v07i075: Whales and Plankton, part 02/13

Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc allbery at uunet.UU.NET
Wed Jul 19 11:31:58 AEST 1989

Posting-number: Volume 7, Issue 75
Submitted-by: loy at gtx.UUCP (Bob Loy)
Archive-name: whpl/part02

# whpl02of13.shar
#---cut here---cut here---cut here---cut here---cut here---
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files.
# This archive created: Sat Jan 14 04:04:03 MST 1989
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'statgene.c'" '(17969 characters)'
if test -f 'statgene.c'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'statgene.c'"
sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'statgene.c'
X#ifndef lint
X   static char sccsid[] = "  %M%     %I%  ";
X   static char dateid[] = "    %E%  ";
X@@@#@^ statgene.c
X@#  Purpose:
X@@#       Read whale files to create and print a table of the relative counts
X@@#          of the 64 types of huntgenes and 64 types of feedgenes
X@#@^   statgene whl1204
X@#@^   statgene whl1204 whl1205 whl1206
X@#@^   statgene `cat whfile` , where whfile is a file containing a list of
X@#@^                           whale files to process.
X@#  Compiling:
X@#     cc -O statgene.c -o statgene
X@#  Function:
X@#     void    main();
X@#  General Comments:
X@#     Output table shows the relative gene frequencies in the whales of the
X@#        input files.  Gives a chance to look at which genes are originally
X@#        randomly created, and which are getting selected as time goes on.
X@#     Of course, since in most breeds of whales, the genes are chunked
X@#        together within chromosomes, this program usually can give only an
X@#        overview of tendencies, rather than an absolute measure of gene
X@#        success.
X@#     Note: The output table is in six columns.  A number column from 0-15,
X@#        Four gene count columns, and a totalizing column.  The gene columns
X@#        are from left to right, genes 0-15, 16-31, 32-47, and 48-63.  Since
X@#        each group of 16 genes in each geneset are identical except for
X@#        rotation, the "same" gene appears in the same place in each column.
X@#        The totalize column is the total across the four individual columns.
X Top-level Declaration - includes, defines, externs & globals.
X#include <stdio.h>
X#define   MAXLN    99
X#define   TRUE      1
X#define   FALSE     0
X            /* GLOBALS */
X   static  unsigned  short   maxln = MAXLN - 2;
X@@  void  main();  Only function in file.
Xmain(argc, argv)
X  int argc;
X  char *argv[];
X  FILE   *fopen(), *infile;
X  static  char    buf[MAXLN];
X  static  short   wh_tot = 0;
X  short   whthisfile = 0;
X  short   ig[16];
X  int     huntg[64];
X  int     feedg[64];
X  char   *test = buf;
X  int     j = 0, k;
X  printf("\n");
X  j = 1;
X  while((infile = fopen(argv[j], "r")) != NULL)
X    {
X      test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X      while(test != NULL)
X        {
X          if(buf[0] == '#')
X            {
X              whthisfile++;
X              wh_tot++;
X              test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X              test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X              test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X              sscanf(buf, "%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd",
X                      &ig[0],&ig[1],&ig[2],&ig[3],&ig[4],&ig[5],
X                      &ig[6],&ig[7],&ig[8],&ig[9],&ig[10],&ig[11],
X                      &ig[12],&ig[13],&ig[14],&ig[15]);
X              for(k = 0; k < 16; k++)
X                {
X                  switch(ig[k])
X                    {
X                      case  0:
X                          huntg[0]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  1:
X                          huntg[1]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  2:
X                          huntg[2]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  3:
X                          huntg[3]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  4:
X                          huntg[4]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  5:
X                          huntg[5]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  6:
X                          huntg[6]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  7:
X                          huntg[7]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  8:
X                          huntg[8]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  9:
X                          huntg[9]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 10:
X                          huntg[10]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 11:
X                          huntg[11]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 12:
X                          huntg[12]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 13:
X                          huntg[13]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 14:
X                          huntg[14]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 15:
X                          huntg[15]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 16:
X                          huntg[16]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 17:
X                          huntg[17]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 18:
X                          huntg[18]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 19:
X                          huntg[19]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 20:
X                          huntg[20]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 21:
X                          huntg[21]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 22:
X                          huntg[22]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 23:
X                          huntg[23]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 24:
X                          huntg[24]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 25:
X                          huntg[25]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 26:
X                          huntg[26]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 27:
X                          huntg[27]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 28:
X                          huntg[28]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 29:
X                          huntg[29]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 30:
X                          huntg[30]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 31:
X                          huntg[31]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 32:
X                          huntg[32]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 33:
X                          huntg[33]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 34:
X                          huntg[34]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 35:
X                          huntg[35]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 36:
X                          huntg[36]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 37:
X                          huntg[37]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 38:
X                          huntg[38]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 39:
X                          huntg[39]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 40:
X                          huntg[40]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 41:
X                          huntg[41]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 42:
X                          huntg[42]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 43:
X                          huntg[43]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 44:
X                          huntg[44]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 45:
X                          huntg[45]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 46:
X                          huntg[46]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 47:
X                          huntg[47]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 48:
X                          huntg[48]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 49:
X                          huntg[49]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 50:
X                          huntg[50]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 51:
X                          huntg[51]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 52:
X                          huntg[52]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 53:
X                          huntg[53]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 54:
X                          huntg[54]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 55:
X                          huntg[55]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 56:
X                          huntg[56]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 57:
X                          huntg[57]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 58:
X                          huntg[58]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 59:
X                          huntg[59]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 60:
X                          huntg[60]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 61:
X                          huntg[61]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 62:
X                          huntg[62]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 63:
X                          huntg[63]++;
X                          break;
X                    }
X                }
X              test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X              sscanf(buf, "%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd%hd",
X                      &ig[0],&ig[1],&ig[2],&ig[3],&ig[4],&ig[5],
X                      &ig[6],&ig[7],&ig[8],&ig[9],&ig[10],&ig[11],
X                      &ig[12],&ig[13],&ig[14],&ig[15]);
X              for(k = 0; k < 16; k++)
X                {
X                  switch(ig[k])
X                    {
X                      case  0:
X                          feedg[0]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  1:
X                          feedg[1]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  2:
X                          feedg[2]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  3:
X                          feedg[3]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  4:
X                          feedg[4]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  5:
X                          feedg[5]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  6:
X                          feedg[6]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  7:
X                          feedg[7]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  8:
X                          feedg[8]++;
X                          break;
X                      case  9:
X                          feedg[9]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 10:
X                          feedg[10]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 11:
X                          feedg[11]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 12:
X                          feedg[12]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 13:
X                          feedg[13]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 14:
X                          feedg[14]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 15:
X                          feedg[15]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 16:
X                          feedg[16]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 17:
X                          feedg[17]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 18:
X                          feedg[18]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 19:
X                          feedg[19]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 20:
X                          feedg[20]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 21:
X                          feedg[21]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 22:
X                          feedg[22]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 23:
X                          feedg[23]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 24:
X                          feedg[24]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 25:
X                          feedg[25]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 26:
X                          feedg[26]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 27:
X                          feedg[27]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 28:
X                          feedg[28]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 29:
X                          feedg[29]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 30:
X                          feedg[30]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 31:
X                          feedg[31]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 32:
X                          feedg[32]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 33:
X                          feedg[33]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 34:
X                          feedg[34]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 35:
X                          feedg[35]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 36:
X                          feedg[36]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 37:
X                          feedg[37]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 38:
X                          feedg[38]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 39:
X                          feedg[39]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 40:
X                          feedg[40]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 41:
X                          feedg[41]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 42:
X                          feedg[42]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 43:
X                          feedg[43]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 44:
X                          feedg[44]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 45:
X                          feedg[45]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 46:
X                          feedg[46]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 47:
X                          feedg[47]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 48:
X                          feedg[48]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 49:
X                          feedg[49]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 50:
X                          feedg[50]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 51:
X                          feedg[51]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 52:
X                          feedg[52]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 53:
X                          feedg[53]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 54:
X                          feedg[54]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 55:
X                          feedg[55]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 56:
X                          feedg[56]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 57:
X                          feedg[57]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 58:
X                          feedg[58]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 59:
X                          feedg[59]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 60:
X                          feedg[60]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 61:
X                          feedg[61]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 62:
X                          feedg[62]++;
X                          break;
X                      case 63:
X                          feedg[63]++;
X                          break;
X                    }
X                }
X            }
X          test = fgets(buf, maxln, infile);
X        }
X      printf("This file:  whales  = %h4d\n", whthisfile);
X      whthisfile = 0;
X      fclose(infile);
X      j++;
X    }
X  printf("All files:  wh_tot  =%h5d\n", wh_tot);
X  printf("\n");
X  printf("Huntgenes:   0-15  16-31  32-47  48-63     Total\n");
X  printf("\n");
X  for(j = 0; j < 16; j++)
X    {
X      printf("%5d:   %6d %6d %6d %6d   %8d\n",
X              j, huntg[j], huntg[j+16], huntg[j+32], huntg[j+48],
X              huntg[j] + huntg[j+16] + huntg[j+32] + huntg[j+48]);
X    }
X  printf("\n");
X  printf("Feedgenes:   0-15  16-31  32-47  48-63     Total\n");
X  printf("\n");
X  for(k = 0; k < 16; k++)
X    {
X      printf("%5d:   %6d %6d %6d %6d   %8d\n",
X              k, feedg[k], feedg[k+16], feedg[k+32], feedg[k+48],
X              feedg[k] + feedg[k+16] + feedg[k+32] + feedg[k+48]);
X    }
X  printf("\n");
X  printf("All files:  whale total  =%h5d\n", wh_tot);
X  printf("\n");
if test 17969 -ne "`wc -c < 'statgene.c'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'statgene.c'" '(should have been 17969 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'whpl.h'" '(11048 characters)'
if test -f 'whpl.h'
	echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'whpl.h'"
sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'whpl.h'
X@*   Copyright (c) 1987, 1988   Bob Loy
X@*   Please don't try to make money from whpl.c or associated files whpl.h,
X@*       whx.c, genes.c, whio.c, or rando.c.  Also, don't be changing my
X@*       name in this notice.
X@*   Permission is otherwise granted to the user to freely delete or modify
X@*       or add to any of the code in the above-named source files.
X@*   In other words, Experiment!
X#ifndef lint
X   static char hdsccsid[] = "  whpl.h     1.12  ";
X   static char hddateid[] = "    88/12/16  ";
X@@@#   whpl.h
X@#  Purpose:
X@@#          Include file for whx.c, whpl.c, genes.c & whio.c
X@#  Compiling:
X@#     cc -O whx.o whpl.o genes.o whio.o rando.o -o whx -lm
X@#        or:
X@#     cc -O -DSUN whx.o whpl.o genes.o whio.o rando.o -o whx -lm -lpixrect
X@#        (for display on Sun workstations like the 3/50)
X@#  Included in:
X@#     whx.c, whpl.c, genes.c, whio.c
X@#  General Comments:
X@#     "Whales & Plankton" (whpl) is a program which models a small ecology
X@#  and is a study of genetic algorithms.
X@#     The inspiration for it comes from two of A. K. Dewdney's Scientific
X@#  American Computer Recreation columns:  "Sharks and Fish Wage an Ecological
X@#  War on the Toroidal Planet Wa-Tor" of December, 1984, and from November,
X@#  1985, "Exploring the Field of Genetic Algorithms in a Primordial Computer
X@#  Sea Full of Flibs" [Finite LIving BlobS].
X@#     For this program, the finny inhabitants of the planet Wa-Tor have been
X@#  replaced:  The fish by very dumb plankton (they just float there and
X@#  multiply), and by whales who, if they are not 'smart' enough at finding
X@#  plankton, get replaced by decendents who are.  The whales originally have
X@#  randomly loaded gene sets which guide their movements over the two dimen-
X@#  sional array looking for, and eating, the plankton.  Periodically, the
X@#  whales mate and produce offspring by mixing different genes from different
X@#  parents.  I include the Darwinian pressure of only allowing the most suc-
X@#  cessful whales to procreate.
X@#     The whpl system of programs is self-documenting; the character '@' is
X@#  used as a key:
X@#     A search for a string of three @'s will find the lines with the source
X@#        file names.
X@#     A search for a string of two @'s will also get function names and a
X@#        short description of each function.
X@#     And a search for the single "@" will also find all the other comment
X@#        lines at the tops of files and at the tops of individual functions.
X@#     So a utility like the Unix "grep", for example, can be used to pull
X@#  out the "overview" comments from one or more of the whpl-associated files.
X@#     There are also some special-purpose keys which are a subset of the
X@#  above examples:
X@#     Search for "@#" to find only the top-of-file comments.
X@#     Search for "@^" to find comments which apply to input and output.
X@#  See comments at top of whx.c for how to compile & run the program; see
X@#     comments at top of whio.c for command line examples and comments about
X@#     file I/O; see comments in genes.c for explanations of breeds and genes;
X@#     and see individual functions for more specific comments.
X Top-level Declaration - includes, defines & structures.
X#include <stdio.h>
X#include <math.h>
X#ifdef SUN
X#include <pixrect/pixrect_hs.h>
X/* Constants */
X#define    FILVER    1            /*  File Version re: fileout() */
X#define    DATRUN    2088120000   /*  Date-run */
X#define    GENNUM    1000000000   /*  Generation number */
X#define    MUTATE    1000000000   /*  Future ID field */
X#define    AREA      250000       /*  Size of location array */
X#define    VBIAS     500          /*  Vertical Bias of location array */
X#define    HBIAS     1            /*  Horizontal Bias of location array */
X#define    STARTX    0            /*  X-coord of top left pixel of display */
X#define    STARTY    0            /*  Y-coord of top left pixel of display */
X#define    NUMWH     25           /*  Number of whales to start with */
X#define    MONTHS    30           /*  Number of months for one cycle */
X#define    SAFETY    25           /*  Maximum number of cycles per run */
X#define    MVGRP     2500         /*  Moves per whale per month */
X#define    PLUS      3            /*  Whale energy increase when feeds */
X#define    MINUS     1            /*  Whale energy decrease when doesn't */
X#define    MAXGMV    4            /*  Size of mvwhle[]; moves / gene firing */
X#define    MALIM     4            /*  Max males females may attract to mate */
X#define    INBREED1  1            /*  Inbreeding level; 0 or 1  ]  The     */
X#define    INBREED2  1            /*  Inbreeding level; 0 or 1  ]  lower,  */
X#define    TOCLONE   0            /*  Cloning level; 0, 1 or 2  ]  the less
X                                        likely to happen  */
X#define    DIELIM    0            /*  Chances to die (0=dynamic'ly changed) */
X#define    INGENTYP  "m4m4zz"     /*  Gene string to init whale hunt, feed, */
X                                  /*    count, and extra genes */
X#define    HGPERCHR  1            /*  Is set >=largest whale.hgperchr in run */
X#define    FGPERCHR  1            /*  Is set >=largest whale.fgperchr in run */
X#define    COUNTVAL  4            /*  Presently used in place of countgene */
X#define    NORMAL    0            /*  If 1, number of all whales' moves are */
X                                  /*    approx equal, else indiv whale sets */
X#define    BRKGENE   0            /*  0 or 1; 1 = exit gene as soon as */
X                                  /*    hunt/feed mode changes */
X#define    BRKCHRMO  1            /*  ...Same for chromosomes;  not used in */
X                                  /*    v1.10: defacto setting = 1 */
X#define    MAXWH     254          /*  Maximum number of whales program can  */
X                                  /*      deal with at any one time */
X#define    INTERLIM  150          /*  Print interim files when whales reach */
X#define    FNMTRUNC  4            /*  Remove 1st chars of DATRUN for fnames */
X#define    TRUE      1            /*  Boolian */
X#define    FALSE     0            /*  Boolian */
X#define    Uint      unsigned int   /*  Shortens some of the typing */
X#define    Ushort    unsigned short /*  Shortens some of the typing */
X#define    Uchar     unsigned char  /*  Shortens some of the typing */
X#define    Ulong     unsigned long  /*  Shortens some of the typing */
X#define    MAXSHORT  32767          /*  Sun short of 16 bits */
X#define    MAXLONG   2147483647     /*  Sun long of 32 bits */
X#define    MAXINT    MAXLONG        /*  Sun int of 32 bits */
X#define    MAXUSHORT 65534          /*  Unsigned short of 16 bits */
X#define    MAXULONG  4294967294     /*  Unsigned long of 32 bits */
X#define    MAXUINT   MAXULONG       /*  Unsigned int of 32 bits */
X/* Macros */
X#define    MAX(x,y)     ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
X#define    MIN(x,y)     ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
X#define    AVE(x,y)     (((x) + (y)) / 2)
X/* Structure definition for record used in sorting whales by energy: */
X   typedef struct
X     {
X       int     ener;           /*  Energy of whale */
X       short   whal;           /*  Whale number in order in file */
X     } energarr;
X/* Structure definitions for records of whales:  @*/
X   typedef struct          /*  Whale ID record  @*/
X     {                        /*  @*/
X       Uint    datrun;        /* = DATRUN + (command line opt) run   @*/
X       Uint    gennum;        /* = GENNUM + year * 10000 + file sequence @*/
X       Uint    mutate;        /* = Unused in whpl.c version 1.10  @*/
X       char    gns[7];        /* = hunttype, hgperchr, feedtype, fgperchr,  @*/
X                              /*   countgene, & extragene fields, below  @*/
X     } whalid;                /*  @*/
X   typedef struct          /*  Success rec, all fields based on all whales  @*/
X     {                     /*    read in or created in a particular run   @*/
X       short   diff;          /*  Difficulty; ancesavs of whales / totl  @*/
X       short   totl;          /*  Total number of whales   @*/
X       short   rank;          /*  Percential rank at end of run  @*/
X     } success;               /*  @*/
X   typedef struct          /*  Main whale record  @*/
X     {                        /*  @*/
X       int     sortfield;     /*  Unused, available for user  @*/
X       int     energy;        /*  Truly a life or death matter!  @*/
X       int     enrec[20];     /*  Ending energy records through consec runs @*/
X       short   endex;         /*  Next open enrec[] record   @*/
X       short   die;           /*  Num times whale has been below die level  @*/
X       int     locatn;        /*  Location of whale in Wa-Tor array  @*/
X       int     age;           /*  Number of mating cycles survived   @*/
X       char    sex;           /*  Occasionally (seriously, Male or Female)  @*/
X       int     offratio;      /*  Ratio of offspring to age  @*/
X       int     rating;        /*  A cumulative rating of whale's robustness @*/
X       int     lastrat;       /*  Rating from most recent run  @*/
X       success comp[20];      /*  See success struct, above  @*/
X       int     ancesave;      /*  Average depth of ancestry  @*/
X       short   ancesmax;      /*  Maximum depth of ancestry  @*/
X       short   ancesmin;      /*  Minimum depth of ancestry  @*/
X       whalid  father;        /*  ID of father  @*/
X       whalid  mother;        /*  ID of mother  @*/
X       whalid  self;          /*  ID of self    @*/
X       whalid  offspr[50];    /*  ID's of children  @*/
X       short   childex;       /*  Next open offspr[] record  @*/
X       short   allchldn;      /*  All children ever spawned  @*/
X       char    hunttype;      /*  Hunt genes type   @*/
X       Uchar   hgperchr;      /*  Hunt genes per chromosome   @*/
X       char    feedtype;      /*  Feed genes type   @*/
X       Uchar   fgperchr;      /*  Feed genes per chromosome   @*/
X       short   huntgene[16];  /*  Array of hunt genes    @*/
X       short   huntdex;       /*  Index into huntgene[]  @*/
X       short   feedgene[16];  /*  Array of feed genes    @*/
X       short   feeddex;       /*  Index into feedgene[]  @*/
X       Uchar   countgene;     /*  Count gene value (not used ver 1.10)   @*/
X       Uchar   extragene;     /*  User definable gene (not used ver 1.10)  @*/
X       int     lastfed;       /*  Number of moves since last ate plankton  @*/
X       char    huntfeed;      /*  Switch: hunting or feeding?  @*/
X     } whale_type;            /*  @*/
if test 11048 -ne "`wc -c < 'whpl.h'`"
	echo shar: error transmitting "'whpl.h'" '(should have been 11048 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

             Bob Loy            |     Life is the detour you take on the
    ...!sun!sunburn!gtx!loy     |     way to where you're really going.

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