REPOST: v18i003: planet - planet generation simulator, Part03/04
Dave Allen
allen at
Tue Apr 9 14:17:54 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: Dave Allen <allen at>
Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 3
Archive-name: planet/part03
Supersedes: tec: Volume 10, Issue 77-78
#! /bin/sh
# into a shell via "sh file" or similar. To overwrite existing files,
# type "sh file -c".
# The tool that generated this appeared in the comp.sources.unix newsgroup;
# send mail to comp-sources-unix at if you want that tool.
# Contents: ./doc/about.tec ./src/clim.c ./src/heat.c ./src/pressure.c
# ./src/tec1.c ./src/x.c
# Wrapped by kent at sparky on Mon Apr 8 22:39:15 1991
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
echo If this archive is complete, you will see the following message:
echo ' "shar: End of archive 3 (of 4)."'
if test -f './doc/about.tec' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./doc/about.tec'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./doc/about.tec'\" \(10300 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./doc/about.tec' <<'END_OF_FILE'
XI wanted to write a program to generate maps of many imaginary worlds using
Xa microcomputer. Fractal techniques produce unacceptably random-looking maps.
XIn other related fields, people have used simplified models of physical
Xprocesses and then tweaked the model parameters to give results that "looked
Xright". Dole [1] simulated accretion of planets around stars. Hart [2]
Xsimulated the evolution of a planetary atmosphere. Forrester [3] simulated
Xpopulation dynamics for near-future Earth. My approach was to find a physical
Xmodel for continent formation, and then write a program to implement that model.
XGeologists have proposed [4] that several times in history, the continents
Xof Earth have drifted together to form a single "supercontinent", which later
Xbroke apart. A recent paper [5] suggested a physical model for this
X"supercontinent cycle", and I used that model for my program.
XTheir hypothesis runs like this. (Disclaimer - I don't know anything about
Xgeology except what I got from reading a few papers.) The Earth generates
Xheat by radioactive decay; this heat is conducted away more slowly by
Xcontinental crust than by oceanic crust. Heat accumulates under large
Xcontinents, causing them to dome upwards and eventually break apart. After
Xa certain amount of heat has escaped through the new ocean basin, the
Xcontinental fragments are drawn back together by the subsiding basin.
XOver long periods of time, many oceans should open and close in the center
Xof the land area, while the original superocean should remain about the same.
XAny map of the Earth shows evidence to support this hypothesis. The Atlantic
Xand Mediterranean oceans are fairly recent, while the Pacific could be
Xconsidered the superocean. The Himalayas, the Pyrenees, and the Ukraine
Xmountain ranges could have been formed by collisions between continental
Xfragments. The "Ring of Fire" around the Pacific represents subduction zones
Xwhere new mountains, such as the Rockies, are forming as the continents drift
Xfurther apart. The older, lower Appalachian mountains might have been created
Xduring a collision between Europe and North America in the last supercontinent
XOne data structure well-suited for storing topographic maps is a simple
Xtwo-dimensional array, where each array element represents the height
Xof the terrain at that point. However, the Earth is spherical and a sphere
Xcan't be mapped onto a plane without some distortion. After trying many
Xmapping methods, I came back to the simplest: I pretend Columbus was wrong,
Xand the world really is flat. Since the continents in the physical model
Xdrift toward and away from some central point, it is reasonable, if the map
Xis large enough, to simply throw away the land area that falls off the
Xedge of the map. I used a simple square, flat surface with no "wraparound."
XI could, and probably will at some point, write a couple of paragraphs about
Xwhy doing plate movement on a sphere is so hard. All of the methods I
Xtried required too much data storage for each point, or too much real
Xnumber computation, or resulted in unacceptable distortion. The criterion
XI used was to place a small continent, say a 5 x 5 square, anywhere on
Xthe surface. It should be able to travel one great circle in any direction
Xand remain undisturbed though the entire journey. The method should not
Xrequire _any_ floating point computation once the initial velocity is
Xcomputed since I want to do many iterations on a microcomputer.
XA second representation issue is how to cause plates to drift apart and
Xback together. Maintaining the detailed structure of the ocean basin is
Xcomplicated; consider a circular landmass which splits along a diameter.
XThe ocean basin structure here is clear, since the rift remains in place and
Xthe new basin extends out from it in both directions. Now suppose one of
Xthe semicircular fragments splits in half perpendicular to the first split.
XThe motion of the landmasses can be computed easily, but the new rift must
Xdrift as well and the required motions in the basin seem self-contradictory.
XI chose to ignore the ocean basin and concentrate on the landmasses. Thus,
Xrifts are not recorded in any way and the ocean floor does not move. Since
Xthe basins are not simulated, some mechanism is needed to replace the physical
Xmechanism of the sinking basin sucking the landmasses back together. This
Xis done by a velocity scaling profile which is coded directly into the
Xmovement routine. The profile says that after a short time, forward motion
Xof a landmass slows and then stops; after this point the landmass begins to
Xmove backwards towards its origin.
XThe initial supercontinent is generated by a simple fractal algorithm; a
Xfractal mountain is created by superimposing four two-dimensional fractal
Xlines. The mountain is then turned into a binary blob, that is, everything
Xabove a certain altitude is declared to be land, and everything else becomes
Xwater. The blob is then "improved" by removing islands and internal oceans.
XThis technique produces very irregular circular blobs of varying sizes.
XThe program then repeats a sequence of operations for each timestep. First,
Xa rift may be generated, splitting some continent into pieces; new velocities
Xare generated for the new landmasses. Second, the distance each landmass will
Xmove this timestep is determined by applying the velocity profile described
Xabove to the landmass velocity. Third, the landmasses are moved and mountains
Xare built. Fourth, where the movement routine has caused landmasses to
Xoverlap, new velocities are computed for the overlapping landmasses, and they
Xmay be merged into a single landmass if they overlap sufficiently. Fifth, the
Xentire topography is eroded; if a square is higher than the square next to
Xit, the altitudes are made more equal. Finally, the screen is redrawn.
XIn step one, random coordinates are generated until a location is found
Xwhich is at least five squares from any ocean. This location will be the
Xcenter of a rift, which is represented as a randomly curving line. The
Xdistance requirement is there to ensure that if a rift occurs, it occurs
Xon a fairly large continent where internal heat would accumulate. When
Xthe rift is drawn, it is allowed to bend randomly but is drawn using
Xconventional digital line-drawing techniques (i.e. Bresenham's algorithm).
XThe rift drawing routine terminates when the rift hits ocean. If the growing
Xrift hits another landmass, which could occur if two landmasses were touching
Xbut had not yet merged, the rift is aborted since the result would be a very
Xunnatural looking U-shaped continent.
XOnce the rift is created, a segmentation algorithm determines how
Xmany new landmasses were formed. There should only be two new landmasses,
Xbut splinters can be formed if the rift runs along a narrow peninsula or
Xtoo close to a coast. The algorithm detects and erases such splinters.
XThe landmasses are given an initial velocity which makes them drift directly
Xaway from the rift. The velocities are inversely dependent on the area
Xof the landmass so that smaller masses move faster. After the initial
Xvelocities have been determined, the rift is erased.
XThe second and third steps are concerned with moving the landmasses. This
Xis done with a slightly simpler version of Bresenham's algorithm. The velocity
Xprofile described in Section II is applied so that landmasses will drift
Xapart at first, but will then slow down and come back together. Because a
Xlandmass can split up again, the process does not simply reassemble the
Xoriginal supercontinent when they drift back together.
XMountains are built under two conditions: where two landmasses collide, and
Xwhere landmass subsumes ocean basin. Both conditions are detected and resolved
Xin the movement routine. Movement is performed from a source array to a
Xdestination array. A loop steps over every square in the source array. If
Xthere is land in a square, its new position is computed based on what
Xlandmass the square belongs to. If there is ocean basin there in the source
Xarray, the square belongs to the leading edge of a landmass which is subsuming
Xocean basin. A constant is added to the height of the land in that square.
XIf there is land there in the destination array, then the two landmasses are
Xcolliding. There is a collision array which records how many times each
Xpair of landmasses collide in any given timestep, and the movement routine
Xincrements the appropriate element of this array for each collision.
XMountains are built in this case by adding half the height of the lower
Xterrain to the height of the higher terrain.
XStep four uses the collision information provided by the movement routine
Xto adjust the velocities of colliding landmasses and perhaps merge them.
XFor each pair of colliding landmasses, the routine determines how "strong"
Xthe collision is this timestep. The velocities are adjusted, again in
Xinverse proportion to the landmass areas, so that the continents begin
Xto come to rest with respect to each other. If the relative velocity of
Xthe two landmasses, after adjustment, is small enough, then the masses
Xare merged. This is the mechanism that reassembles the continental
Xfragments into a supercontinent.
XErosion is the final, and most computation-intensive, step of the simulation.
XEach pair of adjacent squares is considered exactly once. If either square
Xis part of a landmass, erosion occurs. Some fraction of the difference between
Xthe two squares' altitudes is subtracted from the taller and added to the
Xshorter. This is a very simple algorithm since it ignores many factors,
Xbut more detail would make the simulation even slower.
X1. Dole, Stephen H., "Computer Simulation of the Formation of Planetary
X Systems", Icarus 13 (1970), pp 494-508.
X2. Hart, Michael H., ""The Evolution of the Atmosphere of the Earth", Icarus
X 33 (1978), pp 23-39.
X3. Forrester, J.W., World Dynamics, Wright-Allen Press (1973).
X4. Wilson, J. Tuzo, "Continental Drift", Scientific American 208, 4 (April
X 1963), pp 86-100.
X5. Nance, R.D., Worsley, T.R., and Moody, J.B., "The Supercontinent Cycle",
X Scientific American (July 1988), pp 72-79.
if test 10300 -ne `wc -c <'./doc/about.tec'`; then
echo shar: \"'./doc/about.tec'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './doc/about.tec'
if test -f './src/clim.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./src/clim.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./src/clim.c'\" \(5481 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./src/clim.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program is Copyright (c) 1991 David Allen. It may be freely
X distributed as long as you leave my name and copyright notice on it.
X I'd really like your comments and feedback; send e-mail to
X allen at, or send us-mail to David Allen, 10 O'Moore
X Avenue, Maynard, MA 01754. */
X/* This file contains all of the general-purpose routines which are not
X machine specific: init, mainpar (called by fileio), onestep (called
X by the machine-specific control routine), and the range-finding
X function called by several computation routines. */
X#include "const.h"
X#include "clim.h"
X/* L holds the land values everybody starts with; lm is an edge map with
X continents outlined in black and mountains outlined in white. */
Xunsigned char l[MAXX][MAXY], lm[MAXX][MAXY];
X/* These are the parameters used by all of the climate functions. They are
X described in params.doc. */
Xint MAXSTEP = 10000, ZCOAST = 0;
Xint change[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, step = 0;
Xextern int picktype;
Xinit (s) char *s; {
X if (s && *s) getparams (s);
X fileinit ();
X heatcomp (); presscomp (); windcomp ();
X raincomp (); climcomp (); }
Xonestep () {
X switch (picktype) {
X case M_HEAT: heatdraw (step % MAXB); break;
X case M_PRESS: pressdraw (step % MAXB); break;
X case M_WIND: windraw (step % MAXB); break;
X case M_RAIN: raindraw (step % MAXB); break;
X case M_CLIM: climdraw (); break; } }
Xmainpar (s) char *s; {
X /* This function is called by getparams() in fileio.c; it looks at each
X parameter name read from the input file. If it recognizes the name,
X the right function is called to set that parameter. The function
X returns true if it recognizes the parameter name, and false otherwise. */
X if (CMP ("LAND")) getland ();
X else if (CMP ("BSIZE")) getlng (&BSIZE, M_MAIN);
X else if (CMP ("MAXRANGE")) getlng (&MAXRANGE, M_MAIN);
X else if (CMP ("PRINTMODE")) getlng (&PRINTMODE, M_MAIN);
X else if (heatpar (s)) { }
X else if (presspar (s)) { }
X else if (windpar (s)) { }
X else if (rainpar (s)) { }
X else if (climpar (s)) { }
X else return (0);
X return (1); }
Xgetland () { register int i, j, x;
X /* This function is called by mainpar, above, when the LAND parameter
X is encountered. It just calls getmat in fileio.c to do the work, but
X then it also creates an edge map lm; this is used by a couple of the
X drawing routines as background. */
X getmat (&XSIZE, &YSIZE, M_MAIN, l);
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0, x=0; i<XSIZE; i++, x=0) {
X /* Draw a white line if a mountain is present */
X if (i) if ((l[i][j] == 2) != (l[i-1][j] == 2)) x |= LINE_1V;
X if (j) if ((l[i][j] == 2) != (l[i][j-1] == 2)) x |= LINE_1H;
X /* Draw a black line if a coast is present */
X if (i) if ((l[i][j] > 0) != (l[i-1][j] > 0)) x |= LINE_0V;
X if (j) if ((l[i][j] > 0) != (l[i][j-1] > 0)) x |= LINE_0H;
X /* If both black and white lines are present, white wins */
X if ((x & LINE_0V) && (x & LINE_1V)) x &= (~LINE_0V);
X if ((x & LINE_0H) && (x & LINE_1H)) x &= (~LINE_0H);
X lm[i][j] = x; } }
Xrange (rr) char rr[MAXX][MAXY]; {
X /* This function is called by a number of climate routines. It takes an
X input array with blobs of -1's on a background of 0's. The function winds
X up replacing each 0 with the distance from that square to the nearest -1.
X The function onerange() does all the work, but it will not compute ranges
X greater than MAXRANGE. Therefore, after onerange() is called, any remaining
X 0 values must be replaced with MAXRANGE, indicating that that square is
X "very far" from any -1 value. */
X register int i, j;
X onerange (rr); checkmouse ();
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X if (!rr[i][j]) rr[i][j] = MAXRANGE; }
Xonerange (rr) char rr[MAXX][MAXY]; {
X /* This routine consists of a loop. Each time through the loop, every
X square is checked. If the square is zero, it has not yet been updated.
X In that case, look to see if any adjacent squares were previously updated
X (or if they were initialized to -1). If so, set the square to the current
X distance value, which happens to be identical to the outer loop variable.
X If, after one loop iteration, no squares have been updated, the matrix
X must be completely updated. Stop. To keep down run-time, a maximum
X distance value, MAXRANGE, is used as the terminating loop value. */
X register int i, j, x, k, keepgo;
X for (k=1; k<MAXRANGE; k++) {
X checkmouse ();
X for (keepgo=0, j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X if (!rr[i][j]) {
X keepgo = 1;
X x = rr[i ? i-1 : XSIZE-1][j]; if (x && (x != k)) rr[i][j] = k;
X x = rr[(i<XSIZE-1) ? i+1 : 0][j]; if (x && (x != k)) rr[i][j] = k;
X if (j<YSIZE-1) { x = rr[i][j+1]; if (x && (x != k)) rr[i][j] = k; }
X if (j) { x = rr[i][j-1]; if (x && (x != k)) rr[i][j] = k; } }
X if (!keepgo) return (0); } return (0); }
Xstatus (n, i) int n, i; {
X static char *title[] = { "", "Heat","Pressure","Wind","Rain","Climate" };
X char t[256];
X sprintf (t, "%s buffer %d", title[n], i); usermessage (t); }
Xdouble greyscale (x) int x; {
X /* This function just returns the 0..1 equivalent of 0..255 */
X return ((float) ((255 - x) / 320.0) + 0.1); }
if test 5481 -ne `wc -c <'./src/clim.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'./src/clim.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './src/clim.c'
if test -f './src/heat.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./src/heat.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./src/heat.c'\" \(6893 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./src/heat.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program is Copyright (c) 1991 David Allen. It may be freely
X distributed as long as you leave my name and copyright notice on it.
X I'd really like your comments and feedback; send e-mail to
X allen at, or send us-mail to David Allen, 10 O'Moore
X Avenue, Maynard, MA 01754. */
X/* This file contains the routines that compute local temperatures */
X#include "const.h"
X#include "clim.h"
X/* Some private defines. FREEZING is 0 degrees C in Kelvin; DEG2RAD is the
X conversion factor from angular degrees to radians. */
X#define FREEZING 273.0
X#define PI 3.14159
X#define DEG2RAD (PI / 180)
X/* The input array is l, from main.c; lm is used by heatdraw(). The output
X array is ts, containing temperatures. Array t is an unscaled copy of the
X temperatures; tmin and tmax are used for scaling, and tscale is the
X computed scale factor. To convert the unscaled temperatures to degrees K,
X divide by TEMPSCALE. */
Xextern unsigned char l[MAXX][MAXY], lm[MAXX][MAXY];
Xunsigned char ts[MAXB][MAXX][MAXY];
Xint tt[MAXB][MAXX][MAXY], tmax, tmin;
Xdouble tscale; int TEMPSCALE = 10;
X/* These parameters are defined in main.c */
X/* These parameters are used here, and are described in params.doc */
Xint PRINTEMP = 0;
Xdouble TILT = 23.0, ECCENT = 0.0, ECCPHASE = 0.0;
Xdouble LCOS = 45.0, LCONST = 275.0, LTILT = 1.0, LSMOOTH = 0.6, LDIV = 180.0;
Xdouble OCOS = 30.0, OCONST = 275.0, OTILT = 0.2, OSMOOTH = 0.2, ODIV = 250.0;
Xheatpar (s) char *s; {
X /* This function is called by mainpar() in main.c; it simply tests input
X parameter names to see if they are defined in this file. Each of the
X above ints are defined in this file. If the input string matches here,
X the function returns true. */
X if (CMP ("TILT")) getdbl (&TILT, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("ECCENT")) getdbl (&ECCENT, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("ECCPHASE")) getdbl (&ECCPHASE, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("LCOS")) getdbl (&LCOS, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("LCONST")) getdbl (&LCONST, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("LTILT")) getdbl (<ILT, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("LSMOOTH")) getdbl (&LSMOOTH, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("LDIV")) getdbl (&LDIV, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("OCOS")) getdbl (&OCOS, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("OCONST")) getdbl (&OCONST, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("OTILT")) getdbl (&OTILT, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("OSMOOTH")) getdbl (&OSMOOTH, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("ODIV")) getdbl (&ODIV, M_HEAT);
X else if (CMP ("PRINTEMP")) getlng (&PRINTEMP, M_HEAT);
X else return (0);
X return (1); }
Xheatlut (x, s) int x; char *s; {
X /* After the heatcomp routine is finished, a scale factor is computed
X for converting degrees K to 0..255; this routine converts back. Functions
X in the machine-dependent code can call here to print map keys. The caller
X must provide a char buffer; a string containing degrees F is put there. */
X double temp;
X temp = (((double) x / tscale) + (double) tmin) / TEMPSCALE;
X temp = (temp - FREEZING) * 1.8 + 32;
X sprintf (s, "%6.1f", temp); }
Xheatcomp () {
X /* This is the main routine for computing temperatures. After getheat()
X is called to do all the work, this routine takes the ints from t and
X finds the smallest and largest values. These are used to compute a scale
X factor, tscale; the arrays ts are then filled with scaled values. Finally,
X putmat() from main.c is called if needed to print results. */
X register int i, j, buf; char s[20];
X getheat (); tmin = 32000; tmax = 0;
X usermessage ("Scaling heat");
X /* Find minimum and maximum across all buffers */
X for (buf=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++) {
X checkmouse ();
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) {
X if (tt[buf][i][j] < tmin) tmin = tt[buf][i][j];
X if (tt[buf][i][j] > tmax) tmax = tt[buf][i][j]; } }
X /* Compute scale; for every buffer, fill ts from t */
X tscale = 254.0 / ((double) (tmax - tmin));
X for (buf=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++) {
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++)
X ts[buf][i][j] = (tt[buf][i][j] - tmin) * tscale;
X checkmouse (); }
X printf ("(KEY-IN-FAREN (\n");
X for (i=0; i<8; i++) { heatlut (16 * i, s); printf (" %s", s); }
X printf ("\n");
X for (i=8; i<16; i++) { heatlut (16 * i, s); printf (" %s", s); }
X printf ("))\n"); }
X for (i=0; i<BSIZE; i++)
X putmat ("TEMPERATURE", i, PRINTMODE_SCALE, ts[i], lm); } }
Xheatdraw (n) int n; { draw (DRAW_GREY, LINE_CORN, ts[n], lm); }
X /* This function calls draw() with the right arguments to display heat */
Xgetheat () {
X /* This function does all the work for computing temperatures. The outermost
X loop goes through each row of the output array once, computing all buffers
X at the same time. The loop has two inner loops: first, tland and tsea are
X filled with the temperatures found far inland and far at sea for each buffer.
X In the second loop, the weight function for each point in the latitude line
X is computed and the temperature is found for each buffer. */
X register int buf, i, j;
X double lat, lscl, sscl, x, fact, theta, delth, phase;
X double tland[MAXB], tsea[MAXB];
X lscl = DEG2RAD * 180.0 / (90.0 + LTILT * TILT);
X sscl = DEG2RAD * 180.0 / (90.0 + OTILT * TILT);
X delth = 2.0 * PI / (double) BSIZE;
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) {
X status (M_HEAT, j); checkmouse ();
X lat = 90.0 - 180.0 * (double) j / (double) YSIZE;
X for (buf=0, theta=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++, theta+=delth) {
X phase = theta + ECCPHASE; if (phase > 2.0 * PI) phase -= (2 * PI);
X fact = (1.0 + ECCENT * cos (phase)) * TEMPSCALE;
X x = (lat + cos (theta) * TILT * LTILT) * lscl;
X tland[buf] = (LCONST + LCOS * cos (x)) * fact;
X x = (lat + cos (theta) * TILT * OTILT) * sscl;
X tsea[buf] = (OCONST + OCOS * cos (x)) * fact; }
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X if (!l[i][j]) x = OSMOOTH + (countland (i, j) / ODIV);
X else x = LSMOOTH + (countland (i, j) / LDIV);
X for (buf=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++)
X tt[buf][i][j] = tsea[buf] + (tland[buf] - tsea[buf]) * x; } } }
Xcountland (x, y) int x, y; {
X /* Called by getheat() for each square, this function looks in a 11 wide
X by 5 high box and counts the number of land squares found there. It
X compensates for y values off the map, and wraps x values around. The
X answer is returned. */
X register int sum=0; int jmin, jmax, j1, i0, i1;
X jmin = y - 2; if (jmin < 0) jmin = 0;
X jmax = y + 2; if (jmax >= YSIZE) jmax = YSIZE-1;
X for (j1=jmin; j1<=jmax; j1++) for (i0=-5; i0<6; i0++) {
X i1 = i0 + x; if (i1 < 0) i1 += XSIZE;
X if (i1 >= XSIZE) i1 -= XSIZE;
X sum += l[i1][j1]; }
X return (sum); }
if test 6893 -ne `wc -c <'./src/heat.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'./src/heat.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './src/heat.c'
if test -f './src/pressure.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./src/pressure.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./src/pressure.c'\" \(9001 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./src/pressure.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program is Copyright (c) 1991 David Allen. It may be freely
X distributed as long as you leave my name and copyright notice on it.
X I'd really like your comments and feedback; send e-mail to
X allen at, or send us-mail to David Allen, 10 O'Moore
X Avenue, Maynard, MA 01754. */
X/* This file contains the routines to compute global high and low
X pressure areas. */
X#include "const.h"
X#include "clim.h"
X/* These are the data arrays required: l is an input array defining the
X ocean, land and mountain areas; ts is the temperature array computed
X by the functions in heat.c. Array pr is filled by ocean(), land() and
X heateq(), below; PR_HIGH indicates a high pressure zone, PR_LOW indicates
X a low, and PR_HEQ indicates the heat equator, a low zone. Array pm is
X the output array for this file, and it contains an edge map which has
X edges in color 1 surrounding lows and color 0 around highs. Array r is
X temporary storage for local calls to range() in main.c. */
Xextern unsigned char l[MAXX][MAXY], ts[MAXB][MAXX][MAXY];
Xstatic char r[MAXX][MAXY];
Xstatic unsigned char pm[MAXB][MAXX][MAXY];
Xunsigned char pr[MAXB][MAXX][MAXY];
X/* The externs below are declared in main.c; they represent global parameters.
X The ints are described in params.doc. */
Xint OHMIN = 130, OHMAX = 180, OLMIN = 40, OLMAX = 65;
Xint LHMIN = 0, LHMAX = 20, LLMIN = 220, LLMAX = 255;
Xint PRINTPR = 0;
Xpresspar (s) char *s; {
X /* This function is called by mainpar() in main.c; it simply tests input
X parameters to see if they are defined in this file. Each of the above
X ints is referred to in this function. If an input string matches here,
X the function returns true. */
X if (CMP ("OOTHRESH")) getlng (&OOTHRESH, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("OLTHRESH")) getlng (&OLTHRESH, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("OHMIN")) getlng (&OHMIN, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("OHMAX")) getlng (&OHMAX, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("OLMIN")) getlng (&OLMIN, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("OLMAX")) getlng (&OLMAX, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LOTHRESH")) getlng (&LOTHRESH, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LLTHRESH")) getlng (&LLTHRESH, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LHMIN")) getlng (&LHMIN, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LHMAX")) getlng (&LHMAX, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LLMIN")) getlng (&LLMIN, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("LLMAX")) getlng (&LLMAX, M_PRESS);
X else if (CMP ("PRINTPR")) getlng (&PRINTPR, M_PRESS);
X else return (0);
X return (1); }
Xpresscomp () {
X /* The main routine for this file. It just calls the four routines
X which do all the work. Ocean() finds pressure extremes on the ocean;
X land() does the same for land; heateq() defines the heat equator, and
X setpm() computes pm[][] from pr[][]. */
X int buf;
X for (buf=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++) {
X status (M_PRESS, buf); ocean (buf); land (buf);
X checkmouse (); findheq (buf); setpm (buf); }
X if (PRINTPR) for (buf=0; buf<BSIZE; buf++) {
X putmat ("PRESSURE", buf, PRINTMODE_SHORT, l, pm[buf]);
X else putmat ("PRESSURE", buf, PRINTMODE_SHORT, pr[buf], 0); } }
Xpressdraw (n) int n; { draw (DRAW_LAND, LINE_CORN, l, pm[n]); }
X /* This function calls draw with the right arguments to display pressure */
Xocean (buf) int buf; {
X /* Determine ocean highs and lows. An ocean high or low must occur over
X ocean, far away from major land masses. Two calls to range() are made
X to find the qualifying ocean areas; then temperature criteria are used
X to select the actual pressure zones. */
X register int i, j; int x;
X /* Set r to the distance on land from the coast. */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) r[i][j] = l[i][j] ? 0 : -1;
X range (r);
X /* Initialize r to contain blobs on land which are at least OLTHRESH squares
X away from the coast. Then set r to the distance from these. The result
X in r is the distance from the nearest big piece of land (ignoring
X islands). */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X r[i][j] = (r[i][j] > OLTHRESH) ? -1 : 0;
X range (r);
X /* For each array element, if it is at least OOTHRESH squares from the
X nearest big piece of land, it might be the center of an ocean pressure
X zone. The pressure zones are defined by temperature ranges; if the
X temperature in ts is between OLMIN and OLMAX, a low is recorded, while
X if the temperature is between OHMIN and OHMAX, a high is recorded. */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X pr[buf][i][j] = 0; x = ts[buf][i][j];
X if (r[i][j] > OOTHRESH) {
X if ((x >= OLMIN) && (x <= OLMAX)) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_LOW;
X if ((x >= OHMIN) && (x <= OHMAX)) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_HIGH; } } }
Xland (buf) int buf; {
X /* This function is simply the complement of ocean(): it finds land highs
X and lows. A land high or low must occur over land, far from major oceans.
X Two calls to range() are made to find the qualifying land areas; then
X temperature criteria are used to select the actual pressure zones. */
X register int i, j; int x;
X /* Set r to distance on water from coast. */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) r[i][j] = l[i][j] ? -1 : 0;
X range (r);
X /* Initialize r to contain blobs on ocean which are at least LOTHRESH
X squares away from the coast. Then set r to the distance from these. The
X result in r is the distance from the nearest ocean, ignoring lakes. */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X r[i][j] = (r[i][j] > LOTHRESH) ? -1 : 0;
X range (r);
X /* For each array element, if it is at least LLTHRESH squares from the
X nearest large ocean, it might be the center of a land pressure zone.
X The pressure zones are defined by temperature ranges; if the temperature
X in ts is between LLMIN and LLMAX, a low is recorded, while if the
X temperature is between LHMIN and LHMAX, a high is recorded. */
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X x = ts[buf][i][j];
X if (r[i][j] > LLTHRESH) {
X if ((x >= LLMIN) && (x <= LLMAX)) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_LOW;
X if ((x >= LHMIN) && (x <= LHMAX)) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_HIGH; } } }
Xfindheq (buf) int buf; {
X /* This function finds the heat equator and marks it in pr. For each
X vertical column of ts, the median position is found and marked. To
X make the heat equator continuous, jlast is set to the position of the
X heat equator in the previous column; a connection is made in the present
X column to ensure continuity. */
X register int i, j; int sum, jlast = 0, jnext;
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X /* Find the total of the temperatures in this column */
X for (sum=0, j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) sum += ts[buf][i][j];
X /* Step through the column again until the total so far is exactly
X half the total for the column. This is the median position. */
X for (sum>>=1, j=0; j<YSIZE && sum>0; j++) sum -= ts[buf][i][j];
X /* Mark this position and remember it with jnext */
X pr[buf][i][j] = PR_HEQ; jnext = j;
X /* For each column except the first (where i = 0), if the last heat
X equator is above this one, move upwards to it, marking each square,
X to ensure continuity; if below this one, move downwards to it. */
X if (i && (j > jlast)) for (; j>=jlast; j--) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_HEQ;
X else if (i && (j < jlast)) for (; j<=jlast; j++) pr[buf][i][j] = PR_HEQ;
X /* Remember this position for the next column. Note that no check is
X done to ensure continuity at the wraparound point; this is bad. */
X jlast = jnext; } }
Xsetpm (buf) int buf; {
X /* Setpm() is called after the above three functions have filled pr with
X the codes for high, low and heat equator. The purpose of this function
X is to create an edge map surrounding lows with color 1 and highs with
X color 0. */
X register int i, j, k; int col;
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X k = pr[buf][i][j]; col = 0;
X /* If not at the top edge, and if the pressure status here is not equal
X to the pressure status one square up, then put a horizontal line in
X this square. The color is zero if there is a high here; if a low or
X heat equator (a type of low) is here, the color is one. */
X if (j) if (k != pr[buf][i][j-1]) col =
X ((k == PR_HIGH) || (pr[buf][i][j-1] == PR_HIGH)) ? LINE_0H : LINE_1H;
X /* Similarly, if not at the left edge, put a vertical line in the right
X color. Notice that this color is OR'ed with the previous color. */
X if (i) if (k != pr[buf][i-1][j]) col |=
X ((k == PR_HIGH) || (pr[buf][i-1][j] == PR_HIGH)) ? LINE_0V : LINE_1V;
X /* Set the square in the pm array to the resultant color */
X pm[buf][i][j] = col; } }
if test 9001 -ne `wc -c <'./src/pressure.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'./src/pressure.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './src/pressure.c'
if test -f './src/tec1.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./src/tec1.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./src/tec1.c'\" \(10750 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./src/tec1.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program is Copyright (c) 1991 David Allen. It may be freely
X distributed as long as you leave my name and copyright notice on it.
X I'd really like your comments and feedback; send e-mail to
X allen at, or send us-mail to David Allen, 10 O'Moore Ave,
X Maynard, MA 01754. */
X/* This is the file containing all of the important functions except for
X trysplit (), which splits a continent into pieces. Also, all of the main
X arrays are declared here, even a couple that are only used by functions in
X tec2.c. The array declarations are first, followed by the sequencing
X function onestep () and some miscellaneous routines including the text
X output routines; initialization routines and the routines that do all
X the interesting stuff are last. */
X#include "const.h"
X#include "tec.h"
X/* These are the parameters and their default values; each is defined in
X params.doc */
Xint XSIZE = 100, YSIZE = 100, MAXSTEP = 100;
Xint ZINIT = 22, ZSUBSUME = 16, ZCOAST = 16;
Xint ZSHELF = 8, ZMOUNTAIN = 48, ZERODE = 16;
Xint BENDBY = 50, SPEEDRNG = 300, SPEEDBASE = 200;
Xdouble MR [] = { 1.0,1.0,1.0,0.7,0.4,0.1,-0.2,-0.5,-0.8,-1.0 };
Xint MAXLIFE = 10; /* Length of MR vector */
Xint change[1]; /* needed for fileio */
X/* The following arrays are global and most are used by functions in both
X source files. The two main ones are m and t. Each is set up to be two
X 2-d arrays, where each array is the size of the whole world. M is the
X map; elements in m are indices of plates, showing which squares are
X covered by which plate. T is the topography; elements in t are altitudes. */
Xchar m[2][MAXX][MAXY]; unsigned char t[2][MAXX][MAXY];
X/* Several arrays are used by the binary blob segmenter, segment() in tec2.c.
X These include r, which is used to store fragment indices; many fragments
X make up one region during a segmentation. Kid is a lookup table; fragment
X k belongs to region kid[k] after a segmentation is finished. Karea[k]
X is the area of fragment k. */
Xchar r[MAXX][MAXY], kid[MAXFRAG]; int karea [MAXFRAG];
X/* The merge routine gets information from the move routine; when the move
X routine puts a square of one plate on top of another plate, that information
X is recorded in the merge matrix mm. */
X/* The erosion routine needs an array to store delta information; during an
X erosion, the increases or decreases in elevation are summed in e and then
X applied all at once to the topography. */
Xchar e[MAXX][MAXY];
X/* Several routines need temporary storage for areas and plate identifiers. */
Xint tarea[MAXPLATE]; int ids[MAXPLATE];
X/* The plates in use are stored in this data structure. Dx,dy are the
X values to move by THIS STEP ONLY; odx,ody are the permanent move
X values; rx,ry are the remainder x and y values used by newdxy() to
X determine dx,dy; age is the age of the plate, in steps; area is the
X area of the plate, in squares; id is the value in the m array which
X corresponds to this plate; next is a pointer to the next occupied
X element of the plate array. */
Xstruct plate p [MAXPLATE];
X/* The linked list header for available plates and used plates are global,
X as is the step counter. */
Xint pavail, phead, step;
Xonestep () {
X /* This is the sequencing routine called by main once per step.
X It just calls the important subfunctions in order:
X - trysplit finds a plate to break up, and computes new velocities
X - newdxy computes the deltas to move each plate this step
X - move moves the plates
X - merge determines results when plates rub together
X - erode erodes the terrain, adding or subtracting altitude
X - draw draw the resulting array once every DRAWEVERY steps
X The m and t arrays are double-buffered in the sense that operations go
X from m[0] to m[1] or vice-versa; src and dest determine which is which. */
X int src, dest;
X src = step % 2; dest = 1 - src;
X if (rnd (100) < RIFTPCT) trysplit (src);
X newdxy ();
X move (src, dest);
X merge (dest);
X if (DOERODE) erode (dest);
X draw (DRAW_TEC, LINE_NONE, t[dest], 0);
X if (DRAWEVERY) if (step && !(step % DRAWEVERY)) tecst (dest);
X if (!DRAWEVERY && (step == MAXSTEP - 1)) tecst (dest); }
Xpalloc () {
X /* Allocate a plate from the array and return its index. All the fields
X of the plate are initialized to 0, except `next'. That field is used to
X link together the plate structures in use. */
X int x;
X if (!pavail) panic ("No more objects");
X x = pavail; pavail = p[x].next;
X p[x].next = phead; phead = x;
X p[x].area = 0; p[x].age = 0;
X p[x].rx = 0; p[x].ry = 0;
X p[x].odx = 0; p[x].ody = 0;
X p[x].dx = 0; p[x].dy = 0;
X return (x); }
Xpfree (n) int n; {
X /* Return a plate array element to the pool of available elements.
X To check for infinite loops, the variable guard is incremented
X at each operation; if the number of operations exceeds the maximum
X possible number, the program panics. */
X int i, guard = 0;
X if (phead == n) phead = p[n].next;
X else {
X for (i=phead; p[i].next!=n; i=p[i].next)
X if (++guard > MAXPLATE) panic ("Infinite loop in pfree");
X p[i].next = p[n].next; }
X p[n].next = pavail; pavail = n; }
Xmainpar (s) char *s; {
X if (CMP ("XSIZE")) getdim (&XSIZE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("YSIZE")) getdim (&YSIZE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("MOVERATE")) getdvec (&MAXLIFE, MR, 0);
X else if (CMP ("MAXSTEP")) getlng (&MAXSTEP, 0);
X else if (CMP ("MAXBUMP")) getlng (&MAXBUMP, 0);
X else if (CMP ("BUMPTOL")) getlng (&BUMPTOL, 0);
X else if (CMP ("DRAWEVERY")) getlng (&DRAWEVERY, 0);
X else if (CMP ("PRINTMODE")) getlng (&PRINTMODE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("HYDROPCT")) getlng (&HYDROPCT, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZINIT")) getlng (&ZINIT, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZSUBSUME")) getlng (&ZSUBSUME, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZCOAST")) getlng (&ZCOAST, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZSHELF")) getlng (&ZSHELF, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZMOUNTAIN")) getlng (&ZMOUNTAIN, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ZERODE")) getlng (&ZERODE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("RIFTPCT")) getlng (&RIFTPCT, 0);
X else if (CMP ("DOERODE")) getlng (&DOERODE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("ERODERND")) getlng (&ERODERND, 0);
X else if (CMP ("MAXCTRTRY")) getlng (&MAXCTRTRY, 0);
X else if (CMP ("RIFTDIST")) getlng (&RIFTDIST, 0);
X else if (CMP ("BENDEVERY")) getlng (&BENDEVERY, 0);
X else if (CMP ("BENDBY")) getlng (&BENDBY, 0);
X else if (CMP ("SPEEDBASE")) getlng (&SPEEDBASE, 0);
X else if (CMP ("SPEEDRNG")) getlng (&SPEEDRNG, 0);
X else if (CMP ("UNDERSCAN")) getlng (&UNDERSCAN, 0);
X else return (0);
X return (1); }
Xtecst (src) int src; {
X /* This function is called whenever map output is called for. It looks
X at the parameter `printmode' to decide between long text, simple text,
X and PostScript output formats. Note that the default for this
X function is no output at all, corresponding to PRINTMODE_NONE. If only
X one output map is desired, then move the coastline up or down to meet the
X desired hydrographic percentage. */
X register int i, j, zcoast; int hist[256], goal; unsigned char sk[MAXX][MAXY];
X if (!PRINTMODE) return (0);
X /* Create a histogram of the output array */
X for (i=0; i<256; i++) hist[i] = 0;
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) hist[t[src][i][j]]++;
X /* Starting from the highest altitude, move down until number of */
X /* squares above water is slightly greater than the exact goal */
X goal = XSIZE * YSIZE;
X goal = (goal * (100 - HYDROPCT)) / 100;
X for (zcoast=255, i=0; zcoast>0; zcoast--)
X if ((i += hist[zcoast]) > goal) break;
X /* If the new coast level is zero, then there wasn't enough land */
X /* to meet the goal, even going right down to the ocean floor. The */
X /* only possible result is to panic since the goal can't be met. */
X if (!zcoast) panic ("Scaled till oceans dried up");
X ZCOAST = zcoast; }
X if (PRINTMODE != PRINTMODE_SHORT) putmat ("LAND", -1, PRINTMODE, t[src], 0);
X else {
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) {
X if (t[src][i][j] < ZCOAST) sk[i][j] = 0;
X else if (t[src][i][j] > ZMOUNTAIN) sk[i][j] = 2;
X else sk[i][j] = 1; }
X putmat ("LAND", -1, PRINTMODE, sk, 0); }
X return (0); }
Xdouble greyscale (x) int x; {
X /* Called by the PostScript print routine, this function simply computes
X the intensity from 0-1 corresponding to the altitude 0-255 */
X if (x < ZCOAST) return ((float) 0);
X return (1.0 - ((x > 128) ? 128 : x) / 128.0); }
Xinit (s) char *s; {
X /* This is the catchall function that initializes everything. First,
X it calls getparams() in fileio.c to allow the user to set parameters. Next,
X it links together the plates onto the free list and starts the used list
X at empty. The first plate is created by a fractal technique and then
X improved. Finally, the fractal is copied to the data array and drawn.
X There are two kinds of improvement done here. First, islands are
X eliminated by segmenting the blob and erasing all the regions except
X for the biggest. Second, oceans inside the blob (holes) are eliminated
X by segmenting the _ocean_ and filling in all regions except the biggest. */
X int besti, x; register int i, j;
X if (s) if (*s) getparams (s); fileinit ();
X for (i=1; i<MAXPLATE; i++) p[i].next = i + 1;
X p[MAXPLATE-1].next = 0;
X pavail = 1; phead = 0;
X /* Allocate a plate structure for the first plate and make a blob */
X x = palloc (); makefrac (0, x);
X /* Segment m[0] looking for x, set besti to the largest region, */
X /* and zero out all the other regions. This eliminates islands. */
X besti = singlefy (0, x);
X if (besti > 0) for (i=1; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=1; j<YSIZE; j++)
X if (kid[r[i][j]] != besti) m[0][i][j] = 0;
X /* Segment m[0] looking for 0 (ocean), set besti to the largest region, */
X /* and fill in all the other regions. This eliminates holes in the blob. */
X besti = singlefy (0, 0);
X if (besti > 0) for (i=1; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=1; j<YSIZE; j++)
X if (kid[r[i][j]] != besti) m[0][i][j] = x;
X /* Fill the topo structure with the blob shape while finding its area */
X for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++)
X if (m[0][i][j]) { t[0][i][j] = ZINIT; p[x].area++; }
X /* Draw the blob */
X if (DRAWEVERY) draw (DRAW_TEC, LINE_NONE, t[0], 0); }
if test 10750 -ne `wc -c <'./src/tec1.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'./src/tec1.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './src/tec1.c'
if test -f './src/x.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'./src/x.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'./src/x.c'\" \(7119 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'./src/x.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X/* This program is Copyright (c) 1991 David Allen. It may be freely
X distributed as long as you leave my name and copyright notice on it.
X I'd really like your comments and feedback; send e-mail to
X allen at, or send us-mail to David Allen, 10 O'Moore Ave,
X Maynard, MA 01754.
X Based on code written by by George Ferguson (ferguson at,
X 28 Apr 1990. That code was intended for an X version of "tec", never
X released. */
X#include <math.h>
X#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
X#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
X#include <X11/keysym.h>
X#include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
X#include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
X#include <X11/Xaw/Viewport.h>
X#include <X11/Shell.h>
X#include "const.h"
X#include "clim.h"
X#define SIZE 6
Xextern int MAXSTEP, XSIZE, YSIZE, step;
Xint picktype = M_HEAT;
Xstatic XtAppContext appc;
Xstatic Display *Dis;
Xstatic Window Win;
Xstatic Pixmap Pix;
Xstatic Pixmap Pixsave;
Xstatic GC gc_def;
Xstatic GC Gc[32];
Xstatic Arg simple_args[] = {
X {XtNfromVert, (XtArgVal) NULL},
X {XtNheight, (XtArgVal) WINDOW_HEIGHT},
X {XtNwidth, (XtArgVal) WINDOW_WIDTH} };
Xunsigned char landcols [] = { 11, 28, 3 }, greycols[256], tecols[256];
Xunsigned char climcols [] = { 9, 20, 18, 2, 3, 18, 22, 26, 14, 17, 12 };
Xstatic char *color_names[] = {
X "black","white","grey75", "grey50",
X "MediumPurple1","purple4","purple3","purple2","purple1",
X "blue4","blue3","blue2","blue1",
X "DarkGreen","green4","green3","green2","green1",
X "DarkGoldenrod4","yellow4","yellow3","yellow2","yellow1",
X "orange4","orange3","orange2","orange1",
X "brown4","red4","red3","red2","red1" };
Xmain (argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {
X Widget toplevel, top_form, surface;
X XWindowAttributes wattr; ushort seed16v[3];
X XtToolkitInitialize ();
X appc = XtCreateApplicationContext ();
X Dis = XtOpenDisplay (appc, NULL, NULL, "Demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv);
X toplevel = XtAppCreateShell (NULL, NULL, applicationShellWidgetClass,
X Dis, NULL, 0);
X top_form = XtCreateManagedWidget ("top form", formWidgetClass,
X toplevel, NULL, 0);
X surface = XtCreateManagedWidget ("drawing surface", simpleWidgetClass,
X top_form, simple_args, XtNumber(simple_args));
X XtRealizeWidget (toplevel);
X Win = XtWindow (surface);
X XGetWindowAttributes (Dis, Win, &wattr);
X Pix = XCreatePixmap (Dis, Win, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, wattr.depth);
X Pixsave = XCreatePixmap (Dis, Win, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, wattr.depth);
X XSelectInput (Dis, Win,
X ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
X KeyPressMask | StructureNotifyMask );
X gc_def = DefaultGC (Dis, DefaultScreen (Dis));
X assign_colors ();
X XFlush (Dis);
X /* Initialize random number generator */
X srand (time ((long *) 0)); /* initialize rand() */
X seed16v[0] = rand(); seed16v[1] = rand(); seed16v[2] = rand();
X seed48 (seed16v); /* initialize lrand48() */
X XFillRectangle (Dis, Pix, Gc[0], 0, 0, MAXX*SIZE, MAXY*SIZE); redraw ();
X init (*++argv);
X for (step=0; step<MAXSTEP; step++) {
X onestep();
X redraw();
X checkmouse (); }
X XtDestroyApplicationContext (appc);
X return (0); }
Xassign_colors () {
X Colormap colormap; XColor screen_in_out,exact; int i;
X for (i=0; i<256; i++) greycols[i] = 4.0 + (double) i * 27.0 / 254.0;
X for (i=0; i<16; i++) tecols[i] = 0;
X for (; i<80; i++) tecols[i] = 4.0 + (double) (i-16) * 27.0 / 62.0;
X for (; i<256; i++) tecols[i] = 1;
X colormap = DefaultColormap (Dis, DefaultScreen(Dis));
X for (i=0; i < 32; i++) {
X XAllocNamedColor (Dis, colormap, color_names[i], &screen_in_out, &exact);
X Gc[i] = XCreateGC (Dis, Win, 0, (XGCValues *) NULL);
X XSetForeground (Dis, Gc[i], screen_in_out.pixel);
X if (i == 0) XSetForeground (Dis, gc_def, screen_in_out.pixel); } }
X/* Each call to this routine dispatches any pending events. We are only
X interested in expose events which require a redraw, and the letter 'q'
X being pressed to quit. */
Xcheckmouse () { XEvent e; char c; KeySym sym; XComposeStatus status;
X while (XtAppPending (appc)) { /* while there are events */
X XtAppNextEvent (appc, &e); /* get one */
X switch (e.type) { /* and process it */
X case Expose:
X if (e.xexpose.window != Win) XtDispatchEvent(&e);
X else if (e.xexpose.count == 0) redraw ();
X break;
X case KeyPress:
X XLookupString(&e,&c,1,&sym,&status);
X switch (sym) {
X case XK_q: step = MAXSTEP; break;
X case XK_h: picktype = M_HEAT; break;
X case XK_p: picktype = M_PRESS; break;
X case XK_w: picktype = M_WIND; break;
X case XK_r: picktype = M_RAIN; break;
X case XK_c: picktype = M_CLIM; break; }
X break;
X default: XtDispatchEvent(&e); } } }
Xredraw () {
X XCopyArea (Dis, Pix, Win, Gc[0], 0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0, 0);
X XFlush (Dis); }
Xrnd (top) short top; { return (lrand48 () % top); }
Xpanic (s) char *s; { printf ("PANIC: %s\n", s); exit (1); }
Xdraw (ctype, ltype, cra, lra)
X int ctype, ltype;
X unsigned char cra[MAXX][MAXY], lra[MAXX][MAXY]; {
X register short i, j, k, x; unsigned char *lut;
X switch (ctype) {
X case DRAW_GREY: lut = greycols; break;
X case DRAW_LAND: lut = landcols; break;
X case DRAW_CLIM: lut = climcols; break;
X case DRAW_TEC: lut = tecols; break; }
X for (j=0; j < YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i < XSIZE-1; i++) {
X x = lut[cra[i][j]]; k = i+1;
X while ((lut[cra[k][j]] == x) && (k < XSIZE-1)) k++;
X XFillRectangle (Dis, Pix, Gc[x], i*SIZE, j*SIZE, (k-i)*SIZE, SIZE);
X i = k-1; }
X switch (ltype) {
X case LINE_DIAG: diagonal (lra); break;
X case LINE_CORN: corner (lra); break;
X case LINE_NONE: break; } }
X#define LEFT(i,j,x) \
X XDrawLine (Dis, Pix, Gc[x], i*SIZE, j*SIZE, i*SIZE, (j+1)*SIZE)
X#define ABOVE(i,j,x) \
X XDrawLine (Dis, Pix, Gc[x], i*SIZE, j*SIZE, (i+1)*SIZE, j*SIZE)
X#define UPLEFT(i,j,x) \
X XDrawLine (Dis, Pix, Gc[x], i*SIZE, j*SIZE, (i+1)*SIZE, (j+1)*SIZE)
X#define UPRIGHT(i,j,x) \
X XDrawLine (Dis, Pix, Gc[x], (i+1)*SIZE, j*SIZE, i*SIZE, (j+1)*SIZE)
Xdiagonal (ra) unsigned char ra[MAXX][MAXY]; { register short i, j;
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++)
X switch (ra[i][j]) {
X case 0: break;
X case N: LEFT (i, j, 0); break;
X case S: LEFT (i, j, 1); break;
X case E: ABOVE (i, j, 1); break;
X case W: ABOVE (i, j, 0); break;
X case N|E: UPRIGHT (i, j, 0); break;
X case N|W: UPLEFT (i, j, 0); break;
X case S|E: UPLEFT (i, j, 1); break;
X case S|W: UPRIGHT (i, j, 1); break; } }
Xcorner (ra) unsigned char ra[MAXX][MAXY]; { register short i, j, x;
X for (j=0; j<YSIZE; j++) for (i=0; i<XSIZE; i++) {
X x = ra[i][j];
X if (x & LINE_0V) LEFT (i, j, 0);
X else if (x & LINE_1V) LEFT (i, j, 1);
X if (x & LINE_0H) ABOVE (i, j, 0);
X else if (x & LINE_1H) ABOVE (i, j, 1); } }
if test 7119 -ne `wc -c <'./src/x.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'./src/x.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of './src/x.c'
echo shar: End of archive 3 \(of 4\).
cp /dev/null ark3isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked all 4 archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone
echo You still must unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at
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