor for Suns. Part 2 of 2.
Xv03i084 sort-.newsrc paulsc at radio_flyer.gwd.tek.com (Paul Scherf)
X .newsrc shrinking/sorting programs
Xv03i085 epf boris at Sun.COM (Philip Saeli - Sun Tactical Engineering)
X Re: v03i081: a csh alias to print out the path with reference numbers
Xv03i086 sys5-phone jack at swlabs.UUCP (Jack Bonn)
X VAX-like Phone Utility for SysV
Xv03i087 hpglplot/Part3 edf at ROCKEFELLER.ARPA (David MacKenzie)
X HPGL to LaserJet translator, part 3 of 3
Xv03i088 hpglplot/Part2 edf at ROCKEFELLER.ARPA (David MacKenzie)
X HPGL to LaserJet translator, part 2 of 3
Xv03i089 hpglplot/Part1 edf at ROCKEFELLER.ARPA (David MacKenzie)
X HPGL to LaserJet translator, part 1 of 3
Xv03i090 xenix-fuser jfh at rpp386.UUCP (The Beach Bum)
X fuser for 386 xenix (+ repost of Unix PC version)
Xv03i091 vms-hangman/Pa terrell at musky2.MUSKINGUM.EDU (A. Nonymous)
X Hangman for VMS -- Part 1 of 2
Xv03i092 vms-hangman/Pa terrell at musky2.MUSKINGUM.EDU (A. Nonymous)
X Hangman for VMS, part 2 of 2
Xv03i093 psc root at pigs.UUCP (Joe Bob Willie)
X psc -- format and print the user area of a core file
Xv03i094 waffle robdunn at banana.cs.uq.oz.AU (Rob Dunn)
X C waffle Generator
if test 9570 -ne `wc -c <'Index03'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index03'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index03'
if test -f 'Index05' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index05'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index05'\" \(10916 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index05' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X INDEX TO COMP.SOURCES.MISC, VOLUME 5 (10/21/88-12/28/88)
X[*]posting-date archive-name "submitter's full name" <submitter's-address> \
X volume/issue: subject line
XAn asterisk before the date indicates a submission from the Australian sub-
X10/21/88 v5welcome "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 10/21/88)
X10/21/88 v5index "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF2: comp.sources.misc Administrivia: Index to Volume 4
X10/21/88 lwf/Part1 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i001: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 1 of 3
X10/21/88 lwf/Part2 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i002: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 2 of 3
X10/21/88 lwf/Part3 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i003: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 3 of 3
X10/27/88 jetroff/Patch01 "A. Nonymous" <jetroff at pcrat.UUCP> v05i004: JetRoff Version 1.1, Patch01
X10/27/88 vis.Patch1 "George M. Sipe" <george at rebel.UUCP> v05i005: (official) update #1 to vis
X10/27/88 ediff "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i006: ediff - translate diff output to plain English
X10/27/88 s5look "Larry Campbell" <campbell at redsox.UUCP> v05i007: Public domain look(1) for SysV
X10/27/88 whosin "Longshot" <randy at uokmax.UUCP> v05i008: whosin - show groups members
X10/27/88 random "Fuat C. Baran" <fuat at cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> v05i009: Minimal Standard Random Number Generator
X10/27/88 htroff2 "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i010: troff2lj-v2 htroff that downloads fonts
X10/27/88 cronsort "Gordon Vickers" <gordon at prls.UUCP> v05i011: cronsort - chronologically sort the crontab file
X10/27/88 xenix-poll "Robert M. Bownes III" <rmb384 at leah.albany.edu> v05i012: Script to poll other uucp sites
X10/27/88 awkstats "tom reingold" <tr at wind.bellcore.com> v05i013: Statistical awk scripts
X10/27/88 flock "Kevin Braunsdorf" <ksb at s.cc.purdue.edu> v05i014: flock - shell level access to flock(2)
X10/27/88 dsp-fft "Dan Kegel" <dan at srs.UUCP> v05i015: fft generating routines
X10/27/88 which2-v2 "Maarten Litmaath" <maart at cs.vu.nl.UUCP> v05i016: which2 version 2 (includes bug-fix)
X10/27/88 vipw "The Grey Wolf" <greywolf at unisoft.UUCP> v05i017: portable (mostly, if not completely) vipw shell script.
X10/27/88 ml "Adri Verhoef" <ccea3 at rivm.UUCP> v05i018: ml: A catagorial mail divider (sorts by Subject into separate files)
X10/27/88 grabchars "Dan Smith "vote early and often..."" <daniel at unicom.UUCP> v05i019: grabchars, get keystrokes directly from user
X10/27/88 autobaud "A. Nonymous" <davev at spked.UUCP> v05i020: autobauding getty for System V (ported from 4BSD)
X10/27/88 rman "Reg Quinton" <reggers at julian.uucp> v05i021: "man" client with trivial server
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part0 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i022: PCcurses version 1.3, part 0/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part1 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i023: PCcurses version 1.3, part 1/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part2 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i024: PCcurses version 1.3, part 2/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part3 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i025: PCcurses version 1.3, part 3/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part4 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i026: PCcurses version 1.3, part 4/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part5 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i027: PCcurses version 1.3, part 5/5
X10/30/88 compress.magic "Steve Nuchia" <steve at nuchat.UUCP> v05i028: /etc/magic lines for compress
X11/01/88 vick "John B. Milton" <jbm at uncle.UUCP> v05i029: Program to hunt for vi modelines in text files
X11/01/88 v9-cat "Doug Gwyn" <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil> v05i030: source for "cat" utility
X11/01/88 ue3.9-macros "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i031: Interactive speller and other MicroEMACS macros
X11/06/88 dotplan "Roger Murray" <rem at remsit.UUCP> v05i032: dotplan - Program to generate interesting .plan files
X11/06/88 3b1tools "Muhammad S. Benten" <benten at tigger.UUCP> v05i033: 3b1tools - windows and icons management for the Unix-pc
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part1 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i034: finger distribution for System V (1 of 3)
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part2 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i035: finger distribution for System V machines (2 of 3)
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part3 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i036: Finger distribution for System V (3 of 3)
X11/08/88 bsd.getut "Jeff Beadles" <jeff at tekcsc.mkt.tek.com> v05i037: Provides access to utmp file from C (For BSD)
X11/08/88 screens "Russ 'Random' Smith" <russ%uokmax at uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu> v05i038: screens - displays randomly selected file
X11/08/88 rnameg "Brett Slocum" <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v05i039: Random Name Generator Source Code
X11/08/88 c.s.nawk "Dave Jones" <djones at megatest.UUCP> v05i040: .c as comments in .s file
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part1 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i041: pbm.shar1
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part2 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i042: pbm.shar2
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part3 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i043: portable bitmap routines (3 of 5)
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part4 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i044: portable bitmap routines (4 of 5)
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part5 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i045: portable bitmap routines (5 of 5)
X11/08/88 arch.no-uunet "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF3: Archive update
X11/08/88 tracer "Sid Grange" <sid at chinet.UUCP> v05i046: ray tracing program for 3b1
X11/09/88 ask.sh "Ken Yap" <ken at cs.rochester.edu> v05i047: ask (quick & dirty sh version of K&P pick)
X11/14/88 malloc.uport "Michael Grenier" <mike at cimcor.UUCP> v05i048: m286 - Fast malloc for Microport
X11/14/88 s5last "A. Nonymous" <moran at tron.UUCP> v05i049: "last" command for System V
X11/14/88 unshar.perl "Steven Grady" <grady at fxgrp.UUCP> v05i050: perl version of unshar
X11/14/88 sp4 "Andrew R. Large" <predict%charon.unm.edu at ariel.unm.edu> v05i051: sp version 4.0
X11/14/88 trav.tc "Anthony M Lovell" <amlovell at phoenix.princeton.edu> v05i052: TC 2.0 source for TRAV text filter
X11/15/88 getsafe "A. Nonymous" <ok at quintus.UUCP> v05i053: A "safe" replacement for gets()
X11/15/88 help "Roland Stolfa" <rjs at a.cs.okstate.edu> v05i054: Help system
X11/21/88 kermit.hdb "Eric S. Raymond" <eric at snark.UUCP> v05i055: Kermit patches to enable dial to use HDB database, like cu
X11/25/88 getspent "The Beach Bum" <jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US> v05i056: shadow password file library
X11/25/88 xdump "Bjorn Engsig" <bengsig at orcenl.UUCP> v05i057: xdump, hex/char dump of file or shared memory
X11/25/88 savemap.nawk "Jacob Gore" <gore at eecs.UUCP> v05i058: A safe comp.mail.maps saver
X11/25/88 pwgen "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05i059: pwgen -- random-but-pronounceable password generator
X11/26/88 bsd.getut.2 "Paul Sutcliffe Jr." <paul at devon.UUCP> v05i060: A more complete getut emulation
X11/26/88 xenix.w "The Beach Bum" <jfh at rpp386.UUCP> v05i061: "w" for Xenix/386
X11/26/88 pd-last "Chris Kern" <ckern at killer.Dallas.TX.US> v05i062: another "last" -- this one is PD
X12/02/88 secure "David Goodenough" <dg at lakart.UUCP> v05i063: Solving the setuid script problem
X12/02/88 ctime.pl "A. Nonymous" <kebsch at nixpbe.UUCP> v05i064: ctime.pl, Perl version of ctime(3C)
X12/02/88 nnscript "Wayne Thompson" <waynet at mongo.UUCP> v05i065: nnscript (wrapper for enscript)
X12/02/88 mapmem "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i066: Program to Display Memory Allocation in System V
X*12/05/88 hpgl2ps-v2 "Don McCormick" <damc at natmlab.dms.oz.AU> v05i067: HPGL to PostScript Translator, version 2
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part01 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i068: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 1/3
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part02 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i069: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 2/3
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part03 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i070: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 3/3
X12/06/88 trouble "Roland Stolfa" <rjs at a.cs.okstate.edu> v05i071: Trouble Reporting System
X12/06/88 mapper "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i072: CGA/EGA Perspective Map Program
X12/06/88 grabchars1.3 "Dan Smith, Release 28.0" <daniel at island.UUCP> v05i073: grabchars 1.3, get/filter keystrokes directly from user (BSD)
X12/07/88 u16.pc/part01 "Tom Horsley" <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM> v05i074: u16 1 of 2 - 16 bit uncompress for IBM PC
X12/07/88 u16.pc/part02 "Tom Horsley" <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM> v05i075: u16 2 of 2 - 16 bit uncompress for IBM PC
X12/07/88 uns "Catherine Segedy" <segedy at gsg.UUCP> v05i076: map unpacker written in C (uns.c)
X12/09/88 gdiff.diff.ms "Kent Williams" <kent at ncoast.UUCP> v05i077: gnu diff for MSDOS
X12/09/88 last2.2.s5 "Chris Kern" <ckern at killer.dallas.tx.us> v05i078: last2 take 2: bugs fixed
X12/09/88 iconise "Harv (Max" <hjt%UUCP.warwick at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> v05i079: Iconise -- convert SunView icons to text
X12/13/88 fft2 "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i080: Unix and Turbo-C General Purpose FFT
X12/13/88 mapper-db "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i081: Mapper.c database (combined level 5) for testing
X12/13/88 rsed "Doug Davis at letni.UUCP" <doug at letni.UUCP> v05i082: rsed -- simple in-core editor
X12/13/88 bsplit "Peter Knoppers, Delft Univ. of Technology" <knop at dutesta.UUCP> v05i083: bsplit - a split-like program for binary files
X12/18/88 pt.bsd "Paul Lew" <lew at gsg.UUCP> v05i084: submission to comp.sources.misc
X12/18/88 safe-mkdir "Doug Davis" <doug at letni.UUCP> v05i085: mkdir() and security hole *****FIX****
X12/18/88 z80ad/part01 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i086: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 1 of 3
X12/18/88 z80ad/part02 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i087: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 2 of 3
X12/18/88 z80ad/part03 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i088: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 3 of 3
X12/22/88 aff "Dahmen Steve" <smd at lcuxlm.ATT.COM> v05i089: Inspiratiional Shell utility "aff"
X12/22/88 a2ps.c "Miguel Santana" <miguel at imag.imag.fr.UUCP> v05i090: a2ps
X12/22/88 peerssa "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05i091: peerssa -- a checker script in perl
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part01 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i092: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 1/3
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part02 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i093: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 2/3
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part03 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i094: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 3/3
X12/28/88 secure.patch1 "David Goodenough" <dg at lakart.UUCP> v05i095: Secure patch1 -- official fix for the big hole
X12/28/88 dvi2tty "Root" <marcel at duteca.UUCP> v05i096: dvi2tty
X12/28/88 setuid "Maarten Litmaath" <maart at cs.vu.nl.UUCP> v05i097: setuid.c -- another approach to setuid shell scripts
if test 10916 -ne `wc -c <'Index05'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index05'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index05'
if test -f 'Index06' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index06'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index06'\" \(12692 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index06' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X INDEX TO VOLUME 6 OF comp.sources.misc (1/1/89 to 5/21/89)
XFormat: date archive-name <poster's address (full name)> issue: subject
XA leading asterisk indicates a submission from the Australian sub-moderator.
X01/17/89 welcome-v6 <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v06INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 1/17/89)
X01/21/89 v6index <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v06INF2: Administrivia: Index to Volume 5
X01/21/89 btoa <per at philabs.Philips.Com (Paul E. Rutter)> v06i001: btoa, tarmail
X01/21/89 dvi2tty.patch1 <seindal at sleipner.diku.dk.UUCP (Rene' Seindal)> v06i002: dvi2tty bugfix
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part01 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i003: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 1 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part02 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i004: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 2 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part03 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i005: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 3 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part04 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i006: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 4 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part05 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i007: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 5 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part06 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i008: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 6 of 6)
X01/23/89 xc <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (David MacKenzie)> v06i009: xc: a mini-make
X01/23/89 ediff-v2 <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (David MacKenzie)> v06i010: diff to English translator, improved
X01/23/89 ya-man <chip at vector.UUCP (Chip Rosenthal)> v06i011: replacement "man" program
X01/23/89 hname <koreth at ssyx.UCSC.EDU (Steven Grimm)> v06i012: reverse hostname lookup program
X01/23/89 u16.patch1 <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM (Tom Horsley)> v06i013: u16 patch 1
X01/29/89 liss <jeff at ddsw1.MCS.COM (Jeff Haferman)> v06i014: liss - draw Lissajous figures on a Sun
X01/29/89 tif2ps/part01 <andy at coma.UUCP (Andreas Lampen)> v06i015: tif2ps -- convert TIFF to PostScript (part 1 of 2)
X01/29/89 tif2ps/part02 <andy at coma.UUCP (Andreas Lampen)> v06i016: tif2ps -- convert TIFF to PostScript (part 2 of 2)
X01/29/89 dvi2tty.Rpatch1 <marcel at duteca.UUCP (Marcel J.E. Mol)> v06i017: dvi2tty patch 1
X01/29/89 news2path <edw at wells.UUCP (Ed Wells)> v06i018: Program to build paths file directly from news///maps
X01/29/89 xlist <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i019: xlist: Xenix V xlist/kmem utility
X01/29/89 mkalias <Martin Ward <martin%EASBY.DURHAM.AC.UK at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>> v06i020: csh alias generator
X01/29/89 dissect <Mike Taylor <NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK!mirk%warwick.uucp at hal.CWRU.Edu>> v06i021: Dissection utility for over-large mbox files
X01/29/89 shadow-2 <jfh at convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i022: shadow password files, replacement login(1) and passwd(1)
X01/29/89 shadow-2.pt2 <jfh at hal.CWRU.Edu@convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i023: shadow password routines, part 2
X01/29/89 shadow-2.pt3 <jfh at hal.CWRU.Edu@convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i024: shadow password routines, part 3 of ???
X01/29/89 chksum <naz at hslrswi.UUCP (Norman H. Azadian)> v06i025: Yet Another Checksumming Program
X01/29/89 dvi2tty-2 <marcel at duteca.UUCP (Marcel J.E. Mol)> v06i026: New version of DVI2TTY, now also for MSDOS
X01/29/89 gbcount2 <kscott at cca.ucsf.EDU (Kevin Scott)> v06i027: Bush in '92 countdown program
X01/29/89 smkdir3 <doug at hal.CWRU.Edu@i.UUCP (Doug Davis at letni.UUCP)> v06i028: New version of secure mkdir
X01/29/89 hd <hal at dad.UUCP (Harold A. Miller)> v06i029: hd- A hex dump utility
X01/29/89 yahp2ps/part07 <federico at actisb.UUCP> v06i030: HPGL to PostScript converter: missing prelude file
X02/03/89 redir <bobg+ at andrew.cmu.edu> v06i031: redir - redirect stdout and stderr separately
X02/03/89 renice.sco/part01 <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i032: SCO Xenix 286 renice part1/2
X02/03/89 renice.sco/part02 <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i033: SCO Xenix 286 renice part2/2
X02/03/89 gettyfe <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i034: gettyfe - XENIX 286/386 getty front end
X02/03/89 u16.patch2 <tom at M.UUCP (Tom Horsley)> v06i035: u16 patch 2
X02/03/89 jcl <lupton at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Robert Lupton)> v06i036: JCL emulator
X02/03/89 isdst <dg at lakart.UUCP (David Goodenough)> v06i037: Evaluate if a date is DST or not
X02/03/89 68kdisasm/patch01 <alex at umbc3.umbc.edu (Alex S. Crain)> v06i038: 68K COFF dissassembler - patch 1
X02/03/89 setuid-1.1 <maart at cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath)> v06i039: setuid.c version 1.1
X02/25/89 redir.unpat1 <djk at munnari.UUCP> v06i040: patches for "redir"
X02/25/89 findname <cmanis at petro.UUCP (Cliff Manis)> v06i041: Findname, script to find filenames fast
X*03/04/89 dynamic-hash <ejp at ausmelb.oz.AU (Esmond Pitt)> v06i042: dynamic hashing version of hsearch(3)
X*03/04/89 mp <richb at sunchat.sun.oz.AU (Rich Burridge)> v06i043: mp, a PostScript pretty printer
X03/04/89 back-in-service <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF3: comp.sources.misc back in commission
X03/04/89 vsprintf.port <blarson%skat.usc.edu at oberon.usc.edu (Bob Larson)> v06i042: portable v*printf
X03/04/89 lookup.c++ <rae at b.UUCP (Reid Ellis)> v06i043: lookup -- look up commands in table
X03/04/89 finger.sed <@SRI-NIC.ARPA, at NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK, at cu.warwick.ac.uk:news at warwick.UUCP> v06i044: Ridiculously fast&dirty finger "program"
X03/04/89 dissect2 <mirk at warwick.UUCP (Mike Taylor)> v06i045: Dissection utility for over-large mbox files
X03/04/89 tape <bleckmd at jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (david bleckmann)> v06i046: tape - an audio tape data base program
X03/04/89 unshar.uemacs <saj at chinet.chi.il.us.UUCP (Stephen Jacobs)> v06i047: meunshar, a MicroEmacs macro to split shar files
X03/04/89 ptys.sco <chip at ateng.ateng.com (Chip Salzenberg)> v06i048: Xenix pty driver
X03/06/89 tif2rast <nobody at cs.buffalo.edu> v06i049: Source Code for TIFF->SunRaster
X03/06/89 tif2rast-p2 <nobody at cs.buffalo.edu> v06i050: Source Code for TIFF->SunRaster (Part 2)
X03/06/89 uupoll <Michael M. Levin <srhqla!levin at uunet.UU.NET>> v06i051: Uupoll
X03/06/89 dirstack.mks <keithe at tekgvs.labs.tek.com (Keith Ericson)> v06i052: dirstack for MKS Toolkit Shell (IBM-PC/ATXT/AT/Clones)
X03/06/89 yaccfix.awk <megatest!djones at decwrl.dec.com (Dave Jones)> v06i053: y.tab.c filter
X03/06/89 pserv <lars at ACC-SB-UNIX.ARPA (Lars J Poulsen)> v06i054: PSERV sample programs
X03/07/89 dvi2tty.patch2 <marcel at nluug.nl (Marcel Mol)> v06i055: dvi2tty patch 2
X03/07/89 setenv <Maarten Litmaath <maart at cs.vu.nl>> v06i056: setenv.c - a sorted environment package
X03/07/89 showhook.mh <pbrown at gldsyd.oz.au (Peter Brown)> v06i057: MH Mail patch to allow some action to be taken when mail is read
X03/07/89 keylock.sco <jbayer at ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer)> v06i058: Caps Lock and Num Lock for local multiscreens for SCO Xenix
X03/07/89 crc-check <zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff)> v06i059: file checker
X03/07/89 fastmtool.sun <pell at isy.liu.se (P{r Emanuelsson)> v06i060: FastMtool - explore the Mandelbrot set on your SUN station
X03/07/89 rpn <mtymp01 at ux.acss.umn.edu> v06i061: rpn - A reverse polish notation calculator
X03/07/89 copt <Nigel Perry <np at doc.ic.ac.uk>> v06i062: A library for command argument parsing for C
X03/20/89 ega43.sv32 <tneff at l.UUCP (Tom Neff)> v06i063: 43 lines on EGA, SysV/386 3.2
X03/20/89 mverify <jeff at quark.wv.tek.com (Jeff Beadles)> v06i064: mverify - Mail alias/user verification
X03/20/89 sundraw <kiron at db4.cs.concordia.ca> v06i065: bitmap graphics editor for SunTools
X03/20/89 compress-patch <res at cbnews.ATT.COM (Robert E. Stampfli)> v06i066: compress 4.0 bug fixes
X03/20/89 cpr <dvadura at watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)> v06i067: CPR a pretty printer for lots of C sources
X03/20/89 deansi <lupton at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Robert Lupton )> v06i068: Lex programme to convert pANS to Classic C
X03/20/89 pipes <pb at idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (Peter Brouwer)> v06i069: bug fix in pipes.c of byte benchmark
X03/20/89 ljtest-query <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF4: Administrivia: what do I do with this?
X03/22/89 sundraw-cancel <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF5: Administrivia: LaserJet tester, "sundraw"
X03/22/89 filta <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i070: filta - a filter builder.
X03/22/89 m <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i071: m - the more/mail/make/man thing
X03/22/89 tallow <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i072: tallow --- add entry to ~/.rhosts and later remove it with at(1).
X03/22/89 fdecs <mnc at m10ux.UUCP (52171.3-Michael Condict-- MHx5911 (MH0000)M999)> v06i073: fdecs - generate pANS prototypes from K&R C code
X03/22/89 pcal <THE MASTER <evh at vax1.acs.udel.edu>> v06i074: calendar program, 1 month per page
X03/22/89 cpic <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i075: cpic --- yet another troff preprocessor
X03/22/89 diffmk.p <Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn at intelob.intel.com>> v06i076: perl diffbar
X03/25/89 ljtest/part01 <rick at pcrat.UUCP (Rick Richardson)> v06i077: HP LaserJet Printer Compatibility Test (Part 1 of 2)
X03/25/89 ljtest/part02 <rick at t.UUCP (Rick Richardson)> v06i078: HP LaserJet Printer Compatibility Test (Part 2 of 2)
X03/25/89 rndname <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i079: Random Name Generator for RPGs
X03/25/89 rndweather <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i080: Random Weather Generator for RPGs
X03/25/89 calen <awr at genrad.COM (Andrew W. Rogers)> v06i081: another calendar program
X04/08/89 plot.uport <wietse at wzv.UUCP (Wietse Z. Venema)> v06i082: plot(1,3,5) for PC/AT graphics library
X04/08/89 plot2ps <seindal at diku.dk (Rene' Seindal)> v06i083: plot2ps -- convert plot(5) data to PostScript
X04/08/89 lowlav <"John D. DiMarco" <jdd at db.toronto.edu>> v06i084: lowlav -- return net host with lowest load average
X04/08/89 compress.cms <billr at saab.cna.tek.com (Bill Randle)> v06i085: compress for IBM/VM CMS
X04/08/89 gone-2.0 <lavallee at samsung.com (Warren Lavallee)> v06i086: Gone version 2.0: vt[12]?? terminal locking program
X04/23/89 mti.roff <jdpeek at rodan.acs.syr.edu (Jerry Peek)> v06i087: mti, travel itinerary macros for *roff, version 2.0
X04/23/89 book.lj <tneff at lll-crg.llnl.gov@l.UUCP (Tom Neff)> v06i088: BOOK 4/10/89
X04/23/89 rndweather.p1 <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i089: Random Weather Generator - patch1
X04/23/89 findpath.sh <violence at jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Violence)> v06i090: UUCP Pathfinder v1.1
X04/23/89 chkpwd <ut-emx!clyde at cs.utexas.edu (Head UNIX Hacquer)> v06i091: Password checking routine(s)
X04/23/89 doarch.pl <jv at mh.nl (Johan Vromans)> v06i092: Archiving news articles
X04/23/89 pathrpt <david at dhw68k.cts.com (David H. Wolfskill)> v06i093: pathrpt -- a reporting tool companion for pathalias
X04/30/89 gspn <agn at unh.cs.cmu.edu (Andreas Nowatzyk)> v06i094: Petri Net Simulator
X04/30/89 kirondraw <kiron at db9.cs.concordia.ca> v06i095: KironDraw v2.4B
X04/30/89 config2 <steven at cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton)> v06i096: config.c - everything you wanted to know about your C compiler
X05/07/89 kirondraw.x <kiron at db1.cs.concordia.ca (Kiron)> v06i097: KironDraw problem
X05/07/89 clock.msk <spolsky-joel at YALE.ARPA (Joel Spolsky)> v06i098: display time in MSKermit 2.32 mode line
X05/14/89 bday <rsalz at bbn.com (Rich Salz)> v06i099: Happy birthday to you...
X05/14/89 count <jeff at quark.wv.tek.com (Jeff Beadles)> v06i100: Count program
X05/14/89 rwords <glenn at osiris.UUCP (Glenn M. Mason)> v06i101: random word-list generator src
X05/14/89 glib/part01 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i102: glib part 1 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part03 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i104: glib part 3 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part04 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i105: glib part 4 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part05 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i106: glib part 5 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part06 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i107: glib part 6 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part07 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i108: glib part 7 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part08 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i109: glib part 8 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part09 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i110: glib part 9 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part10 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i111: glib part 10 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part11 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i112: glib part 11 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part12 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i113: glib part 12 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part02 <lee%uhccux.bitnet at cunyvm.cuny.edu (Greg Lee)> v06i114: repost of glib/part02 (original was truncated)
X05/21/89 glib/part13 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i115: glib part 15 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part14 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i116: glib part 13 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part15 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i117: glib part 14 of 15
if test 12692 -ne `wc -c <'Index06'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index06'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index06'
if test -f 'MANIFEST' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'MANIFEST'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'MANIFEST'\" \(708 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'MANIFEST' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X File Name Archive # Description
X Archives 1 List of archive sites
X Index01 1 Index to Volume 1 (6/1/87 - 12/31/87)
X Index02a 1 Index to Volume 2 (1/1/88 - 3/1/88)
X Index02b 1 Index to Volume 2 (3/1/89 - ?)
X Index03 1 Index to Volume 3
X Index04 2 Index to Volume 4 (? - 10/21/88)
X Index05 1 Index to Volume 5 (10/21/88 - 12/28/88)
X Index06 1 Index to Volume 6 (1/1/89 - 5/21/89)
X Index07 2 Index to Volume 7 (5/21/89 - 8/19/89)
X MANIFEST 1 This shipping list
if test 708 -ne `wc -c <'MANIFEST'`; then
echo shar: \"'MANIFEST'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'MANIFEST'
echo shar: End of archive 1 \(of 2\).
cp /dev/null ark1isdone
for I in 1 2 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked both archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
## End of shell archive.
exit 0
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