REPOST: v19i091: wacco - A C++ LL parser generator, Part04/06
Parag Patel
parag at
Sun May 19 15:46:13 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: Parag Patel <parag at>
Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 91
Archive-name: wacco/part04
# this is Part-.04 (part 4 of a multipart archive)
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file wacco.doc.iw continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 4; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
echo 'x - still skipping wacco.doc.iw'
echo 'x - continuing file wacco.doc.iw'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'wacco.doc.iw' &&
(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The second form introduces the ability to name (alias) one of the right-hand si
de's non-terminal names! Here we name <ON it>expr1<IT type_rev> to be called <
ON it>front<IT type_rev> and <ON it>expr2<IT type_rev> to be <ON it>back<IT typ
e_rev> for just this particular right-hand side.<eop>
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>More actions<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev><BO
Since wacco generates a C++ recursive-descent parser, we can do even more inter
esting things on the right. Wacco passes the local vars to store return values
X by reference. Thus we can pass information into a rule as well as get stuff o
ut of it.<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>example: { $expr = $$; } '(' expr ')' { $$ = $expr; };<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
This initializes the temp-var used to store the return value from <ON it>expr<I
T type_rev> to whatever was passed in to <ON it>example<IT type_rev> then passe
s it to <ON it>expr.<IT type_rev> If a non-terminal never uses "<
(Courier) cf >$$<(Palatino) cf >", then it is assumed to not return anything, a
nd no temp-var will be declared nor passed into it.<eop>
Other things that one can do:<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>example: '(' { int v = 2; } expr ')' { v = $expr; };<(Palat
ino) cf ><eop>
<(Courier) cf ><
(Palatino) cf ><eop>
and create temp C++ vars anywhere you want. Wacco carefully avoids putting out
X unnecessary sets of blocks in the output parser file.<eop>
To generate incomplete blocks, and allow a wierd sort of free-form grammar, the
X <
(Courier) cf >%{%}<(Palatino) cf > format may be used wherever a {} is normally
X used. This allows creating incomplete blocks:<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>example: '(' %{ if (somevar) { %} expr ')' %{ } %} ;<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
Curly-braces are not counted within <(Courier) cf >%{%}<
(Palatino) cf > blocks, and <(Courier) cf >%{%}<(Palatino) cf > blocks may be u
sed wherever <(Courier) cf >{}<(Palatino) cf > blocks are allowed.<eop>
(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Empty symbol<SIZE type_rev><(Palatino) cf ><BO t
The empty rule may not be implicitly specified is in yacc, but must be defined
with the special "<(Courier) cf >[]<(Palatino) cf >" symbol:<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>null: [] ;<eop>
<tab>expr: '(' expr ')' | [] ;<eop>
(Palatino) cf ><eop>
An empty statement is an error in wacco to help protect against typos and other
X mistakes.<eop>
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Parenthesized expressions<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE
type_rev><BO type_rev><eop>
Right-hand sides may have parentheses for grouping. Basically, a function must
X be generated for every parenthesized expression to maintain the parsing semant
<(Courier) cf ><tab>value: (ID | INT) | [];<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
is the equivalent of:<eop>
(Courier) cf ><tab>value: v1 | [];<eop>
<tab>v1: ID | INT;<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
Just like every other non-terminal, parenthesized expressions have return value
s, types, aliases, and may be referred to in other parts of the right-hand side
. The default type is the type of the enclosing parens or left-hand side for t
he outer-most parens:<eop>
(Courier) cf ><tab>example: (<la>long<ra> ID | INT) { $$ = $_; };<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
Multiple sets of parens on the right may be referred to as<(Courier) cf > $_1<(
Palatino) cf >,<(Courier) cf > $_2<
(Palatino) cf >, and so on. They may be named as well:<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>example<la>float<ra>: (ID | FLOAT)=num { $$ = $num; };<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
Here the parenthesized expression <ON it>num<IT type_rev> inherits the type <(C
ourier) cf >float<(Palatino) cf > from <ON it>example<IT type_rev>.<eop>
Since the left-hand side may be used on the right for recursive functions, so m
ay parenthesized expressions. The names just get a little strange.<eop>
(Courier) cf ><tab>strange: (ID (OP # #1 #2 #3 #* | []) | []);<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The inner "<(Courier) cf >#<(Palatino) cf >" refers to the inner-most set of pa
rens enclosing the "<(Courier) cf >OP...<
(Palatino) cf >". The strings "<(Courier) cf >#<(Palatino) cf >" and "<(Courie
r) cf >#1<(Palatino) cf >" are equivalent and refer to this inner most set of p
arens. "<
(Courier) cf >#2<(Palatino) cf >" refers to the next outer parens starting the
"<(Courier) cf >ID...<(Palatino) cf >". "<(Courier) cf >#3<
(Palatino) cf >" and "<(Courier) cf >#*<(Palatino) cf >" refer the the name of
the left-hand side, just for completeness. These can be viewed as the outermos
t "parens" in the expression. Ugly but sometimes useful.<eop>
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Special tokens<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev><B
O type_rev><eop>
Other things defined in <ON it>tokens.h<IT type_rev> include the end-of-input t
oken <ON it>EOI<IT type_rev> which has value 0, and the constants <ON it>RETOK<
IT type_rev> and <ON it>RETERR,<IT type_rev> for appropriate return values. Th
ese have the values of <ON it>TRUE<IT type_rev> (1) and <ON it>FALSE<IT type_re
v> (0) respectively. These may be used in the right-hand side of rules if it i
s determined that further parsing of rules is un-necessary.<eop>
(Courier) cf ><tab>parenexpr: LPAREN expr<eop>
<tab><tab>{ if ($expr == BOGUS) return RETERR; } RPAREN;<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The return-code from various rules is always available as the magic string "<(C
ourier) cf >$?<(Palatino) cf >" directly after that particular rule is called:<
<(Courier) cf ><tab>parenexpr: LPAREN expr<eop>
<tab><tab>{ if ($? != RETOK) return RETERR; } RPAREN;<eop>
(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The return code is overwritten with each call to a non-terminal on the right-ha
nd side, so if a previous return value is needed, you must save it in some vari
able yourself. The generated parser code does not look at the actual return val
ue of non-terminals (functions), so other return values may be used if desired.
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Start symbols<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev><BO
X type_rev><eop>
By default, the first rule in the grammar is considered to be the start symbol.
X Instead of calling <
(Courier) cf >yyparse()<(Palatino) cf > to initiate the parse, the function to
call is the name of the left-hand <ON it>ID<IT type_rev> in the first rule. It
X is called with no arguments. It returns either <ON it>RETOK<IT type_rev> or <
ON it>RETERR<IT type_rev> depending on whether the parse succeeded or not.<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>firstsymbol: ... ;<eop>
<tab><tab>if (firstsymbol() == RETOK)<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>return 0;<eop>
<tab><tab>return -1;<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
But you don't have to have just one entry point! Adding a "<(Courier) cf >%exp
(Palatino) cf >" modifier after a non-terminal just before the "<(Courier) cf >
:<(Palatino) cf >" causes that symbol to become callable from outside the gramm
<(Courier) cf ><tab>thing<la>type<ra> %export : ... ;<eop>
<(Palatino) cf >And in some another source file:<eop>
(Courier) cf ><eop>
<tab>func() { type var; return thing(var); }<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The first non-terminal in the grammar is automatically exported unless <(Courie
r) cf >%export<(Palatino) cf > is used somewhere in the grammar. Also, notice
that if a <ON it>type<IT type_rev> is defined and used for a non-terminal, that
X <ON it>type<IT type_rev> must be passed in by reference to that function.<eop>
The <(Courier) cf >%export<
(Palatino) cf > feature lets you call several non-terminals in the grammar. Th
is can be used to export parts of a grammar, say sub-expression parsing, or let
X you put several different parsers into one grammar file. All exported non-ter
minals are also listed as "<
(Courier) cf >extern<(Palatino) cf >"s in the <ON it>tokens.h<IT type_rev> head
er file.<eop>
Also remember that <ON it>type<IT type_rev> must be a simple type and not a com
plex struct for a start symbol.<pe><eop>
<CENTER align><16 cs><(AvantGarde) cf ><ON bo>Scanning<SIZE type_rev><(Palatino
) cf ><BO type_rev><eop>
<ALIGN para_rev><eop>
The scanner section is optional. If there is a "<(Courier) cf >$$<
(Palatino) cf >" at the end of the file, the rest is considered to be almost st
raight <ON it>lex(1)<IT type_rev> source. If there is a "<(Courier) cf >$$<(Pa
latino) cf >", every terminal must have a lexical value associated with it. Ch
aracter and string constants are self-defining. Other non-terminals need to be
X described in the lex section.<eop>
An example wacco source file with scanner:<eop>
<(Courier) cf ><tab>expr: LPAREN expr RPAREN | "id" | [];<eop>
<tab>"."<tab><tab>{ return (int)EOI; }<eop>
<tab>[ \t\v\n\f]<tab>;<eop>
<tab>. { w_scanerr("Illegal character %d (%c)",<eop>
<tab><tab>yytext[0], yytext[0]); }<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
The string "<
(Courier) cf >id<(Palatino) cf >" naturally stands for itself. <ON it>LPAREN<I
T type_rev> and <ON it>RPAREN<IT type_rev> are described in the lex section in
reverse order from a normal lex file. Wacco will convert those lines starting
with a "<(Courier) cf >$<(Palatino) cf >" into the appropriate lex output. This
X is not only to make sure that all terminals are defined, but allows defining a
X language without ever having to manually define token ids for any terminal sym
(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Default scanner<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev><B
O type_rev><eop>
The default scanner (located in -lwacco) maintains its own I/O file pointer. T
his is so that user code can implement the equivalent of "<(Courier) cf >#inclu
de<(Palatino) cf >" without too much work. The functions in the scanner includ
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_openfile(char *fname)<
(Palatino) cf ><tab>// open a file to the specified name<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >void w_closefile()<(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// close the la
st opened file<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >void w_setfile(FILE *f)<(Palatino) cf ><tab>// set the curr
ent file to this<eop>
(Courier) cf >FILE *w_getfile()<(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// return the currentl
y opened file<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_currcol()<(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// the current col
umn in the input<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_currline()<
(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// the current line in the input<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >char *w_getcurrline()<(Palatino) cf ><tab>// the text of th
e current line<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_input()<tab><(Palatino) cf ><tab>// basic I/O routine
s which are<eop>
(Courier) cf >int w_unput(int c)<(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// to be use
d by the scanner<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >void w_output(int c)<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
You should call either <(Courier) cf >w_setfile()<
(Palatino) cf > or <(Courier) cf >w_openfile()<(Palatino) cf > before starting
the parse or the default scanner will probably dump core.<eop>
(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Parser's requirements<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_
rev><BO type_rev><eop>
The functions that the parser expects to have available are:<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_gettoken()<(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// get the next t
oken - usually calls yylex()<eop>
<tab><tab><tab><tab>// - must return <ON it>EOI<IT type_rev> on end-of-input<eo
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_scanerr()<
(Palatino) cf ><tab><tab>// printf-type error printing routine<eop>
<tab><tab><tab><tab>// - must always returns <ON it>RETERR<IT type_rev><eop>
<tab><tab><tab><tab>// - is called with a <ON it>NULL<IT type_rev> argument<eop
<tab><tab><tab><tab>// when just skipping a token in the input<eop>
These are either are in the wacco library -lwacco, or must be provided by the u
The default <(Courier) cf >w_scanerr()<(Palatino) cf > will try to print the li
ne that had the error, and underneath it print "<(Courier) cf >^<(Palatino) cf
>" where the error occurred and "<
(Courier) cf >*<(Palatino) cf >" where tokens were skipped when re-syncing. Be
cause of some lex(1) funnies, this doesn't always work as expected.<eop>
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Parser functions<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev>
<BO type_rev><eop>
Some other convenient functions defined in <ON it>parser.C<IT type_rev> include
<tab><(Courier) cf >int w_nexttoken(<
(Palatino) cf >)<tab>// return the value of the next token but don't<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>// scan it yet - calls <(Courier) cf >w_gettoken()<(Palatino) cf
X > at most once<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>// - useful for token look-ahead<eop>
<tab><(Courier) cf >void w_skiptoken()<(Palatino) cf ><tab>// scan the current
token - the next call to<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>// <
(Courier) cf >w_nexttoken()<(Palatino) cf > will actually read another token<eo
<tab><(Courier) cf >char *w_tokenname(int tokid)<(Palatino) cf ><tab>// return
the string name of a token<eop>
<tab><tab><tab><tab>// whose id is tokid<eop>
These are only really useful if you are writing your own scanner instead of usi
ng lex. <(Courier) cf >w_nexttoken()<
(Palatino) cf > and <(Courier) cf >w_skiptoken()<(Palatino) cf > can also be us
ed to somewhat direct the parse. If you provide your own infinite push-back st
ack of tokens, you can completely alter the parse at run-time!<eop>
<(AvantGarde) cf ><14 cs><ON bo>Flex<(Palatino) cf ><SIZE type_rev><BO type_rev
The program <ON it>flex(1)<IT type_rev> may be used instead of <ON it>lex(1)<IT
X type_rev> if desired, and is highly recommended.<eop>
The extern for "<
(Courier) cf >yytext<(Palatino) cf >" is automatically declared in <ON it>parse
r.C<IT type_rev>. Unfortunately, it may be wrong for the scanner generator actu
ally being used. To change the definition, the macro <ON it>YYTEXT_DECL<IT typ
e_rev> may be redefined at the top of your wacco grammar if you wish to use fle
<(Courier) cf ><tab>{<eop>
<tab>#undef YYTEXT_DECL<eop>
<tab>#define YYTEXT_DECL char *yytext<eop>
<(Palatino) cf ><eop>
<CENTER align><CENTER align><(AvantGarde) cf ><ON bo> <16 cs>Example Wacco Gram
mar<SIZE type_rev><eop>
<ALIGN para_rev><
(Palatino) cf ><BO type_rev><eop>
// This is the usual required calculator sample. It can still use<eop>
// a LOT of work, but it illustrates the basics. Note that the<eop>
// precedence of operators is all wrong.<eop>
(Courier) cf >{<eop>
#include <la>stdio.h<ra><eop>
#include <la>stdlib.h<ra><eop>
<tab><tab><tab>while (w_nexttoken() != EOI) {<eop>
<tab><tab>expr ([] | '=' | ';' | ',')<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>printf("%f\n", $expr);<eop>
<tab>| []<eop>
<tab>:<tab>term { $binop_expr = $term; }<eop>
<tab><tab><tab>binop_expr { $$ = $binop_expr; }<eop>
<tab>:<tab>'+' expr { $$ += $expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'-' expr { $$ -= $expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'*' expr { $$ *= $expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'/' expr { $$ /= $expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'&' expr { $$ = (int)$$ & (int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'|' expr { $$ = (int)$$ | (int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'^' expr { $$ = (int)$$ ^ (int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>"<la><la>" expr { $$ = (int)$$ <la><la> (int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>"<ra><ra>" expr { $$ = (int)$$ <ra><ra> (int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>"&&" expr { $$ = $$ && $expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>"||" expr { $$ = $$ || $expr; }<eop>
<tab>:<tab>DOUBLE { $$ = atof((char *)yytext); }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'-' expr { $$ = -$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'~' expr { $$ = ~(int)$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'!' expr { $$ = !$expr; }<eop>
<tab>|<tab>'(' expr ')' { $$ = $expr; }<eop>
"."<tab><tab>{ return (int)EOI; }<eop>
[ \t\v\n\f]<tab>;<eop>
.<tab>{ w_scanerr("Illegal character %d ($c)", yytext[0], yytext[0]); }<eop>
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(Revision History) (.August.1990 11:44) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:29) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:28) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:24) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:22) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:19) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:18) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:15) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:14) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:11) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:11) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:10) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:08) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:07) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 17:05) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:54) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:48) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:40) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:37) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:35) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:34) DefProfileString
(Revision History) (31.July.1990 16:31) DefProfileString
(Text Formats) (default) DefProfileString
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(Fonts) (AvantGarde) DefProfileString
(Fonts) (Palatino) DefProfileString
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(File Path) () DefProfileString
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(Status) () DefProfileString
(Distribution List) () DefProfileString
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(Owner) () DefProfileString
(Author) () DefProfileString
(Superseded Documents) () DefProfileString
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echo 'restore of wacco.doc.iw failed'
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echo 'wacco.doc.iw: original size 42897, current size' "$Wc_c"
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132 /Atilde
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144 /Ocircumflex
145 /Odieresis
146 /Ograve
147 /Otilde
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222 /oacute
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237 /uacute
238 /ucircumflex
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240 /ugrave
242 /ydieresis
243 /zcaron
244 /Aacute
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8394 ss 6300 8394 m (AvantGarde-Book04800480) getfont 9010 ss 5131 9010 m
(AvantGarde-Book04800480) getfont (Why not!!!) s 9626 ss 6300 9626 m
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(AvantGarde-Book04800480) getfont (AvantGarde-Book02800280) getfont 10618 ss
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(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2661 ss
2880 2661 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (W) s -0.920 nx sp (a) s -0.940 nx sp
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-12.000 nx sp (I) s -0.920 nx sp (t ) s -12.000 nx sp (g) s -0.940 nx sp (e) s sp (n) s sp (e) s
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sp (C) s -0.940 nx sp (+) s sp (+ ) s -12.000 nx sp (r) s -0.940 nx sp (e) s -0.920 nx sp (c) s
-0.940 nx sp (u) s sp (r) s sp (s) s -0.920 nx sp (i) s -0.940 nx sp (v) s sp (e) s sp (-) s
2949 ss 2880 2949 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (descent ) s 1.440 nx sp (LL\(1\) ) s
sp (parser ) s sp (rather ) s sp (than ) s 1.460 nx sp (a ) s 1.440 nx sp (bottom-up ) s sp
(style ) s sp (LALR ) s 1.460 nx sp (parser. ) s 1.440 nx sp 3237 ss 2880 3237 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (It ) s 10.300 nx sp (also ) s sp (directly ) s sp (supports ) s
sp (lexical ) s sp (scanning, ) s sp (making ) s sp (it ) s sp (very ) s sp (easy ) s sp (to ) s
sp 3525 ss 2880 3525 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (describe a complete language within a single wacco source file.) s
3853 ss 2880 3853 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 4181 ss 2880 4181 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (The ) s 17.320 nx sp (underlying ) s 17.340 nx sp
(philosophy ) s sp (in ) s 17.320 nx sp (wacco ) s 17.340 nx sp (is ) s sp (that ) s
17.320 nx sp (the ) s 17.340 nx sp (code ) s sp (generated ) s 17.320 nx sp 4469 ss
2880 4469 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (should ) s 13.700 nx sp (be ) s sp (exactly ) s
sp (like ) s sp (that ) s sp (someone ) s sp (would ) s sp (generate ) s sp (by ) s sp (hand, ) s
sp (if ) s sp 4757 ss 2880 4757 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (they were writing a recursive-descent compiler the hard way.) s
5085 ss 2880 5085 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 5413 ss 2880 5413 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (W) s 1.480 nx sp (a) s sp (c) s 1.500 nx sp (c) s
1.480 nx sp (o ) s 30.000 nx sp (a) s 1.500 nx sp (l) s 1.480 nx sp (s) s 1.500 nx sp (o ) s
30.000 nx sp (g) s 1.480 nx sp (e) s 1.500 nx sp (n) s 1.480 nx sp (e) s sp (r) s
1.500 nx sp (a) s 1.480 nx sp (t) s 1.500 nx sp (e) s 1.480 nx sp (s ) s 30.000 nx sp (s) s
1.500 nx sp (o) s 1.480 nx sp (m) s 1.500 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (r) s 1.480 nx sp (e) s
sp (l) s 1.500 nx sp (a) s 1.480 nx sp (t) s 1.500 nx sp (i) s 1.480 nx sp (v) s 1.500 nx sp
(e) s 1.480 nx sp (l) s 1.500 nx sp (y ) s 30.000 nx sp (s) s 1.480 nx sp (i) s sp (m) s
1.500 nx sp (p) s 1.480 nx sp (l) s 1.500 nx sp (e) s 1.480 nx sp (-) s 1.500 nx sp (m) s
1.480 nx sp (i) s 1.500 nx sp (n) s 1.480 nx sp (d) s sp (e) s 1.500 nx sp (d ) s
30.000 nx sp (e) s 1.480 nx sp (r) s 1.500 nx sp (r) s 1.480 nx sp (o) s 1.500 nx sp (r ) s
30.000 nx sp (r) s 1.480 nx sp (e) s 1.500 nx sp (-) s 5701 ss 2880 5701 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (covery ) s -7.100 nx sp (schemes ) s sp (using ) s
sp (FIRST ) s sp (and ) s sp (FOLLOW ) s sp (sets. ) s sp (While ) s sp (it ) s sp (leaves ) s sp
(a ) s sp 5989 ss 2880 5989 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (lot ) s 9.520 nx sp
(to ) s 9.540 nx sp (be ) s sp (desired, ) s sp (it's ) s sp (seems ) s sp (to ) s sp (be ) s sp (much ) s
sp (better ) s sp (than ) s sp (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (yacc\(1\)) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ('s! ) s sp ( ) s sp (In-) s 6277 ss 2880 6277 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (deed, ) s 10.600 nx sp (wacco ) s sp (was ) s sp (written ) s
sp (to ) s sp ( ) s sp (provide ) s sp (a ) s sp (platform ) s sp (for ) s sp (experiment-) s
6565 ss 2880 6565 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (i) s 0.440 nx sp (n) s
0.460 nx sp (g ) s 30.000 nx sp (w) s 0.440 nx sp (i) s 0.460 nx sp (t) s 0.440 nx sp (h ) s
30.000 nx sp (v) s 0.460 nx sp (a) s 0.440 nx sp (r) s 0.460 nx sp (i) s 0.440 nx sp (o) s
0.460 nx sp (u) s 0.440 nx sp (s ) s 30.000 nx sp (e) s 0.460 nx sp (r) s 0.440 nx sp (r) s
0.460 nx sp (o) s 0.440 nx sp (r ) s 30.000 nx sp (r) s 0.460 nx sp (e) s 0.440 nx sp (c) s
0.460 nx sp (o) s 0.440 nx sp (v) s 0.460 nx sp (e) s 0.440 nx sp (r) s 0.460 nx sp (y ) s
30.000 nx sp (s) s 0.440 nx sp (c) s 0.460 nx sp (h) s 0.440 nx sp (e) s 0.460 nx sp (m) s
0.440 nx sp (e) s 0.460 nx sp (s) s 0.440 nx sp (, ) s 30.000 nx sp (b) s 0.460 nx sp (u) s
0.440 nx sp (t ) s 30.000 nx sp (t) s 0.460 nx sp (u) s 0.440 nx sp (r) s 0.460 nx sp (n) s
0.440 nx sp (e) s 0.460 nx sp (d ) s 30.000 nx sp (o) s 0.440 nx sp (u) s 0.460 nx sp (t ) s
30.000 nx sp (t) s 0.440 nx sp (o ) s 30.000 nx sp (b) s 0.460 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp
6853 ss 2880 6853 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (quite useful in its own right.) s
7181 ss 2880 7181 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 7509 ss 2880 7509 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (For ) s -1.360 nx sp (more ) s sp (details ) s sp (about ) s
sp (how ) s sp (to ) s -1.380 nx sp (run ) s -1.360 nx sp (wacco, ) s sp (please ) s sp (see ) s
sp (the ) s -1.380 nx sp (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (wacco\(1\)) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s -1.360 nx sp 7797 ss 2880 7797 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (manual ) s 19.880 nx sp (page. ) s sp (This ) s
19.900 nx sp (document ) s 19.880 nx sp (is ) s 19.900 nx sp (intended ) s
19.880 nx sp (to ) s 19.900 nx sp (describe ) s 19.880 nx sp (the ) s 19.900 nx sp (wacco ) s
19.880 nx sp 8085 ss 2880 8085 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (grammar format.) s
8413 ss 2880 8413 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 8741 ss 2880 8741 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 9069 ss 2880 9069 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 9397 ss 2880 9397 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 9725 ss 2880 9725 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 10053 ss 2880 10053 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 10381 ss 2880 10381 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 10709 ss 2880 10709 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 11037 ss 2880 11037 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 11365 ss 2880 11365 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 11693 ss 2880 11693 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 12021 ss 2880 12021 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 12349 ss 2880 12349 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 12677 ss 2880 12677 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 13005 ss 2880 13005 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 13333 ss 2880 13333 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 13661 ss 2880 13661 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 13989 ss 2880 13989 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 14317 ss 2880 14317 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Palatino-Roman01800180) getfont 14573 ss
2880 14573 m (Palatino-Roman01800180) getfont (Copyright \322 1991 by Parag Patel. All Rights Reserved.) s
(Palatino-Roman01800180) getfont (Palatino-Roman01800180) getfont
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont
NP 7080 1725 m 5580 1725 l GS 0.00 SG 1 SLW ST GR 5580 1725 m
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5497 1677 m (AvantGarde-Demi03200320) getfont (File format) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2005 ss
1440 2005 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2333 ss 1440 2333 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2661 ss 1440 2661 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (The basic wacco grammar file format is:) s
2989 ss 1440 2989 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont
(Courier02400240) getfont 3317 ss 1440 3317 m (Courier02400240) getfont
720.000 nx sp (/* C style comments */) s 3645 ss 1440 3645 m
(Courier02400240) getfont sp (%opt ) s (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (directives) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 3973 ss 1440 3973 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont sp (Courier02400240) getfont ({ ) s
(Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (header) s (Courier02400240) getfont ( }) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 4301 ss 1440 4301 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont sp (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (rules) s
(Courier02400240) getfont 960.000 nx sp (// C++ style comments) s 4629 ss
1440 4629 m (Courier02400240) getfont 720.000 nx sp ($$) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 4957 ss 1440 4957 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont sp (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont (scanner) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 5285 ss 1440 5285 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 5613 ss 1440 5613 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Wacco ) s -1.180 nx sp (directives ) s sp (may ) s
-1.200 nx sp (be ) s -1.180 nx sp (placed ) s sp (on ) s -1.200 nx sp (the ) s
-1.180 nx sp (optional ) s -1.200 nx sp (Courier02400240) getfont (%opt) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s -1.180 nx sp (line ) s sp (at ) s -1.200 nx sp
(the ) s -1.180 nx sp (top ) s sp (of ) s -1.200 nx sp (the ) s -1.180 nx sp (source ) s
-1.200 nx sp (grammar. ) s -1.180 nx sp 5901 ss 1442 5901 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s -10.240 nx sp (Only ) s -10.260 nx sp (one ) s
-10.240 nx sp (such ) s -10.260 nx sp (line ) s -10.240 nx sp (is ) s -10.260 nx sp (allowed ) s
-10.240 nx sp (in ) s -10.260 nx sp (the ) s -10.240 nx sp (grammar ) s -10.260 nx sp
(source, ) s -10.240 nx sp (and ) s -10.260 nx sp (it ) s -10.240 nx sp (MUST ) s
-10.260 nx sp (be ) s -10.240 nx sp (first ) s -10.260 nx sp (in ) s -10.240 nx sp (the ) s
-10.260 nx sp (source. ) s -10.240 nx sp ( ) s -10.260 nx sp (The ) s -10.240 nx sp
6189 ss 1442 6189 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (directives ) s 1.920 nx sp
(are ) s sp (actually ) s 1.940 nx sp (the ) s 1.920 nx sp (command-line ) s 1.940 nx sp
(options ) s 1.920 nx sp (for ) s 1.940 nx sp (wacco! ) s 1.920 nx sp ( ) s sp (Options ) s
1.940 nx sp (may ) s 1.920 nx sp (thus ) s 1.940 nx sp (be ) s 1.920 nx sp (set ) s
1.940 nx sp (either ) s 1.920 nx sp 6477 ss 1442 6477 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (on ) s 9.260 nx sp (the ) s sp (command ) s sp (line, ) s
sp (or ) s sp (in ) s sp (the ) s 9.280 nx sp (wacco ) s 9.260 nx sp (source ) s sp (itself. ) s
sp ( ) s sp (The ) s sp (entire ) s 9.280 nx sp (") s (Courier02400240) getfont (%opt) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (" ) s 9.260 nx sp (line ) s sp (is ) s sp (parsed ) s
sp (as ) s sp (if ) s 9.280 nx sp (it ) s 9.260 nx sp 6765 ss 1442 6765 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (w) s 1.280 nx sp (e) s sp (r) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp
(t) s 1.300 nx sp (h) s 1.280 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (c) s 1.280 nx sp (o) s 1.300 nx sp
(m) s 1.280 nx sp (m) s sp (a) s sp (n) s 1.300 nx sp (d ) s 30.000 nx sp (l) s 1.280 nx sp (i) s
sp (n) s 1.300 nx sp (e) s 1.280 nx sp (. ) s 30.000 nx sp ( ) s sp (P) s 1.280 nx sp (l) s sp
(e) s 1.300 nx sp (a) s 1.280 nx sp (s) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (s) s 1.300 nx sp (e) s
1.280 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (t) s 1.280 nx sp (h) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (m) s
1.300 nx sp (a) s 1.280 nx sp (n ) s 30.000 nx sp (p) s 1.280 nx sp (a) s 1.300 nx sp (g) s
1.280 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (f) s 1.280 nx sp (o) s sp (r ) s 30.000 nx sp (d) s
1.300 nx sp (e) s 1.280 nx sp (s) s sp (c) s 1.300 nx sp (r) s 1.280 nx sp (i) s sp (p) s sp (t) s
1.300 nx sp (i) s 1.280 nx sp (o) s sp (n) s 1.300 nx sp (s ) s 30.000 nx sp (o) s
1.280 nx sp (f ) s 30.000 nx sp (t) s 1.280 nx sp (h) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (c) s
1.300 nx sp (o) s 1.280 nx sp (m) s sp (m) s 1.300 nx sp (a) s 1.280 nx sp (n) s sp (d) s sp (-) s
1.300 nx sp (l) s 1.280 nx sp (i) s sp (n) s 1.300 nx sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp 7053 ss
1442 7053 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (options.) s 7381 ss 1440 7381 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 7709 ss 1440 7709 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (The ) s -5.260 nx sp (header ) s sp (section ) s sp
(\(which ) s sp (is ) s sp (optional\) ) s sp (is ) s -5.280 nx sp (a ) s -5.260 nx sp (set ) s
sp (of ) s sp (code ) s sp (in ) s sp (curly-braces ) s -5.280 nx sp
(Courier02400240) getfont ({}) s (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s
-5.260 nx sp (that ) s sp (is ) s sp (put ) s sp (at ) s sp (the ) s -5.280 nx sp (top ) s
-5.260 nx sp 7997 ss 1442 7997 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (of ) s
20.280 nx sp (the ) s 20.300 nx sp (output ) s sp (Palatino-Italic02400240) getfont
(parser.C) s (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s 20.280 nx sp (file. ) s
20.300 nx sp ( ) s sp (This ) s 20.280 nx sp (a ) s 20.300 nx sp (the ) s sp (place ) s sp (to ) s
20.280 nx sp (include ) s 20.300 nx sp (files, ) s sp (define ) s 20.280 nx sp (classes, ) s
20.300 nx sp (or ) s sp (setup ) s sp (global ) s 20.280 nx sp 8285 ss 1442 8285 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (variables. Naturally, there are no curlies ) s
(Courier02400240) getfont ({}) s (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( if there is no need for a header section.) s
8613 ss 1440 8613 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 8941 ss 1440 8941 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (The ) s -1.740 nx sp (scanner ) s -1.760 nx sp (section ) s
-1.740 nx sp (\(the ) s -1.760 nx sp (two) s (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont ( ) s
-1.740 nx sp (") s (Courier02400240) getfont ($$) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (" ) s -1.760 nx sp (and ) s -1.740 nx sp (everything ) s
-1.760 nx sp (after\) ) s -1.740 nx sp (is ) s -1.760 nx sp (entirely ) s -1.740 nx sp
(optional. ) s -1.760 nx sp ( ) s -1.740 nx sp (It ) s -1.760 nx sp (is ) s -1.740 nx sp
(included ) s -1.760 nx sp (in ) s -1.740 nx sp 9229 ss 1442 9229 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (the ) s 24.180 nx sp (grammar ) s sp (file ) s
24.200 nx sp (to ) s 24.180 nx sp (make ) s sp (it ) s 24.200 nx sp (easy ) s
24.180 nx sp (to ) s 24.200 nx sp (refer ) s 24.180 nx sp (to ) s sp (the ) s
24.200 nx sp (actual ) s 24.180 nx sp (values ) s sp (of ) s 24.200 nx sp (tokens ) s
24.180 nx sp (without ) s 24.200 nx sp (explicitly ) s 24.180 nx sp 9517 ss
1442 9517 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (defining those values by hand.) s
9845 ss 1440 9845 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 10173 ss 1440 10173 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Without any of the optional parts, a grammar consists only of rules.) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 10501 ss 1440 10501 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont
NP 7110 1710 m 5520 1710 l GS 0.00 SG 1 SLW ST GR 5520 1710 m
showpage vm_state restore
save /vm_state E def [1 0 0 -1 0 0] concat 0.050000 0.050000 SC .5 SLW
0 -15840 TR 0 RO
0 0 0 15840 12240 15840 12240 0 pageboundary clip
userdict /#copies 1 put statusdict /manualfeed false put 1253 ss 1440 1253 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (AvantGarde-Demi03200320) getfont 1677 ss
5900 1677 m (AvantGarde-Demi03200320) getfont (Rules) s
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2005 ss
1440 2005 m (Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2333 ss 1440 2333 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont 2661 ss 1440 2661 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (T) s 9.500 nx sp (h) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (r) s
9.500 nx sp (u) s sp (l) s sp (e) s sp (s ) s 30.000 nx sp (l) s 9.500 nx sp (o) s sp (o) s sp (k ) s
30.000 nx sp (m) s 9.500 nx sp (u) s sp (c) s sp (h ) s 30.000 nx sp (l) s 9.500 nx sp (i) s sp
(k) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (t) s 9.500 nx sp (h) s sp (o) s sp (s) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (o) s
9.500 nx sp (f ) s 30.000 nx sp (y) s 9.500 nx sp (a) s sp (c) s sp (c ) s 30.000 nx sp (a) s
9.500 nx sp (t ) s 30.000 nx sp (f) s 9.500 nx sp (i) s sp (r) s sp (s) s sp (t ) s
30.000 nx sp (g) s 9.500 nx sp (l) s sp (a) s sp (n) s sp (c) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (b) s
9.500 nx sp (u) s sp (t ) s 30.000 nx sp (t) s 9.500 nx sp (h) s sp (e) s sp (r) s sp (e ) s
30.000 nx sp (a) s 9.500 nx sp (r) s sp (e ) s 30.000 nx sp (s) s 9.500 nx sp (o) s sp (m) s sp
(e ) s 30.000 nx sp (i) s 9.500 nx sp (n) s sp (t) s sp (e) s sp (r) s sp (e) s sp (s) s sp (t) s sp (i) s
sp (n) s sp (g ) s 30.000 nx sp 2949 ss 1442 2949 m
(Palatino-Roman02400240) getfont (differences. A rule looks like:) s 3277 ss
true || echo 'restore of failed'
echo 'End of part 4'
echo 'File is continued in part 5'
echo 5 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at
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mailing list