v07INF3: Administrivia: Index to Volume 6, part 2 of 2
Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc
allbery at uunet.UU.NET
Mon May 22 12:42:55 AEST 1989
Posting-number: Volume 7, Administrivia 3
Submitted-by: allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)
Archive-name: v7index/part02
This is the current archive site list and the complete index of submissions
to comp.sources.misc. It is composed of a "shar" archive in two parts.
Please see the previous posting (the Welcome posting, "v06INF1" or "v6welcome")
[note: that last is the archive-name, which apparently never got outside the
database - whoops! ++bsa] for more information and guidelines for submissions.
#--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it
# and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this
# file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files
# will be extracted into the current directory owned by
# you with default permissions.
# The files contained herein are:
# -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery guest 10916 May 21 22:32 Index05
# -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery guest 12692 May 21 22:34 Index06
echo 'x - Index05'
if test -f Index05; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Index05'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Index05
X INDEX TO COMP.SOURCES.MISC, VOLUME 5 (10/21/88-12/28/88)
X[*]posting-date archive-name "submitter's full name" <submitter's-address> \
X volume/issue: subject line
XAn asterisk before the date indicates a submission from the Australian sub-
X10/21/88 v5welcome "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 10/21/88)
X10/21/88 v5index "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF2: comp.sources.misc Administrivia: Index to Volume 4
X10/21/88 lwf/Part1 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i001: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 1 of 3
X10/21/88 lwf/Part2 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i002: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 2 of 3
X10/21/88 lwf/Part3 "Greg Lee " <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu> v05i003: lwf (print Japanese on LW), part 3 of 3
X10/27/88 jetroff/Patch01 "A. Nonymous" <jetroff at pcrat.UUCP> v05i004: JetRoff Version 1.1, Patch01
X10/27/88 vis.Patch1 "George M. Sipe" <george at rebel.UUCP> v05i005: (official) update #1 to vis
X10/27/88 ediff "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i006: ediff - translate diff output to plain English
X10/27/88 s5look "Larry Campbell" <campbell at redsox.UUCP> v05i007: Public domain look(1) for SysV
X10/27/88 whosin "Longshot" <randy at uokmax.UUCP> v05i008: whosin - show groups members
X10/27/88 random "Fuat C. Baran" <fuat at cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> v05i009: Minimal Standard Random Number Generator
X10/27/88 htroff2 "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i010: troff2lj-v2 htroff that downloads fonts
X10/27/88 cronsort "Gordon Vickers" <gordon at prls.UUCP> v05i011: cronsort - chronologically sort the crontab file
X10/27/88 xenix-poll "Robert M. Bownes III" <rmb384 at leah.albany.edu> v05i012: Script to poll other uucp sites
X10/27/88 awkstats "tom reingold" <tr at wind.bellcore.com> v05i013: Statistical awk scripts
X10/27/88 flock "Kevin Braunsdorf" <ksb at s.cc.purdue.edu> v05i014: flock - shell level access to flock(2)
X10/27/88 dsp-fft "Dan Kegel" <dan at srs.UUCP> v05i015: fft generating routines
X10/27/88 which2-v2 "Maarten Litmaath" <maart at cs.vu.nl.UUCP> v05i016: which2 version 2 (includes bug-fix)
X10/27/88 vipw "The Grey Wolf" <greywolf at unisoft.UUCP> v05i017: portable (mostly, if not completely) vipw shell script.
X10/27/88 ml "Adri Verhoef" <ccea3 at rivm.UUCP> v05i018: ml: A catagorial mail divider (sorts by Subject into separate files)
X10/27/88 grabchars "Dan Smith "vote early and often..."" <daniel at unicom.UUCP> v05i019: grabchars, get keystrokes directly from user
X10/27/88 autobaud "A. Nonymous" <davev at spked.UUCP> v05i020: autobauding getty for System V (ported from 4BSD)
X10/27/88 rman "Reg Quinton" <reggers at julian.uucp> v05i021: "man" client with trivial server
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part0 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i022: PCcurses version 1.3, part 0/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part1 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i023: PCcurses version 1.3, part 1/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part2 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i024: PCcurses version 1.3, part 2/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part3 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i025: PCcurses version 1.3, part 3/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part4 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i026: PCcurses version 1.3, part 4/5
X10/30/88 pc-curses-1.3/Part5 "Steve Creps" <creps at silver.bacs.indiana.edu> v05i027: PCcurses version 1.3, part 5/5
X10/30/88 compress.magic "Steve Nuchia" <steve at nuchat.UUCP> v05i028: /etc/magic lines for compress
X11/01/88 vick "John B. Milton" <jbm at uncle.UUCP> v05i029: Program to hunt for vi modelines in text files
X11/01/88 v9-cat "Doug Gwyn" <gwyn at smoke.brl.mil> v05i030: source for "cat" utility
X11/01/88 ue3.9-macros "David MacKenzie" <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU> v05i031: Interactive speller and other MicroEMACS macros
X11/06/88 dotplan "Roger Murray" <rem at remsit.UUCP> v05i032: dotplan - Program to generate interesting .plan files
X11/06/88 3b1tools "Muhammad S. Benten" <benten at tigger.UUCP> v05i033: 3b1tools - windows and icons management for the Unix-pc
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part1 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i034: finger distribution for System V (1 of 3)
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part2 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i035: finger distribution for System V machines (2 of 3)
X11/08/88 s5finger/Part3 "Keith Gabryelski" <ag at elgar.UUCP> v05i036: Finger distribution for System V (3 of 3)
X11/08/88 bsd.getut "Jeff Beadles" <jeff at tekcsc.mkt.tek.com> v05i037: Provides access to utmp file from C (For BSD)
X11/08/88 screens "Russ 'Random' Smith" <russ%uokmax at uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu> v05i038: screens - displays randomly selected file
X11/08/88 rnameg "Brett Slocum" <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v05i039: Random Name Generator Source Code
X11/08/88 c.s.nawk "Dave Jones" <djones at megatest.UUCP> v05i040: .c as comments in .s file
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part1 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i041: pbm.shar1
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part2 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i042: pbm.shar2
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part3 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i043: portable bitmap routines (3 of 5)
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part4 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i044: portable bitmap routines (4 of 5)
X11/08/88 pbm3/Part5 "Jef Poskanzer" <jef at helios.ee.lbl.gov> v05i045: portable bitmap routines (5 of 5)
X11/08/88 arch.no-uunet "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05INF3: Archive update
X11/08/88 tracer "Sid Grange" <sid at chinet.UUCP> v05i046: ray tracing program for 3b1
X11/09/88 ask.sh "Ken Yap" <ken at cs.rochester.edu> v05i047: ask (quick & dirty sh version of K&P pick)
X11/14/88 malloc.uport "Michael Grenier" <mike at cimcor.UUCP> v05i048: m286 - Fast malloc for Microport
X11/14/88 s5last "A. Nonymous" <moran at tron.UUCP> v05i049: "last" command for System V
X11/14/88 unshar.perl "Steven Grady" <grady at fxgrp.UUCP> v05i050: perl version of unshar
X11/14/88 sp4 "Andrew R. Large" <predict%charon.unm.edu at ariel.unm.edu> v05i051: sp version 4.0
X11/14/88 trav.tc "Anthony M Lovell" <amlovell at phoenix.princeton.edu> v05i052: TC 2.0 source for TRAV text filter
X11/15/88 getsafe "A. Nonymous" <ok at quintus.UUCP> v05i053: A "safe" replacement for gets()
X11/15/88 help "Roland Stolfa" <rjs at a.cs.okstate.edu> v05i054: Help system
X11/21/88 kermit.hdb "Eric S. Raymond" <eric at snark.UUCP> v05i055: Kermit patches to enable dial to use HDB database, like cu
X11/25/88 getspent "The Beach Bum" <jfh at rpp386.Dallas.TX.US> v05i056: shadow password file library
X11/25/88 xdump "Bjorn Engsig" <bengsig at orcenl.UUCP> v05i057: xdump, hex/char dump of file or shared memory
X11/25/88 savemap.nawk "Jacob Gore" <gore at eecs.UUCP> v05i058: A safe comp.mail.maps saver
X11/25/88 pwgen "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05i059: pwgen -- random-but-pronounceable password generator
X11/26/88 bsd.getut.2 "Paul Sutcliffe Jr." <paul at devon.UUCP> v05i060: A more complete getut emulation
X11/26/88 xenix.w "The Beach Bum" <jfh at rpp386.UUCP> v05i061: "w" for Xenix/386
X11/26/88 pd-last "Chris Kern" <ckern at killer.Dallas.TX.US> v05i062: another "last" -- this one is PD
X12/02/88 secure "David Goodenough" <dg at lakart.UUCP> v05i063: Solving the setuid script problem
X12/02/88 ctime.pl "A. Nonymous" <kebsch at nixpbe.UUCP> v05i064: ctime.pl, Perl version of ctime(3C)
X12/02/88 nnscript "Wayne Thompson" <waynet at mongo.UUCP> v05i065: nnscript (wrapper for enscript)
X12/02/88 mapmem "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i066: Program to Display Memory Allocation in System V
X*12/05/88 hpgl2ps-v2 "Don McCormick" <damc at natmlab.dms.oz.AU> v05i067: HPGL to PostScript Translator, version 2
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part01 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i068: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 1/3
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part02 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i069: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 2/3
X12/06/88 fsanalyze4.1/part03 "Michael J. Young" <mjy at sdti.sdti.com> v05i070: Fsanalyze Version 4.1, Part 3/3
X12/06/88 trouble "Roland Stolfa" <rjs at a.cs.okstate.edu> v05i071: Trouble Reporting System
X12/06/88 mapper "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i072: CGA/EGA Perspective Map Program
X12/06/88 grabchars1.3 "Dan Smith, Release 28.0" <daniel at island.UUCP> v05i073: grabchars 1.3, get/filter keystrokes directly from user (BSD)
X12/07/88 u16.pc/part01 "Tom Horsley" <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM> v05i074: u16 1 of 2 - 16 bit uncompress for IBM PC
X12/07/88 u16.pc/part02 "Tom Horsley" <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM> v05i075: u16 2 of 2 - 16 bit uncompress for IBM PC
X12/07/88 uns "Catherine Segedy" <segedy at gsg.UUCP> v05i076: map unpacker written in C (uns.c)
X12/09/88 gdiff.diff.ms "Kent Williams" <kent at ncoast.UUCP> v05i077: gnu diff for MSDOS
X12/09/88 last2.2.s5 "Chris Kern" <ckern at killer.dallas.tx.us> v05i078: last2 take 2: bugs fixed
X12/09/88 iconise "Harv (Max" <hjt%UUCP.warwick at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU> v05i079: Iconise -- convert SunView icons to text
X12/13/88 fft2 "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i080: Unix and Turbo-C General Purpose FFT
X12/13/88 mapper-db "Steve Sampson" <sampson at killer.DALLAS.TX.US> v05i081: Mapper.c database (combined level 5) for testing
X12/13/88 rsed "Doug Davis at letni.UUCP" <doug at letni.UUCP> v05i082: rsed -- simple in-core editor
X12/13/88 bsplit "Peter Knoppers, Delft Univ. of Technology" <knop at dutesta.UUCP> v05i083: bsplit - a split-like program for binary files
X12/18/88 pt.bsd "Paul Lew" <lew at gsg.UUCP> v05i084: submission to comp.sources.misc
X12/18/88 safe-mkdir "Doug Davis" <doug at letni.UUCP> v05i085: mkdir() and security hole *****FIX****
X12/18/88 z80ad/part01 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i086: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 1 of 3
X12/18/88 z80ad/part02 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i087: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 2 of 3
X12/18/88 z80ad/part03 "Keptin Comrade Dr. Bob" <bownesrm at beowulf.UUCP> v05i088: Z80 Assembler/Disassembler part 3 of 3
X12/22/88 aff "Dahmen Steve" <smd at lcuxlm.ATT.COM> v05i089: Inspiratiional Shell utility "aff"
X12/22/88 a2ps.c "Miguel Santana" <miguel at imag.imag.fr.UUCP> v05i090: a2ps
X12/22/88 peerssa "Brandon S. Allbery" <allbery at ncoast.UUCP> v05i091: peerssa -- a checker script in perl
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part01 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i092: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 1/3
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part02 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i093: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 2/3
X*12/22/88 faces-1.3/part03 "Rich Burridge" <richb at sunchat.oz.AU> v05i094: faces v1.3 - visual mail/print monitor, Part 3/3
X12/28/88 secure.patch1 "David Goodenough" <dg at lakart.UUCP> v05i095: Secure patch1 -- official fix for the big hole
X12/28/88 dvi2tty "Root" <marcel at duteca.UUCP> v05i096: dvi2tty
X12/28/88 setuid "Maarten Litmaath" <maart at cs.vu.nl.UUCP> v05i097: setuid.c -- another approach to setuid shell scripts
if test `wc -c < Index05` -ne 10916; then
echo 'shar: Index05 was damaged during transit (should have been 10916 bytes)'
fi ; : end of overwriting check
echo 'x - Index06'
if test -f Index06; then echo 'shar: not overwriting Index06'; else
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > Index06
X INDEX TO VOLUME 6 OF comp.sources.misc (1/1/89 to 5/21/89)
XFormat: date archive-name <poster's address (full name)> issue: subject
XA leading asterisk indicates a submission from the Australian sub-moderator.
X01/17/89 welcome-v6 <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v06INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 1/17/89)
X01/21/89 v6index <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v06INF2: Administrivia: Index to Volume 5
X01/21/89 btoa <per at philabs.Philips.Com (Paul E. Rutter)> v06i001: btoa, tarmail
X01/21/89 dvi2tty.patch1 <seindal at sleipner.diku.dk.UUCP (Rene' Seindal)> v06i002: dvi2tty bugfix
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part01 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i003: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 1 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part02 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i004: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 2 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part03 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i005: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 3 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part04 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i006: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 4 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part05 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i007: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 5 of 6)
X01/21/89 yahp2ps/part06 <federico at actisb.UUCP (Federico Heinz)> v06i008: HPGL to PostScript converter (Part 6 of 6)
X01/23/89 xc <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (David MacKenzie)> v06i009: xc: a mini-make
X01/23/89 ediff-v2 <edf at ROCKY2.ROCKEFELLER.EDU (David MacKenzie)> v06i010: diff to English translator, improved
X01/23/89 ya-man <chip at vector.UUCP (Chip Rosenthal)> v06i011: replacement "man" program
X01/23/89 hname <koreth at ssyx.UCSC.EDU (Steven Grimm)> v06i012: reverse hostname lookup program
X01/23/89 u16.patch1 <tom at SSD.HARRIS.COM (Tom Horsley)> v06i013: u16 patch 1
X01/29/89 liss <jeff at ddsw1.MCS.COM (Jeff Haferman)> v06i014: liss - draw Lissajous figures on a Sun
X01/29/89 tif2ps/part01 <andy at coma.UUCP (Andreas Lampen)> v06i015: tif2ps -- convert TIFF to PostScript (part 1 of 2)
X01/29/89 tif2ps/part02 <andy at coma.UUCP (Andreas Lampen)> v06i016: tif2ps -- convert TIFF to PostScript (part 2 of 2)
X01/29/89 dvi2tty.Rpatch1 <marcel at duteca.UUCP (Marcel J.E. Mol)> v06i017: dvi2tty patch 1
X01/29/89 news2path <edw at wells.UUCP (Ed Wells)> v06i018: Program to build paths file directly from news///maps
X01/29/89 xlist <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i019: xlist: Xenix V xlist/kmem utility
X01/29/89 mkalias <Martin Ward <martin%EASBY.DURHAM.AC.UK at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>> v06i020: csh alias generator
X01/29/89 dissect <Mike Taylor <NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK!mirk%warwick.uucp at hal.CWRU.Edu>> v06i021: Dissection utility for over-large mbox files
X01/29/89 shadow-2 <jfh at convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i022: shadow password files, replacement login(1) and passwd(1)
X01/29/89 shadow-2.pt2 <jfh at hal.CWRU.Edu@convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i023: shadow password routines, part 2
X01/29/89 shadow-2.pt3 <jfh at hal.CWRU.Edu@convex.UUCP (John F. Haugh II)> v06i024: shadow password routines, part 3 of ???
X01/29/89 chksum <naz at hslrswi.UUCP (Norman H. Azadian)> v06i025: Yet Another Checksumming Program
X01/29/89 dvi2tty-2 <marcel at duteca.UUCP (Marcel J.E. Mol)> v06i026: New version of DVI2TTY, now also for MSDOS
X01/29/89 gbcount2 <kscott at cca.ucsf.EDU (Kevin Scott)> v06i027: Bush in '92 countdown program
X01/29/89 smkdir3 <doug at hal.CWRU.Edu@i.UUCP (Doug Davis at letni.UUCP)> v06i028: New version of secure mkdir
X01/29/89 hd <hal at dad.UUCP (Harold A. Miller)> v06i029: hd- A hex dump utility
X01/29/89 yahp2ps/part07 <federico at actisb.UUCP> v06i030: HPGL to PostScript converter: missing prelude file
X02/03/89 redir <bobg+ at andrew.cmu.edu> v06i031: redir - redirect stdout and stderr separately
X02/03/89 renice.sco/part01 <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i032: SCO Xenix 286 renice part1/2
X02/03/89 renice.sco/part02 <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i033: SCO Xenix 286 renice part2/2
X02/03/89 gettyfe <wht at tridom.UUCP (Warren Tucker)> v06i034: gettyfe - XENIX 286/386 getty front end
X02/03/89 u16.patch2 <tom at M.UUCP (Tom Horsley)> v06i035: u16 patch 2
X02/03/89 jcl <lupton at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Robert Lupton)> v06i036: JCL emulator
X02/03/89 isdst <dg at lakart.UUCP (David Goodenough)> v06i037: Evaluate if a date is DST or not
X02/03/89 68kdisasm/patch01 <alex at umbc3.umbc.edu (Alex S. Crain)> v06i038: 68K COFF dissassembler - patch 1
X02/03/89 setuid-1.1 <maart at cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath)> v06i039: setuid.c version 1.1
X02/25/89 redir.unpat1 <djk at munnari.UUCP> v06i040: patches for "redir"
X02/25/89 findname <cmanis at petro.UUCP (Cliff Manis)> v06i041: Findname, script to find filenames fast
X*03/04/89 dynamic-hash <ejp at ausmelb.oz.AU (Esmond Pitt)> v06i042: dynamic hashing version of hsearch(3)
X*03/04/89 mp <richb at sunchat.sun.oz.AU (Rich Burridge)> v06i043: mp, a PostScript pretty printer
X03/04/89 back-in-service <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF3: comp.sources.misc back in commission
X03/04/89 vsprintf.port <blarson%skat.usc.edu at oberon.usc.edu (Bob Larson)> v06i042: portable v*printf
X03/04/89 lookup.c++ <rae at b.UUCP (Reid Ellis)> v06i043: lookup -- look up commands in table
X03/04/89 finger.sed <@SRI-NIC.ARPA, at NSS.Cs.Ucl.AC.UK, at cu.warwick.ac.uk:news at warwick.UUCP> v06i044: Ridiculously fast&dirty finger "program"
X03/04/89 dissect2 <mirk at warwick.UUCP (Mike Taylor)> v06i045: Dissection utility for over-large mbox files
X03/04/89 tape <bleckmd at jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (david bleckmann)> v06i046: tape - an audio tape data base program
X03/04/89 unshar.uemacs <saj at chinet.chi.il.us.UUCP (Stephen Jacobs)> v06i047: meunshar, a MicroEmacs macro to split shar files
X03/04/89 ptys.sco <chip at ateng.ateng.com (Chip Salzenberg)> v06i048: Xenix pty driver
X03/06/89 tif2rast <nobody at cs.buffalo.edu> v06i049: Source Code for TIFF->SunRaster
X03/06/89 tif2rast-p2 <nobody at cs.buffalo.edu> v06i050: Source Code for TIFF->SunRaster (Part 2)
X03/06/89 uupoll <Michael M. Levin <srhqla!levin at uunet.UU.NET>> v06i051: Uupoll
X03/06/89 dirstack.mks <keithe at tekgvs.labs.tek.com (Keith Ericson)> v06i052: dirstack for MKS Toolkit Shell (IBM-PC/ATXT/AT/Clones)
X03/06/89 yaccfix.awk <megatest!djones at decwrl.dec.com (Dave Jones)> v06i053: y.tab.c filter
X03/06/89 pserv <lars at ACC-SB-UNIX.ARPA (Lars J Poulsen)> v06i054: PSERV sample programs
X03/07/89 dvi2tty.patch2 <marcel at nluug.nl (Marcel Mol)> v06i055: dvi2tty patch 2
X03/07/89 setenv <Maarten Litmaath <maart at cs.vu.nl>> v06i056: setenv.c - a sorted environment package
X03/07/89 showhook.mh <pbrown at gldsyd.oz.au (Peter Brown)> v06i057: MH Mail patch to allow some action to be taken when mail is read
X03/07/89 keylock.sco <jbayer at ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer)> v06i058: Caps Lock and Num Lock for local multiscreens for SCO Xenix
X03/07/89 crc-check <zeeff at b-tech.ann-arbor.mi.us (Jon Zeeff)> v06i059: file checker
X03/07/89 fastmtool.sun <pell at isy.liu.se (P{r Emanuelsson)> v06i060: FastMtool - explore the Mandelbrot set on your SUN station
X03/07/89 rpn <mtymp01 at ux.acss.umn.edu> v06i061: rpn - A reverse polish notation calculator
X03/07/89 copt <Nigel Perry <np at doc.ic.ac.uk>> v06i062: A library for command argument parsing for C
X03/20/89 ega43.sv32 <tneff at l.UUCP (Tom Neff)> v06i063: 43 lines on EGA, SysV/386 3.2
X03/20/89 mverify <jeff at quark.wv.tek.com (Jeff Beadles)> v06i064: mverify - Mail alias/user verification
X03/20/89 sundraw <kiron at db4.cs.concordia.ca> v06i065: bitmap graphics editor for SunTools
X03/20/89 compress-patch <res at cbnews.ATT.COM (Robert E. Stampfli)> v06i066: compress 4.0 bug fixes
X03/20/89 cpr <dvadura at watdragon.waterloo.edu (Dennis Vadura)> v06i067: CPR a pretty printer for lots of C sources
X03/20/89 deansi <lupton at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Robert Lupton )> v06i068: Lex programme to convert pANS to Classic C
X03/20/89 pipes <pb at idca.tds.PHILIPS.nl (Peter Brouwer)> v06i069: bug fix in pipes.c of byte benchmark
X03/20/89 ljtest-query <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF4: Administrivia: what do I do with this?
X03/22/89 sundraw-cancel <allbery at uunet.UU.NET ( comp.sources.misc)> v06INF5: Administrivia: LaserJet tester, "sundraw"
X03/22/89 filta <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i070: filta - a filter builder.
X03/22/89 m <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i071: m - the more/mail/make/man thing
X03/22/89 tallow <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i072: tallow --- add entry to ~/.rhosts and later remove it with at(1).
X03/22/89 fdecs <mnc at m10ux.UUCP (52171.3-Michael Condict-- MHx5911 (MH0000)M999)> v06i073: fdecs - generate pANS prototypes from K&R C code
X03/22/89 pcal <THE MASTER <evh at vax1.acs.udel.edu>> v06i074: calendar program, 1 month per page
X03/22/89 cpic <tcjones at watdragon.waterloo.edu (speedboat jones)> v06i075: cpic --- yet another troff preprocessor
X03/22/89 diffmk.p <Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn at intelob.intel.com>> v06i076: perl diffbar
X03/25/89 ljtest/part01 <rick at pcrat.UUCP (Rick Richardson)> v06i077: HP LaserJet Printer Compatibility Test (Part 1 of 2)
X03/25/89 ljtest/part02 <rick at t.UUCP (Rick Richardson)> v06i078: HP LaserJet Printer Compatibility Test (Part 2 of 2)
X03/25/89 rndname <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i079: Random Name Generator for RPGs
X03/25/89 rndweather <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i080: Random Weather Generator for RPGs
X03/25/89 calen <awr at genrad.COM (Andrew W. Rogers)> v06i081: another calendar program
X04/08/89 plot.uport <wietse at wzv.UUCP (Wietse Z. Venema)> v06i082: plot(1,3,5) for PC/AT graphics library
X04/08/89 plot2ps <seindal at diku.dk (Rene' Seindal)> v06i083: plot2ps -- convert plot(5) data to PostScript
X04/08/89 lowlav <"John D. DiMarco" <jdd at db.toronto.edu>> v06i084: lowlav -- return net host with lowest load average
X04/08/89 compress.cms <billr at saab.cna.tek.com (Bill Randle)> v06i085: compress for IBM/VM CMS
X04/08/89 gone-2.0 <lavallee at samsung.com (Warren Lavallee)> v06i086: Gone version 2.0: vt[12]?? terminal locking program
X04/23/89 mti.roff <jdpeek at rodan.acs.syr.edu (Jerry Peek)> v06i087: mti, travel itinerary macros for *roff, version 2.0
X04/23/89 book.lj <tneff at lll-crg.llnl.gov@l.UUCP (Tom Neff)> v06i088: BOOK 4/10/89
X04/23/89 rndweather.p1 <slocum at hi-csc.UUCP> v06i089: Random Weather Generator - patch1
X04/23/89 findpath.sh <violence at jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Violence)> v06i090: UUCP Pathfinder v1.1
X04/23/89 chkpwd <ut-emx!clyde at cs.utexas.edu (Head UNIX Hacquer)> v06i091: Password checking routine(s)
X04/23/89 doarch.pl <jv at mh.nl (Johan Vromans)> v06i092: Archiving news articles
X04/23/89 pathrpt <david at dhw68k.cts.com (David H. Wolfskill)> v06i093: pathrpt -- a reporting tool companion for pathalias
X04/30/89 gspn <agn at unh.cs.cmu.edu (Andreas Nowatzyk)> v06i094: Petri Net Simulator
X04/30/89 kirondraw <kiron at db9.cs.concordia.ca> v06i095: KironDraw v2.4B
X04/30/89 config2 <steven at cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton)> v06i096: config.c - everything you wanted to know about your C compiler
X05/07/89 kirondraw.x <kiron at db1.cs.concordia.ca (Kiron)> v06i097: KironDraw problem
X05/07/89 clock.msk <spolsky-joel at YALE.ARPA (Joel Spolsky)> v06i098: display time in MSKermit 2.32 mode line
X05/14/89 bday <rsalz at bbn.com (Rich Salz)> v06i099: Happy birthday to you...
X05/14/89 count <jeff at quark.wv.tek.com (Jeff Beadles)> v06i100: Count program
X05/14/89 rwords <glenn at osiris.UUCP (Glenn M. Mason)> v06i101: random word-list generator src
X05/14/89 glib/part01 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i102: glib part 1 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part03 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i104: glib part 3 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part04 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i105: glib part 4 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part05 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i106: glib part 5 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part06 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i107: glib part 6 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part07 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i108: glib part 7 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part08 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i109: glib part 8 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part09 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i110: glib part 9 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part10 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i111: glib part 10 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part11 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i112: glib part 11 of 15
X05/14/89 glib/part12 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i113: glib part 12 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part02 <lee%uhccux.bitnet at cunyvm.cuny.edu (Greg Lee)> v06i114: repost of glib/part02 (original was truncated)
X05/21/89 glib/part13 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i115: glib part 15 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part14 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i116: glib part 13 of 15
X05/21/89 glib/part15 <lee at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (Greg Lee )> v06i117: glib part 14 of 15
if test `wc -c < Index06` -ne 12692; then
echo 'shar: Index06 was damaged during transit (should have been 12692 bytes)'
fi ; : end of overwriting check
exit 0
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