v17i100: calentool - day/week/month/year-at-a-glance SunView tool, Part19/23
Bill Randle
billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM
Sun Apr 7 10:56:01 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: Bill Randle <billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM>
Posting-number: Volume 17, Issue 100
Archive-name: calentool/part19
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then unpack
# it by saving it into a file and typing "sh file". To overwrite existing
# files, type "sh file -c". You can also feed this as standard input via
# unshar, or by typing "sh <file", e.g.. If this archive is complete, you
# will see the following message at the end:
# "End of archive 19 (of 23)."
# Contents: Fixes2_0 Fixes2_2 dates/events1 dates/hawaii dates/movies
# version.c
# Wrapped by billr at saab on Thu Mar 28 08:38:31 1991
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb ; export PATH
if test -f 'Fixes2_0' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Fixes2_0'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Fixes2_0'\" \(4084 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Fixes2_0' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# $Header: Fixes2_0,v 1.2 88/05/02 12:53:40 billr Exp $
XWelcome to Calentool version 2.0
XBugs fixed in version 2.0:
X - Problem running on a Hi-res display; did not accept -Wt option.
X :: The tool now parses the suntools options before setting the default
X font, so -Wt will be used. Also checks the suntools defaults file(s)
X for "/CalenTool/Font" and "/CalenTool/BigFont".
X - Year menu cycled from 1/87 - 1/88 - 12/88 - 1/90 - 1/91
X :: This was due to an error in the way the year_days[] array was
X accessed. It is now fixed.
X - Several problems that occurred when Jan 1 of START_YEAR was not a
X Monday.
X :: Proper boundary checking is done in all (I hope) cases. You can no
X longer get before Jan 1, START_YEAR or after Dec 31, END_YEAR.
X == This has been superseeded by the new date handling code, which
X works for any day from 1900 to 1999.
X - If START_YEAR is changed to 88, get_today() returns yesterday.
X :: This was related to #2 above and has been fixed.
X - When displaying a month where the 1st is on a Sunday, clicking on that
X week will show the previous week.
X :: This was a problem in the way the beginning of the current week was
X determined and has been fixed.
X - The week display doesn't show what year it is.
X :: Fixed.
X - Borders need around Year Menu and Month Menu buttons.
X :: Not changed due to new panel layout.
X - Don't pay attention to /Menu/Font in .defaults.
X :: Fixed in a slightly different fashion (see #1, above).
X - Too much right margin in week slots.
X :: Margin decreased by one character.
X - Too much margin in day slots.
X :: Margin decreased by one character.
X - Tempfile name not unique - could cause problems in an NFS environment.
X :: Tempfile name is now unique with appended pid.
X - Option parsing was handled poorly.
X :: Improved option parsing (see also, #1 above).
X - Button layout inconsistent and hard to use.
X :: Re-did panel layout. (See below.)
X - Program had a tendency to "hang" when trying to open it.
X :: Theory was that open occurred at the same time at the periodic
X update of the icon. Changed to only update when icon is actually
X needs to change.
XNew features in version 2.0:
X :: Completely new button panel layout. Should be easier to use and
X consistant in all display modes.
X :: Added a new year-at-a-glance display that displays an entire year
X at one time. (Before, when selecting year, you got Jan of that
X year.) Reverse-video indictes days with appointments.
X :: Re-occurring and "wild carded" appointments are available
X (see man page).
X :: Saturday and Sunday are optionally available on the week
X display by using the -7 option. (Note: selecting this
X option also provides a larger day window for longer
X messages.)
X :: Start hour, end hour and start year are all defineable at
X compile time via the ct.h file or the Makefile.
X :: New date handling code allows viewing any year from 1900
X to 1999 without boundary problems at START_YEAR and END_YEAR.
X :: Todays calendar can be printed on an ASCII terminal by use
X of the new -p option.
X :: Todays calendar can be mailed to as specified user with the
X new -m option. This obviates the need for the seperate
X calenmail program.
X :: New beep (-b) option beeps and displays the pending appointment
X on the console.
X :: Comments can be included in the appointments file.
X :: Display appointments file name on banner stripe.
X :: Cleaned-up man page.
X :: Cleaned-up Makefile.
X :: Prettied-up icons.
XStill to do:
X - Improve text entry handing for appointments messages.
XThanks to all who reported bugs, and special thanks to:
X Casey Leedom for suggesting the new panel layout
X Matt Landau for improved option parsing
X Rick Rodgers for improved man page and improved icons
X Alfred Correira for the console beep feature
X David St. Pierre for improved date handling code with offset
Xand of course to Philip Heller for writing the original code and making it
Xavailable to the Sun user community.
X -Bill Randle
X Tektronix, Inc.
X billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM
X May 2, 1988
if test 4084 -ne `wc -c <'Fixes2_0'`; then
echo shar: \"'Fixes2_0'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Fixes2_0'
if test -f 'Fixes2_2' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'Fixes2_2'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'Fixes2_2'\" \(5559 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'Fixes2_2' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# $Header$
XVersion 2.2 of calentool fixes the following bugs:
X -Add -lpixrect to list of libraries for compiling calencheck under
X SunOS > 4.0 [shared libs problem] <seamans at seaimage.nlm.nih.gov>,
X <canuck at rice.edu>
X -Fix typos in man page <paulb at ttidca.tti.COM>
X -Correct typos in space events file. <blackje at sungod.crd.ge.COM>
X -Fix bug where "day_first" was not getting intialized properly.
X <robin at turing-institute.ac.uk>
X -Fix bug where command line dates specified as mm/dd/19yy were
X incorrectly parsed. <paulb at ttidca.tti.COM>
X -Fix bug in computation of the LHA of the sun. <pvo at oce.orst.edu>
X -Fix various date bugs in events file. <paulb at ncc1701.tti.COM>
X -Fix various bugs in world file. <jk at research1.computer-science.manchester.ac.uk>
X -Fix bug wrt week selection from iso month display. <hk at simulina.se>
X -Fix bug in calculation of solstice times. <winner at CS.IDA.ORG>
X -Fix bug where frame opens to wrong day. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X <ndn at seg.national-physical0lab.co.uk> <syd at DSI.COM>
X -Fix bug where reading an alternate file changes date. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X -Fix bug where -Px -o combination truncates appts file. <baron at cs.ucla.edu>
X <sun!sono!holly> <david at srv.pacbell.COM>
X -Fix nasty bug relating to deleted appts that caused other appts not
X to be visible. <slm at wsc-sun.boeing.com> <indra at amdcad.amd.com>
X <gary%cs at ucsd.edu> <khanna at QAL.Berkeley.Edu>
X -Force fileframe to close when base frame closes. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.com>
X -Fix bug where marked holidays were not displayed on the day page.
X <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X -Fix bug that allowed temporarily changing readonly appts. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X -Fix bug that prevented "paste" from properly pasting weekly repeated
X appointments. <paulb at ttidca.tti.COM>
X -Fix bug that prevented non-repeated, duplicate events from being displayed
X (and core dumping). <paulb at ttidca.tti.COM>
X -Fix bug made LOOKAHEAD and RUN mutually exclusive when set via modify
X menu. <holley%sono at sun.com>
X -Show all appointments at a given time when printing to the console.
X <paulb at ttidca.tti.COM>
X -Set ReadOnly panel item in File frame to match file permissions. Force
X the Original button to do an accept operation. <tdat!dc1 at suntzu.sun.com>
X -Fix bug that may trash file if expire is run on readonly appts file.
X <tdat!dc1 at suntzu.sun.com>
X -Fix bug that incorrectly calculated day of year.
X -Fix bug that prevented "-muser" from working correctly ("-m user" worked
X OK). <ross!marty at cs.utexas.edu>
X -Fix bug that allowed entering new appts in a read_only calendar.
X <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X -Fix bug that sometimes caused garbage to be printed for the
X appointment text for the reminder while the tool was iconic.
X -Escape leading special characters in appointment text so they
X aren't confused with calentool's reserved characters.
X -Use supplied appts file name rather than the default .appointments
X when using the -i and -z options. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X -Reduce the number of icon slots reserved on the desktop from 10 to 5.
X I still can't get it down to just 1.
XVersion 2.2 of calentool adds the following new features:
X :: Add length of day to sun frame display <seamans at seaimage.nlm.nih.gov
X :: Add additional events to Celtic file. <wayne%teemc.uucp at sharkey.cc.umich.edu>
X :: Add new Canadian holidays file. <ian at sqarc.sq.COM>
X :: Add printing of week number. <hk at simulina.se>
X :: Change subject line of mail messages. <mdf0%shemesh at gte.COM>
X :: Better support for Monday first calendars. <hk at simulina.se>
X :: Move Latitude and Longitude setting from riseset.h to Makefile.
X <casey at gauss.llnl.gov>
X :: Allow -x and -o options to work together to expire appts at any time.
X <tdat!dc1 at suntzu.sun.com>
X :: Add support for Monday-Friday repeating appointments.
X :: Change the year display to fixed 6 weeks per month to prevent
X "leftover" days.
X :: Add support to set advance reminder time on a per appt basis.
X :: Add support for L6 and L8 function keys (PUT/GET [Copy/Paste]).
X :: Add week numbers on month PostScript output. <hk at simulina.se> If
X monday_first is set then ISO week numbers are printed on the
X right edge, otherwise normal week numbers are printed on the
X left edge.
X :: Add direct PostScript printer output for day and week pages,
X obviating the need for raster to ps conversion.
X :: Add option to Change Printer menu to allow printing to a file.
X :: Add command line option to select ASCII or PostScript output
X for the -P/-p and -M/-m commands.
X :: Add a Done button with Close and Quit options.
X :: Cleanup day and week displays when there are overlapping appts.
X The arrows are now offest so one can see their full length.
X :: Allow dynamic sizing of the day page (i.e. start time, end time
X and number of notes) via the command line. <tdat!dc1 at suntzu.sun.com>
X :: Allow the SunView -Wt option to override the default font used.
X :: New events files with many additions.
X :: Optimize calculation of holiday dates. This improved the time
X to display the year page by an order of magnitude when using
X the -hA option.
X :: Show hidden arrows as dashed lines in day and week displays.
X This allows seeing true appointment booking at a glance
X when there are hidden or overlapping appointments.
X :: Optimize searching of include files, especially for month and
X year displays to reduce the time. It's still real slow on the
X week display if many large files are included.
XIn addition, some of the shared code between calentool and calencheck
Xhas been moved to a new file for easier maintenance.
if test 5559 -ne `wc -c <'Fixes2_2'`; then
echo shar: \"'Fixes2_2'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'Fixes2_2'
if test -f 'dates/events1' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/events1'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/events1'\" \(29300 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/events1' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,2 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: events1,v 1.1 91/03/07 16:19:03 billr Exp $
X# Notable events in history (Jan-Feb)
X# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
X# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert at fc.hp.com
X# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
X# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
X# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr at saab.cna.tek.com).
X# All dates in this file are New Style unless otherwise noted.
X# Some duplicates may exist where I haven't been able to verify which
X# one is correct.
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Alcatraz officially becomes a Federal Prison. (1934)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 At&T officially divests its local Bell companies (1984)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Castro expels Cuban President Batista (1959)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Churchill delivers "Iron Curtain" speech (1947)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln. (1863)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 England conquers Burma (1886)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 European Economic Community (EEC) starts operation. (1958)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Ex-Atty. Gen. Mitchell, Halderman and Ehrlichman were convicted on cover-up charges relating to Watergate break-in (1975)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 First annual Festival of Fools in Paris ridiculing nuns and priests (1198)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Haiti gains it's independence (1804)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Lincoln makes Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Noon on this day is the epoch for Julian Day (JD) (4713 BC)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Samuel Pepys begins his diary (1660)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 Sudan gains it's independence (1956)
X** 01 01 99 99 00 The Epoch (Time 0 for UNIX systems, Midnight GMT) (1970)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Bert Parks fired from Miss America Pageant (1980)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Cigarette adds are banded from television (1971)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Dominguez-Escalante expedition of the South West ends in Santa Fe, NM (1777)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Georgia becomes the 4th state (1788)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 German Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes Time Magazine's Man of the Year (1939)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 King Zog of Albania is deposed (1946)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Religious services were first broadcast at KDKA Pittsburgh (1921)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 Secretary of State Johhn Hay announces the Open Door Policy with China to improve trade (1900)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 The Japanese take the Philippine capital of Manila (1942)
X** 01 02 99 99 00 The United States and Canada announced an agreement on joint action to preserve Niagara Falls (1929)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 1st drinking straw is patented. (1888)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Alaska becomes the 49th state (1959)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Senators and Representatives end their terms on this day
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Southern Pacific RR offers to bring the Liberty Bell to the Exposition without charge (1912)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 Steam explosion in a military experimental reactor SL-1 in Idaho Falls kills three (1961)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 The artificial drinking straw patented (1883)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 The opening of Congress is first televised (1947)
X** 01 03 99 99 00 US severs ties with Cuba (1961)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 First auto crosses the Sahara desert (1924)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Great Britain grants independence to Burma (1948)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 North Korean forces capture Seoul, Korea (1951)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 The first around the world bicycle trip (1887)
X** 01 04 99 99 00 Utah becomes the 45th state (1896)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 -50 degrees F (Strawberry, UT, 1913)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Joseph Yablonski, his wife and daughter are found shot in their home. United Mine Workers chief Tony Boyle is later convicted of the killing (1970)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Ronald Reagan proposes first trillion dollar US budget (1987)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 The emperor of China declares the English to be outlaws (1840)
X** 01 05 99 99 00 Two GM plants in Flint, Michigan, are taken over by the Teamsters Union protesting intolerable work conditions (1936)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Arizona becomes the 47th state.
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers his "Four Freedoms" speech in which he spoke of freedom of speech, worship, from want and from fear (1941)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Great Plains blizzard (1886)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 New Mexico becomes the 47th state (1912)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Samuel Morse demonstrated his telegraph for the first time (1838)
X** 01 06 99 99 00 Stock brokerage firm of Merrill Lynch founded. (1914)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 1st balloon flight across the English Channel. (1785)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 Intel is the first to copyright a chip mask. It is for a 256K EPROM (1985)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 The first atomic submarine, the U.S.S. Nautilus, sets sail (1955)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 U.S. First Class postage raised from 4 cents to 5 cents. (1963)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 U.S. First Class postage raised from 5 cents to 6 cents. (1968)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 the typewriter is patented (it was built years later) (1714)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 American Telephone and Telegraph loses antitrust case (1982)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Battle of New Orleans
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Eleventh Amendment, lawsuits against states, proclaimed (1798)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Gallipoli evacuated by the British (1916)
X** 01 08 99 99 00 Lyndon Johnson announces his "War on Poverty" (1964)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 1st income tax imposed, in England. (1799)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 5.9 earthquake in New England/Canada; last one was in 1855. (1982)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Connecticut becomes the 5th state (1788)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 Mississippi secedes from the union (1861)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 St. Marciana is martyred by being torn to bits by a leopard and a wild bull in the Caesarea amphitheater (309)
X** 01 09 99 99 00 the daguerrotype process announced at French Academy of Science (1839)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 1st underground railway opens in London. (1863)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 First meeting of United Nations General Assembly (London, 1946)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 First oil gusher, Beaumont TX (1901)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 In San Diego the first aerial photo is taken (1911)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Los Angeles Railway (with 5 streetcar lines) forced to close. (1945)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 Pre-paid postage by means of stamped labels comes into use in Britain (1840)
X** 01 10 99 99 00 the Penny Post mail system is started. (1840)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 First English lottery was carried out. This continued as a money maker till 1826 (1569)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 France touches off an international uproar when it releases Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of being involved with the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics. (1977)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Michigan Territory was created (1805)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Prithvi Jayanti in Nepal
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Surgeon General condemns cigarettes (1964)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 The Hudson, the first sedan style car, goes on display at the 13th annual Automobile show in New York (1913)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Whiskey-A-Go-Go opens (Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, 1963)
X** 01 12 99 99 00 House defeats women's suffrage proposal (1915)
X** 01 13 99 99 00 Anthony Foss obtains patent for the Accordion. (1854)
X** 01 13 99 99 00 NY Times Editorial says rockets can never fly. (1920)
X** 01 13 99 99 00 The British War office abolishes the lance as a weapon of battle (1928)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Castro visits Russia (1964)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 English Labour Party founded (1893)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Henry Ford introduces the Assembly Line for his cars. (1914)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 Izaak Walton League, anglers group, was formed (1922)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 L.M. "Mario" Giannini elected president of Bank of America. (1936)
X** 01 14 99 99 00 the Revolutionary War formally ends. (1784)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 21 die when hit with a 30 foot high wall of Molasses (1919)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Governor Kieft purchased part of Long Island from Indians on behalf of New Netherlands (1639)
X** 01 15 99 99 00 Steam elevator patented by Elisha Otis, forming base for his (1861)elevator company.
X** 01 15 99 99 00 The Pentagon Building in Washington is completed. (1948)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 G. H. Hardy receives the famous Ramanujan letter (1913)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Ivan the Terrible was crowned czar of Russia (1547)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Prohibition begins (1920)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 Set uid bit patent issued (1979)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 The Shah of Iran, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, leaves Iran for Egypt (1979)
X** 01 16 99 99 00 The first run of the Orient Express (1872)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 1st Cable Car is patented by Andrew S. Hallidie. (1871)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Flush toilet is patented by Mr. Thomas Crapper (Honest (1861)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 It was Tin Can Drive Day. (1943)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 Justice Department begins IBM suit (1969)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 The US buys the Virgin Islands from Denmark for $25M (1917)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 US and its allies start air attacks on Iraq in Operation Desert Storm (1991)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 the Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic. (1893)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 1st UFO sighting in America, by perplexed Pilgrims in Boston. (1644)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Captain Cook sights Hawaii which he dubs the Sandwich Islands (1778)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 English explorer Robert F. Scott reaches the South Pole only to discover that Roald Amundsen had beaten them. (1912)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 The World War I peace conference opens in Versailles (1919)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 A presidential news conference was filmed for the first time. The president was Eisenhower. (1955)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Ezra Daggett and his nephew, Thomas Kensett, obtain a patent for storing food in a tin can (1825)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 Guy Hunt becomes Alabama's first Republican governor since 1874 (1987)
X** 01 19 99 99 00 In one of Gerald Ford's last acts as president, he pardoned Iva Toguri D'Aquino aka Tokyo Rose (1977)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 1st English Parliament called into session by the Earl of Leicester (1265)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 British-Chinese Treaty of Peking is signed (1925)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Edward VIII ascends the throne of England upon the death of George V (1936)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Iran releases 52 Americans it had held hostage for 444 days, only minutes after Jimmy Carter left the Presidency (1981)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 London Docks opened (1805)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Nazi officials hold the infamous Wannsee conference in Berlin at which they decide on their "final solution"; the extermination of all Jews (1942)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 Terry Waite, Anglican Church envoy, kidnapped in Lebanon (1987)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 The U.S. Senate approved the leasing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii as a naval base (1887)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 The first assembly of the Commons as an agreed representational body (according to Sir William Dugdale) (1265)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Alger Hiss, State Department official, found guilty of perjury by New York federal jury (1950)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Glen Canyon Dam is dedicated (1963)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 Jefferson Davis and four other Southern Senators resign from the Senate (1861)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 New York City enacted an ordinance that made smoking by women in public punishable by a fine of from $5 to $25 and up to 10 days in jail. (1908)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 President Jimmy Carter pardoned most Vietnam War draft dodgers (1977)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 The Wilderness Society is formed (1935)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 The first Kiwanis Club was founded in Detroit (1915)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 USS Nautilus is christened by Mamie Eisenhower and is the first nuclear powered ship (1954)
X** 01 22 99 99 00 Supreme Court overturns all state laws that limited a woman's right to abortion to the first 3 months (1973)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 The Alaskan pipeline is authorized (1973)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 The US Navy bathyscaph, Trieste, descends to a depth of over 35000 feet (1960)
X** 01 23 99 99 00 The USS Pueblo is seized by the North Koreans (1968)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 1st beer in cans is sold. (1935)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Alann (sic) Steen, communications instructor at Beirut University College, was kidnapped in Lebanon (1987)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Amazon Indians attack oil drilling crew with poison darts (1984)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Christian K. Nelson of Onawa, Iowa, patented the Eskimo Pie (1922)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Earthquake kills 890,000 people in China (1556)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Gold discovered in California at Sutter's Mill (1848)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 Jesse Turner, professor of mathematics and computer science at Beirut University College, was kidnapped in Lebanon (1987)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill conclude conference in Casablanca (1943)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 US Supreme Court rules income tax is unconstitutional (1916)
X** 01 24 99 99 00 the rubber heel is patented by Humphrey O'Sullivan. (1899)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Alexander Bell in New York calls Thomas Watson in San Francisco. (1915)
X** 01 25 99 99 00 Major-General Idi Amin deposes President Obote in Uganda (1971)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 1st settlement established by the English in Australia. (1788)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Captain Wells discovers the largest diamond in the world, at the premier Mines in Pretoria, South Africa (1905)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Hindi made the official language of India (1965)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Hong Kong proclaimed a British sovereign territory (1841)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 India becomes a republic. (1950)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Italian forces help General Franco and his rebel forces take Barcelona (1939)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Michigan becomes the 26th state (1837)
X** 01 26 99 99 00 Sydney Australia settled (1778)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 1st Tape Recorder is sold. (1948)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Dante exiled from Florence (1302)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Military draft ends (1973)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 The first US bombing raid on Germany in World War II (1943)
X** 01 27 99 99 00 Vietnam War cease-fire signed (1973)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 First commercial telephone exchange initiated, in New York City (1878)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 First ski tow, Woodstock VT (1914)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 George W. Coy hired as 1st full-time telephone operator. (1878)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 London's Pall Mall is the 1st street lit by gaslight. (1807)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 The Coast Guard is founded (1915)
X** 01 28 99 99 00 The first penal colony in Australia is founded at Botany Bay (1788)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Britain is refused entry into the common market (1961)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Greenwich Mean Time is adopted by Scotland (1848)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Kansas becomes the 34th state (1861)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 Karl Friedrich Benz patents the first petrol driven motor car (1886)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 The Victoria Cross is instituted by Queen Victoria (1856)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 death warrant for Charles I is issued (1649)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 the 18th amendment, prohibition of liquor, is proclaimed (1919)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 First German submarine attack without warning occurs off the French Coast (1915)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Hitler made Chancellor of Germany (1933)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi by Hindu fanatic (1948)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 The Tet Offensive (1968)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 US Navy's 1st ironclad warship, the "Monitor", launched. (1862)
X** 01 30 99 99 00 pistol misfires in attempt to kill president Andrew Jackson (1835)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Irving Langmuir invents the tungsten filament lamp (1881)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Leon Trotsky expelled from the USSR (1929)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Moscow McDonalds opens, the largest McDonalds to date and the first McDonalds in the Soviet Union (1990)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 The highest high pressure ever recorded in North America. 30.85 inches in Alaska (1989)
X** 01 31 99 99 00 Truman directs the Atomic Energy Commission to begin work on a hydrogen bomb (1950)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Bricklayers start working 8-hour days. (1867)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Forces led by Khomeini take over Iran (1979)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 RCA Victor unveils 45 rpm record system (1949)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 Water begins backing up at Hoover Dam (1935)
X** 02 01 99 99 00 the 1st armored car is introduced. (1920)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Cardiff Giant revealed as a hoax (1870)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Idi Amin declares himself to be absolute ruler for "ever and ever"in Uganda (1971)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 Mexico sells US Texas, California, New Mexico & Arizona. (1848)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 SS Strathleven arrives in London with 1st successful shipment of frozen mutton from Australia (1880)
X** 02 02 99 99 00 The project that produces the HP-35 calculator, the calculator that replaced the slide rule, begins (1971)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 Twin Peaks Tunnel, longest (11,920 feet) streetcar tunnel in the world, begins service with the K-Ingleside streetcar (1918)
X** 02 03 99 99 00 U.S. First Class postage raised from 25 cents to 29 cents (1991)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) gains independence. (1948)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Jefferson Davis elected President of the Confederate States of America (1861)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Patty Hearst kidnapped (1974)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 Richard Wetherill discovered the Basket Maker culture (1894)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 The first electric portable typewriter, a Smith Corona, was sold (1957)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 beginning of the Russo-Japanese War (1904)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 the 24th amendment passes abolishing poll taxes (1964)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 the beginning of the Yalta Conference between Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin (1945)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 National Wildlife Federation is formed (1936)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 Patricia Hearst kidnapped by Symbionese Liberation Army (1974)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 US troops enter Manila under General MacArthur (1945)
X** 02 05 99 99 00 insanity of George III leads to the Regency act making the Prince of Wales, Prince Regent (1811)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 A peace treaty is signed between the United States and Spain (1899)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Abolnassan Bani-Sadr, newly installed president of Iran, denounces militants holding US Embassy as "dictators who have created a government within a government" (1980)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Britain declares war on France (1778)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 General Lee appointed commander-in-chief of Confederate forces (1865)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 Massachusetts becomes the 6th state (1788)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 The United States wins official recognition from France with the signing of two treaties in Paris (1778)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 The stock market hits 1600 for the first time (1986)
X** 02 06 99 99 00 the 20th amendment, covering terms of office, passed today (1933)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 Austria and Prussia form an alliance against France (1792)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 The British Railroads are taken over by the government (1940)
X** 02 07 99 99 00 The beginning of the German offensive at Anzio (1944)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Boy Scouts of America founded. (1908)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Charter granted for College of William & Mary, 2nd college in US. (1693)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Louis Waterman begins experiments that invent the fountain pen. (1883)
X** 02 08 99 99 00 Odessa is taken by the Bolsheviks (1920)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 -51 degrees F (Vanderbilt, MI, 1934)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 Daylight Wartime begins (1942)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 U.S. Weather Service is founded. (1877)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 1st electric arc light used (in California Theater). (1879)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Arthur Miller's "Death of a Salesman" opens on Broadway with Lee J. Cobb as Willy Loman (1949)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 City of Anaheim incorporated (first time). (1870)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 St. Paul's Shipwreck (60)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 France cedes Canada to England in the Treaty of Paris, ending the French and Indian War (1763)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Mongols sack Baghdad (1258)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Philadelphia was first lighted by gas (1835)
X** 02 10 99 99 00 Washington writes from Charleston, "Without men, without arms, without ammunition, there is little to be done." (1776)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 At least 8 workers exposed to radiation at Sequoyah 1, a TVA nuclear power plant (1981)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 Nelson Mandela, South African antiaparteid leader, is released after 28 years of imprisonment (1990)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 Vatican City (world's Smallest Country) is made an enclave of Rome. (1929)
X** 02 11 99 99 00 an American-led commando squad financed by millionaire industrialist H. Ross Perot, rescues two of his employees from an Iranian prison (1979)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Export-Import Bank incorporated. (1934)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Santa Barbara oil spill (1969)
X** 02 12 99 99 00 Santiago, Chile founded. (1541)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 Alexander Solzhenitsyn, author and dissident, is expelled from Russia (1974)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 The Barbie Doll was introduced. Over half a billion are sold in its first 30 years. (1959)
X** 02 13 99 99 00 William III and Mary II take the throne together (1689)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 "La Marseillaise" becomes French national anthem (1879)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Gray applied separately for patents related to the telephone. The supreme court will later rule that Bell was the rightful inventor (1876)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, becomes the 48th state (1912)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Bombing of Dresden (1945)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 First lady Jacqueline Kennedy conducts a tour of the White House on network television (1962)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 First micro-on-a-chip patented by TI (1978)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 James Polk becomes the first president to be photographed while in office. He posed for Matthew Brady (1848)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Khomeini orders Solman Rushdi to be killed for writing the book "Satanic Verses" (1989)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 Oregon, the Beaver State, becomes the 33rd state (1859)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 The US ship Ranger takes the recently adopted Stars and Stripes to a foreign port for the first time as it arrived in France (1778)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 The battleship Bismarck is first launched (1939)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 seven hoods, rivals of Al Capone's gang, killed in garage in the St. Valentine's day massacre (1929)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Canada makes the maple leaf flag their official flag (1965)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 Chicago Seven convicted (1970)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 The Roman Feast of Lupercalia to honor Faunus (Gk. Pan) and Juno (Gk. Hera) was celebrated. This later became St. Valentine's day.
X** 02 15 99 99 00 USS Maine sinks in Havana harbor, cause unknown. (1898)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 14000 Confederate soldiers surrender at Fort Donelson, Tennessee to General Grant earning him the nickname "Unconditional Surrender Grant" (1862)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Fidel Castro becomes the Cuban premier after overthrow of Fulgencio Batista (1959)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Howard Carter finds the Pharoah Tutankhamun. (1923)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Lithuania proclaimed independence (1918)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Lt. Stephen Decatur leads a successful raid into Tripoli Harbor to burn the US Navy frigate Philadelphia which had fallen into the hands of pirates (1804)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 Nylon patented (1937)
X** 02 16 99 99 00 the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was organized in New York City (1868)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Chinese troops attack Vietnam along most of their 480 mile long border (1979)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Columbia, South Carolina was burned as Confederates moved out and the Union troops moved in (1865)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 Sardines were 1st canned, in Eastport, Maine. (1876)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 The Supreme court issues its "one man, one vote" ruling saying congressional districts within each state must be roughly equal in population (1964)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 The US House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, electing Jefferson as president (1801)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 The Voice of America started broadcasting to the USSR (1947)
X** 02 17 99 99 00 standard US letter postage goes to $.22 (1985)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 1st regular steamboat service to California started with the arrival of the "California" (1849)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, invented the electric battery (1745)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 F. D. R. signs Executive Order interning Japanese Americans (1942)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Jefferson Davis is sworn in as the first president of the Confederate States of America (1861)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 Roman Catholicism ceases to be the state religion of Italy (1984)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 The Soviet Union warns China to stop its invasion of Vietnam (1979)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Albinus is defeated near Lyons (197)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Beginning of the invasion of Iwo Jima (1945)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Former Vice President Aaron Burr was arrested in Alabama, tried for treason and acquitted (1807)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Independence of Cyprus established through an agreement signed in London by Britain, Turkey and Greece (1959)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Kansas becomes the first state to ban all alcoholic beverages (1881)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 President Ford pardons Iva Toguri D'Aquino ("Tokyo Rose"). (1977)
X** 02 19 99 99 00 Zanzibar severs ties with US and England (1964)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is opened (1877)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 President George Washington signed an act creating the U.S. Post Office (1792)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 The National Emergency Warning Center in Colorado erroneously ordered all radio and TV stations to go off the air. The mistake was not corrected for 30 minutes (1971)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 The Supreme court rules that the federal government has more power than any individual state. (1809)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 poll released shows that of 1110 American adults asked 72% would prefer all out nuclear war to life under communist rule. Estimated error margin was 3% (1987)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 1st self-propelled locomotive on rails demonstrated, in Wales. (1804)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Battle of Verdun begins, bloodiest battle of WWI, over a million casualties (1916)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Edwin Land demonstrates black and white photos that self develop in only 60 seconds (1947)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 First Telephone book is issued, in New Haven, Conn. (1878)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Last Carolina parakeet dies (1918)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 Washington Monument is dedicated (1885)
X** 02 21 99 99 00 first snow in recorded history falls on desert near Persian Gulf, 18 inches falls on Abu Dhabi and melts in four hours (1987)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Hawaii becomes a US Territory. (1900)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 the Indian Quadequina introduces popcorn to colonists (1630)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Frank Winfield Woolworth opened his first store in Utica, NY, where it was a failure. Moving to Lancaster, PA, improved sales (1879)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Lt. Calley confesses, implicates Captain Medina in Vietnam massacre (1971)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 Sixteenth amendment enacted as Wyoming becomes 36th state to approve it, creating federal income tax (1913)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 US and its allies start ground attack on Iraqi positions in Kuwait and Iraq (1991)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 six members of the Fifth division of US Marines raised the US flag over mount Suribachi on Iwo Jima. (1945)
X** 02 23 99 99 00 the 25th amendment passes defining presidential succession (1967)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Galerius Valerius Maximianus issues the first edict of persecution against the Christians, in Rome (303)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Jaun Peron is elected President of Argentina (1946)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Los Angeles Vineyard Society organized. (1857)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Pope Gregory XIII issues a Papal Bull in which he outlines the calendar reforms that will be known as the Gregorian Calendar (1582)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 The US Supreme Court declares for the first time an act of Congress to be unconstitutional (1803)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 Voice of America begins broadcasting (in German). (1942)
X** 02 24 99 99 00 a fledgling German political party holds its first important meeting in Munich. The party would later be called the Nazi Party. (1920)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Ferdinand Marcos leaves the Philippines as civil unrest rises. Corazon Aquino is now President (1986)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 Oregon is 1st state to tax gasoline (1 cent per gallon). (1919)
X** 02 25 99 99 00 the 16th amendment, allowing income taxes, is proclaimed (1913)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 Grand Canyon National Park established (1919)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 President Lincoln signs the National Currency Act. (1863)
X** 02 26 99 99 00 The Soviet Union resumes atomic bomb testing after the US refuses to join them in a moratorium on testing (1987)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 British are defeated by the Boers at the battle of Majuba, South Africa (1881)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Dominican Republic gains it's independence. (1844)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 Hitler suspends freedom of the press and other civil liberties (1933)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 The Lionheart crowned (1189)
X** 02 27 99 99 00 The first Russian embassy to Britain (1557)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 "French Connection" drug bust occurs (Marseilles, 1972)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Ferry in San Pablo Bay explodes. (1888)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Forrester issued a patent for computer core memory. (1956)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 Mikhail Gorbachev calls for a pact to remove all medium range missiles from Europe (1987)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 President Bush announces cease fire in Gulf War conditional upon Iraq accepting all UN resolutions, 12 midnight EST (1991)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 The Pope gives permission for the Bible to be translated into all languages of the Catholic states (1759)
X** 02 28 99 99 00 The Territory of Colorado was organized (1861)
X** 02 29 99 99 00 French and Indian raid on Deerfield MA (1704)
if test 29300 -ne `wc -c <'dates/events1'`; then
echo shar: \"'dates/events1'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/events1'
if test -f 'dates/hawaii' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/hawaii'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/hawaii'\" \(5760 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/hawaii' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,12 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: hawaii,v 1.2 91/03/07 16:21:11 billr Exp $
X# Special dates in the history of Hawaii
X# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
X# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert at fc.hp.com
X# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
X# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
X# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr at saab.cna.tek.com).
X# All dates in this file are New Style unless otherwise noted.
X# Some duplicates may exist where I haven't been able to verify which
X# one is correct.
X** 01 03 99 99 00 first Chinese arrive in Hawaii. (1852)
X** 01 07 99 99 00 first printing in Hawaii. (1822)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 Hawaii Historical Society founded. (1892)
X** 01 11 99 99 00 first pineapples planted in Hawaii. (1813)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 the Kingdom of Hawaii becomes a republic. (1893)
X** 01 18 99 99 00 Captain Cook sights Hawaii which he dubs the Sandwich Islands (1778)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 The U.S. Senate approved the leasing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii as a naval base (1887)
X** 01 21 99 99 00 the pineapple is introduced to Hawaii. (1813)
X** 02 04 99 99 00 the Hawaiian Board of Education is formed. (1865)
X** 02 09 99 99 00 first Japanese arrive in Hawaii. (1885)
X** 02 20 99 99 00 1st territorial legislature of Hawaii convenes. (1901)
X** 02 22 99 99 00 Hawaii becomes a US Territory. (1900)
X** 03 01 99 99 00 Library of Hawaii founded. (1879)
X** 03 02 99 99 00 first telegraph company in Hawaii opens. (1901)
X** 03 04 99 99 00 Oranges introduced to Hawaii. (1792)
X** 03 07 99 99 00 in Hawaii, the Great Mahele (division of lands) is signed. (1848)
X** 03 10 99 99 00 First money minted in Hawaii. (1847)
X** 03 11 99 99 00 Great Mauna Loa eruption (volcano in Hawaii). (1867)
X** 03 25 99 99 00 a summit eruption on Mauna Loa was spotted at 1:25 AM. The Northeast rift zone was fountaining by 4:30 PM. During the next 21 days lava would flow almost to the city of Hilo. (1984)
X** 03 26 99 99 00 Kuhio Day in Hawaii, honoring beloved Prince Kuhio of Kauai, the last member of Hawaiian royalty to wield political power
X** 04 10 99 99 00 1st hotel in Hawaii opens. (1825)
X** 04 26 99 99 00 1st motion pictures shown in Hawaii. (1906)
X** 04 30 99 99 00 the Hawaiian YMCA organized. (1869)
X** 05 01 99 99 00 Lei Day begun (a Hawaiian celebration) (1928)
X** 05 13 99 99 00 1st foreign embassy in Hawaii is established. (1835)
X** 05 20 99 99 00 1st legislative assembly convenes in Hawaii. (1845)
X** 05 21 99 99 00 1st steamship arrives in Hawaii. (1846)
X** 06 01 99 99 00 Mauna Loa erupts from the Southwest rift 600M cubic yards of lava over 23 days (1950)
X** 06 07 99 99 00 the Hawaiian Declaration of Rights is signed. (1839)
X** 06 14 99 99 00 Hawaiian Territorial Government begins. (1900)
X** 06 18 99 99 00 Macademia nuts 1st planted in Hawaii. (1892)
X** 06 21 99 99 00 Hawaiian Red Cross founded. (1917)
X** 06 24 99 99 00 1st coffee planted in Hawaii, on the Kona coast. (1817)
X** 07 01 99 99 00 Haleakala National Park established in Hawaii. (1961)
X** 07 04 99 99 00 Pacific Cable (San Francisco, Hawaii, Guam, Phillipines) opens. President Roosevelt sends a message to the Phillipines,then a message around the world in 12 minutes (1903)
X** 07 07 99 99 00 Hawaii annexed to the US. (1898)
X** 07 17 99 99 00 1st railroad opens in Hawaii. (1879)
X** 07 20 99 99 00 1st telephone introduced in Hawaii. (1878)
X** 07 20 99 99 00 Kilauea begins a long eruption that as of May 1990 had not stopped. In the process over 650M cubic yards of lava will be released. (1986)
X** 07 23 99 99 00 first telephone and telegraph line in Hawaii is completed. (1877)
X** 07 26 99 99 00 1st sugar cane plantation started in Hawaii. (1835)
X** 07 29 99 99 00 first sugar plantation in Hawaii begun. (1835)
X** 08 01 99 99 00 Hawaii National Park established. (1916)
X** 08 07 99 99 00 Potatoes first planted in Hawaii. (1820)
X** 08 09 99 99 00 1st horses arrive in Hawaii. (1803)
X** 08 13 99 99 00 Reciprocity Treaty between US and Hawaii ratified. (1876)
X** 08 17 99 99 00 1st bank in Hawaii opens. (1858)
X** 08 21 99 99 00 Hawaii became the 50th state. (1959)
X** 08 30 99 99 00 Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city. (1850)
X** 09 02 99 99 00 gas lighting introduced to Hawaii. (1859)
X** 09 10 99 99 00 1st theater opens in Hawaii. (1847)
X** 09 17 99 99 00 1st whaling ship arrives in Hawaii. (1819)
X** 10 01 99 99 00 1st Hawaiian stamps issued. (1851)
X** 10 08 99 99 00 1st Hawaiian constitution proclaimed. (1840)
X** 10 19 99 99 00 1st flour mill in Hawaii begins operations. (1853)
X** 10 27 99 99 00 1st Pali Road completed in Hawaii (the Pali is a cliff where the winds are so strong streams flow UP) (1896)
X** 10 29 99 99 00 first election of the Hawaiian Republic. (1894)
X** 11 01 99 99 00 1st Aloha Week Parade held in Hawaii. (1947)
X** 11 06 99 99 00 1st fire engine arrives in Hawaii. (1850)
X** 11 13 99 99 00 first shipment of canned pineapple from Hawaii. (1895)
X** 11 14 99 99 00 Kilauea's most spectacular eruption (in Hawaii). (1959)
X** 11 18 99 99 00 Oahu Railway begins public service in Hawaii. (1889)
X** 11 26 99 99 00 Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association formed. (1895)
X** 11 29 99 99 00 US receives rights to Pearl Harbor, on Oahu, Hawaii. (1887)
X** 12 17 99 99 00 first Hawaiian cavalry organized. (1852)
X** 12 19 99 99 00 Bishop Museum founded in Hawaii. (1889)
X** 12 20 99 99 00 Hawaiian post office established. (1850)
X** 12 22 99 99 00 Hawaiian Post Office established. (1850)
X** 12 27 99 99 00 Hawaiian Fire Department established. (1850)
X** 12 28 99 99 00 Trans-Pacific cable links Hawaii to US. (1902)
X** 12 30 99 99 00 first coffee planted in Hawaii. (1817)
if test 5760 -ne `wc -c <'dates/hawaii'`; then
echo shar: \"'dates/hawaii'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/hawaii'
if test -f 'dates/movies' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'dates/movies'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'dates/movies'\" \(5563 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'dates/movies' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X# CalenTool V2.2 - nflag=1 range=1,12 - DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE
X# $Header: movies,v 1.2 91/03/07 16:21:17 billr Exp $
X# Special dates in the history of movies.
X# Today in History dates provided by Robert Heckendorn at
X# Hewlett-Packard in Fort Collins, Colorado.
X# Any corrections or additions may be sent to robert at fc.hp.com
X# Additional dates provided from ProLine's today file
X# Converted to calentool format by Larry Virden (lwv27%cas.BITNET at CUNYVM.CUNY.Edu)
X# and further edited and merged by Bill Randle (billr at saab.cna.tek.com).
X** 01 16 99 99 00 The musical "Hello Dolly" starring Carol Channing, opened on Broadway (1964)
X** 01 17 99 99 00 E. C. Segar's Popeye first appears in Thimble Theatre (1929)
X** 01 20 99 99 00 The first "talkie" movie that was filmed outdoors (90% outdoors) was released by Fox. The name was "In Old Arizona". (1929)
X** 01 29 99 99 00 The movie Dr. Strangelove is released (1964)
X** 02 14 99 99 00 The movie "Tarzan of the Apes" was first released (1918)
X** 02 15 99 99 00 The first Dracula movie is released (1931)
X** 02 18 99 99 00 The movie "Bwana Devil" introduces the 3-D movie fad of the 50's by opening in New York (1953)
X** 03 02 99 99 00 Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd first meet in "Elmer's Candid Camera" (1940)
X** 03 02 99 99 00 The movie King Kong premiers at New York City's Radio Music Hall and the RKO Roxy (1933)
X** 03 13 99 99 00 Dr. Lee de Forest demonstrates a sound motion picture system in New York (1923)
X** 03 16 99 99 00 principal photography complete on "The Wizard of Oz" (1939)
X** 04 02 99 99 00 first movie house opened in Los Angeles. Called "The Electric Theater". (1902)
X** 04 06 99 99 00 first animated cartoon is copyrighted. (1906)
X** 04 10 99 99 00 House of Wax, first 3-D movie, released in New York. (1953)
X** 04 17 99 99 00 Daffy Duck debuts in the Looney Tune "Porky's Duck Hunt" (1937)
X** 04 20 99 99 00 Shirley Temple's debut movie "Stand up and Cheer", was previewed in New York (1934)
X** 04 26 99 99 00 1st motion pictures shown in Hawaii. (1906)
X** 04 26 99 99 00 Godzilla makes his American debut (1956)
X** 05 15 99 99 00 Mickey Mouse first appears in "Plane Crazy", the 1st MM cartoon (1928)
X** 05 16 99 99 00 1st Oscars announced (best film was 'Wings'). (1929)
X** 05 25 99 99 00 "Return of the Jedi" (Star Wars 3) is released. (1983)
X** 05 25 99 99 00 "Star Wars" is released. (1978)
X** 06 12 99 99 00 The first documentary film, "Nanook of the North", is first shown (1932)
X** 06 12 99 99 00 the movie Cleopatra, with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton, premieres. It is 4h 3m long! (1963)
X** 06 15 99 99 00 1st attempt at motion pictures (using 12 cameras, each taking one picture (done to see if all 4 of a horse's hooves leave the groundduring a gallop. Leland Stanford bet they didn't. He lost) (1878)
X** 06 16 99 99 00 "The Blues Brothers" premieres (Chicago, 1980)
X** 07 01 99 99 00 Porky Pig premieres in the Merrie Melodie "I Haven't Got a Hat" (1935)
X** 07 04 99 99 00 Prof. Harold Hill, The Music Man, arrives in River City, Iowa (1912)
X** 07 06 99 99 00 Premiere of first talking motion picture (New York City, 1928)
X** 07 17 99 99 00 "Yellow Submarine" premieres (London Pavilion, 1968)
X** 07 29 99 99 00 Mickey Mouse appears in "Steamboat Willie", the 3rd MM cartoon actually shown before the 2nd cartoon (1928)
X** 07 30 99 99 00 George Eastman gives first demonstration of color movies (1928)
X** 08 03 99 99 00 The first Batman movie, "Batman: The Movie", is released (1966)
X** 08 07 99 99 00 Mickey Mouse appears in "Gallopin' Gaucho", the 2nd MM cartoon (1928)
X** 08 15 99 99 00 The MGM musical movie, "The Wizard of Oz" debuts at Grauman's Chinese Theater (1939)
X** 08 24 99 99 00 "Alice's Restaurant" premieres (New York City, Los Angeles, 1969)
X** 09 08 99 99 00 Howard The Duck is blasted into a universe he never made (according to the Lucas movie)
X** 09 20 99 99 00 Roxy Theater opens (Hollywood, 1973)
X** 09 23 99 99 00 1st Mack Sennett "Keystone Comedy" movie is released. (1912)
X** 09 23 99 99 00 The flower Audrey II is first placed on display by Seymour in Muschnik's Flower Shop (from the film, "Little Shop of Horrors")
X** 10 06 99 99 00 "The Jazz Singer", 1st movie with a sound track, premieres. (1927)
X** 10 06 99 99 00 Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture. (1889)
X** 10 13 99 99 00 opening in New York of the play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1962)
X** 10 17 99 99 00 "Hair" opens at New York City's Public Theater (1967)
X** 10 17 99 99 00 The movie "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" debuts in Washington D.C. (1939)
X** 10 28 99 99 00 Marty goes back in time in the Movie "Back to the Future" (1985)
X** 11 01 99 99 00 Shakespeare's comedy "The Tempest" was first presented at Whitehall Palace in London (1611)
X** 11 01 99 99 00 Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello" was first presented at Whitehall Palace in London (1604)
X** 11 06 99 99 00 The day when professor Emmet L Brown strikes his head and he suddenly understands how to do time travel. Marty arrives back in time. All from the movie "Back to the Future" (1955)
X** 11 13 99 99 00 The Sheik, starring Rudolph Valentino, was released. (1921)
X** 11 15 99 99 00 Ethel Barrymore first says the line that will become her trademark "That's all there is; there isn't any more." (1904)
X** 11 16 99 99 00 "The Sound of Music" opens (1959)
X** 11 22 99 99 00 The Humphrey Bogart movie, "Casablanca", premiers (1942)
X** 11 22 99 99 00 The musical "Man of la Mancha" opens (1965)
X** 12 21 99 99 00 1st feature-length cartoon with color and sound premieres: "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (1937)
if test 5563 -ne `wc -c <'dates/movies'`; then
echo shar: \"'dates/movies'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'dates/movies'
if test -f 'version.c' -a "${1}" != "-c" ; then
echo shar: Will not clobber existing file \"'version.c'\"
echo shar: Extracting \"'version.c'\" \(1363 characters\)
sed "s/^X//" >'version.c' <<'END_OF_FILE'
X * $Header: version.c,v 2.10 91/03/27 17:14:50 billr Exp $
X */
X * version.c - current version of calentool program
X *
X * calentool - a year/month/week/day-at-a-glance calendar for Sun workstations.
X *
X * Author: Philip Heller, Sun Microsystems. Inc. <terrapin!heller at sun.com>
X *
X * Original source Copyright (C) 1987, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
X * All Rights Reserved
X * Permission is hereby granted to use and modify this program in source
X * or binary form as long as it is not sold for profit and this copyright
X * notice remains intact.
X *
X *
X * Changes/additions by: Bill Randle, Tektronix, Inc. <billr at saab.CNA.TEK.COM>
X *
X * Changes and additions Copyright (C) 1988, 1989, 1991 Tektronix, Inc.
X * All Rights Reserved
X * Permission is hereby granted to use and modify the modifications in source
X * or binary form as long as they are not sold for profit and this copyright
X * notice remains intact.
X */
X#include "patchlevel.h"
X/*#define TEST */
Xstatic char vers[64];
Xstatic char vers_name[] = "Calendar Tool V2.2";
Xstatic char vers_date[] = " [3/26/91]";
X#ifdef TEST
Xstatic char vers_test[] = "delta";
Xchar *
X char vers_pl[4];
X strcpy(vers, vers_name);
X if (PATCHLEVEL > 0) {
X sprintf(vers_pl, "p%d", PATCHLEVEL);
X strcat(vers, vers_pl);
X }
X#ifdef TEST
X strcat(vers, vers_test);
X strcat(vers, vers_date);
X return vers;
if test 1363 -ne `wc -c <'version.c'`; then
echo shar: \"'version.c'\" unpacked with wrong size!
# end of 'version.c'
echo shar: End of archive 19 \(of 23\).
cp /dev/null ark19isdone
for I in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ; do
if test ! -f ark${I}isdone ; then
if test "${MISSING}" = "" ; then
echo You have unpacked all 23 archives.
rm -f ark[1-9]isdone ark[1-9][0-9]isdone
echo You still need to unpack the following archives:
echo " " ${MISSING}
## End of shell archive.
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at uunet.uu.net.
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