v15i084: BOOTMENU and PFDISK 1.3 (part 1/2)
gwr at linus.mitre.org
gwr at linus.mitre.org
Mon Dec 17 07:59:22 AEST 1990
Posting-number: Volume 15, Issue 84
Submitted-by: gwr at linus.mitre.org
Archive-name: bootmenu/part01
Here is part 1 of the BOOTMENU and PFDISK 1.3 distribution.
BOOTMENU is a replacement primary boot sector for MS-DOS compatible
machines which allows boot-time selection of the active hard disk
partition using a menu. For example, users with both UNIX and DOS
on their hard disk can choose which system to use at boot time.
PFDISK is a replacement "fdisk" command for
installing BOOTMENU without clobbering your partition table.
See the README file at the beginning of the shell archive below for a
general description of this package. Program documentation for both
BOOTMENU and PFDISK are at the beginning of the second posting.
Gordon W. Ross (M/S E095) internet: gwr at linus.mitre.org
The MITRE Corporation uucp: {decvax|philabs}!linus!gwr
Burlington Road office phone: 617-271-3205
Bedford, MA 01730 (U.S.A.)
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
# pfdisk.man
# Changes
# Makefile
# pfdisk.c
# syscodes.c
# syscodes.h
# sysdep.h
# s_esix.c
# s_i386.c
# s_unix.c
# s_msdos.c
# This archive created: Tue Oct 23 13:53:17 1990
# By: Gordon W. Ross (The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA.)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'README'" '(3148 characters)'
if test -f 'README'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'README'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README'
BOOTMENU is a replacement primary boot sector for MS-DOS compatible
machines which allows boot-time selection of the active hard disk
partition using a menu. For example, users with both UNIX and DOS
on their hard disk can choose which system to use at boot time.
BOOTAUTO is similar to BOOTMENU but allows both unattended reboot
and the ability to override the automatic selection of the active
partition at boot-time. (I used to call this version boot-hdp).
BOOTMENU cannot do an unattended reboot but is very small and
(as a result) will not be clobbered if you use the SpeedStor
disk formatting/diagnostics program. (Notes about SpeedStor's
usage of the primary boot sector are in the file SStor.txt).
PFDISK is a replacement for both DOS and UNIX fdisk programs.
This replacement is distinguished for its ability to put
an arbitrary binary image into the primary boot sector without
clobbering an existing partition table. PFDISK has no boot
program built-in, but allows you to take the boot program
from a file. At least one of the boot program files, such as
BOOTMENU, must be available to PFDISK if it is expected to
initialize a newly formatted disk. Unlike MSDOS fdisk,
PFDISK correctly handles partition entries which extend
beyond cyl 1023. Unlike UNIX fdisk, PFDISK is not confused
about the difference between highest-usable-cylinder-number
and (beginning-cylinder plus number-of-cylinders).
Documentation included:
The file bootmenu.doc explains how to install and use the new
boot programs. The file pfdisk.man is manual entry in UNIX *roff
format, and pfdisk.doc is a formatted copy for those without nroff.
How to compile:
To build pfdisk, either edit the Makefile to uncomment the
appropriate line (i.e. SYS=i386) and type "make", or
use a make command line like:
make SYS=i386
This will just build the pfdisk program and boot sector binaries.
It will not try to modify the hard disk boot sector.
The boot program binaries are distributed as simple HEX encoded
text files. The (included) program hex2bin will convert them
for the benefit of those without the MASM (DOS) assembler.
Related packages (available separately):
The LOSS1024.FIX package contains patches for MSDOS 3.3 to allow use
of the first 1024 cylinders of a hard disk when the disk controller
BIOS has installed disk parameters showing more than 1024 cylinders.
Note that this patch is designed for use on PC/AT compatible disk
controllers that have a BIOS parameter override feature, such as the
RLL and ESDI controllers by Adaptec and Western Digital.
The ESIX-BOOT package contains patches to make ESIX (Everex Systems
SysV/386) boot from an inactive partition. Normally, ESIX will refuse
to boot unless its partition is marked as active. These patches allow
one to configure the partition table such that bootmenu will always
present its boot menu (no partition marked active).
Send e-mail if you are interested in either of the above.
Gordon W. Ross (M/S E095) internet: gwr at linus.mitre.org
The MITRE Corporation uucp: {decvax|philabs}!linus!gwr
Burlington Road office phone: 617-271-3205
Bedford, MA 01730 (U.S.A.)
if test 3148 -ne "`wc -c < 'README'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'README'" '(should have been 3148 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'pfdisk.man'" '(6386 characters)'
if test -f 'pfdisk.man'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'pfdisk.man'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'pfdisk.man'
TH PFDISK 8 "Oct 1990" "Release 1.3"
pfdisk \- partition fixed disk
B pfdisk
I device
B pfdisk
partitions the fixed disk identified as
I device
into (at most) four parts, each of which may
be independently loaded with an operating system.
The actual name of
I device
depends on the operating system in use.
For ESIX (System V/386) the device name is either
"/dev/rdsk/0s0" or "/dev/rdsk/1s0".
For Minix, it is "/dev/hd0" or "/dev/hd5".
For MS-DOS it is a single digit (zero or one).
B pfdisk
reads the hard disk partition table from block zero of
I device
into memory and allows the user to examine, modify, or save the
partition table. A regular file may be used instead of a real
I device
for testing purposes, though the device geometry must be specified
manually, and some systems will requrire a file-name argument with
the "R" and "W" commands (DOS, ESIX).
The partition table on
I device
is NOT modified unless the write command (W) is used with no argument.
SS Commands
B pfdisk
commands consist of a command word followed by optional
blank-separated command arguments.
Note that only the first letter of a command word is significant
(except for "wq" and "q!").
All command letters are accepted in either upper or lower case.
Numeric arguments are specified using C syntax.
Extra arguments are silently ignored.
The commands are:
B ?
Prints a command summary (help).
BI 1 " sys_id first last sys_name"
Set the partition table entry for part one, using:
I sys_id
as its system ID code,
I first
as the lowest numbered cylinder it uses,
I last
as the highest numbered cylinder it uses, and
I sys_name
(optional) as the system name (in the menu name table).
BI 2|3|4 " sys-id first last sys-name"
Similar to
B 1
but sets partition two, three, or four, respectively.
BI A " number"
Mark partition
I number
as active (so it will be used for booting). If
I number
is zero, no partition will be active.
BI G " cylinders heads sectors"
B pfdisk
what the geometry of the device is.
Print a summary of the known ID codes.
List the partition table.
B "Output Format"
Quit without saving. If the memory copy of the partition table was
modified, a warning will be issued and the command ignored.
B Q!
Quit, even if the memory copy of the partition table was not saved.
BI R " file-name"
Read boot sector from
I file-name
(if given) otherwise read from
I device.
BI W " file-name"
Write boot sector to
I file-name.
(if given) otherwise write to
I device.
Same as "write" followed by "quit".
B #
This line is a comment (to be ignored).
SS "Output Format"
Here is a sample of the output from the
# Partition table on device: /dev/rdsk/0s0
geometry 1222 15 34 (cyls heads sectors)
# ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name # start, length (sectors)
1 4 0 127 MS-LOSS # 34, 65246
2 129 128 255 Minix # 65280, 65280
3 0 0 0 # 0, 0
4 99 256 1220 ESIX # 130560, 492150
# note: last(4): phys=(1023,14,34) logical=(1220,14,34)
active: 4
This output format is carefully constructed so that it
may be saved in a file (by redirecting standard output)
and later used as input (by redirecting standard input).
On a UNIX system, one can save this output using the command:
(echo L) | pfdisk device-name >
I save-file
LP The printable representation saved in
I save-file
is a complete record of the partition table.
On a UNIX system, one could use
I save-file
to re-initialize the partition table using the command:
(cat save-file ; echo wq) | pfdisk device-name
Consistency of each partition table entry is checked
while the table is listed. Any inconsistencies discovered
are reported in a commentary note as shown above.
SS "Physical vs. Logical"
Each partition table entry has both "physical" and a "logical" fields.
The physical fields specify the lowest and highest cylinder,head,sector
combinations to be used in that partition. The logical start field
has the total number of sectors which precede this partition, and
the logical length field has the total number of sectors contained
in this partition. These fields should be self consistent unless
the disk has more than 1024 cylinders.
The physical cylinder fields are only ten-bits wide so the contents
are limited to 1023. The logical sector fields are 32 bits wide and
always show the true logical beginning and length of the partition.
Generally, the physical start field is used only to locate the
secondary boot sector, and the logical start and length fields are
used to actually delimit the partition used by a particular system.
SS "Partition Names"
B Name
field in the partition table is treated specially if the
B bootmenu
program is installed in the primary boot sector.
(See the file bootmenu.doc for more information.)
B pfdisk
can recognize the name table used by
B bootmenu
and will show the actual names present in that name table.
If any other boot program is used then the
B Name
field reflects the result of a table-lookup of the system ID.
If you provide a name when setting any partition entry, the
boot-sector is marked as using a name table, so that on
subsequent uses of
B pfdisk
you will see the partition names you have specified.
SS "Boot program replacement"
You can replace the boot program in your boot sector without
affecting the partition table by using
B pfdisk
as follows. First, (as always) save a copy of the current boot
sector (on a floppy) using the "W file" command. Then, use the
"R file" command to read the new boot program.
If the boot program read in is less than 446 bytes long, the
partition table will be unchanged.
Unlike the DOS or UNIX
B fdisk
B pfdisk
boot program compiled into its executable image.
If you wish to use
B pfdisk
to partition a newly formatted hard disk, you must have a boot program
image available to read in using the "r file" command.
Two boot programs, "bootmenu.bin" and "bootauto.bin" are distributed with
B pfdisk
and should be found with its source files. See the file bootmenu.doc
for further information about these boot programs.
Gordon W. Ross
if test 6386 -ne "`wc -c < 'pfdisk.man'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'pfdisk.man'" '(should have been 6386 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'Changes'" '(1131 characters)'
if test -f 'Changes'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Changes'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Changes'
New in version 1.3:
Oct 90
Updated documentation for comp.sources.misc posting.
Cleaned up slightly, using unsigned where appropriate.
Forced "small" model for MicroSoft C compiler. (DOS...)
pfdisk command letters can be upper or lower case
Added partition ID codes as (generously) reported by
leendert at cs.vu.nl (Leendert van Doorn)
New in version 1.2:
Sept '90
Added new, smaller version of boot program (BOOTMENU).
Renamed boot-hdp to BOOTAUTO (more descriptive of its function?)
Added prompt (people were confused wihout it)
Made pfdisk show real name field with sysid==0.
Made pfdisk set the signature whenever a (1,2,3,4) command
specifies the optional name argument.
Made pfdisk complain about invalid boot sector and mark it valid.
New in version 1.1:
Feb '90
Added MSDOS compatibility to hex2bin.c
Moved ESIX patches into a separate package.
Renamed s_minix.c to s_unix.c (it's generic)
Created an s_isc.c for Interactive Systems UNIX
Fixed inconsistencies in esix-fix.sh and
Removed byte-order dependencies from pfdisk.c
Revised instructions in boot-hdp.doc
Version 1.0 released (initial beta)
if test 1131 -ne "`wc -c < 'Changes'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'Changes'" '(should have been 1131 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'Makefile'" '(1629 characters)'
if test -f 'Makefile'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'Makefile'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Makefile'
# This makefile supports all UNIX-like systems.
# Uncomment one of the SYS definitions below, or
# use a make command like:
# make SYS=esix
# (For compiling on MS-DOS, see make_msc.bat)
# (To compile on Minix, use: make minix)
# Uncomment for ESIX Sys.V/386 Rel. 3.2
# Uncomment for other Sys.V/386 systems (ISC,SCO,Intel...)
# Uncomment for MSDOS with UNIX-style make (i.e. ndmake)
# Uncomment for other UNIX-like systems
# Compilation options:
FILES1= README pfdisk.man Changes Makefile pfdisk.c syscodes.c \
syscodes.h sysdep.h s_esix.c s_i386.c s_unix.c s_msdos.c
FILES2= bootmenu.doc pfdisk.doc SStor.txt bootmenu.asm bootauto.asm \
asm2bin.bat make_msc.bat bootmenu.hex bootauto.hex hex2bin.c
OBJS= pfdisk.o syscodes.o s_$(SYS).o
LSRC= pfdisk.c syscodes.c s_$(SYS).c
test: pfdisk
(echo "g 1222 15 34";\
echo "1 4 0 127 MS-LOSS";\
echo "4 99 128 1221 ESIX";\
echo "a 4"; echo l; echo wq \
) | pfdisk /dev/null
all: pfdisk bootmenu.bin bootauto.bin
pfdisk: $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS)
minix: bootmenu.bin bootauto.bin
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o pfdisk $(LSRC)
pfdisk.o : syscodes.h sysdep.h
syscodes.o : syscodes.h
s_$(SYS).o : sysdep.h
lint: $(LSRC)
lint $(CFLAGS) $(LSRC)
bootmenu.bin: hex2bin
hex2bin <bootmenu.hex >bootmenu.bin
bootauto.bin: hex2bin
hex2bin <bootauto.hex >bootauto.bin
pfdisk.doc: pfdisk.man
nroff tmac.an pfdisk.man |col -bh >pfdisk.doc
rm -f *.o
Shar1.out: Head1.txt $(FILES1)
(cat Head1.txt ; shar -v -c $(FILES1)) > $@
Shar2.out: Head2.txt $(FILES2)
(cat Head2.txt ; shar -v -c $(FILES2)) > $@
if test 1629 -ne "`wc -c < 'Makefile'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'Makefile'" '(should have been 1629 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'pfdisk.c'" '(15690 characters)'
if test -f 'pfdisk.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'pfdisk.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'pfdisk.c'
* pfdisk - Partition a Fixed DISK
* by Gordon W. Ross, Jan. 1990
* See the file "pfdisk.doc" for user instructions.
* This program uses a simple, line-oriented interpreter,
* designed for both interactive and non-interactive use.
* To facilitate non-interactive use, the output from the
* 'L' (list partitions) command is carefully arranged so it
* can be used directly as command input. Neat trick, eh?
char *versionString =
"# pfdisk version 1.2 by Gordon W. Ross Aug. 1990\n";
/* These don't really matter. The user is asked to set them. */
#define DEFAULT_CYLS 306
#define PROMPT_STRING "pfdisk> "
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "syscodes.h"
typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;
struct part { /* An entry in the partition table */
uchar active; /* active flag (0x80 or 0) */
uchar b_head; /* begin head */
uchar b_sec; /* sector */
uchar b_cyl; /* cylinder */
uchar sysid; /* system id (see sysid.c) */
uchar e_head; /* end head */
uchar e_sec; /* end sector */
uchar e_cyl; /* end cylinder */
/* These two are just longs, but this way is machine independent. */
uchar lsBeg[4]; /* logical sectors, beginning */
uchar lsLen[4]; /* logical sectors, length */
#define LOC_PT 0x1BE
#define LOC_NT 0x180
#define LOC_GWR 0x1A0
#define MAGIC_LOC 0x1FE
#define MAGIC_0 0x55
#define MAGIC_1 0xAA
#define MAX_LINE 80
char buffer[SECSIZE]; /* The boot block buffer */
int bufmod=0; /* buffer modified... */
/* (zero means buffer is unmodified) */
int useNTable; /* boot sector uses name table */
/* device parameters (force someone to set them!) */
unsigned cyls = DEFAULT_CYLS;
unsigned heads = DEFAULT_HEADS;
unsigned sectors = DEFAULT_SECTORS;
char *devname; /* device name */
char cmdline[MAX_LINE];
char filename[80]; /* used by r/w commands */
char *prompt; /* null if no tty input */
/* Some of these strings are used in more than one place.
* For consistency, I put a newline on all of them.
char h_h[] = "? <enter> : Help summary\n";
char h_l[] = "L : List partition table\n";
char h_1[] = "1 id first last name : set partition 1\n";
char h_2[] = "2,3,4 ... (like 1) : set respective partition\n";
char h_a[] = "A n : Activate partition n\n";
char h_g[] = "G cyls heads sectors : set disk Geometry\n";
char h_i[] = "I : list known ID numbers\n";
char h_r[] = "R [optional-file] : Read device (or specified file)\n";
char h_w[] = "W [optional-file] : Write device (or specified file)\n";
char h_q[] = "Q[!] : Quit (! means force)\n";
char * helpTable[] = {
h_h, h_l, h_1, h_2, h_a, h_g, h_i, h_r, h_w, h_q,
"# (All command letters have lower-case equivalents.)\n",
(char *) 0 }; /* This MUST have a zero as the last element */
char *BadArg="Error: bad argument: %s\n";
char *WarnNotSaved =
"Warning, modified partition table not saved.\n";
char ** p;
for (p = helpTable; *p; p++)
/* forward declarations */
void checkValidity();
char * setPartition();
char * makeActive();
char * setGeometry();
ulong chs2long();
char * nameID();
int printIDs();
int argc;
char *argv[];
char *cmdp; /* points to command word */
char *argp; /* points to command args */
/* check command line args (device name) */
if (argc != 2) {
usage(argv[0]); /* See s-sysname.c */
devname = argv[1];
/* Should we prompt? */
prompt = (isatty(fileno(stdin))) ? PROMPT_STRING : (char *) 0;
/* Print version name. */
fputs(versionString, stderr);
/* get disk parameters */
/* Get the boot block. */
if (getBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", devname);
if (prompt) fprintf(stderr,"For help, enter: '?'\n");
/* Read and process commands a line at a time. */
while (1) {
if (prompt) fputs(prompt,stdout);
if (! fgets(cmdline, MAX_LINE, stdin)) break;
/* Find beginning of command word */
cmdp = cmdline;
while (isspace(*cmdp)) cmdp++;
/* find beginning of args */
argp = cmdp;
while (*argp && !isspace(*argp)) argp++;
while (isspace(*argp) || *argp=='=') argp++;
switch (*cmdp) {
case '\0': /* blank line */
case '#': /* line comment */
case '?': case 'h': case 'H':
case '1': /* set partition entry */
case '2': case '3': case '4':
argp = setPartition(cmdp, argp);
if (argp) { /* arg list error */
bufmod = 1;
case 'a': case 'A': /* activate partition */
argp = makeActive(argp);
if (argp) {
bufmod = 1;
case 'g': case 'G': /* set disk parameters (Geometry) */
argp = setGeometry(argp);
if (argp) { /* arg list error */
case 'i': case 'I': /* List known ID numbers */
case 'l': case 'L': /* List the partition table */
case 'q': case 'Q': /* Quit */
if (bufmod && (cmdp[1] != '!')) {
fprintf(stderr,"\007%s%s\n", WarnNotSaved,
"Use 'wq' or 'q!' (enter ? for help).");
case 'r': case 'R': /* read from device or file */
if (sscanf(argp,"%80s",filename) == 1) {
/* Arg specified, read from filename */
if (getFile(filename, buffer, SECSIZE) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", filename);
bufmod = 1;
} else {
/* No arg, use device. */
if (getBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", devname);
bufmod = 0;
case 'w': case 'W': /* Write to file or device */
if (sscanf(argp,"%80s",filename) == 1) {
/* Arg specified, write to filename */
if (putFile(filename, buffer, SECSIZE) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failed\n", filename);
} else { /* No arg, use device. */
if (putBBlk(devname, buffer) < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: write failed\n", devname);
bufmod = 0;
if (cmdp[1] == 'q' || cmdp[1] == 'Q') exit(0);
fprintf(stderr,"'%c': unrecognized. Enter '?' for help.\n", *cmdp);
} /* switch */
} /* while */
if (bufmod) fprintf(stderr, WarnNotSaved);
} /* main */
/* Check for valid boot block (magic number in last two bytes).
* Also, check for presence of partition name table.
void checkValidity()
/* Check the magic number. */
if ((buffer[MAGIC_LOC] & 0xFF) != MAGIC_0 ||
(buffer[MAGIC_LOC+1] & 0xFF) != MAGIC_1 ) {
/* The boot sector is not valid -- Fix it. */
buffer[MAGIC_LOC] = MAGIC_0;
buffer[MAGIC_LOC+1] = MAGIC_1;
bufmod = 1;
"\n\tWarning: The boot sector has an invalid magic number.\n\
\tThe magic number has been fixed, but the other contents\n\
\tare probably garbage. Initialize using the command:\n\
\t\tR boot-program-file (i.e. bootmenu.bin)\n\
\tthen set each partition entry if necessary.\n");
/* Does it use a name table (for a boot menu)?
* My boot program does, and can be identified by
* finding my name in a particular (unused) area.
useNTable = !strcmp(&buffer[LOC_GWR], "Gordon W. Ross");
char * setPartition(cmdp,argp) /* return string on error */
char *cmdp,*argp;
struct part *pp; /* partition entry */
char * np; /* name table pointer */
char * newname; /* name field */
int index; /* partition index (0..3) */
uint id; /* ID code (see syscodes.c) */
uint first,last; /* user supplied cylinders */
uint c,h,s; /* working cyl,head,sect, */
uint len; /* chars seen by sscanf */
ulong lsbeg, lslen; /* logical begin, length */
/* Value check the index */
index = *cmdp - '1';
if (index < 0 || index > 3)
pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT + index * 16];
np = &buffer[LOC_NT + index * 8];
/* Read System ID */
if (sscanf(argp,"%i%n", &id, &len) < 1)
argp += len;
/* If ID==0, just clear out the entry and return. */
if (id == 0) {
strncpy( (char *) pp, "", 16);
if (useNTable) strncpy( np, "", 8);
return((char *)0);
/* Read first and last cylinder */
if (sscanf(argp,"%i%i%n",&first, &last, &len) < 2)
return("first last (missing)");
argp += len;
/* Reasonable start,end cylinder numbers? */
if (first > last) return("first > last");
if (first > 1023) return("first > 1023");
if (last >= cyls) return("last >= cyls");
/* Get (optional) system name. */
if (*argp == '\n') { /* no name given, use default */
newname = nameID(id);
} else { /* use the given name */
/* skip leading space */
while (*argp == ' ') argp++;
newname = argp;
/* Remove newline from end */
while (isgraph(*argp)||*argp==' ') argp++;
*argp = '\0';
useNTable = 1;
/* Set the ID and name. */
pp->sysid = id;
if (useNTable) {
strncpy(np, newname, 8);
strcpy(&buffer[LOC_GWR], "Gordon W. Ross");
/* set beginning c,h,s */
c = first;
/* if c == 0, head == 1 (reserve track 0) */
h = (first) ? 0 : 1;
s = 1;
pp->b_cyl = c & 0xFF;
pp->b_head = h;
pp->b_sec = s | ((c >> 2) & 0xC0);
/* Set the logical sector begin field */
lsbeg = lslen = chs2long(c,h,s); /* using lslen as temp. */
pp->lsBeg[0] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[1] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[2] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsBeg[3] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
/* set ending c,h,s (last may be larger than 1023) */
c = (last>1023) ? 1023 : last; /* limit c to 1023 */
h = heads - 1; s = sectors;
pp->e_cyl = c & 0xFF;
pp->e_head = h;
pp->e_sec = s | ((c >> 2) & 0xC0);
/* Set the logical sector length field (using REAL end cylinder) */
lslen = chs2long(last,h,s) + 1 - lsbeg;
pp->lsLen[0] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[1] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[2] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
pp->lsLen[3] = lslen & 0xff; lslen >>= 8;
return((char *)0); /* success */
} /* setPartition() */
char * makeActive(argp) /* return error string or zero */
char *argp;
struct part *pp; /* partition entry */
int i,act; /* which one becomes active */
if (sscanf(argp,"%d", &act) < 1)
return("missing index");
act--; /* make it zero-origin */
i=0; pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT];
while (i<4) {
pp->active = 0;
if (i == act) {
if (pp->sysid == 0) return("partition empty");
pp->active = 0x80;
i++; pp++;
return((char *)0);
char * setGeometry(argp) /* return string on error */
char *argp;
int c,h,s;
if (sscanf(argp,"%i%i%i", &c, &h, &s) < 3)
if (c<1) return("cyls");
if (h<1) return("heads");
if (s<1) return("sectors");
cyls=c; heads=h; sectors=s;
return((char *)0);
listPTable() /* print out partition table */
struct part * pp; /* partition table entry */
char *name;
int i; /* partition number */
int numActive=0; /* active partition [1-4], 0==none */
uint pbc,pbh,pbs; /* physical beginning c,h,s */
uint pec,peh,pes; /* physical ending c,h,s */
uint lbc,lbh,lbs; /* logical beginning c,h,s */
uint lec,leh,les; /* logical ending c,h,s */
ulong lsbeg,lslen; /* logical sectors: begin, length */
printf("# Partition table on device: %s\n", devname);
printf("geometry %d %d %d (cyls heads sectors)\n",
cyls, heads, sectors);
printf("# ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name ");
printf("# start, length (sectors)\n");
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
pp = (struct part *) &buffer[LOC_PT + i * 16];
if (pp->active) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: multiple active partitions.\n");
else numActive = i+1;
/* physical beginning c,h,s */
pbc = pp->b_cyl & 0xff | (pp->b_sec << 2) & 0x300;
pbh = pp->b_head;
pbs = pp->b_sec & 0x3F;
/* physical ending c,h,s */
pec = pp->e_cyl & 0xff | (pp->e_sec << 2) & 0x300;
peh = pp->e_head;
pes = pp->e_sec & 0x3F;
/* compute logical beginning (c,h,s) */
lsbeg = ((((((pp->lsBeg[3] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[2] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[1] ) << 8 )
| pp->lsBeg[0] ;
long2chs(lsbeg, &lbc, &lbh, &lbs);
/* compute logical ending (c,h,s) */
lslen = ((((((pp->lsLen[3]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[2]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[1]) << 8 )
| pp->lsLen[0] ;
/* keep beginning <= end ... */
if (lslen > 0) long2chs(lsbeg+lslen-1, &lec, &leh, &les);
else long2chs(lsbeg, &lec, &leh, &les);
if (useNTable)
name = &buffer[LOC_NT + i * 8];
name = nameID((uint) pp->sysid);
/* show physical begin, logical end (works for cyl>1023) */
/* # ID First(cyl) Last(cyl) Name... # ... */
printf("%d %3d %4d %4d %-8.8s # %ld, %ld\n",
i+1, pp->sysid, pbc, lec, name, lsbeg, lslen );
/* That's all, for an empty partition. */
if (pp->sysid == 0) continue;
* Now do some consistency checks...
/* Same physical / logical beginning? */
if (pbc != lbc || pbh != lbh || pbs != lbs ) {
printf("# note: first(%d): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("logical=(%d,%d,%d)\n",lbc, lbh, lbs);
/* Same physical / logical ending? */
if (pec != lec || peh != leh || pes != les ) {
printf("# note: last(%d): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pec, peh, pes);
printf("logical=(%d,%d,%d)\n",lec, leh, les);
/* Beginning on cylinder boundary? */
if (pbc == 0) { /* exception: start on head 1 */
if (pbh != 1 || pbs != 1) {
printf("# note: first(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("should be (%d,1,1)\n", pbc);
} else { /* not on cyl 0 */
if (pbh != 0 || pbs != 1) {
printf("# note: first(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pbc, pbh, pbs);
printf("should be (%d,0,1)\n", pbc);
/* Ending on cylinder boundary? */
if (peh != (heads-1) || pes != sectors) {
printf("# note: last(%i): ", i+1);
printf("phys=(%d,%d,%d) ", pec, peh, pes);
printf("should be (%d,%d,%d)\n",
pec, heads-1, sectors);
} /* for */
printf("active: %d %s\n", numActive,
(numActive) ? "" : "(none)");
} /* listPTable() */
ulong chs2long(c,h,s)
uint c,h,s;
ulong l;
if (s<1) s=1;
l = c; l *= heads;
l += h; l *= sectors;
l += (s - 1);
long2chs(ls, c, h, s) /* convert logical sec-num to c,h,s */
ulong ls; /* Logical Sector number */
uint *c,*h,*s; /* cyl, head, sector */
int spc = heads * sectors;
*c = ls / spc;
ls = ls % spc;
*h = ls / sectors;
*s = ls % sectors + 1; /* sectors count from 1 */
char * nameID(n)
unsigned int n;
struct intString *is;
is = sysCodes;
while (is->i) {
if (is->i == n) return(is->s);
if (!n) return(is->s);
int printIDs() /* print the known system IDs */
struct intString * is = sysCodes;
/* This might need to do more processing eventually, i.e.
* if (prompt) { ... do more processing ... }
printf("_ID_\t__Name__ ____Description____\n");
while (is->i) {
printf("%3d\t%s\n", is->i, is->s);
if test 15690 -ne "`wc -c < 'pfdisk.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'pfdisk.c'" '(should have been 15690 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'syscodes.c'" '(1357 characters)'
if test -f 'syscodes.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'syscodes.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'syscodes.c'
/* This file holds all knowledge of partition ID codes.
* Thanks to leendert at cs.vu.nl (Leendert van Doorn) for
* collecting most of this information.
#define extern
#include "syscodes.h"
#undef extern
/* Note that my boot program menu can only use the first 8 characters
* of these names. The colon in the nineth position shows where the
* first truncated char is. (There's not much room in the bootblock!)
struct intString sysCodes[] = {
{ 0x01, "DOS-12 :12-bit FAT" },
{ 0x02, "XENIX :root" },
{ 0x03, "XENIX :usr" },
{ 0x04, "DOS-16 :16-bit FAT" },
{ 0x05, "DOS-ext :DOS 3.3 extended volume" },
{ 0x06, "DOS-big :DOS 4.0 large volume" },
{ 0x07, "OS/2 :OS/2 (or QNX or Adv. UNIX...)" },
{ 0x08, "AIX :file system" },
{ 0x09, "AIX-boot:boot partition" },
{ 0x10, "OPUS :?" },
{ 0x40, "VENIX :Venix 80286" },
{ 0x51, "NOVELL :?" },
{ 0x52, "CPM :?" },
{ 0x63, "UNIX :System V/386" },
{ 0x64, "NOVELL :?" },
{ 0x75, "PC/IX :?" },
{ 0x80, "Minix :Minix (ver. 1.4a and earlier)" },
{ 0x81, "Minix :Minix (ver. 1.4b and later)" },
{ 0x93, "Amoeba :Amoeba file system" },
{ 0x94, "Amoeba :Amoeba bad block table?" },
{ 0xDB, "C.DOS :Concurrent DOS" },
/* { 0xF2, "DOS-2nd :DOS 3.3+ second partition" }, */
/* { 0xFF, "BAD-TRK :Bad track table?" }, */
/* Make sure this is last! */
{ 0, "(empty)" }
if test 1357 -ne "`wc -c < 'syscodes.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'syscodes.c'" '(should have been 1357 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'syscodes.h'" '(84 characters)'
if test -f 'syscodes.h'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'syscodes.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'syscodes.h'
struct intString { unsigned int i; char * s; };
extern struct intString sysCodes[];
if test 84 -ne "`wc -c < 'syscodes.h'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'syscodes.h'" '(should have been 84 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'sysdep.h'" '(675 characters)'
if test -f 'sysdep.h'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'sysdep.h'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sysdep.h'
/* communicate declarations from the files: s_*.c */
#define SECSIZE 0x200
extern int usage(); /* print a usage message */
/* (char *progname) */
extern void getGeometry(); /* determine disk parameters */
/* (char *dev, uint *cyls, uint *heads, uint *sectors) */
extern int getFile(); /* open, read, close, return(num-read) */
/* (char *name, char *buf, int len) */
extern int putFile(); /* open, write, close, return(num-writen) */
/* (char *name, char *buf, int len) */
extern int getBBlk(); /* open, read, close, return(num-read) */
/* (char *dev, char *buf) */
extern int putBBlk(); /* open, write, close, return(num-writen) */
/* (char *dev, char *buf) */
if test 675 -ne "`wc -c < 'sysdep.h'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'sysdep.h'" '(should have been 675 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'s_esix.c'" '(3085 characters)'
if test -f 's_esix.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'s_esix.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 's_esix.c'
/* This file contains system-specific functions for ESIX.
* The program pfdisk.c calls these routines.
* Note that ESIX can't use the generic Sys.V/386 version of
* this file because it uses ioctl calls to access the
* primary boot sector. Other systems provide a device which
* maps onto the whole disk (starting with the boot sector).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vtoc.h>
#define extern
#include "sysdep.h"
#undef extern
int usage(prog) /* print a usage message */
char *prog; /* program name */
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s dev\n\t%s\n", prog,
"where 'dev' is the device name, i.e. /dev/rdsk/0s0");
void getGeometry(dev, c, h, s)
char *dev; /* device name */
unsigned *c,*h,*s; /* cyls, heads, sectors */
int devfd, retval;
struct disk_parms dp;
devfd = open(dev, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", dev);
retval = ioctl(devfd, V_GETPARMS, &dp);
if (retval < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't get disk parameters\n", dev);
if (dp.dp_type != DPT_WINI) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: not a Winchester Disk\n", dev);
*c = dp.dp_cyls;
*h = dp.dp_heads;
*s = dp.dp_sectors;
int getFile(name, buf, len) /* read file into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
retval = read(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putFile(name, buf, len) /* write buffer to file */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
retval = write(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
int getBBlk(name, buf) /* read Boot Block into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
struct absio abs;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
abs.abs_sec = 0; /* the primary boot sector */
abs.abs_buf = buf;
retval = ioctl(devfd, V_RDABS, &abs);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putBBlk(name, buf) /* write buffer to Boot Block */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
struct absio abs;
devfd = open(name, O_WRONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
abs.abs_sec = 0; /* the primary boot sector */
abs.abs_buf = buf;
retval = ioctl(devfd, V_WRABS, &abs);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
if test 3085 -ne "`wc -c < 's_esix.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'s_esix.c'" '(should have been 3085 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'s_i386.c'" '(2647 characters)'
if test -f 's_i386.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'s_i386.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 's_i386.c'
/* This file contains system-specific functions suitable for
* most AT&T System V/386 variants (ISC,SCO,Intel...).
* The program pfdisk.c calls these routines.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vtoc.h>
#define extern
#include "sysdep.h"
#undef extern
int usage(prog) /* print a usage message */
char *prog; /* program name */
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s dev\n\
where 'dev' is the device name, i.e. /dev/rdsk/0p0\n\
(The device must start on absolute sector zero.)\n",prog);
void getGeometry(dev, c, h, s)
char *dev; /* device name */
unsigned *c,*h,*s; /* cyls, heads, sectors */
int devfd, retval;
struct disk_parms dp;
devfd = open(dev, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", dev);
retval = ioctl(devfd, V_GETPARMS, &dp);
if (retval < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't get disk parameters\n", dev);
if (dp.dp_type != DPT_WINI) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: not a Winchester Disk\n", dev);
*c = dp.dp_cyls;
*h = dp.dp_heads;
*s = dp.dp_sectors;
int getFile(name, buf, len) /* read file into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
retval = read(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putFile(name, buf, len) /* write buffer to file */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
retval = write(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
int getBBlk(devname, buffer) /* read block into buffer */
char *devname, *buffer; /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(devname,O_RDONLY);
if (devfd < 0) {
printf("%s: can't open for read\n", devname);
retval = read(devfd, buffer, SECSIZE);
int putBBlk(devname, buffer) /* write buffer to device */
char *devname, *buffer; /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(devname,O_WRONLY);
if (devfd < 0) {
printf("%s: can't open for write\n",devname);
retval = write(devfd, buffer, SECSIZE);
if test 2647 -ne "`wc -c < 's_i386.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'s_i386.c'" '(should have been 2647 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'s_unix.c'" '(2426 characters)'
if test -f 's_unix.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'s_unix.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 's_unix.c'
/* This file contains system-specific functions for generic UNIX.
* The program pfdisk.c calls these routines.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#define extern
#include "sysdep.h"
#undef extern
int usage(prog) /* print a usage message */
char *prog; /* program name */
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s dev\n\
\twhere 'dev' is the device name, i.e. /dev/hd0\n\
\t(The device must start on absolute sector zero.)\n",prog);
void getGeometry(dev, c, h, s)
char *dev; /* device name */
unsigned *c,*h,*s; /* cyls, heads, sectors */
"\n\tWarning: The device \"%s\" is assumed to have:\n\
\tcyls=%d, heads=%d, sectors=%d (an arbitrary guess).\n",
dev, *c, *h, *s);
"\n\tThis program was compiled for generic UNIX and therefore\n\
\tdoes not know how to determine the disk parameters. You must\n\
\tdescribe the disk geometry manually, using the 'G' command.\n");
int getFile(name, buf, len) /* read file into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
retval = read(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putFile(name, buf, len) /* write buffer to file */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0666);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
retval = write(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
int getBBlk(devname, buffer) /* read block into buffer */
char *devname, *buffer; /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(devname,O_RDONLY);
if (devfd < 0) {
printf("%s: can't open for read\n", devname);
retval = read(devfd, buffer, SECSIZE);
int putBBlk(devname, buffer) /* write buffer to device */
char *devname, *buffer; /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(devname,O_WRONLY);
if (devfd < 0) {
printf("%s: can't open for write\n",devname);
retval = write(devfd, buffer, SECSIZE);
if test 2426 -ne "`wc -c < 's_unix.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'s_unix.c'" '(should have been 2426 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'s_msdos.c'" '(3768 characters)'
if test -f 's_msdos.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'s_msdos.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 's_msdos.c'
/* This file contains system-specific functions for MS-DOS.
* The program pfdisk.c calls these routines.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dos.h>
#define extern
#include "sysdep.h"
#undef extern
int usage(prog) /* print a usage message */
char *prog; /* program name */
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <disk>\n", prog);
fprintf(stderr,"\twhere <disk> is a digit [0-9]\n");
void getGeometry(name, c, h, s)
char *name; /* device name */
unsigned *c,*h,*s; /* cyls, heads, sectors */
int dev; /* hard disk number */
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n", name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
regs.h.ah = 8; /* get param. */
regs.h.dl = dev | 0x80;
/* Are that many drives responding? */
if (regs.h.dl <= dev ) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: drive not found\n", name);
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't get disk parameters\n", name);
*c = ((((int) regs.h.cl << 2) & 0x300) | regs.h.ch) + 1;
*h = regs.h.dh + 1;
*s = regs.h.cl & 0x3F;
int getFile(name, buf, len) /* read file into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
retval = read(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putFile(name, buf, len) /* write buffer to file */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name,
S_IREAD|S_IWRITE ); /* stupid DOS... */
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
retval = write(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
int getBBlk(name, buf) /* read boot block into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* BIOS absolute disk read */
int dev;
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n",name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
segread(&sregs); /* get ds */
sregs.es = sregs.ds; /* buffer address */
regs.x.bx = (int) buf;
regs.h.ah = 2; /* read */
regs.h.al = 1; /* sector count */
regs.h.ch = 0; /* track */
regs.h.cl = 1; /* start sector */
regs.h.dh = 0; /* head */
regs.h.dl = dev|0x80; /* drive */
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putBBlk(name, buf) /* write buffer to boot block */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* BIOS absolute disk write */
int dev;
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n", name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
segread(&sregs); /* get ds */
sregs.es = sregs.ds; /* buffer address */
regs.x.bx = (int) buf;
regs.h.ah = 3; /* write */
regs.h.al = 1; /* sector count */
regs.h.ch = 0; /* track */
regs.h.cl = 1; /* start sector */
regs.h.dh = 0; /* head */
regs.h.dl = dev|0x80; /* drive */
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n",name);
if test 3768 -ne "`wc -c < 's_msdos.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'s_msdos.c'" '(should have been 3768 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
# End of shell archive
exit 0
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