v13i072: Faces v1.4.5: a visual list monitor for mail etc.. (Part 3 of 7).
Rich Burridge
rburridge at Sun.COM
Tue Jul 3 09:54:49 AEST 1990
Posting-number: Volume 13, Issue 72
Submitted-by: rburridge at Sun.COM (Rich Burridge)
Archive-name: faces-1.4.5/part03
------CUT HERE------faces.part3------CUT HERE------
#! /bin/sh
# this is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh to create the files:
# xview.c
# x11.c
# extern.h
# faces.h
# patchlevel.h
# This archive created: Fri Jun 29 10:45:10 EST 1990
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
if [ -f xview.c ]
echo shar: will not over-write existing file xview.c
echo shar: extracting 'xview.c', 12752 characters
cat > xview.c <<'Funky_Stuff'
/* @(#)xview.c 1.6 90/06/26
* XView dependent graphics routines used by faces,
* the visual mail and print job monitor.
* Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems Australia.
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
* to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "faces.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include <xview/xview.h>
#include <xview/canvas.h>
#include <xview/icon.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#define DEF_FONT "fixed"
#define F_ICON 0 /* Icon index to frame array. */
#define F_WINDOW 1 /* Window index to frame array. */
#define FONT "times-roman-10"
#define NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_EVENT_FUNC (void) notify_interpose_event_func
#define NOTIFY_SET_ITIMER_FUNC (void) notify_set_itimer_func
#define XV_DESTROY (void) xv_destroy
#define XV_SET (void) xv_set
#define ITIMER_NULL ((struct itimerval *) 0)
int repaint_proc() ;
Canvas canvas ;
Canvas_paint_window pw ;
Frame frame ;
Icon faces_icon ;
Display *dpy ;
Drawable xid[2] ; /* Xlib pointers to the screen and the icon. */
Pixmap pr[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL } ; /* Current memory pixmaps. */
Pixmap old_pr[2] = { NULL, NULL } ; /* Previous memory pixmaps. */
/* Array of the different icon images. */
Pixmap images[MAXICONS] = {
} ;
GC gc ; /* Main drawing graphics context. */
GC tilegc ; /* Graphics context for tiling background. */
Window root ;
XFontStruct *sfont ;
XGCValues gc_val ; /* Used to setup graphics context values. */
int screen ; /* Default graphics display screen. */
int toclear ; /* Set if faces icon needs clearing. */
unsigned int depth ;
unsigned long backgnd ; /* Default background color. */
unsigned long foregnd ; /* Default foreground color. */
unsigned long gc_mask ; /* Mask for setting graphic context values. */
adjust_image(dtype, itype, row, column) /* Put new face in memory pixrect. */
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum icon_type itype ;
int row, column ;
if (mtype == MONNEW)
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0,
(maxcols-1)*imagewidth, imageheight, imagewidth, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, images[(int) itype], pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0,
imagewidth, imageheight, column*imagewidth, row*imageheight) ;
beep_flash(beeps, flashes) /* Perform visual feedback. */
int beeps, flashes ;
int i ;
for (i = 0; i < beeps; i++) window_bell(frame) ;
canvas_proc(canvas, event, arg)
Canvas canvas ;
Event *event ;
caddr_t arg ;
int nextc ;
nextc = event_id(event) ;
if (event_is_down(event) && nextc == MS_LEFT)
wdtype = (wdtype == DISP_NAME) ? DISP_OTHER : DISP_NAME ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype], xid[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
width, height, 0, 0) ;
else if (mtype == MONNEW && event_is_ascii(event) && nextc == DEL)
repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
toclear = 1 ;
do_check() ;
do_check() ;
create_pixrects(width, height) /* Create pixrects for the face images. */
int width, height ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = pr[(int) DISP_NAME] ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] ;
make_area(DISP_NAME, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
if (toclear && mtype == MONNEW)
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, OLDOFF, width, height) ;
toclear = 0 ;
make_area(DISP_OTHER, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
if (mtype == MONNEW && old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] != NULL)
XCopyArea(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME], pr[(int) DISP_NAME], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
if (mtype == MONNEW && old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] != NULL)
XCopyArea(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
enum icon_type itype ;
if (images[(int) itype] != NULL)
XFreePixmap(dpy, images[(int) itype]) ;
images[(int) itype] = NULL ;
static Notify_value
frame_interpose(frame, event, arg, type)
Frame frame ;
Event *event ;
Notify_arg arg ;
Notify_event_type type ;
Notify_value rc ;
rc = notify_next_event_func(frame, event, arg, type) ;
if (event_action(event) == ACTION_CLOSE)
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_ICON], xid[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
imagewidth, imageheight, 0, 0) ;
return(rc) ;
if (!(sfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FONT)))
if (!(sfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEF_FONT)))
perror("couldn't get the default font.") ;
exit(1) ;
init_ws_type(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
int i, j ;
unsigned short buf[256] ;
xv_init(XV_INIT_ARGS, argc, argv, 0) ;
frame = xv_create(XV_NULL, FRAME, 0) ; /* Needed to get Xlib handles now.*/
faces_icon = xv_create(XV_NULL, ICON,
XV_WIDTH, imagewidth,
XV_HEIGHT, imageheight,
0) ;
xid[F_ICON] = (Drawable) xv_get(faces_icon, XV_XID) ;
dpy = (Display *) xv_get(frame, XV_DISPLAY) ;
screen = DefaultScreen(dpy) ;
root = RootWindow(dpy, screen) ;
foregnd = BlackPixel(dpy, screen) ;
backgnd = WhitePixel(dpy, screen) ;
depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, screen) ;
init_font() ;
gc_mask = GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures ;
gc_val.font = sfont->fid ;
gc_val.foreground = foregnd ;
gc_val.background = backgnd ;
gc_val.graphics_exposures = False ;
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
tilegc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
if (depth == 1) XSetFillStyle(dpy, tilegc, FillOpaqueStippled) ;
else XSetFillStyle(dpy, tilegc, FillTiled) ;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) /* Load default gray background. */
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + j] = 0x7777 ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 4 + j] = 0xDDDD ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 8 + j] = 0xBBBB ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 12 + j] = 0xEEEE ;
if (strlen(bgicon)) GET_SUN_ICON(bgicon, buf) ;
load_icon(BACKGROUND, buf) ;
STRCPY(fname[0], "sun.icon") ;
STRCPY(fname[1], "48x48x1") ;
STRCPY(fname[2], "face.xbm") ;
maxtypes = 3 ;
gtype = XVIEW ;
pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
toclear = 0 ;
return 0 ;
/* Create a server image from given image data. */
load_icon(itype, sbuf, not_flipped)
enum icon_type itype ;
unsigned short sbuf[256] ;
int not_flipped ;
char cbuf[512] ;
int i ;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cbuf[i*2+0] = revtable[(sbuf[i] >> 8) & 0xFF] ;
cbuf[i*2+1] = revtable[sbuf[i] & 0xFF] ;
images[(int) itype] = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, root,
cbuf, iconwidth, iconheight,
foregnd, backgnd, depth) ;
make_area(dtype, width, height)
enum disp_type dtype ;
int width, height ;
pr[(int) dtype] = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, (unsigned int) width,
(unsigned int) height, depth) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXandInverted) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0, width, height) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy) ;
make_frame(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
FRAME_ICON, faces_icon,
FRAME_LABEL, "faces",
XV_WIDTH, maxcols * imagewidth,
XV_HEIGHT, imageheight * 10,
0) ;
NOTIFY_INTERPOSE_EVENT_FUNC(frame, frame_interpose, 0) ;
canvas = xv_create(frame, CANVAS,
CANVAS_REPAINT_PROC, repaint_proc,
WIN_EVENT_PROC, canvas_proc,
0) ;
pw = canvas_paint_window(canvas) ;
xid[F_WINDOW] = (Drawable) xv_get(pw, XV_XID) ;
width = maxcols * imagewidth ;
height = imageheight ;
if (mtype == MONPRINTER) adjust_image(DISP_ICON, NOPRINT, 0, 0) ;
else adjust_image(DISP_ICON, NOMAIL, 0, 0) ;
repaint_proc(canvas, window, repaint_area)
Canvas canvas ;
Xv_Window window ;
Rectlist *repaint_area ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype], xid[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
repl_image(dtype, dest, width, height)
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum image_type dest ;
int width, height ;
Pixmap dpm ;
if (dest == CUROFF) dpm = pr[(int) dtype] ;
else dpm = old_pr[(int) dtype] ;
if (depth == 1) XSetStipple(dpy, tilegc, images[(int) BACKGROUND]) ;
else XSetTile(dpy, tilegc, images[(int) BACKGROUND]) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, dpm, tilegc, 0, 0, width, height) ;
show_display() /* Show the latest set of mail icon faces. */
Rect *temprect ;
if (invert) /* Invert the memory pixrects before displaying. */
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopyInverted) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_NAME], pr[(int) DISP_NAME], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_ICON], xid[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
temprect = (Rect *) xv_get(frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT) ;
temprect->r_height = height ;
temprect->r_width = width ;
XV_SET(frame, FRAME_OPEN_RECT, temprect, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype], xid[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
if (newmail) beep_flash(beeps, flashes) ;
if (old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME]) XFreePixmap(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME]) ;
if (old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER]) XFreePixmap(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER]) ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = NULL ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
XSync(dpy, 0) ;
struct itimerval tval ;
tval.it_interval.tv_usec = 0 ;
tval.it_interval.tv_sec = period ;
tval.it_value.tv_usec = 0 ;
tval.it_value.tv_sec = period ;
NOTIFY_SET_ITIMER_FUNC(frame, check_mail,
xv_main_loop(frame) ;
text(dtype, jtype, str)
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum just_type jtype ;
char *str ;
int len ;
int c, r ; /* Column and row position for this face. */
int x, y ; /* Position of start of this text string. */
c = column ;
r = row ;
switch (dtype)
case DISP_ALL : text(DISP_ICON, jtype, str) ;
case DISP_BOTH : text(DISP_NAME, jtype, str) ;
text(DISP_OTHER, jtype, str) ;
return ;
case DISP_ICON : c = r = 0 ;
if ((len = strlen(str)) > 10) /* Character length of text. */
len = 10 ;
str[10] = '\0' ; /* Maximum of 10 characters. */
switch (jtype)
case LEFT : x = c * imagewidth + 2 ;
y = (r + 1) * imageheight - 5 ;
break ;
case RIGHT : x = (c + 1) * imagewidth - (len * 6) - 2 ;
y = (r + 1) * imageheight - 5 ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXandInverted) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, x, y-9, (unsigned int) len*6+2, 13) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXxor) ;
XDrawImageString(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, x, y, str, strlen(str)) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy) ;
len=`wc -c < xview.c`
if [ $len != 12752 ] ; then
echo error: xview.c was $len bytes long, should have been 12752
fi # end of overwriting check
if [ -f x11.c ]
echo shar: will not over-write existing file x11.c
echo shar: extracting 'x11.c', 16665 characters
cat > x11.c <<'Funky_Stuff'
/* @(#)x11.c 1.12 90/06/26
* X11 dependent graphics routines used by faces,
* the visual mail and print job monitor.
* Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems Australia.
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
* to me, then an attempt will be made to fix them.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "faces.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#define DEF_FONT "fixed"
#define F_ICON 0 /* Icon index to frame array. */
#define F_WINDOW 1 /* Window index to frame array. */
#define FONT "times-roman-10"
#define FRAME_MASK (ButtonPressMask | ExposureMask | \
ButtonMotionMask | KeyPressMask)
Atom protocol_atom, kill_atom ;
Display *dpy ;
GC gc ;
GC tilegc ;
Pixmap faces_icon ;
/* Array of the different icon images. */
Pixmap images[MAXICONS] = {
} ;
Pixmap pr[3] = { NULL, NULL, NULL } ; /* Current memory Pixmaps. */
Pixmap old_pr[2] = { NULL, NULL } ; /* Previous memory Pixmaps. */
Window frame[2] ;
Window root ;
XFontStruct *sfont ;
XGCValues gc_val ;
XSizeHints size ;
XWMHints wm_hints ;
#ifdef NO_43SELECT
int fullmask ; /* Full mask of file descriptors to check on. */
int readmask ; /* Readmask used in select call. */
fd_set fullmask ; /* Full mask of file descriptors to check on. */
fd_set readmask ; /* Readmask used in select call. */
#endif /*NO_43SELECT*/
unsigned long gc_mask ;
int screen ;
int toclear ; /* Set if faces icon needs clearing. */
int xfd ; /* File descriptor for X11 server connection. */
unsigned int depth ;
long backgnd, foregnd ;
adjust_image(dtype, itype, row, column) /* Put new face in memory pixrect. */
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum icon_type itype ;
int row, column ;
if (mtype == MONNEW)
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0,
(maxcols-1)*imagewidth, imageheight, imagewidth, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, images[(int) itype], pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0,
imagewidth, imageheight, column*imagewidth, row*imageheight) ;
beep_flash(beeps, flashes) /* Perform visual feedback. */
int beeps, flashes ;
static struct timeval btime = { 0, 250000 } ; /* Beep timer. */
while (beeps > 0)
XBell(dpy, 56) ;
SELECT(0, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &btime) ;
beeps-- ;
while (flashes > 0)
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopyInverted) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], frame[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], frame[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, frame[F_ICON], frame[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, frame[F_ICON], frame[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
flashes-- ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy) ;
create_pixrects(width, height) /* Create pixrects for the face images. */
int width, height ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = pr[(int) DISP_NAME] ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] ;
make_area(DISP_NAME, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
if (toclear && mtype == MONNEW)
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, OLDOFF, width, height) ;
toclear = 0 ;
make_area(DISP_OTHER, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
if (mtype == MONNEW && old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] != NULL)
XCopyArea(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME], pr[(int) DISP_NAME], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
if (mtype == MONNEW && old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] != NULL)
XCopyArea(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
enum icon_type itype ;
if (images[(int) itype] != NULL)
XFreePixmap(dpy, images[(int) itype]) ;
images[(int) itype] = NULL ;
if ((sfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, FONT)) == NULL)
if ((sfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, DEF_FONT)) == NULL)
perror("couldn't get the default font.") ;
exit(1) ;
init_ws_type(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
int i, j ;
unsigned short buf[256] ;
if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(display)) == NULL)
FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Couldn't open display %s\n", progname,
(getenv ("DISPLAY") ? getenv("DISPLAY") : display)) ;
exit(1) ;
xfd = ConnectionNumber(dpy) ;
#ifdef NO_43SELECT
fullmask = 1 << xfd ;
FD_ZERO(&fullmask) ;
FD_SET(xfd, &fullmask) ;
#endif /*NO_43SELECT*/
screen = DefaultScreen(dpy) ;
root = RootWindow(dpy, screen) ;
if (geometry[0] != '\0')
STRCPY(geometry, XGetDefault(dpy, progname, "Geometry")) ;
foregnd = BlackPixel(dpy, screen) ;
backgnd = WhitePixel(dpy, screen) ;
depth = DefaultDepth(dpy, screen) ;
init_font() ;
gc_mask = GCFont | GCForeground | GCBackground | GCGraphicsExposures ;
gc_val.font = sfont->fid ;
gc_val.foreground = foregnd ;
gc_val.background = backgnd ;
gc_val.graphics_exposures = False ;
gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
tilegc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, gc_mask, &gc_val) ;
if (depth == 1) XSetFillStyle(dpy, tilegc, FillOpaqueStippled) ;
else XSetFillStyle(dpy, tilegc, FillTiled) ;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) /* Load default gray background. */
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + j] = 0x7777 ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 4 + j] = 0xDDDD ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 8 + j] = 0xBBBB ;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) buf[i * 16 + 12 + j] = 0xEEEE ;
if (strlen(bgicon)) GET_SUN_ICON(bgicon, buf) ;
load_icon(BACKGROUND, buf) ;
STRCPY(fname[0], "face.xbm") ;
STRCPY(fname[1], "sun.icon") ;
STRCPY(fname[2], "48x48x1") ;
maxtypes = 3 ;
gtype = X11 ;
pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
toclear = 0 ;
return(0) ;
static Bool
is_exposed(dpy, ev, window) /* Return True if window is being exposed */
Display *dpy ;
XEvent *ev ;
char *window ;
if (ev->type == Expose && *((Window *) window) == ev->xkey.window)
return True ;
return False ;
load_icon(itype, sbuf, not_flipped)
enum icon_type itype ;
unsigned short sbuf[256] ;
int not_flipped ;
char cbuf[512] ;
int i ;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cbuf[i*2+0] = revtable[(sbuf[i] >> 8) & 0xFF] ;
cbuf[i*2+1] = revtable[sbuf[i] & 0xFF] ;
images[(int) itype] = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(dpy, root,
cbuf, iconwidth, iconheight,
foregnd, backgnd, depth) ;
make_area(dtype, width, height)
enum disp_type dtype ;
int width, height ;
pr[(int) dtype] = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, depth) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXandInverted) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, 0, 0, width, height) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy) ;
make_frame(argc, argv)
int argc ;
char *argv[] ;
unsigned int h, w ; /* Window dimensions. */
int flags ;
int x, y ; /* Window position. */
XSetWindowAttributes winattrs ;
w = width = maxcols * imagewidth ;
h = height = imageheight ;
size.flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PPosition | PSize ;
size.x = 0 ;
size.y = 0 ;
size.min_width = imagewidth ;
size.min_height = imageheight ;
size.max_width = size.width = width ;
if (mtype == MONNEW) size.max_height = imageheight ;
else size.max_height = 900 ;
size.height = height ;
if (strlen(geometry))
flags = XParseGeometry(geometry, &x, &y, &w, &h) ;
if (XValue & flags)
if (XNegative & flags)
x = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen) + x - size.width ;
size.flags |= USPosition ;
size.x = x ;
if (YValue & flags)
if (YNegative & flags)
y = DisplayHeight(dpy, screen) + y - size.height ;
size.flags |= USPosition ;
size.y = y ;
#ifdef WANTED
frame[F_WINDOW] = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, root,
size.x, size.y, size.width, size.height,
FACES_BORDER_WIDTH, foregnd, backgnd) ;
frame[F_ICON] = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, root,
ix, iy, imagewidth, imageheight,
FACES_BORDER_WIDTH, foregnd, backgnd) ;
#endif /*WANTED*/
winattrs.background_pixel = backgnd ;
winattrs.border_pixel = foregnd ;
winattrs.event_mask = FRAME_MASK ;
frame[F_WINDOW] = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, size.x, size.y,
size.width, size.height, FACES_BORDER_WIDTH,
CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask, &winattrs) ;
frame[F_ICON] = XCreateWindow(dpy, root,
ix, iy, imagewidth, imageheight, FACES_BORDER_WIDTH,
CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel | CWEventMask, &winattrs) ;
protocol_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False) ;
kill_atom = XInternAtom(dpy, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False) ;
XSetWMProtocols(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], &kill_atom, 1) ;
XSetStandardProperties(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], "faces", "faces", None,
argv, argc, &size) ;
wm_hints.icon_x = ix ;
wm_hints.icon_y = iy ;
wm_hints.input = True ;
wm_hints.icon_window = frame[F_ICON] ;
wm_hints.flags = IconPositionHint | InputHint | IconWindowHint ;
if (iconic)
wm_hints.initial_state = IconicState ;
wm_hints.flags |= StateHint ;
XSetWMHints(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], &wm_hints) ;
/** XSetWMHints(dpy, frame[F_ICON], &wm_hints) ; **/
/* Equivalent of make_icon. */
if (mtype == MONPRINTER) adjust_image(DISP_ICON, NOPRINT, 0, 0) ;
else adjust_image(DISP_ICON, NOMAIL, 0, 0) ;
make_icon() /* Null routine. */
repl_image(dtype, dest, width, height)
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum image_type dest ;
int width, height ;
Pixmap dpm ;
if (dest == CUROFF) dpm = pr[(int) dtype] ;
else dpm = old_pr[(int) dtype] ;
if (depth == 1) XSetStipple(dpy, tilegc, images[(int) BACKGROUND]) ;
else XSetTile(dpy, tilegc, images[(int) BACKGROUND]) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, dpm, tilegc, 0, 0, width, height) ;
show_display() /* Show the latest set of mail icon faces. */
XEvent ev ;
static int first_time = 1 ;
if (invert) /* Invert the memory pixrects before displaying. */
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopyInverted) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_NAME], pr[(int) DISP_NAME], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], pr[(int) DISP_OTHER], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
if (first_time)
XSelectInput(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW], FRAME_MASK) ;
XMapWindow(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW]) ;
XSync(dpy, 0) ;
XPeekIfEvent(dpy, &ev, is_exposed, (char *) &frame[F_WINDOW]) ;
first_time = 0 ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_ICON], frame[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XResizeWindow(dpy, frame[F_WINDOW],
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype], frame[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
if (newmail) beep_flash(beeps, flashes) ;
if (old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME]) XFreePixmap(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME]) ;
if (old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER]) XFreePixmap(dpy, old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER]) ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_NAME] = NULL ;
old_pr[(int) DISP_OTHER] = NULL ;
XSync(dpy, 0) ;
struct timeval tval ; /* To set checking period. */
XEvent event ; /* For events received. */
XClientMessageEvent *ev ;
XKeyPressedEvent *key_event ;
char chs[2] ;
tval.tv_usec = 0 ;
tval.tv_sec = period ;
for (;;)
readmask = fullmask ;
#ifdef NO_43SELECT
SELECT(32, &readmask, 0, 0, &tval) ;
if (readmask && (1 << xfd))
SELECT(FD_SETSIZE, &readmask, (fd_set *) 0, (fd_set *) 0, &tval) ;
if (FD_ISSET(xfd, &readmask))
#endif /*NO_43SELECT*/
XNextEvent(dpy, &event) ;
/* ClientMessage: (catch ICCCM kill from WM). */
if (event.type == ClientMessage)
ev = (XClientMessageEvent *) &event ;
if (ev->message_type == protocol_atom &&
ev->data.l[0] == kill_atom)
exit(0) ;
/* Expose. */
else if (event.type == Expose && event.xexpose.count == 0)
while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, Expose, &event)) /* do nothing. */ ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype],
frame[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) DISP_ICON],
frame[F_ICON], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
/* ButtonPress. */
else if (event.type == ButtonPress &&
event.xbutton.button == Button1)
wdtype = (wdtype == DISP_NAME) ? DISP_OTHER : DISP_NAME ;
XCopyArea(dpy, pr[(int) wdtype],
frame[F_WINDOW], gc, 0, 0,
(unsigned int) width, (unsigned int) height, 0, 0) ;
/* KeyPress. */
else if (mtype == MONNEW && event.type == KeyPress)
key_event = (XKeyPressedEvent *) &event ;
(void) XLookupString(key_event, chs, 1, (KeySym *) NULL,
(XComposeStatus *) NULL) ;
if (chs[0] == DEL)
repl_image(DISP_NAME, CUROFF, width, height) ;
repl_image(DISP_OTHER, CUROFF, width, height) ;
toclear = 1 ;
do_check() ;
while (XPending(dpy)) ;
else do_check() ; /* Check the mail/printer/user queue again. */
text(dtype, jtype, str)
enum disp_type dtype ;
enum just_type jtype ;
char *str ;
int len ;
int c, r ; /* Column and row position for this face. */
int x, y ; /* Position of start of this text string. */
c = column ;
r = row ;
switch (dtype)
case DISP_ALL : text(DISP_ICON, jtype, str) ;
case DISP_BOTH : text(DISP_NAME, jtype, str) ;
text(DISP_OTHER, jtype, str) ;
return ;
case DISP_ICON : c = r = 0 ;
if ((len = strlen(str)) > 10) /* Character length of text. */
len = 10 ;
str[10] = '\0' ; /* Maximum of 10 characters. */
switch (jtype)
case LEFT : x = c * imagewidth + 2 ;
y = (r + 1) * imageheight - 5 ;
break ;
case RIGHT : x = (c + 1) * imagewidth - (len * 6) - 2 ;
y = (r + 1) * imageheight - 5 ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXandInverted) ;
XFillRectangle(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, x, y-9, (unsigned int) len*6+2, 13) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXxor) ;
XDrawImageString(dpy, pr[(int) dtype], gc, x, y, str, strlen(str)) ;
XSetFunction(dpy, gc, GXcopy) ;
len=`wc -c < x11.c`
if [ $len != 16665 ] ; then
echo error: x11.c was $len bytes long, should have been 16665
fi # end of overwriting check
if [ -f extern.h ]
echo shar: will not over-write existing file extern.h
echo shar: extracting 'extern.h', 5702 characters
cat > extern.h <<'Funky_Stuff'
/* @(#)extern.h 1.13 90/06/26
* Contains the external variable definitions used by faces.
* Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
* Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
extern char *getname(), *strlower() ;
extern int do_check() ;
struct recinfo *rec_exists() ;
extern struct comminfo *communities ; /* Community alias/username chain. */
extern struct comminfo *clast ; /* End of chain of community records. */
extern struct machinfo *machines ; /* Known machine/communities. */
extern struct machinfo *mlast ; /* End of chain of machine records. */
extern struct psinfo *psrecs ; /* List of news.ps animation files. */
extern struct psinfo *plast ; /* End of chain of NeWS animation files. */
extern struct recinfo *recs ; /* Mail messages being monitored. */
extern struct recinfo *last ; /* End of the chain of mail records. */
extern struct stat buf ; /* Buffer for stat call for file existence. */
extern long lastsize ; /* Last known size of the mail folder. */
extern enum disp_type wdtype ; /* Current window display option. */
extern enum gr_type gtype ; /* Indicates what graphics system is being used. */
extern enum mon_type mtype ; /* What type of monitoring we should do. */
extern char bgicon[] ; /* Alternate background pattern. */
extern char community[] ; /* Community name ("real" host name). */
extern char defdir[] ; /* The default face directory. */
extern char display[] ; /* X11 display information. */
extern char face_buf[] ; /* Buffer for "X-Face" face images. */
extern char face_host[] ; /* Pointer to host name from the "From" line. */
extern char face_ts[] ; /* Pointer to time stamp from the "From" line. */
extern char face_user[] ; /* Pointer to user name from the "From" line. */
extern char facedir[] ; /* Alternate face image directory. */
extern char fname[MAXTYPES][MAXLINE] ; /* Array of various face name types. */
extern char geometry[] ; /* X11 geometry information. */
extern char hostname[] ; /* Machine name to monitor. */
extern char iconname[] ; /* Name of the icon file for this person. */
extern char line[] ; /* Next line from users mail spool file. */
extern char machfile[] ; /* Name of the machine/community file. */
extern char nextline[] ; /* Input/conversion buffer for various routines. */
extern char peopfile[] ; /* Name of the people/username file. */
extern char printer[] ; /* Printer name to monitor. */
extern char progname[] ; /* Name of this program. */
extern char realname[] ; /* Real username for this user. */
extern char revtable[] ; /* Table for reversing the bits in a byte. */
extern char spoolfile[] ; /* Full pathname of users current mail. */
extern char update_alias[] ; /* Name of mail alias for database updates. */
extern char userprog[] ; /* User supplied program to run. */
extern int beeps ; /* Number of beeps for arrival of new mail. */
extern int column ; /* Column number for next icon. */
extern int doing_xface ; /* Set if we've started to process an X-Face: */
extern int dontshowno ; /* Set if no. of messages shouldn't be shown. */
extern int dontshowtime ; /* Set if timestamp shouldn't be shown. */
extern int dontshowuser ; /* Set if username shouldn't be shown. */
extern int facetype ; /* Type of face file found. */
extern int firsttime ; /* Zeroised after first mail/printer check. */
extern int flashes ; /* Number of flashes for arrival of new mail. */
extern int found ; /* Set if iconname found under username directory. */
extern int fromc_found ; /* Set if "From:" line found during processing. */
extern int froms_found ; /* Set if "From " line found during processing. */
extern int height ; /* Height in pixels of faces display. */
extern int iconheight ; /* Height of an individual icon. */
extern int iconwidth ; /* Width of an individual icon. */
extern int iconic ; /* Start as an icon if set. */
extern int imageheight ; /* Height of an individual face image. */
extern int imagewidth ; /* Width of an individual face image. */
extern int invert ; /* Set if to use reverse video. */
extern int ix ; /* Initial X position of the icon. */
extern int iy ; /* Initial Y position of the icon. */
extern int maxcols ; /* Maximum number of columns to display. */
extern int maxtypes ; /* Max. no. of icon types for graphics target. */
extern int mhflag ; /* Set if this user uses MH to read mail. */
extern int newmail ; /* Set if there is new mail this time around. */
extern int noicons ; /* Number of faces this time around. */
extern int old_style ; /* Set when "old" style face ikon is found. */
extern int period ; /* Period in seconds for checking new mail. */
extern int posspec ; /* Set if -Wp or -g option is present (for X11) */
extern int row ; /* Row number for next icon. */
extern int update ; /* If set, send mail to update faces database. */
extern int width ; /* Width in pixels of faces display. */
extern int wx ; /* Initial X position of the window. */
extern int wy ; /* Initial Y position of the window. */
extern int x_face ; /* Set if we've extracted an "on-the-fly" face. */
len=`wc -c < extern.h`
if [ $len != 5702 ] ; then
echo error: extern.h was $len bytes long, should have been 5702
fi # end of overwriting check
if [ -f faces.h ]
echo shar: will not over-write existing file faces.h
echo shar: extracting 'faces.h', 6241 characters
cat > faces.h <<'Funky_Stuff'
/* @(#)faces.h 1.14 90/06/26
* Contains all the global definitions used by faces.
* Copyright (c) Rich Burridge - Sun Microsystems Australia.
* All rights reserved.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
#define FCLOSE (void) fclose /* To make lint happy. */
#define FFLUSH (void) fflush
#define FGETS (void) fgets
#define FPRINTF (void) fprintf
#define FPUTS (void) fputs
#define FSEEK (void) fseek
#define GETHOSTNAME (void) gethostname
#define GET_SUN_ICON (void) get_sun_icon
#define IOCTL (void) ioctl
#define PCLOSE (void) pclose
#define PUTC (void) putc
#define SELECT (void) select
#define SSCANF (void) sscanf
#define SPRINTF (void) sprintf
#define STRCAT (void) strcat
#define STRCPY (void) strcpy
#define STRNCAT (void) strncat
#define STRNCPY (void) strncpy
#define UTIME (void) utime
#define WRITE (void) write
/* Window display types. */
enum disp_type { DISP_NAME, /* Window type 1. */
DISP_OTHER, /* Window type 2. */
DISP_ICON, /* Icon display. */
DISP_BOTH, /* Both window types. */
DISP_ALL, /* Both window types and the icon. */
} ;
/* Different types of possible face images. */
enum image_type { ONSCREEN, OLDOFF, CUROFF } ; /* Image types. */
enum just_type { LEFT, RIGHT } ; /* Text justification. */
/* Different types of file monitoring performed by this program. */
/* Different graphics systems. Appropriate one set in gtype. */
enum gr_type { NEWS, SVIEW, X11, XVIEW } ;
/* Determine order for face type lookup. */
#define NEWSTYPE 0
#define SUNTYPE 1
#define BLITTYPE 2
#define X11TYPE 3
/* NeWS return event values. */
#define DIED 100 /* Faces has been zapped. */
#define PAINTED 101 /* Canvas/Icon needs repainting. */
#define LEFTDOWN 102 /* Left mouse button has been pressed. */
#define BLITHEIGHT 48 /* Maximum number of lines in a blit icon. */
#define DEL '\177' /* Clear faces display. */
#define EQUAL(str,val) !strncmp(str,val,strlen(val))
#define ICONHEIGHT 64 /* Default height of individual face icons. */
#define ICONWIDTH 64 /* Default width of individual face icons. */
#define INC argc-- ; argv++ ;
#ifndef LINT_CAST
#ifdef lint
#define LINT_CAST(arg) (arg ? 0 : 0)
#define LINT_CAST(arg) (arg)
#endif /*lint*/
#endif /*LINT_CAST*/
#define MAXICONS 8 /* Maximum number of different icon types. */
#define MAXITYPES 3 /* Maximum number of image types. */
#ifndef MAXLINE
#define MAXLINE 200 /* Maximum length for character strings. */
#endif MAXLINE
#define MAXTYPES 4 /* Maximum number of different face types. */
#define NO_PER_ROW 10 /* Default number of faces per row. */
#ifdef NOINDEX
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#endif /*NOINDEX*/
char *getenv(), *malloc(), *sprintf() ;
void endpwent() ;
FILE *popen() ;
/* Various programs that are used by faces.
* You might need to change these on some machines.
/* Monitoring the printer: %s replaced by printer name. */
#define PRINTDEF "lpq -P %s"
/* Updating the faces database: %s replaced with mail update alias name. */
#define UPDATEDEF "/usr/lib/sendmail -oeq -oi %s"
/* Monitoring users on a machine: %s replaced with hostname. */
#define USERSDEF "rusers -l %s"
/* Default definitions used by faces. They can be globally changed here. */
#define MACHINETAB "machine.tab" /* Machine aliases table. */
#define PEOPLETAB "people.tab" /* Username aliases table. */
#define UPDATE_ALIAS "facemaker" /* Faces database update alias. */
struct machinfo /* Machine/community record. */
char *machine ; /* Machine name. */
char *community ; /* Community it belongs to. */
struct machinfo *next ; /* Pointer to next record. */
} ;
struct comminfo /* Community alias/username records. */
char *community ; /* Community name. */
struct peopinfo *people ; /* Chain of alias/usernames. */
struct comminfo *next ; /* Pointer to next record. */
} ;
struct peopinfo /* Username/alias record. */
char *alias ; /* Alias for this user. */
char *username ; /* Real username. */
struct peopinfo *next ; /* Pointer to next record. */
} ;
struct psinfo /* News.ps animation records. */
char *name ; /* Full pathname of news.ps file. */
int row ; /* Row number where animation will occur. */
int column ; /* Column number where animation will occur. */
struct psinfo *next ; /* Pointer to next record. */
} ;
struct recinfo /* Mail/print information record. */
char *community ; /* Community name for this person. */
unsigned char *faceimage ; /* X-Face image or NULL. */
char *iconname ; /* Name of iconfile for this person. */
char *username ; /* User name for this person. */
int total ; /* Total number of messages/print jobs. */
int size ; /* Total size in bytes of print job. */
int update ; /* If set, the database has been updated. */
char ts[6] ; /* Latest timestamp for this user. */
struct recinfo *next ; /* Pointer to next record. */
} ;
len=`wc -c < faces.h`
if [ $len != 6241 ] ; then
echo error: faces.h was $len bytes long, should have been 6241
fi # end of overwriting check
if [ -f patchlevel.h ]
echo shar: will not over-write existing file patchlevel.h
echo shar: extracting 'patchlevel.h', 561 characters
cat > patchlevel.h <<'Funky_Stuff'
/* @(#)patchlevel.h 1.20 90/06/29
* This is the current patch level for this version of faces.
* Copyright (c) Rich Burridge.
* Sun Microsystems, Australia - All rights reserved.
* Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
* copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
* No responsibility is taken for any errors or inaccuracies inherent
* either to the comments or the code of this program, but if
* reported to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
#define PATCHLEVEL 5
len=`wc -c < patchlevel.h`
if [ $len != 561 ] ; then
echo error: patchlevel.h was $len bytes long, should have been 561
fi # end of overwriting check
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