v14INF3: Administrivia: Index to Volume 13, part 2 of 4
Brandon S. Allbery
comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET
Mon Jul 16 09:03:31 AEST 1990
Posting-number: Volume 14, Administrivia 3
Submitted-by: comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)
Archive-name: v14index/part02
This is the current archive site list and the complete index of submissions
to comp.sources.misc. It is composed of a "shar" archive in 4 part(s).
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
# "End of archive 2 (of 4)."
# Contents: Index01 Index10 Index12 Index12
# Wrapped by allbery at uunet on Sun Jul 15 19:00:46 1990
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'Index01' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index01'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index01'\" \(12438 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index01' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF June, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X(earlier submissions came before I set this up, sorry)
X8706/2: bexec -- force csh to execute shell scripts in particular ways
X8706/3: Display Tree for 4.3bsd (source)
X8706/4: grabheaders - update to news/misc submission
X8706/5: CORDIC code for vector rotation,sin,cos,atan2,P<->R
X8706/6: Setgrp - spawn a process into a new group
X8706/7: Patches to memdisk driver (BSD)
X8706/8: filedisk: make a file into a filesystem (1 of 2) (BSD4.3)
X8706/9: filedisk: make a file into a filesystem (2 of 2) (BSD4.3)
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF July, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8707/1: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Scribe format) 1 of 2
X8707/2: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Scribe format) 2 of 2
X8707/3: MicroEmacs 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 1 of 2
X8707/4: MicroEMACS 3.8i Documentation (Formatted) 2 of 2
X8707/5: A File Patching Package
X8707/6: JOVE support for VT200-type function keys
X(a bug in the early program caused a gap in the sequence; no articles were
Xposted with these numbers)
X8707/32: fsfilt filesystem filter program
X8707/33: Program to set file access and modification times.
X8707/34: newguys submission 1/2
X8707/35: newguys submission 2/2
X8707/36: copytape -- copy magtapes (BSD or magtape ioctls thereof)
X8707/37: microemacs documentation in LaTeX (part 1 of 2)
X8707/38: microemacs documentation in LaTeX (part 2 of 2)
X8707/39: mod.sources submission (maltrace)
X8707/40: LaTeX Index Processor (Part 1 of 2)
X8707/41: LaTeX Index Processor (Part 2 of 2)
X8707/42: Recursive(dir) UUCP queuer script; someone might need it someday
X8707/43: /dev/full device for 4.3 BSD
X8707/44: Digital clock
X8707/45: Read tape and print format program
X8707/46: "glob" in C for MS-DOS (sources)
X8707/47: Yet Another Time Program......
X8707/48: N-dimensional, Radix 2 FFT Routine
X8707/49: Gabriel Benchmarks in Common Lisp
X8707/50: Filter to shorten names output by cfront (353-line C source)
X8707/51: {open,read,close}dir for MS-DOS
X8707/52: Forth interpreter in 68000 assembler
X8707/53: 3d Graphics System in Forth
X8707/54: arc that UnSquashes 1/2
X8707/55: arc that UnSquashes 2/2
X8707/56: email: icon inoptional mailer invoker for the Unix PC
X8707/57: A program to output block characters
X8707/58: monitor -- monitor a command using curses
X8707/59: malloc package with debugging
X8707/60: A Function Key maintenance program for HP2392a and clones
X8707/61: Simple Text Formatter
X8707/62: finger for VAX/VMS under Eunice
X8707/63: uul -- list uucp systems with jobs pending
X8707/64: arc repost (sort of) 1/4
X8707/65: arc repost (sort of) 2/4
X8707/66: arc repost (sort of) 3/4
X8707/67: arc repost (sort of) 4/4
X8707/68: Re: A Function Key maintenance program for HP2392a and clones
X8707/69: Batching news for mailing
X8707/70: Fast Fourier Transform
X8707/71: VTREE - draws directory tree structure (System V)
X8707/72: Troffable MicroEmacs manual, part 1 of 2 ...
X8707/73: Troffable MicroEmacs manual, part 2 of 2 ...
X8707/74: Posting sources
X8707/75: FFT in C
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF August, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8708/1: Load average, "w", and status line for USG systems
X8708/2: Program to enumerate all words derivable from a telephone number
X8708/3: A C configuration enquirer
X(article number 4 unused, sorry)
X8708/5: Original fft listing
X8708/6: config
X8708/7: uucost -- Display uucp costs on screen.
X8708/8: Modula-2 vi macro package
X8708/9: talk(1) enhancements (1 of 2)
X8708/10: talk(1) enhancements (2 of 2)
X8708/11: Submission to comp.sources.unix
X8708/12: utility to find changed files
X8708/13: Wasting time on a Sun3 (suntool that plots a graph)
X8708/14: Set type for C
X(article number 15 unused, sorry)
X8708/16: Submission for comp.sources.unix (Semaphore facilities exerciser for System V)
X8708/17: string compare for 8-bit non-English characters (accents...)
X8708/18: uupc.dcp.8.3
X8708/19: uupc.mac.8.4
X8708/20: uupc.read.8.1
X8708/21: uupc.uu.8.2
X8708/22: uupc.ami.8.6
X8708/23: uupc.dos.8.7
X8708/24: uupc.macl.8.8
X8708/25: uupc.st.8.5
X8708/26: bournebasic
X8708/27: Microsoft serial mouse routines update
X8708/28: MicroGnu for MSDOS
X8708/29: "Producer": Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 0/5)
X8708/30: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 1 of 5)
X8708/31: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 2 of 5)
X8708/32: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 3 of 5)
X8708/33: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 4 of 5)
X8708/34: "Producer" translates Smalltalk to Objective-C (Part 5 of 5)
X8708/35: Patches for LaTeX Index Processor
X(the following duplicate X-Archive ID was assigned by mistake, sorry)
X8708/35: pshalf - print PostScript pages two to a page
X8708/36: Re: MicroGnu for MSDOS
X8708/uniflex-uupc/1: uniflex dcp Part 1 of 2
X8708/uniflex-uupc/2: uniflex dcp Part 2 of 2
X8708/pc-curses/1: PCcurses shar 1
X8708/pc-curses/2: PCcurses shar 2
X8708/pc-curses/3: PCcurses shar 4
X8708/pc-curses/4: PCcurses shar 3
X8708/pc-grafix/1: Grafix - a PC graphics library 1/3
X8708/pc-grafix/2: Grafix - a PC graphics library (2/3)
X8708/pc-grafix/3: Grafix - a PC graphics library 3/3
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF September, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8709/1: troff definitions for Swedish characters
X8709/2: Diffs for fnkey 1.2 upgrade
X8709/3: An install(1) program
X8709/4: cc command file for AT&T Unix/PC or 3B1
X8709/5: Sun rasterfile -> PostScript converter
X8709/6: Uuencode pair w/backwards compatible checksums & BITNET compatibility
X8709/7: ils - enhanced ls
X8709/8: ils manual pages
X8709/9: Re: rusers -- users(1) for rwho
X8709/10: dusort: size sort output of "du"
X8709/11: Patch #2 to Ispell Version 2.0 Beta
X8709/12: System V session recorder (uses ptys)
X8709/13: Working Pty Driver for UnixPC
X8709/14: ARCE31B fast ARC extractor does squashed ARCs
X8709/dbug/1: Dbug package (1 of 3)
X8709/dbug/2: Dbug package (2 of 3)
X8709/dbug/3: Dbug package (3 of 3)
X8709/15: directory stack manipulation routines for bourne shell
X8709/16: Re: directory stack manipulation routines for bourne shell
X8709/alex/1: ALEX part 1/2 (MS-DOS file exchange program)
X8709/alex/2: ALEX part 2/2 (MS-DOS library exchange program)
X8709/17: C version of uuque program
X8709/19: Disk Usage for VAX/VMS
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF October, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8710/1: Patch to 'dusort' so the disk-space-used figures come in a nice column
X8710/2: Upgrade to uudecode
X[Missing: software bug. Sigh... ++bsa]
X8710/4: yet another chat program
X8710/5: scpp: small fix to processing of #define's
X8710/6: Sun Multibus to VME Adapter Switch Setting Program
X8710/7: StarChart -- DITROFF output (Sagittarius)
X8710/8: StarChart -- PostScript output (Sagittarius)
X8710/9: e - a friendly interface to vi
X8710/10: Fix for CAPCTRL3.5
X8710/vms-vi/1: VI in TPU part 1/13
X8710/vms-vi/2: VI in TPU part 2/13
X8710/vms-vi/3: VI in TPU part 3/13
X8710/vms-vi/4: VI in TPU part 4/13
X8710/vms-vi/5: VI in TPU part 5/13
X8710/vms-vi/6: VI in TPU part 6/13
X8710/vms-vi/7: VI in TPU part 7/13
X8710/vms-vi/8: VI in TPU part 8/13
X8710/vms-vi/9: VI in TPU part 9/13
X8710/vms-vi/10: VI in TPU part 10/13
X8710/vms-vi/11: VI in TPU part 11/13
X8710/vms-vi/12: VI in TPU part 12/13
X8710/vms-vi/13: VI in TPU part 13/13
X8710/11: Gnumacs code for ID stuff
X[8710/12 was posted by mistake, and is not archived. Sorry. ++bsa]
X8710/13: prelog.c, a getty like front end for UNOS, mostly UNIX compatable
X8710/14: ccps - CalComp-to-PostScript library (4.3 BSD)
X8710/15: e - the friendly interface to vi. version 1.1
X8710/16: wpshalf - 'pshalf' for Interleaf's wps
X8710/17: Re: e - a friendly interface to vi
X8710/18: CAT troff to LaserJet II filter.
X8710/19: RFC822 parser in Yacc
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF November, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8711/1: UUCP lock file cleaner-upper
X8711/2: A customable string-comparison package
X8711/3: Utility for AT&T Unix-PC
X8711/4: mytags - awk script to complement ctags.
X8711/5: pipe - multi-input multi-output pipelining.
X8711/6: Printer Art and a Tool (1 of 2)
X8711/7: comp.sources.misc
X8711/8: pipe - multi-in multi-out pipelining BUG and fix.
X8711/9: submission for comp.sources.misc
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/1: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 1 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/2: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 2 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/3: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 3 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/4: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 4 of 5)
X8711/lim-ems-4.0/5: Updated LIM EMS 4.0 (Part 5 of 5)
X8711/10: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 1 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/1: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 2 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/2: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 3 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/3: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 4 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/4: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 5 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/5: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 6 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/6: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 7 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/7: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 8 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/8: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 9 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/9: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 10 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/10: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 11 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/11: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 12 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/12: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 13 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/13: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 14 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/14: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 15 of 16)
X8711/microemacs-3.9/15: MicroEmacs 3.9 (Part 16 of 16)
X8711/11: substr - a substring extractor for shell scripts
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/1: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (1 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/2: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (2 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/3: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (3 of 4)
X8711/uemacs-3.9-doc/4: MicroEmacs 3.9 Documentation (4 of 4)
X8711/12: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (1 of 6)
X8711/13: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (2 of 6)
X8711/14: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (3 of 6)
X8711/15: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (4 of 6)
X8711/16: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (5 of 6)
X8711/17: MicroEmacs 3.9 Manual (6 of 6)
X8711/18: Calling another system over and over again
X8711/19: Manx MS-DOS makefile for MicroEMACS.
X8711/20: fake inews
X8711/21: smail 2.5 installation under SCO XENIX
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/1: PCcurses for Turbo-C (1 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/2: PCcurses for Turbo-C (2 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/3: PCcurses for Turbo-C (3 of 4)
X8711/pc-curses-turbo/4: PCcurses for Turbo-C (4 of 4)
XSUBMISSIONS TO comp.sources.misc FOR THE MONTH OF December, 1987
XIndexed by X-Archive: header
X8712/1: Copytape with remote tapes
X8712/2: 2D contouring routines
X8712/3: submission to source.misc - setuid shell...
X8712/4: selecting a random sample of stdin
X8712/5: Partridge.c - a Christmas Trivia
X8712/6: PScal - PostScript Calendar generator: leap year bug fixed
X8712/7: "sush" privileged shell
Xedif/1: EDIF parser, part 1 of 3 ...
Xedif/2: EDIF parser, part 2 of 3 ...
Xedif/3: EDIF parser, part 3 of 3 ...
X8712/8: Prettyprint a du listing
X8712/9: version of uupoll for system V
X8712/10: Smail under Xenix System V: a fix for Micnet users
X8712/11: Re: Desperately Seeking Makefile Maker
Xmkmf/1: "mkmf" makefile maker (1 of 2)
Xmkmf/2: "mkmf" makefile maker (2 of 2)
X8712/12: A shell script to create lost+found
X8712/13: Gone-- Reserve a terminal
X8712/14: b{en,de}code
X8712/15: scandir, ftw REDUX
if test 12438 -ne `wc -c <'Index01'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index01'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index01'
if test -f 'Index10' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index10'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index10'\" \(11579 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index10' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X INDEX TO VOLUME 10 OF comp.sources.misc (1/5/90 to 3/9/90)
XFormat: date archive-name <poster's address (full name)> issue: subject
XA leading asterisk indicates a submission from the Australian sub-moderator.
X01/06/90 v10welcome <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v10INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 11/4/89)
X01/06/90 v10index/part01 <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v10INF2: Administrivia: Index to Volume 9, part 1 of 2
X01/06/90 v10index/part02 <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v10INF3: Administrivia: Index to Volume 9, part 2 of 2
X01/06/90 callback_hg/part01 <howard at hasse.ericsson.se (Howard Gayle)> v10i001: modem callback program, part 1 of 2
X01/06/90 callback_hg/part02 <howard at hasse.ericsson.se (Howard Gayle)> v10i002: modem callback program, part 2 of 2
X01/08/90 get_grammar <lupton at uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu (Robert Lupton)> v10i003: Extract a grammar from a YACC file
X01/08/90 thack.p6 <everson%compsci.bristol.ac.uk at NSFnet-Relay.AC.UK> v10i004: Official Patch #6 to thack (troff->ps filter)
X01/09/90 1040.89.uu <larryh at boot_hill.wv.tek.com (Larry Hemmert)> v10i005: uuencoded version of 1040.89.sc
X01/15/90 calctool24/part01 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i006: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 1 of 6).
X01/15/90 calctool24/part02 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i007: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 2 of 6).
X01/15/90 calctool24/part03 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i008: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 3 of 6).
X01/15/90 calctool24/part04 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i009: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 4 of 6).
X01/15/90 calctool24/part05 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i010: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 5 of 6).
X01/15/90 calctool24/part06 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i011: Calctool V2.4 - a simple calculator (Part 6 of 6).
X01/15/90 abcd12 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i012: abcd V1.2 - an automatic backup copy daemon (Part 1 of 1).
X01/19/90 mp23/part01 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i013: mp V2.3 - a PostScript pretty printer for mail etc.. (Part 1 of 2).
X01/19/90 mp23/part02 <richb at Aus.Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)> v10i014: mp V2.3 - a PostScript pretty printer for mail etc.. (Part 2 of 2).
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part01 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i015: PCcurses v.1.4 part 1 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part02 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i016: PCcurses v.1.4 part 2 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part03 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i017: PCcurses v.1.4 part 3 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part04 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i018: PCcurses v.1.4 part 4 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part05 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i019: PCcurses v.1.4 part 5 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part06 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i020: PCcurses v.1.4 part 6 of 7
X01/19/90 pccurses14/part07 <bl at infovox.se (Bj|rn Larsson)> v10i021: PCcurses v.1.4 part 7 of 7
X01/19/90 phone_kl <karl at sugar.hackercorp.com (Karl Lehenbauer)> v10i022: phone - phone another user, typing screen to screen (System V)
X01/19/90 offset_gh <gisle at ifi.uio.no (Gisle Hannemyr)> v10i023: Simple utility to move LaTeX picture environment objects.
X01/19/90 roff17 <brian at apt.UUCP (Brian Litzinger)> v10i024: roff version 1.7
X01/19/90 chall <brian at apt.UUCP (Brian Litzinger)> v10i025: chall source program submittal
X01/19/90 pipes.os2 <towfiq at interlan.interlan.com (Mark Mehdi Towfigh)> v10i026: Anonymous Pipes in OS/2
X01/19/90 b+tree_mjr/part01 <mjr at umiacs.UMD.EDU (Marcus J. Ranum)> v10i027: B+tree library, part01 of 5
X01/19/90 b+tree_mjr/part02 <mjr at umiacs.UMD.EDU (Marcus J. Ranum)> v10i028: B+tree library, part02 of 5
X01/19/90 b+tree_mjr/part03 <mjr at umiacs.UMD.EDU (Marcus J. Ranum)> v10i029: B+tree library, part03 of 5
X01/19/90 b+tree_mjr/part04 <mjr at umiacs.UMD.EDU (Marcus J. Ranum)> v10i030: B+tree library, part04 of 5
X01/19/90 b+tree_mjr/part05 <mjr at umiacs.UMD.EDU (Marcus J. Ranum)> v10i031: B+tree library, part05 of 5
X01/21/90 b+tree/Patch-for-unix <jbayer at ispi.UUCP (Jonathan Bayer)> v10i032: b+tree mgr patches for SCO Xenix and System V
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part01 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i033: PC-MAIL release 2, Part01/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part02 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i034: PC-MAIL release 2, 2/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part03 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i035: PC-MAIL release 2, 3/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part04 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i036: PC-MAIL release 2, 4/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part05 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i037: PC-MAIL release 2, 5/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part06 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i038: PC-MAIL release 2, 6/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part07 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i039: PC-MAIL release 2, 7/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part08 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i040: PC-MAIL release 2, 8/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part09 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i041: PC-MAIL release 2, 9/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part10 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i042: PC-MAIL release 2, 10/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part11 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i043: PC-MAIL release 2, 11/11
X01/24/90 pcmail2/part12 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i044: PC-MAIL release 2, Part12/11
X01/28/90 newsbreak <grwalter at watfun.waterloo.edu (Fred Walter)> v10i045: newsbreak.c; automate unpacking source and binary group postings
X01/28/90 christmas.sh <steve at micropen (...rochester!ur-valhalla!micropen!steve)> v10i046: Christmas warning shell script
X01/28/90 weekday.c <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v10i047: weekday: gives info on dates: like weeknr and weekday
X01/28/90 readstats.c <gwollman at JHMAIL.HCF.JHU.EDU (GAWollman)> v10i048: readstats... simple process-statistics program
X01/28/90 siotools/patch04 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v10i049: siotools v09i044,045 patch 4
X01/28/90 agetty2 <wietse at wzv.win.tue.nl (Wietse Z. Venema)> v10i050: agetty, SYSV getty for dial-in lines
X02/13/90 queue-900213 <allbery at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v10INF4: comp.sources.misc queue, and apology
X02/13/90 pcmail2/patch01 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i051: PC-MAIL release 2, patch 1
X02/13/90 pcmail2/patch02 <wswietse at lso.win.tue.nl (Wietse Venema)> v10i052: PC-MAIL release 2, patch2
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part01 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i053: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 00 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part02 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i054: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 01 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part03 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i055: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 02 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part04 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i056: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 03 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part05 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i057: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 04 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part06 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i058: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Part 05 of 05
X02/13/90 sh_dos/part07 <istewart at datlog.co.uk (Ian Stewartson)> v10i059: MSDOS Shell (sh) Implementation - Addendum
X02/13/90 asm.8051 <stauffer at cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Kenneth Stauffer)> v10i060: An 8031/8051 Assembler
X02/13/90 revcat_db <dennis at virtech.UUCP (Dennis P. Bednar)> v10i061: Backwards cat
X02/13/90 config42 <steven at cwi.nl (Steven Pemberton)> v10i062: config.c v4.2, Everything you wanted to know about your C compiler (and more)
X02/13/90 man_burst.csh <news at cs.utexas.edu.uucp@@uunet.uu.net:emx.utexas.edu> v10i063: man_burst, csh script to expand multi-name mans via .so references
X02/13/90 which4 <maart at cs.vu.nl (Maarten Litmaath)> v10i064: which4 - supersedes fast which2.c
X02/13/90 dusage.pl <jv at mh.nl (Johan Vromans)> v10i065: Watching disk usage
X02/13/90 c_cover/part01 <remco at tnoibbc.ibbc.tno.nl (Remco Bruyne)> v10i066: Cassette cover printing program, part 1
X02/13/90 c_cover/part02 <remco at tnoibbc.ibbc.tno.nl (Remco Bruyne)> v10i067: cassette cover printing program part2
X02/13/90 spew <bear at bu-pub.bu.edu> v10i068: National Enquirer Headline Generator
X02/13/90 multitalk <Al Viall <al at questar.questar.mn.org>> v10i069: MultiTalk1.2 - Multi-user Talk Parlour
X02/13/90 siotools/patch05 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v10i070: siotools v09i044/045 patch 5
X02/16/90 parseargs <peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)> v10i071: Improvements to Parseargs
X02/16/90 genman.awk <bby at alliant.com@y.UUCP (Bob Mastors)> v10i072: genman.awk - generate man page from C++ include file
X02/16/90 a2ps3 <miguel at imag.imag.fr (Miguel Santana)> v10i073: A2ps v3.0
X02/16/90 multitalk.p1 <al at questar.QUESTAR.MN.ORG (Al Viall)> v10i074: Multitalk2.0 - Multi-user Talk Parlour (missing files)
X02/20/90 parseargs.p1 <peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)> v10i075: Patches to parseargs posting
X02/20/90 siotools/patch06 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v10i076: siotools v09i044/45 patch 6
X02/20/90 tec/part01 <davea at ll-vlsi.arpa (Dave Allen)> v10i077: Continental Drift Simulator part 1/2
X02/20/90 tec/part02 <davea at ll-vlsi.arpa (Dave Allen)> v10i078: Continental Drift Simulator part 2/2
X02/20/90 ppmtoxpm <mark%zok at sj.ate.slb.com (Mark W. Snitily)> v10i079: ppmtoxpm -- new pbmplus utility
X02/20/90 enh-spell <djones at uunet.uu.net@megatest.UUCP (Dave Jones)> v10i080: enhancements to Unix spell
X02/20/90 tek <ron at mlfarm.uucp (Ronald Florence)> v10i081: tek - yet another tek4014 emulator
X02/26/90 stat <dds at cc.ic.ac.uk (Diomidis Spinellis)> v10i082: Stat(1)
X02/26/90 mtalk-msng-files <al at questar.QUESTAR.MN.ORG (Al Viall)> v10INF5: Multitalk1.2 - (Missing Manual/files)
X02/26/90 parseargs.p2 <peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)> v10i083: Parse ARGH: missing file from parseargs patches
X02/26/90 weekday <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v10i084: new version of weekday
X02/26/90 uformat <allbery at uunet.UU.NET> v10i085: numeric formatting function
X02/26/90 names2/part01 <jrk at sys.uea.ac.uk (Richard Kennaway)> v10i086: Names2, a random names generator (part 1 of 2)
X02/26/90 names2/part02 <jrk at sys.uea.ac.uk (Richard Kennaway)> v10i087: Names2, a random names generator (part 2 of 2)
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part01 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i088: XLisP 2.1 sources 1a (1/3) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part02 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i089: XLisP 2.1 sources 1b (2/3) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part03 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i090: XLisP 2.1 Sources 1c (3/3) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part04 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i091: XLisP 2.1 sources 2/5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part05 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i092: XLisP 2.1 sources 3a (1/2) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part06 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i093: XLisP 2.1 sources 3b (2/2) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part07 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i094: XLisP 2.1 sources 4a (1/2) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part08 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i095: XLisP 2.1 sources 4b (2/2) / 5
X02/26/90 xlisp21/part09 <garym at cognos.UUCP (Gary Murphy)> v10i096: XLisP 2.1 sources 5/5
X03/06/90 two-stats/part01 <rsk at oldfield.CS.ColoState.Edu (Rich Kulawiec)> v10i097: Another (two more!) version(s) of stat(1)
X03/06/90 tourney/part01 <jack at blind-lemon.cs.unlv.edu> v10i098: source to program to run NCAA basketball tourney
X03/09/90 queue-900309/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery - comp.sources.misc)> v10INF6: queue of c.s.misc submissions and changes in newsgroup
if test 11579 -ne `wc -c <'Index10'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index10'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index10'
if test -f 'Index12' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index12'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index12'\" \(11812 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index12' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X INDEX TO VOLUME 12 OF comp.sources.misc (04/13/90 to 05/19/90)
XFormat: date archive-name <poster's address (full name)> issue: subject
XA leading asterisk indicates a submission from the Australian sub-moderator.
X04/13/90 v12welcome/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 3/10/90)
X04/13/90 v12index/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF2: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 1 of 3
X04/13/90 v12index/part02 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF3: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 2 of 3
X04/13/90 v12index/part03 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF4: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 3 of 3
X04/13/90 starchart2/part01 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i001: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 1/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part02 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i002: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 2/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part03 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i003: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 3/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part04 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i004: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 4/4
X04/13/90 ephem4.13/sac-ephem-pch <ecd at cs.umn.edu@ncs-med.UUCP (Elwood C. Downey)> v12i005: ephem 4.13 sac-ephem bug
X04/13/90 safe-rm.csh/part01 <@uunet.uu.net:flur%duke at gatech.edu@uunet.UU.NET> v12i006: Safe "rm" in C shell
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/part01 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i007: DVI2TTY: Part 1 of 2; supports VMS and symbol fonts
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/part02 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i008: DVI2TTY: Part 2 of 2; supports VMS and symbol fonts
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/patch01 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i009: DVI2TTY: Official patch 1
X04/15/90 newsbreak1.9/part01 <grwalter at watfun.waterloo.edu (Fred Walter)> v12i010: newsbreak 1.09
X04/17/90 music.logo/part01 <edgar at shape.mps.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar)> v12i011: Dragon curves with music
X04/17/90 fc/part01 <jcs at crash.cts.com (John Schultz)> v12i012: FC, Fast 2D Line Clipper
X04/23/90 unboo.bas <nghiem at ut-emx.UUCP> v12i013: unboo.bas - decode Kermit boo format
X04/25/90 ranlib/part01 <Steve.Bleazard at robobar.co.uk> v12i014: replacement ranlib for SCO Xenix
X04/25/90 ephem4.13/patch01 <downey at cs.umn.edu@dimed1.UUCP> v12i015: ephem phase correction
X05/05/90 rot/part01 <peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)> v12i016: ROT -- demonstrate bitrot. Release 12/89. Update 04/90.
X05/05/90 du-pc/part01 <exos:<@crdgw1.crd.ge.com:pnl at hpfinote.fc.hp.com>> v12i017: Disk Usage program for PC (Re: Cluster Size)
X05/05/90 round-robin/part01 <mxh at sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Max Hailperin)> v12i018: mail round-robiner
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part01 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i019: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 01 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part02 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i020: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 02 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part03 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i021: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 03 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part04 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i022: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 04 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part05 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i023: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 05 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part06 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i024: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 06 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part07 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i025: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 07 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part08 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i026: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 08 of 08
X05/05/90 fol/part01 <levy at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Daniel R. Levy)> v12i027: fol -- show followups to current article
X05/05/90 mush/part00 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i028: Mush (manifest + intro)
X05/05/90 mush/part01 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i029: Mail User's Shell, Part01/19
X05/05/90 mush/part02 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i030: Mail User's Shell, Part02/19
X05/05/90 mush/part03 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i031: Mail User's Shell, Part03/19
X05/05/90 mush/part04 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i032: Mail User's Shell, Part04/19
X05/05/90 mush/part05 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i033: Mail User's Shell, Part05/19
X05/05/90 mush/part06 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i034: Mail User's Shell, Part06/19
X05/05/90 mush/part07 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i035: Mail User's Shell, Part07/19
X05/05/90 mush/part08 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i036: Mail User's Shell, Part08/19
X05/05/90 mush/part09 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i037: Mail User's Shell, Part09/19
X05/05/90 mush/part10 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i038: Mail User's Shell, Part10/19
X05/05/90 mush/part11 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i039: Mail User's Shell, Part11/19
X05/05/90 mush/part12 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i040: Mail User's Shell, Part12/19
X05/05/90 mush/part13 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i041: Mail User's Shell, Part13/19
X05/05/90 mush/part14 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i042: Mail User's Shell, Part14/19
X05/05/90 mush/part15 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i043: Mail User's Shell, Part15/19
X05/05/90 mush/part16 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i044: Mail User's Shell, Part16/19
X05/05/90 mush/part17 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i045: Mail User's Shell, Part17/19
X05/05/90 mush/part18 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i046: Mail User's Shell, Part18/19
X05/05/90 mush/part19 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i047: Mail User's Shell, Part19/19
X05/05/90 cheap-fax/part01 <brian at ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor)> v12i048: El-cheapo E-mail to Fax for sendmail
X05/05/90 grabchars-1.9/part01 <daniel at island.UUCP (Dan Smith "Happy Birthday James Brown G.O.S.")> v12i049: Grabchars 1.9, get keystrokes direct from user BSD/SYSV part 1
X05/05/90 grabchars-1.9/part02 <daniel at island.UUCP (Dan Smith "Happy Birthday James Brown G.O.S.")> v12i050: Grabchars 1.9, get keystrokes direct from user BSD/SYSV part 2
X05/11/90 sparc-mtools/patch01 <viktor at melon.princeton.edu (Viktor Dukhovni)> v12i051: Recent mtools, official patches.
X05/11/90 fm/part01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i052: fm - a curses-based hex/ASCII binary file editor
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part00 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i053: ECU 2.80 part 00/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i054: ECU 2.80 part 01/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part02 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i055: ECU 2.80 part 02/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part03 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i056: ECU 2.80 part 03/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part04 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i057: ECU 2.80 part 04/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part05 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i058: ECU 2.80 part 05/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part06 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i059: ECU 2.80 part 06/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part07 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i060: ECU 2.80 part 07/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part08 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i061: ECU 2.80 part 08/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part09 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i062: ECU 2.80 part 09/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part10 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i063: ECU 2.80 part 10/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part11 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i064: ECU 2.80 part 11/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part12 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i065: ECU 2.80 part 12/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part13 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i066: ECU 2.80 part 13/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part14 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i067: ECU 2.80 part 14/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part15 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i068: ECU 2.80 part 15/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part16 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i069: ECU 2.80 part 16/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part17 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i070: ECU 2.80 part 17/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part18 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i071: ECU 2.80 part 18/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part19 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i072: ECU 2.80 part 19/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part20 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i073: ECU 2.80 part 20/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part21 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i074: ECU 2.80 part 21/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part22 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i075: ECU 2.80 part 22/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part23 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i076: ECU 2.80 part 23/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part24 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i077: ECU 2.80 part 24/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part25 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i078: ECU 2.80 part 25/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part26 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i079: ECU 2.80 part 26/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part27 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i080: ECU 2.80 part 27/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part28 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i081: ECU 2.80 part 28/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part29 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i082: ECU 2.80 part 29/29
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i083: ECU 2.80 manual part 01/03
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part02 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i084: ECU 2.80 manual part 02/03
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part03 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i085: ECU 2.80 manual part 03/03
X05/14/90 wclock/part01 <robert at cs.arizona.edu (Robert J. Drabek)> v12i086: A Wall Clock
X05/14/90 ffccc/part01 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i087: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 01/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part02 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i088: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 02/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part03r <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i089: REPOST Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 03/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part04 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i090: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 04/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part05 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i091: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 05/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part06 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i092: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 06/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part07 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i093: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 07/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part08 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i094: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 08/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part09 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i095: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 09/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part10 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i096: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 10/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part11 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i097: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 11/11
X05/14/90 telewords/part01 <williams at mimsy.umd.edu (Jim Williams)> v12i098: Telephone number to word conversion
X05/14/90 unpackmaps3.0/part01 <clewis at eci386 (Chris Lewis)> v12i099: Yet another release of unpackmaps.
X05/14/90 tek.p1 <ron at mlfarm.UUCP (Ronald Florence)> v12i100: tek (patch 1)
X05/16/90 ecu2.80/patch01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i101: ECU patch 1 part 01/02
X05/16/90 ecu2.80/patch01contd <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i102: ECU patch 1 part 02/02
X05/16/90 unpackmaps3.0/patch01 <clewis at eci386 (Chris Lewis)> v12i103: YA unpackmaps posting fix
X05/19/90 psf2/part01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i104: psf2.0 source part1/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part02 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i105: psf2.0 source 2/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part03 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i106: psf2.0 source 3/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part04 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i107: psf2.0 source 4/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part05 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i108: psf2.0 source 5/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part06 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i109: psf2.0 source 6/6
X05/19/90 fm/patch01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i110: fm patch01
if test 11812 -ne `wc -c <'Index12'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index12'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index12'
if test -f 'Index12' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Index12'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Index12'\" \(11812 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Index12' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X INDEX TO VOLUME 12 OF comp.sources.misc (04/13/90 to 05/19/90)
XFormat: date archive-name <poster's address (full name)> issue: subject
XA leading asterisk indicates a submission from the Australian sub-moderator.
X04/13/90 v12welcome/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF1: Welcome to comp.sources.misc! (Last changed: 3/10/90)
X04/13/90 v12index/part01 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF2: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 1 of 3
X04/13/90 v12index/part02 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF3: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 2 of 3
X04/13/90 v12index/part03 <comp-sources-misc-request at uunet.UU.NET (Brandon S. Allbery)> v12INF4: Administrivia: Index to Volume 11, part 3 of 3
X04/13/90 starchart2/part01 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i001: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 1/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part02 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i002: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 2/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part03 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i003: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 3/4
X04/13/90 starchart2/part04 <ccount at ATHENA.MIT.EDU> v12i004: Starchart 3.2 update to 3.2.1 part 4/4
X04/13/90 ephem4.13/sac-ephem-pch <ecd at cs.umn.edu@ncs-med.UUCP (Elwood C. Downey)> v12i005: ephem 4.13 sac-ephem bug
X04/13/90 safe-rm.csh/part01 <@uunet.uu.net:flur%duke at gatech.edu@uunet.UU.NET> v12i006: Safe "rm" in C shell
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/part01 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i007: DVI2TTY: Part 1 of 2; supports VMS and symbol fonts
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/part02 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i008: DVI2TTY: Part 2 of 2; supports VMS and symbol fonts
X04/13/90 dvi2tty2/patch01 <marcel at duteca.tudelft.nl (Marcel Mol)> v12i009: DVI2TTY: Official patch 1
X04/15/90 newsbreak1.9/part01 <grwalter at watfun.waterloo.edu (Fred Walter)> v12i010: newsbreak 1.09
X04/17/90 music.logo/part01 <edgar at shape.mps.ohio-state.edu (Gerald Edgar)> v12i011: Dragon curves with music
X04/17/90 fc/part01 <jcs at crash.cts.com (John Schultz)> v12i012: FC, Fast 2D Line Clipper
X04/23/90 unboo.bas <nghiem at ut-emx.UUCP> v12i013: unboo.bas - decode Kermit boo format
X04/25/90 ranlib/part01 <Steve.Bleazard at robobar.co.uk> v12i014: replacement ranlib for SCO Xenix
X04/25/90 ephem4.13/patch01 <downey at cs.umn.edu@dimed1.UUCP> v12i015: ephem phase correction
X05/05/90 rot/part01 <peter at ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva)> v12i016: ROT -- demonstrate bitrot. Release 12/89. Update 04/90.
X05/05/90 du-pc/part01 <exos:<@crdgw1.crd.ge.com:pnl at hpfinote.fc.hp.com>> v12i017: Disk Usage program for PC (Re: Cluster Size)
X05/05/90 round-robin/part01 <mxh at sumex-aim.stanford.edu (Max Hailperin)> v12i018: mail round-robiner
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part01 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i019: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 01 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part02 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i020: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 02 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part03 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i021: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 03 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part04 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i022: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 04 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part05 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i023: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 05 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part06 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i024: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 06 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part07 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i025: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 07 of 08
X05/05/90 ms_sh-1.6/part08 <istewart at datlog.co.uk> v12i026: MS_SH 1.6 Upgrade Kit - Part 08 of 08
X05/05/90 fol/part01 <levy at cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Daniel R. Levy)> v12i027: fol -- show followups to current article
X05/05/90 mush/part00 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i028: Mush (manifest + intro)
X05/05/90 mush/part01 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i029: Mail User's Shell, Part01/19
X05/05/90 mush/part02 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i030: Mail User's Shell, Part02/19
X05/05/90 mush/part03 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i031: Mail User's Shell, Part03/19
X05/05/90 mush/part04 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i032: Mail User's Shell, Part04/19
X05/05/90 mush/part05 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i033: Mail User's Shell, Part05/19
X05/05/90 mush/part06 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i034: Mail User's Shell, Part06/19
X05/05/90 mush/part07 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i035: Mail User's Shell, Part07/19
X05/05/90 mush/part08 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i036: Mail User's Shell, Part08/19
X05/05/90 mush/part09 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i037: Mail User's Shell, Part09/19
X05/05/90 mush/part10 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i038: Mail User's Shell, Part10/19
X05/05/90 mush/part11 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i039: Mail User's Shell, Part11/19
X05/05/90 mush/part12 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i040: Mail User's Shell, Part12/19
X05/05/90 mush/part13 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i041: Mail User's Shell, Part13/19
X05/05/90 mush/part14 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i042: Mail User's Shell, Part14/19
X05/05/90 mush/part15 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i043: Mail User's Shell, Part15/19
X05/05/90 mush/part16 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i044: Mail User's Shell, Part16/19
X05/05/90 mush/part17 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i045: Mail User's Shell, Part17/19
X05/05/90 mush/part18 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i046: Mail User's Shell, Part18/19
X05/05/90 mush/part19 <argv at Eng.Sun.COM (Dan Heller)> v12i047: Mail User's Shell, Part19/19
X05/05/90 cheap-fax/part01 <brian at ucsd.edu (Brian Kantor)> v12i048: El-cheapo E-mail to Fax for sendmail
X05/05/90 grabchars-1.9/part01 <daniel at island.UUCP (Dan Smith "Happy Birthday James Brown G.O.S.")> v12i049: Grabchars 1.9, get keystrokes direct from user BSD/SYSV part 1
X05/05/90 grabchars-1.9/part02 <daniel at island.UUCP (Dan Smith "Happy Birthday James Brown G.O.S.")> v12i050: Grabchars 1.9, get keystrokes direct from user BSD/SYSV part 2
X05/11/90 sparc-mtools/patch01 <viktor at melon.princeton.edu (Viktor Dukhovni)> v12i051: Recent mtools, official patches.
X05/11/90 fm/part01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i052: fm - a curses-based hex/ASCII binary file editor
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part00 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i053: ECU 2.80 part 00/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i054: ECU 2.80 part 01/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part02 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i055: ECU 2.80 part 02/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part03 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i056: ECU 2.80 part 03/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part04 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i057: ECU 2.80 part 04/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part05 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i058: ECU 2.80 part 05/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part06 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i059: ECU 2.80 part 06/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part07 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i060: ECU 2.80 part 07/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part08 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i061: ECU 2.80 part 08/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part09 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i062: ECU 2.80 part 09/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part10 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i063: ECU 2.80 part 10/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part11 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i064: ECU 2.80 part 11/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part12 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i065: ECU 2.80 part 12/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part13 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i066: ECU 2.80 part 13/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part14 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i067: ECU 2.80 part 14/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part15 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i068: ECU 2.80 part 15/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part16 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i069: ECU 2.80 part 16/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part17 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i070: ECU 2.80 part 17/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part18 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i071: ECU 2.80 part 18/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part19 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i072: ECU 2.80 part 19/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part20 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i073: ECU 2.80 part 20/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part21 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i074: ECU 2.80 part 21/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part22 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i075: ECU 2.80 part 22/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part23 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i076: ECU 2.80 part 23/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part24 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i077: ECU 2.80 part 24/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part25 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i078: ECU 2.80 part 25/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part26 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i079: ECU 2.80 part 26/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part27 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i080: ECU 2.80 part 27/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part28 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i081: ECU 2.80 part 28/29
X05/11/90 ecu2.80/part29 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i082: ECU 2.80 part 29/29
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i083: ECU 2.80 manual part 01/03
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part02 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i084: ECU 2.80 manual part 02/03
X05/11/90 ecuman2.80/part03 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i085: ECU 2.80 manual part 03/03
X05/14/90 wclock/part01 <robert at cs.arizona.edu (Robert J. Drabek)> v12i086: A Wall Clock
X05/14/90 ffccc/part01 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i087: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 01/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part02 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i088: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 02/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part03r <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i089: REPOST Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 03/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part04 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i090: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 04/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part05 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i091: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 05/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part06 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i092: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 06/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part07 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i093: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 07/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part08 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i094: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 08/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part09 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i095: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 09/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part10 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i096: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 10/11
X05/14/90 ffccc/part11 <julian at cernvax.cern.ch (julian bunn)> v12i097: Floppy - Fortran Coding Convention Checker Part 11/11
X05/14/90 telewords/part01 <williams at mimsy.umd.edu (Jim Williams)> v12i098: Telephone number to word conversion
X05/14/90 unpackmaps3.0/part01 <clewis at eci386 (Chris Lewis)> v12i099: Yet another release of unpackmaps.
X05/14/90 tek.p1 <ron at mlfarm.UUCP (Ronald Florence)> v12i100: tek (patch 1)
X05/16/90 ecu2.80/patch01 <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i101: ECU patch 1 part 01/02
X05/16/90 ecu2.80/patch01contd <wht%n4hgf at gatech.edu (Warren Tucker)> v12i102: ECU patch 1 part 02/02
X05/16/90 unpackmaps3.0/patch01 <clewis at eci386 (Chris Lewis)> v12i103: YA unpackmaps posting fix
X05/19/90 psf2/part01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i104: psf2.0 source part1/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part02 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i105: psf2.0 source 2/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part03 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i106: psf2.0 source 3/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part04 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i107: psf2.0 source 4/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part05 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i108: psf2.0 source 5/6
X05/19/90 psf2/part06 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i109: psf2.0 source 6/6
X05/19/90 fm/patch01 <tony at ajfcal.UUCP (Tony Field)> v12i110: fm patch01
if test 11812 -ne `wc -c <'Index12'`; then
echo shar: \"'Index12'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Index12'
echo shar: End of archive 2 \(of 4\).
cp /dev/null ark2isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
## End of shell archive.
exit 0
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