v18i016: jgraph - A filter for plotting postscript graphs, Patch03
James Plank
jsp at Princeton.EDU
Sun Apr 14 07:15:53 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: James Plank <jsp at Princeton.EDU>
Posting-number: Volume 18, Issue 16
Archive-name: jgraph/patch03
Patch-To: jgraph: Volume 16, Issue 20
I just made a small addition to jgraph to allow for shell escapes in
the input. More specifically, you can do things like
newcurve pts shell : awk '{print $3, $7}' stats
to extract points from columns 3 & 7 of the file stats.
No bugs fixes in this patch, just expanded fuctionality.
Jim Plank
jsp at princeton.edu
# To unbundle, "sed '1,/^# To unbundle/d' < thisfile | sh"
# Fri Apr 12 17:37:43 EDT 1991
echo PATCH.3.README 1>&2
sed 's/^-//' >'PATCH.3.README' <<'End of PATCH.3.README'
-This patch adds shell escapes to jgraph. More specifically, you can
-do things like
-newcurve pts shell : awk '{print $3, $7}' stats
-to extract points from columns 3 & 7 of the file stats. For more information,
-see the man page.
-Apply the patch by:
-patch < patch.3
echo patch.3 1>&2
sed 's/^-//' >'patch.3' <<'End of patch.3'
-*** jgraph.1 Fri Apr 12 17:23:20 1991
---- ../export/jgraph.1 Fri Apr 12 17:11:27 1991
-*** 87,94 ****
- attributes. All keywords and attributes except for string attributes
- are tokens -- non-white-space characters surrounded by white-space.
- Special tokens are
-! ``(*'', ``*)'', ``include'' and ``:'', which denote
-! comments, include-file statments, and string identifiers:
- .TP
- .B Comments
- Comments are surrounded by the tokens ``(*'' ``*)'' as in
---- 87,95 ----
- attributes. All keywords and attributes except for string attributes
- are tokens -- non-white-space characters surrounded by white-space.
- Special tokens are
-! ``(*'', ``*)'', ``include'', ``:'', and ``shell'', which denote
-! comments, include-file statements, string identifiers, and shell-include
-! statements:
- .TP
- .B Comments
- Comments are surrounded by the tokens ``(*'' ``*)'' as in
-*** 100,106 ****
- The token following an ``include'' token is
- expected to be a file name. The result of the statement is to
- include the contents of the file at that point. Include-file
-! statments can be nested within included files.
- .TP
- .B Strings
- In places where strings are required (as in graph and
---- 101,108 ----
- The token following an ``include'' token is
- expected to be a file name. The result of the statement is to
- include the contents of the file at that point. Include-file
-! statments can be nested within included files, and within shell
-! includes.
- .TP
- .B Strings
- In places where strings are required (as in graph and
-*** 125,130 ****
---- 127,139 ----
- Once a string has been started, it may contain any character besides
- a newline. Specifically, it may contain the sequence ``(*'' or
- ``include'' without starting a comment or including a file.
-+ .TP
-+ .B Shell\-include statements
-+ Shell include statements are of the form ``shell'', ``:'', and then
-+ a string. The result of the statment is that the string is executed
-+ (using popen, which passes the string to sh), and the standard
-+ output is included at that point. Shell-includes can be freely
-+ nested within include-files and other shell-includes.
- .TP
- .B Notation
- In the descriptions below:
-*** jgraph.c Fri Apr 12 17:24:43 1991
---- ../export/jgraph.c Fri Apr 12 17:11:23 1991
-*** 47,54 ****
- "ellipse", "general", "xbar", "ybar", "none" };
- char MARKTYPES[] = { 'o', 'b', 'd', 't', 'x', 'c', 'e', 'g', 'X', 'Y', 'n' };
- Label new_label()
- {
- Label l;
---- 47,52 ----
-*** 55,65 ****
- l = (Label) malloc (sizeof(struct label));
- l->label = CNULL;
-! l->hj = 'c';
-! l->vj = 'b';
-! l->font = "Times-Roman";
-! l->fontsize = 9.0;
-! l->rotate = 0;
- return l;
- }
---- 53,63 ----
- l = (Label) malloc (sizeof(struct label));
- l->label = CNULL;
-! l->hj = '!';
-! l->vj = '!';
-! l->font = CNULL;
-! l->fontsize = FSIG;
-! l->rotate = FSIG;
- return l;
- }
-*** 198,203 ****
---- 196,221 ----
- return new_s;
- }
-+ /*
-+ Default new_default()
-+ {
-+ Default new_d;
-+ new_d = (Default) malloc (sizeof(default));
-+ new_d->rotate = FSIG;
-+ new_d->fontsize = FSIG;
-+ new_d->general_marks = GMNULL;
-+ new_d->fill = FSIG;
-+ new_d->linethick = FSIG;
-+ new_d->font = CNULL;
-+ new_d->hj = '!';
-+ new_d->vj = '!';
-+ new_d->marktype = '!';
-+ new_d->linetype = '!';
-+ new_d->marksize[0] = FSIG;
-+ new_d->marksize[1] = FSIG;
-+ }
-+ */
- Graph new_graph(gs, num)
- Graph gs;
- int num;
-*** 215,220 ****
---- 233,239 ----
- g->strings = (String) make_list(sizeof(struct string));
- g->title = new_title();
- g->legend = new_legend();
-+ /* g->def = new_default(); */
- prio_insert(g, gs, 0);
- return g;
- }
-*** jgraph.h Fri Apr 12 17:24:44 1991
---- ../export/jgraph.h Fri Apr 12 17:11:23 1991
-*** 41,47 ****
- #include "list.h"
- #include "prio_list.h"
-- #include "fprio_list.h"
- #ifdef LCC
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #endif
---- 41,46 ----
-*** 51,56 ****
---- 50,56 ----
- #define CPI 72.0
- #define FCPI 72.0
- #define CNULL ((char *)0)
-+ #define GMNULL ((Point)0)
- #define FSIG -10010.0
- #define HASH_SIZE 5.0
- #define MHASH_SIZE 2.0
-*** 101,106 ****
---- 101,119 ----
- float size;
- } *Hash;
-+ typedef struct deflt {
-+ float rotate;
-+ float fontsize;
-+ Point general_marks;
-+ float fill;
-+ float linethick;
-+ float marksize[2];
-+ char *font;
-+ char hj;
-+ char vj;
-+ char marktype;
-+ } *Default;
- typedef struct axis {
- Label label;
- Label hl;
-*** 158,163 ****
---- 171,177 ----
- Legend legend;
- String strings;
- Label title;
-+ Default def;
- } *Graph;
- typedef struct graphs {
-*** makefile Fri Apr 12 17:24:45 1991
---- ../export/makefile Fri Apr 12 17:11:27 1991
-*** 3,9 ****
- OBJS = draw.o \
- edit.o \
-- fprio_list.o \
- jgraph.o \
- list.o \
- printline.o \
---- 3,8 ----
-*** 29,43 ****
- $(CC) -g $(OBJS) -lm -o jgraph
- ###
-! draw.o: draw.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
-! edit.o: edit.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
-! fprio_list.o: fprio_list.c list.h prio_list.h
-! jgraph.o: jgraph.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
- list.o: list.c list.h
-! printline.o: printline.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
- prio_list.o: prio_list.c list.h prio_list.h
-! process.o: process.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
-! show.o: show.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h fprio_list.h
- token.o: token.c list.h
- clean:
- rm -f *.o a.out
---- 28,41 ----
- $(CC) -g $(OBJS) -lm -o jgraph
- ###
-! draw.o: draw.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
-! edit.o: edit.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
-! jgraph.o: jgraph.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
- list.o: list.c list.h
-! printline.o: printline.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
- prio_list.o: prio_list.c list.h prio_list.h
-! process.o: process.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
-! show.o: show.c jgraph.h list.h prio_list.h
- token.o: token.c list.h
- clean:
- rm -f *.o a.out
-*** token.c Fri Apr 12 17:24:49 1991
---- ../export/token.c Fri Apr 12 17:11:25 1991
-*** 1,4 ****
---- 1,7 ----
- /* $Log: token.c,v $
-+ * Revision 1.10 91/04/12 17:06:55 jsp
-+ * Added the shell command to allow jgraph to execute stuff
-+ *
- * Revision 1.9 91/01/16 11:04:04 jsp
- * Fixed Rlog information
- *
-*** 63,68 ****
---- 66,73 ----
- FILE *stream;
- int oldcharvalid;
- char oldchar;
-+ char pipe;
-+ int line;
- } *Iostack;
- static char INPUT[300];
-*** 69,77 ****
---- 74,84 ----
- static int getnew = 1;
- static char oldchar = '\0';
- static oldcharvalid = 0;
-+ static char pipe = 0;
- static int eof = 0;
- static int init = 0;
- static Iostack stack;
- #ifndef VMS
- static FILE *IOSTREAM = stdin;
- #else
-*** 143,149 ****
- return (first(stack) == nil(stack));
- }
-! static push_iostack()
- {
- Iostack n;
---- 150,157 ----
- return (first(stack) == nil(stack));
- }
-! static push_iostack(p)
-! int p;
- {
- Iostack n;
-*** 153,161 ****
- n->filename = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*(strlen(FILENAME)+2));
- n->oldchar = oldchar;
- n->oldcharvalid = oldcharvalid;
- strcpy(n->filename, FILENAME);
- insert(n, stack);
-! IOSTREAM = fopen(INPUT, "r");
- if (IOSTREAM == NULL) {
- error_header();
- fprintf(stderr, "Include file \"%s\" does not exist\n", INPUT);
---- 161,177 ----
- n->filename = (char *) malloc (sizeof(char)*(strlen(FILENAME)+2));
- n->oldchar = oldchar;
- n->oldcharvalid = oldcharvalid;
-+ n->pipe = pipe;
-+ n->line = line;
- strcpy(n->filename, FILENAME);
- insert(n, stack);
-! if (p) {
-! IOSTREAM = (FILE *) popen(INPUT, "r");
-! } else {
-! IOSTREAM = fopen(INPUT, "r");
-! }
-! pipe = p;
-! line = 1;
- if (IOSTREAM == NULL) {
- error_header();
- fprintf(stderr, "Include file \"%s\" does not exist\n", INPUT);
-*** 168,179 ****
- {
- Iostack n;
- iostackinit();
-! fclose(IOSTREAM);
- n = last(stack);
- IOSTREAM = n->stream;
- strcpy(FILENAME, n->filename);
- /* free(n->filename); */
- oldchar = n->oldchar;
- oldcharvalid = n->oldcharvalid;
- delete(n);
---- 184,208 ----
- {
- Iostack n;
-+ /* error_header();
-+ fprintf(stderr, "\nCalled pop_io_stack. Pipe = %d\n", pipe); */
-+ fflush(IOSTREAM);
- iostackinit();
-! if (pipe) {
-! if (pclose(IOSTREAM)) {
-! /*error_header();
-! fprintf(stderr, "\n\nPipe returned a non-zero error code.\n");
-! exit(1); */
-! }
-! } else {
-! fclose(IOSTREAM);
-! }
- n = last(stack);
- IOSTREAM = n->stream;
- strcpy(FILENAME, n->filename);
- /* free(n->filename); */
-+ pipe = n->pipe;
-+ line = n->line;
- oldchar = n->oldchar;
- oldcharvalid = n->oldcharvalid;
- delete(n);
-*** 202,209 ****
- fprintf(stderr, "Empty include statement\n");
- exit(1);
- } else {
-! push_iostack();
- }
- } else {
- getnew = 1;
- return;
---- 231,250 ----
- fprintf(stderr, "Empty include statement\n");
- exit(1);
- } else {
-! push_iostack(0);
- }
-+ } else if (strcmp(INPUT, "shell") == 0) {
-+ char *s, fn[30];
-+ if (gettoken(INPUT) == 0 || strcmp(INPUT, ":") != 0) {
-+ error_header();
-+ fprintf(stderr, "'shell' must be followed by ':'\n");
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
-+ if (getsystemstring() == 0) {
-+ fprintf(stderr, "Empty shell statement\n");
-+ exit(1);
-+ }
-+ push_iostack(1);
- } else {
- getnew = 1;
- return;
-*** 319,324 ****
---- 360,386 ----
- ungettokenchar();
- INPUT[i] = '\0';
- return new_printable_text(INPUT);
-+ }
-+ int getsystemstring()
-+ {
-+ char c;
-+ int i;
-+ if (getnew == 0) return 0;
-+ c = gettokenchar();
-+ if (c == EOF) {
-+ ungettokenchar();
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ i = 0;
-+ for (c = gettokenchar(); c != EOF && c != '\n'; c = gettokenchar()) {
-+ INPUT[i++] = c;
-+ }
-+ ungettokenchar();
-+ INPUT[i] = '\0';
-+ return 1;
- }
- rejecttoken()
End of patch.3
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at uunet.uu.net.
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