v19i084: parseargs - functions to parse command line argument, Patch05c/5
Brad Appleton
brad at hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com
Sat May 18 04:17:00 AEST 1991
Submitted-by: Brad Appleton <brad at hcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com>
Posting-number: Volume 19, Issue 84
Archive-name: parseargs/patch05c
Patch-To: parseargs: Volume 17, Issue 45-57
# do not concatenate these parts, unpack them in order with /bin/sh
# file PATCH05 continued
if test ! -r _shar_seq_.tmp; then
echo 'Please unpack part 1 first!'
exit 1
(read Scheck
if test "$Scheck" != 3; then
echo Please unpack part "$Scheck" next!
exit 1
exit 0
) < _shar_seq_.tmp || exit 1
if test ! -f _shar_wnt_.tmp; then
echo 'x - still skipping PATCH05'
echo 'x - continuing file PATCH05'
sed 's/^X//' << 'SHAR_EOF' >> 'PATCH05' &&
- { "argv", "set %s=", "'", "';\n", "'\\%c'", "'" },
- /* KSH : Positional parms in -- ; Assignment Syntax: name="value"; */
- { "--", "%s=", "'", "';\n", "'\\%c'", "'" },
- /* SH : Positional parms in -- ; Assignment Syntax: name="value"; */
- { "--", "%s=", "'", "';\n", "'\\%c'", "'" },
- /* RC : Positional parms in -- ; Assignment Syntax: name="value"; */
- { "*", "%s=", "'", "';\n", "''", "'" },
- /* AWK : Positional parms in ARGV; Assignment Syntax: name\nvalue\n\n; */
- { "ARGV", "%s\n", "", "\n\n", "'\034'", "\n" },
- /* PERL : Positional parms in ARGV; Assignment Syntax: $name=value\n; */
- { "ARGV", "$%s = ", "'", "';\n", "\\'", "'" }
- };
X /*************************************************************************/
X /* define all current arg-vector types */
--- 189,309 ----
X ** the Bourne shell ("sh") will be assumed.
X **
X ** If the user wishes to use a value other than "TRUE" for a boolean
! ** flag that is true, this may be done using the -T string option. The
! ** same may also be done for a boolean flag that is false using the -F
! ** string option.
X **
X ** Parseargs will only set the values of variables that correspond to
! ** arguments that were given on the command line. If a particular
! ** argument was not supplied on the command line, then no assignment is
! ** made for the corresponding shell variable and it will have the same
! ** value that it had before parseargs was invoked. The only exception to
! ** this is that if the -u option is specified, then the positional
! ** parameters are unset before any shell variable assignments (which may
! ** reset the positional parameters) are made.
X ***^^*********************************************************************/
! /* type used to index into the shell-info array */
! typedef unsigned shellidx_t;
! /* possible shell names and corresponding types */
! typedef enum {
! SH,
! CSH, /* tcsh & itcsh are equivalent to csh for our purposes */
! KSH,
! RC,
! ZSH,
! ASH, /* not yet supported */
! CLAM, /* not yet supported */
! AWK,
! } shell_t;
X /* structure for shell-specific info */
X typedef struct {
! shell_t type; /* type of shell */
! char *name; /* name of the shell */
! char *unset; /* syntax used to unset positional parameters */
! char *sclset; /* syntax used to set scalars (%s is the scalar name) */
! char *sclpfx; /* prefix used for scalars */
! char *sclsfx; /* suffix used for scalars */
! char *aryset; /* syntax used to set arrays (%s is the array name) */
! char *arypfx; /* prefix used for arrays */
! char *arysep; /* separator used for arrays */
! char *arysfx; /* suffix used for arrays */
X char *escape; /* format to escape chars (%c is the char to escape) */
X char *metachars; /* special characters that need to be escaped */
X } shell_info;
! /* array of shell info records for supported shells */
X static CONST shell_info Shell[] = {
+ {
+ SH, "sh",
+ "shift $#;\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "'%s'", "';\n",
+ "'\\%c'", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ BASH, "bash",
+ "shift $#;\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "'%s'", "';\n",
+ "'\\%c'", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ KSH, "ksh",
+ "set --;\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "set %cA %s ", "'", "'%s'", "';\n",
+ "'\\%c'", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ CSH, "csh",
+ "set argv=();\n",
+ "set %s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "set %s=", "( '", "'%s'", "' );\n",
+ "'\\%c'", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ ZSH, "zsh",
+ "argv=();\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "%s=", "( '", "'%s'", "' );\n",
+ "'\\%c'", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ RC, "rc",
+ "*=();\n",
+ "%s=", "'", "';\n",
+ "%s=", "( '", "'%s'", "' );\n",
+ "''", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ PERL, "perl",
+ "@ARGV = ();\n",
+ "$%s = ", "'", "';\n",
+ "@%s = ", "( '", "', '", "' );\n",
+ "\\%c", "'"
+ },
+ {
+ AWK, "awk",
+ "ARGV\n\n",
+ "%s\n", "", "\n\n",
+ "%s\n", "", "%s", "\n\n",
+ "''", "'"
+ }
+ };
! static size_t NumShells = ( sizeof(Shell) / sizeof(shell_info) );
X /*************************************************************************/
X /* define all current arg-vector types */
*** 319,325 ****
X static ARGDESC *UsrArgd = ARGDESCNULL; /* users arg-table */
X static cmdarg_t *UsrVals = CMDARGNULL; /* variable names & values */
X static int UsrArgc = 0; /* # of arg-table entries */
! static shell_t UsrSh; /* shell indicator */
X static BOOL UseStdin = TRUE; /* read argd from stdin */
X static char *ShellName = CHARNULL; /* name of user's shell */
--- 374,380 ----
X static ARGDESC *UsrArgd = ARGDESCNULL; /* users arg-table */
X static cmdarg_t *UsrVals = CMDARGNULL; /* variable names & values */
X static int UsrArgc = 0; /* # of arg-table entries */
! static shellidx_t UsrSh; /* shell indicator */
X static BOOL UseStdin = TRUE; /* read argd from stdin */
X static char *ShellName = CHARNULL; /* name of user's shell */
*** 928,938 ****
X #endif
X {
X int isatty ARGS((int));
! int fread ARGS((ARBPTR, size_t, size_t, FILE *));
X FILE *fp;
X char *buf;
! register int nchars = 0; /* # bytes read */
! register int bufsiz = 0; /* actual buffer-size needed */
X /* open file if necessary */
X if ( UseStdin ) {
--- 983,997 ----
X #endif
X {
X int isatty ARGS((int));
! #ifdef __ANSI_C__
! size_t fread( ARBPTR, size_t, size_t, FILE * );
! #else
! int fread();
! #endif
X FILE *fp;
X char *buf;
! register size_t nchars = 0; /* # bytes read */
! register size_t bufsiz = 0; /* actual buffer-size needed */
X /* open file if necessary */
X if ( UseStdin ) {
*** 967,977 ****
X */
X do {
X /* read fildes into the buffer */
! nchars = fread( &(buf[bufsiz]), sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE, fp );
! if ( nchars < 0 ) {
X eprintf( "\
X %s: Fatal Error:\n\
! \tBad status from read() while reading argument descriptor table\n",
X Cmd_Name );
X free(buf);
X cleanup();
--- 1026,1036 ----
X */
X do {
X /* read fildes into the buffer */
! nchars = (size_t) fread( &(buf[bufsiz]), sizeof(char), BUFFER_SIZE, fp );
! if ( ferror(fp) ) {
X eprintf( "\
X %s: Fatal Error:\n\
! \tBad return from fread() while reading argument descriptor table\n",
X Cmd_Name );
X free(buf);
X cleanup();
*** 997,1008 ****
X /***************************************************************************
! ** ^FUNCTION: get_shell_type - return shell corresponding to given string
X **
X */
X #ifndef __ANSI_C__
! static shell_t get_shell_type( sh_str )
X /*
X */
--- 1056,1067 ----
X /***************************************************************************
! ** ^FUNCTION: get_shell_index - return shell corresponding to given string
X **
X */
X #ifndef __ANSI_C__
! static shell_t get_shell_index( sh_str )
X /*
X */
*** 1012,1018 ****
X #endif /* !__ANSI_C__ */
! ** Get_shell_type will retrun the shell-type for the named shell. If
X ** No corresponding shell is known, then an error message is printed
X ** and execution is terminated.
X **
--- 1071,1077 ----
X #endif /* !__ANSI_C__ */
! ** Get_shell_index will return the shell-type for the named shell. If
X ** No corresponding shell is known, then an error message is printed
X ** and execution is terminated.
X **
*** 1029,1063 ****
X ** Trivial.
X ***^^**********************************************************************/
X #ifdef __ANSI_C__
! static shell_t get_shell_type ( const char *sh_str )
X #endif
X {
! if ( strEQ( sh_str, BOURNE_SHELL ) )
! return SH;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, TC_SHELL ) )
! return TCSH;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, C_SHELL ) )
! return CSH;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, KORN_SHELL ) )
! return KSH;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, BOURNE_AGAIN_SHELL ) )
! return BASH;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, RC_SHELL ) )
! return RC;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, AWK_LANG ) )
! return AWK;
! else if ( strEQ( sh_str, PERL_LANG ) )
! return PERL;
! else {
! eprintf( "%s: Fatal Error: unknown shell '%s'\n",
! Cmd_Name, sh_str );
! eprintf( "\tKnown shells are: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, and %s\n",
! cleanup();
! exit( e_SYNTAX );
! }
X }
--- 1088,1120 ----
X ** Trivial.
X ***^^**********************************************************************/
X #ifdef __ANSI_C__
! static shellidx_t get_shell_index ( const char *sh_str )
X #endif
X {
! int i;
! register char *sh = sh_str;
! /* special case to recognize tcsh & itcsh */
! if ( strEQ( sh, "tcsh" ) ) ++sh;
! if ( strEQ( sh, "itcsh" ) ) sh += 2;
! for ( i = 0 ; i < NumShells ; i++ ) {
! if ( strEQ( sh, Shell[i].name ) ) return (shellidx_t) i;
! }
! usrerr( "Unknown shell \"%s\"", sh_str );
! eprintf( "\tKnown shells are listed below:\n" );
! for ( i = 0 ; i < NumShells ; i++ ) {
! if ( strEQ( "csh", Shell[i].name ) ) {
! eprintf( "\t\tcsh/tcsh/itcsh\n" );
! }
! else {
! eprintf( "\t\t%s\n", Shell[i].name );
! }
! }
! cleanup();
! exit( e_SYNTAX );
X }
*** 1316,1324 ****
X static void put_char_arg( FILE *fp, int ch )
X #endif
X {
! /* newline needs to be escaped specially for CSH, TCSH, and PERL */
X if ( ch == '\n' ) {
! if ( UsrSh == CSH || UsrSh == TCSH ) {
X fprintf( fp, "\\\n" );
X return;
X }
--- 1373,1381 ----
X static void put_char_arg( FILE *fp, int ch )
X #endif
X {
! /* newline needs to be escaped specially for CSH */
X if ( ch == '\n' ) {
! if ( Shell[ UsrSh ].type == CSH ) {
X fprintf( fp, "\\\n" );
X return;
X }
*** 1516,1525 ****
X #endif /* !__ANSI_C__ */
! ** Parseargs treats ARGLIST and ARGVEC arguments in a special way. The
! ** method used for setting up an argument list depends largely upon the
! ** syntax of shell that was specified on the command line via the -s option
! ** (although an ARGLIST argument is treated the same as an ARGVEC argument).
X **
X ** ^Resetting_the_Positional_Parameters_to_an_Argument_List:
X ** For the Bourne, Bourne-Again, and Korn shells, if the variable name
--- 1573,1586 ----
X #endif /* !__ANSI_C__ */
! ** Parseargs treats ARGLIST arguments in a special way. The method used
! ** for setting up an argument list depends largely upon the syntax of
! ** shell that was specified on the command line via the -s option
! ** (although ARGLIST arguments are treated exactly the same as ARGVEC
! ** arguments). With the exception perl which always uses a comma to
! ** separate array elements, all shells will use the string specified
! ** with the -S option as the field separator between elements of an
! ** array (the default field separator is a space character).
X **
X ** ^Resetting_the_Positional_Parameters_to_an_Argument_List:
X ** For the Bourne, Bourne-Again, and Korn shells, if the variable name
*** 1532,1544 ****
X ** parameters will be unset if the associated list of command line
X ** arguments is not encountered).
X **
! ** Similarly for the C and TC shells, if the variable name corresponding
! ** to the ARGLIST argument is "argv", then the positional parameters
! ** of the calling program will be re-assigned to the contents of the
! ** argument list.
X **
X ** For the Plan 9 shell (rc), if the variable name corresponding to the
! ** ARGLIST argument is "*", then the positional parameters of the calling
X ** program will be re-assigned to the contents of the argument list.
X **
X ** For awk and perl, if the variable name corresponding to the ARGLIST
--- 1593,1605 ----
X ** parameters will be unset if the associated list of command line
X ** arguments is not encountered).
X **
! ** Similarly for the C & Z shells (zsh, csh, tcsh, itcsh), if the
! ** variable name corresponding to the ARGLIST argument is "argv", then
! ** the positional parameters of the calling program will be re-assigned
! ** to the contents of the argument list.
X **
X ** For the Plan 9 shell (rc), if the variable name corresponding to the
! ** ARGLIST argument is "*", then the positional parameters of then calling
X ** program will be re-assigned to the contents of the argument list.
X **
X ** For awk and perl, if the variable name corresponding to the ARGLIST
*** 1553,1562 ****
X ** name='arg1 arg2 ...'
X **
X ** After invoking parseargs, if you wish to go through all the words in
! ** the variable name and one of the words in name contains an IFS charac-
! ** ter (such as a space or a tab), then that particular word will be
! ** treated by the Bourne shell as two distinct words.
! **
X ** Also for the Bourne shell, If the associated variable name is NOT
X ** "--" and the -A option WAS specified, then that variable is treated
X ** as the root name of an array that is set using the following syntax:
--- 1614,1622 ----
X ** name='arg1 arg2 ...'
X **
X ** After invoking parseargs, if you wish to go through all the words in
! ** the variable name and one of the words in name contains an IFS
! ** character (such as a space or a tab), then that particular word will
! ** be treated by the Bourne shell as two distinct words.
X ** Also for the Bourne shell, If the associated variable name is NOT
X ** "--" and the -A option WAS specified, then that variable is treated
X ** as the root name of an array that is set using the following syntax:
*** 1584,1590 ****
X ** "--" and the -A option WAS specified, then that variable is assigned
X ** using the +A option of the set command (which preserves any array
X ** elements that were not overwritten by the set command).
- **
X ** It should be noted that there is a bug in versions of the Korn shell
X ** earlier than 11/16/88a, in which the following:
X **
--- 1644,1649 ----
*** 1598,1613 ****
X **
X ** set -A save_parms "$@"
X **
! ** ^C_and_TC_Shell_Argument_Lists:
! ** For the C and TC shells, ARGLIST variables are treated as word-lists
! ** and are assigned using the following syntax:
X **
X ** set name = ( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
X **
X ** The first item will be in $name[1], the second item will be in
X ** $name[2], etc ..., and all items may be given by $name. Notice that
! ** Korn shell arrays start at index zero whereas C and TC shell word-
! ** lists start at index one.
X **
X ** ^Bourne-Again_Shell_Argument_Lists:
X ** At present, the Free Software Foundation's Bourne-Again shell is
--- 1657,1672 ----
X **
X ** set -A save_parms "$@"
X **
! ** ^C_Shell_Argument_Lists:
! ** For the C shells (csh, tcsh, itcsh), ARGLIST variables are treated as
! ** word-lists and are assigned using the following syntax:
X **
X ** set name = ( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
X **
X ** The first item will be in $name[1], the second item will be in
X ** $name[2], etc ..., and all items may be given by $name. Notice that
! ** Korn shell arrays start at index zero whereas C shell word-lists start
! ** at index one.
X **
X ** ^Bourne-Again_Shell_Argument_Lists:
X ** At present, the Free Software Foundation's Bourne-Again shell is
*** 1615,1631 ****
X ** bash supports arrays.
X **
X ** ^Plan_9_Shell_Argument_Lists:
! ** For the Plan 9 shell, if the associated variable name is not "*" then
! ** it is considered to be a word-list and set using the following syntax:
X **
X ** name=( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
X **
X ** ^Awk_Argument_Lists:
! ** For awk, if the -A option is not given, then the output for thes
X ** variable-list will be a line with the variable name, followed by a
X ** line with each of the values (each value will be separated with the
X ** field separator specified using the -S option - which defaults to a
! ** space character):
X **
X ** name
X ** arg1 arg2 ...
--- 1674,1702 ----
X ** bash supports arrays.
X **
X ** ^Plan_9_Shell_Argument_Lists:
! ** For the Plan 9 shell, if the associated variable name is not "*"
! ** then it is considered to be a word-list and set using the following
! ** syntax:
X **
X ** name=( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
X **
+ ** ^Z_Shell_Argument_Lists:
+ ** For the Z shell, ARGLIST variables are treated as word-lists and are
+ ** assigned using the following syntax:
+ **
+ ** name = ( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
+ **
+ ** The first item will be in $name[1], the second item will be in
+ ** $name[2], etc ..., and all items may be given by $name. Notice that
+ ** Korn shell arrays start at index zero whereas Z and C shell word-lists
+ ** start at index one.
+ **
X ** ^Awk_Argument_Lists:
! ** For awk, if the -A option is not given, then the output for the
X ** variable-list will be a line with the variable name, followed by a
X ** line with each of the values (each value will be separated with the
X ** field separator specified using the -S option - which defaults to a
! ** space).
X **
X ** name
X ** arg1 arg2 ...
*** 1650,1662 ****
X ** @name=( 'arg1' , 'arg2' , ... );
X **
X ** ^A_Final_Note_on_Argument_Lists:
! ** The word-lists used by the C shell, the arrays used by the Korn shell,
! ** The Plan 9 shell, awk, & perl, and the positional parameters used by
! ** all shells (if overwritten by parseargs) will preserve any IFS
! ** characters in their contents. That us to say that if an item in one
! ** of the aforementioned multi-word lists contains any IFS characters,
! ** it will not be split up into multiple items but will remain a single
! ** item which contains IFS characters.
X **
X ** <val> should correspond to the vlue of the argument indicated by <ad>
--- 1721,1733 ----
X ** @name=( 'arg1' , 'arg2' , ... );
X **
X ** ^A_Final_Note_on_Argument_Lists:
! ** The word-lists used by the C and Z shells, the arrays used by the Korn
! ** shell, the Plan 9 shell, awk, perl, and the positional parameters used
! ** by all shells (if overwritten by parseargs) will preserve any IFS
! ** characters in their contents. That is to say that if an item in one
! ** of the aforementioned multi-word lists contains any IFS characters, it
! ** will not be split up into multiple items but will remain a single item
! ** which contains IFS characters.
X **
X ** <val> should correspond to the vlue of the argument indicated by <ad>
*** 1676,1757 ****
X static void print_argvector( const ARGDESC *ad, const cmdarg_t *val )
X #endif
X {
! BOOL is_array = TRUE;
X int i;
X char *varname;
! switch( UsrSh ) {
! case KSH :
! if ( strEQ( val->name, Shell[ UsrSh ].varname ) ) {
! fputs( "set -- ", stdout );
! }
! else {
! printf( "set %cA %s ", ((ModArr) ? '+' : '-'), val->name );
! }
! break;
! case TCSH : case CSH : case RC: case PERL :
! if ( UsrSh == PERL )
! printf( "@%s = ", val->name );
! else if ( UsrSh == RC )
! printf( "%s=", val->name );
! else /* UsrSh == CSH/TCSH */
! printf( "set %s=", val->name );
! fputc( '(', stdout );
! break;
! case BASH: case SH : case AWK:
! if ( UsrSh == AWK ) is_array = FALSE;
! if ( strEQ( val->name, Shell[ UsrSh ].varname ) ) {
! fputs( ((UsrSh == AWK) ? "ARGV\n" : "set -- "), stdout );
! }
! else {
! if ( ModArr ) { /* use fake array syntax */
! i = strlen( val->name );
! varname = (char *)ckalloc( (i + 4) * sizeof(char) );
! for ( i = 0 ; i < val->value.Vector.count ; i++ ) {
! sprintf( varname, "%s%d", val->name, i+1 );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].setcmd, varname );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
! put_arg( stdout, ad, val, i );
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix );
! }
! sprintf( varname, "%s_count", val->name );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].setcmd, varname );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
! printf( "%d", val->value.Vector.count );
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix );
! free( varname );
! if ( val->value.Vector.array ) {
! free( val->value.Vector.array );
! val->value.Vector.array = NULL;
! }
! return;
! }/*if ModArr*/
! else {
! is_array = FALSE;
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].setcmd, val->name );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
! }
! }/*else !positional-parms*/
! break;
! }/*switch*/
X for ( i = 0 ; i < val->value.Vector.count ; i++ ) {
- if ( is_array ) printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
X put_arg( stdout, ad, val, i );
! if ( is_array ) printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
! if ( i != (val->value.Vector.count - 1) ) {
! fputs( ((UsrSh == PERL) ? ", " : FieldSep), stdout );
X }
- }/* end-for */
- if ( UsrSh == CSH || UsrSh == TCSH || UsrSh == RC || UsrSh == PERL ) {
- fputc( ')', stdout );
X }
! fputs( ((! is_array) ? Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix : ";\n"), stdout );
X }
--- 1747,1798 ----
X static void print_argvector( const ARGDESC *ad, const cmdarg_t *val )
X #endif
X {
! register shell_t cli = Shell[ UsrSh ].type;
! BOOL set_printed = FALSE;
X int i;
X char *varname;
! /* need to check for '--' for sh, ksh, and bash */
! if ( strEQ("--", val->name) && (cli == SH || cli == BASH || cli == KSH) ) {
! printf( "set -- " );
! set_printed = TRUE;
! }
! /* if faking arrays for sh, bash, or awk -- do it now! */
! else if ( ModArr && (cli == SH || cli == BASH || cli == AWK) ) {
! i = strlen( val->name );
! varname = (char *)ckalloc( (i + 4) * sizeof(char) );
! for ( i = 0 ; i < val->value.Vector.count ; i++ ) {
! sprintf( varname, "%s%d", val->name, i+1 );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclset, varname );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclpfx );
! put_arg( stdout, ad, val, i );
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].sclsfx );
! }
! sprintf( varname, "%s_count", val->name );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclset, varname );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclpfx );
! printf( "%d", val->value.Vector.count );
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].sclsfx );
! return;
! }
! /* print the array already */
! if ( !set_printed ) {
! if ( cli == KSH ) {
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].aryset, ((ModArr) ? '+' : '-'), val->name );
! }
! else {
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].aryset, val->name );
! }
! }
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].arypfx );
X for ( i = 0 ; i < val->value.Vector.count ; i++ ) {
X put_arg( stdout, ad, val, i );
! if ( (i + 1) != val->value.Vector.count ) {
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].arysep, FieldSep );
X }
X }
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].arysfx );
X }
*** 1838,1846 ****
X ***^^*************************************************************/
X if ( ARG_isVALOPTIONAL(ad) ) {
X sprintf(buf, "%s_flag", vals[i].name);
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].setcmd, buf);
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
! printf( "%s%s", StrTrue, Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix );
X if ( !ARG_isVALGIVEN(ad) ) continue;
X }/*if OPTARG*/
--- 1879,1887 ----
X ***^^*************************************************************/
X if ( ARG_isVALOPTIONAL(ad) ) {
X sprintf(buf, "%s_flag", vals[i].name);
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclset, buf);
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclpfx );
! printf( "%s%s", StrTrue, Shell[ UsrSh ].sclsfx );
X if ( !ARG_isVALGIVEN(ad) ) continue;
X }/*if OPTARG*/
*** 1852,1865 ****
X }
X /* print shell-specific variable prefix and name */
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].setcmd, vals[i].name );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].prefix );
X /* print shell-variable value */
X put_arg( stdout, ad, (vals + i), 0 );
X /* print the shell-specific suffix */
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix );
X }/*if ARGGIVEN*/
X }/* end-for */
X }
--- 1893,1906 ----
X }
X /* print shell-specific variable prefix and name */
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclset, vals[i].name );
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].sclpfx );
X /* print shell-variable value */
X put_arg( stdout, ad, (vals + i), 0 );
X /* print the shell-specific suffix */
! printf( "%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].sclsfx );
X }/*if ARGGIVEN*/
X }/* end-for */
X }
*** 1898,1931 ****
X static void unset_positional_parameters( void )
X #endif
X {
! switch( UsrSh ) {
! case TCSH: case CSH:
! printf( "set argv=();\n" );
! break;
! case PERL:
! printf( "@ARGV = ();\n" );
! break;
! case KSH:
! printf( "set --;\n" );
! break;
! case BASH: case SH:
! printf( "shift $#;\n" );
! break;
! case RC:
! printf( "*=();\n" );
! break;
! case AWK:
! printf( "%s%s", Shell[ UsrSh ].varname, Shell[ UsrSh ].suffix );
! break;
! default:
! break;
! }/*switch*/
X }
--- 1939,1945 ----
X static void unset_positional_parameters( void )
X #endif
X {
! printf( Shell[ UsrSh ].unset );
X }
*** 2020,2029 ****
X /* see if we need to "default" the shell name */
X if ( !PrUsage && !PrManual ) {
X if ( !ShellName ) {
! UsrSh = SH; /* default to Bourne Shell */
X }
X else {
! UsrSh = get_shell_type( basename( ShellName ) );
X }
X }
--- 2034,2043 ----
X /* see if we need to "default" the shell name */
X if ( !PrUsage && !PrManual ) {
X if ( !ShellName ) {
! UsrSh = get_shell_index( "sh" ); /* default to Bourne Shell */
X }
X else {
! UsrSh = get_shell_index( basename( ShellName ) );
X }
X }
diff -cNr ../patchlevel4/parseargs.h ./parseargs.h
*** ../patchlevel4/parseargs.h Thu May 2 11:06:11 1991
--- ./parseargs.h Thu May 2 14:36:15 1991
*** 605,610 ****
--- 605,613 ----
X ** is useful when more than one call to the parseargs library is needed
X ** to parse all the command-line arguments (which could occur if the
X ** command-line argument came from a file or from two argv-vectors).
+ ** When this flag is set, then each call to parseargs will check for
+ ** missing required arguments (and will prompt the user for them if
+ ** desired).
X **
X ** Keeping this flag on until the final set of arguments is parsed will
X ** cause parseargs to not check for missing arguments until the last set
diff -cNr ../patchlevel4/parseargs.pl ./parseargs.pl
*** ../patchlevel4/parseargs.pl Thu May 2 11:06:11 1991
--- ./parseargs.pl Thu May 2 14:36:18 1991
*** 54,65 ****
X sub parseargs {
X local($argd, @argv) = ( pop(@_), $0, @_ );
! local($unset, $end, $sh, $env) = ( '-u', '--', '-s', '-e' );
X local($parse_output, $_);
X $_ = $main'ENV{'PARSECNTL'};
X if ( /[^!~\^]\s*[KkLl]/ ) { ## KeyWords only!
! ($unset, $end, $sh, $env) = ( '+unset', '++', '+shell', '+env' );
X }
X if ( ! $main'PARSEOPTS ) { $main'PARSEOPTS = "$unset"; }
--- 54,65 ----
X sub parseargs {
X local($argd, @argv) = ( pop(@_), $0, @_ );
! local($unset, $sh, $env, $end) = ( '-u', '-s', '-e', '--' );
X local($parse_output, $_);
X $_ = $main'ENV{'PARSECNTL'};
X if ( /[^!~\^]\s*[KkLl]/ ) { ## KeyWords only!
! ($unset, $sh, $env, $end) = ( '+unset', '+shell', '+env', '++' );
X }
X if ( ! $main'PARSEOPTS ) { $main'PARSEOPTS = "$unset"; }
diff -cNr ../patchlevel4/parseargs1.txt ./parseargs1.txt
*** ../patchlevel4/parseargs1.txt Thu May 2 11:06:45 1991
--- ./parseargs1.txt Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 1969
*** 1,1056 ****
- parseargs - parse command line arguments in shell scripts
- parseargs [-#UMCAlouip1] [-S separator] [-T string]
- [-F string] [-a arg-spec] [-e name] [-f file]
- [-s shell] -- name [arguments ...]
- -# just print the version and patchlevel, do not
- parse the command line
- -U just print program usage, do not parse the
- command line
- -M just print (n|t)roff -man manual page
- template, do not parse the command line
- -S separator field-separator-string used to delimit array
- elements (default=
- -T string string to use for true boolean arguments
- (default=``TRUE'')
- -F string string to use for false boolean arguments
- (default=``'')
- -C Ignore the difference between upper and lower
- case when parsing single character options.
- -A modify array behavior for the specified shell.
- -a arg-spec argument specification string
- -e name read the arg-spec string from the environment
- variable named name
- -f file read the arg-spec from file (default=stdin)
- -l Long-options only. Disable the parsing of
- (single-character) options.
- -o Options only. Disable the parsing of long-
- options (keywords).
- -s shell use shell command syntax (default=``sh'')
- -u unset positional parameters before assigning
- variables
- -p prompt the user for missing required arguments
- Page 1
- -i ignore bad command-line syntax and continue
- processing (instead of aborting)
- -1 Force any and all non-positional parameters to
- be specified before any positional parameters
- on the command-line.
- -- Indicates that any remaining options are
- intended for the calling program.
- name name of calling program
- arguments arguments to calling program
- Given a command name, a vector of string-valued arguments
- such as that passed to a shell script, and a specification
- string describing the possible arguments, parseargs matches
- actual arguments to possible arguments, converts values to
- the desired type, and diagnoses problems such as missing
- arguments, extra arguments, and argument values that are
- syntactically incorrect. Other behavior such as prompting
- the user for missing arguments and ignoring bad command-line
- syntax may be specified on the command-line through the use
- of various options, or through the use of the ``PARSECNTL''
- environment variable.
- Given the command name and the argument specification
- string, parseargs -U prints a reasonably friendly version of
- the usage of the calling program on standard diagnostic
- output. The ``verbosity'' of the usage message may be
- controlled through the use of the ``USAGECNTL'' environment
- variable.
- Given the command name and the argument specification
- string, parseargs -M prints a template of the command-syntax
- on standard output that is suitable for input to nroff or
- troff using the -man macro package.
- Given no other arguments parseargs -# prints on standard
- output, the current version and patchlevel of the running
- version of parseargs.
- The argument specification string contains one entry for
- each possible flag. Entries in the argument specification
- string are separated by commas. Each entry has five comma-
- separated fields: a name, some flags, a type, a variable-
- name, and a prompt. Each of these fields are described
- below:
- Page 2
- name The single character name of the associated flag.
- For example, to indicate that the program is
- expecting a ``-x'' flag, this field would contain
- 'x'. Positional arguments (those without a ``-x''
- prefix) are indicated by passing a ``space''
- character.
- flags Flags modifying the semantics of this entry.
- These should have one of ARGREQ to indicate a
- required argument or ARGOPT to indicate an
- optional argument (ARGOPT is the default unless
- ARGREQ is specified). ARGPOS may be ``ored'' in
- to indicate a positional argument that may also be
- keyword matched. ARGVALOPT may be ``ored'' in to
- indicate that an argument to the option may be
- optionally supplied on the command-line, but is
- not required. ARGVALREQ may be ``ored'' in to
- indicate that an argument to the option is
- required (this is the default behavior for options
- that take arguments). ARGLIST may be ``ored'' in
- (using the `|' character) to indicate that an
- argument is actually a list of one or more
- arguments from the command line. ARGHIDDEN may be
- ``ored'' in to indicate a flag that should not be
- printed in usage messages - for example, flags
- intended for internal debugging purposes.
- type The type of the argument. Existing types include
- argUsage (print usage message and exit), argBool
- and argSBool (set Boolean flags), argUBool (unset
- Boolean flags), argStr (string-valued arguments),
- argChar (char-valued arguments), argInt (native
- integer arguments), argShort (short integer
- arguments), argLong (long integer arguments),
- argFloat (short floating point arguments),
- argDouble (long floating point arguments), and
- argDummy (only used as part of usage message, not
- matched on command-line).
- variable The name of the shell variable that should receive
- the converted value.
- prompt The string used when prompting interactively for
- argument values, and printed in usage messages.
- This string may be followed by a textual
- description that is enclosed in parentheses,
- square brackets, curly braces, or angle brackets.
- The argument specification string must be terminated by the
- single string: ``ENDOFARGS''.
- Page 3
- Note that the comma character (',') is used to separate all
- fields within an entry, and to separate the entries
- themselves. For this reason, no field in any entry may
- contain a comma unless it appears inside of double or single
- quotes.
- Parseargs will parse all command-line arguments for the
- calling script and match them against the argument
- specification string provided. The argument specification
- string is read from standard input by default but may not
- come from a terminal. The argument specification string may
- be supplied as a single string argument by using the -a
- ``string'' flag. Long argument specification strings
- however, may limit the number of arguments to the script if
- there is a limit to the number of arguments and/or
- characters that may appear on the command line. For this
- reason, the argument specification string may be stored: in
- an environment variable using the -e name option; in a file
- and read using the -f file option; or read from standard
- input. When using the -e option, the user must remember to
- use the name of an environment variable (not a mere shell
- variable)! The default behavior is to read the argument
- specification from standard input.
- After the command line has been parsed, parseargs will print
- on standard output, a script to set the shell variables
- which correspond to arguments that were present on the
- command-line. This script may be evaluated by redirecting
- it to a file and then executing the file, or by directly
- evaluating the output from parseargs (under most UNIX
- shells, this could be done using eval). If any arguments on
- the command line contained any special characters that
- needed to be escaped from the shell, these characters will
- remain intact (not be evaluated by the shell) in the
- corresponding shell variable.
- The -s shell option may be used to tell parseargs which
- shell syntax to use. At present, parseargs only recognizes
- ``sh'', ``csh'', ``ksh'', ``tcsh'', ``bash'', ``rc'',
- ``awk'', and ``perl'' as valid command interpreters. Awk
- output is slightly different from that of the other shells
- in that the actual variable settings are not printed but
- each line of an associative array is printed (the first
- field is the array index, the second is the value for that
- index). If no shell is specified, then the Bourne shell
- (``sh'') will be assumed.
- If the user wishes to use a value other than ``TRUE'' for a
- boolean flag that is true, this may be done using the -T
- string option. The same may also be done for a boolean flag
- that is false using the -F string option.
- Page 4
- Parseargs will only set the values of variables that
- correspond to arguments that were given on the command line.
- If a particular argument was not supplied on the command
- line, then no assignment is made for the corresponding shell
- variable and it will have the same value that it had before
- parseargs was invoked. The only exception to this is that if
- the -u option is specified, then the positional parameters
- are unset before any shell variable assignments (which may
- reset the positional parameters) are made.
- The double-dash (``--'') which precedes the name and
- arguments of the calling program is needed in order for
- parseargs to be able to distinguish options to itself from
- options for the calling program.
- The default behavior of parseargs is to allow both single-
- character options and long-options (keywords) on the
- command-line. The user may specify that only options (long-
- options) are to be permitted by specifying the -o (-l)
- option on the command-line.
- The -C, -p, -i, and -1 switches may be used to modify the
- command-line parsing behavior of the invoking script.
- Specifying -C will cause case-differences in single-
- character options to be ignored. Specifying -p will cause
- the user to be interactively prompted for any missing
- required arguments. Specifying -i will cause syntactically
- incorrect arguments to be ignored (instead of having a usage
- message printed and execution terminated). Specifying -1
- will force all non-positional parameters to precede any
- positional parameters on the command-line (hence anything on
- the command-line after a positional parameter that resembles
- a keyword parameter will nevertheles be interpreted as a
- positional parameter).
- Options that may take an optional argument need special
- consideration. The shell programmer needs to know whether
- or not the option was given, and (if given) if it was
- accompanied by an argument. In order to accommodate this
- need, parseargs will set an additional shell variable for
- each argument that is given the ARGVALOPT flag if it is
- supplied on the command line regardless of whether or not it
- was accompanied by its optional argument. If the user has
- defined an option which may optionally take an argument and
- the option appears on the command line with or without its
- associated argument, then the shell variable <name>_flag
- will be assigned the value ``TRUE'' (or the value supplied
- with the -T option to parseargs) where <name> is the name of
- the shell variable associated with the option in the
- argument description string.
- Page 5
- Parseargs treats ARGLIST arguments in a special way. The
- method used for setting up an argument list depends largely
- upon the syntax of shell that was specified on the command
- line via the -s option (although ARGLIST arguments are
- treated exactly the same as ARGVEC arguments).
- Resetting the Positional Parameters to an Argument List
- For the Bourne, Bourne-Again, and Korn shells, if the
- variable name corresponding to the ARGLIST argument is
- ``--'', then the positional parameters of the calling
- program will be re-assigned to the contents of the argument
- list ($1 will be the first item, $2 the second item, and so
- on). In this particular case, the calling program may wish
- to use the -u option to reset the positional parameters to
- NULL before making any shell-variable assignments (this way,
- the positional parameters will be unset if the associated
- list of command line arguments is not encountered).
- Similarly for the C and TC shells, if the variable name
- corresponding to the ARGLIST argument is ``argv'', then the
- positional parameters of the calling program will be re-
- assigned to the contents of the argument list.
- For the Plan 9 shell (rc), if the variable name
- corresponding to the ARGLIST argument is ``*'', then the
- positional parameters of the calling program will be re-
- assigned to the contents of the argument list.
- For awk and perl, if the variable name corresponding to the
- ARGLIST argument is ``ARGV'', then the positional parameters
- of the calling program will be re-assigned to the contents
- of the argument list.
- Bourne Shell Argument Lists
- For the Bourne shell, if the associated variable name is NOT
- ``--'' and the -A option was NOT specified, then that
- variable is treated as a regular shell variable and is
- assigned using the following syntax:
- name='arg1 arg2 ...'
- After invoking parseargs, if you wish to go through all the
- words in the variable name and one of the words in name
- contains an IFS character (such as a space or a tab), then
- that particular word will be treated by the Bourne shell as
- two distinct words.
- Also for the Bourne shell, If the associated variable name
- is NOT ``--'' and the -A option WAS specified, then that
- variable is treated as the root name of an array that is set
- using the following syntax:
- name1='arg1'
- name2='arg2'
- Page 6
- ...
- and the variable ``name_count'' will be set to contain the
- number of items in the array. The user may then step
- through all the items in the array using the following
- syntax:
- i=1
- while [ $i -le $name_count ] ; do
- eval echo "item #$i is: " \$name$i
- i=`expr $i + 1`
- done
- Korn Shell Argument Lists
- For the Korn shell, if the associated variable name is NOT
- ``--'', then that variable is treated as an array and is
- assigned using the -A option of the set command. The first
- item will be in ${name[0]}, the second item will be in
- ${name[1]}, etc ..., and all items may be given by
- ${name[*]} or ${name[@]}. If the associated variable name
- is NOT ``--'' and the -A option WAS specified, then that
- variable is assigned using the +A option of the set command
- (which preserves any array elements that were not
- overwritten by the set command).
- It should be noted that there is a bug in versions of the
- Korn shell earlier than 11/16/88a, in which the following:
- set -A name 'arg1' 'arg2' ...
- causes the positional parameters to be overwritten as an
- unintentional side-effect. If your version of the Korn shell
- is earlier than this and you wish to keep the contents of
- your positional parameters after invoking parseargs than you
- must save them yourself before you call parseargs. This may
- be accomplished by the following:
- set -A save_parms "$@"
- C and TC Shell Argument Lists
- For the C and TC shells, ARGLIST variables are treated as
- word-lists and are assigned using the following syntax:
- set name = ( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
- The first item will be in $name[1], the second item will be
- in $name[2], etc ..., and all items may be given by $name.
- Notice that Korn shell arrays start at index zero whereas C
- and TC shell word-lists start at index one.
- Bourne-Again Shell Argument Lists
- At present, the Free Software Foundation's Bourne-Again
- shell is treated exactly the same as the Bourne Shell. This
- will change when bash supports arrays.
- Plan 9 Shell Argument Lists
- For the Plan 9 shell, if the associated variable name is not
- ``*'' then it is considered to be a word-list and set using
- Page 7
- the following syntax:
- name=( 'arg1' 'arg2' ... )
- Awk Argument Lists
- For awk, if the -A option is not given, then the output for
- thes variable-list will be a line with the variable name,
- followed by a line with each of the values (each value will
- be separated with the field separator specified using the -S
- option - which defaults to a space).
- name
- arg1 arg2 ...
- If the -A option is given, then the associated variable is
- considered the root name of an array. The ouput for the
- array will consist of two lines for each item in the list
- (as in the following example):
- name1
- arg1
- name2
- arg2
- and the variable ``name_count'' will have an output line
- showing the number of items in the array.
- Perl Argument Lists
- For perl, each argument list is considered an array and is
- set using the following syntax:
- @name=( 'arg1' , 'arg2' , ... );
- A Final Note on Argument Lists
- The word-lists used by the C shell, the arrays used by the
- Korn shell, the Plan 9 shell, awk, perl, and the positional
- parameters used by all shells (if overwritten by parseargs)
- will preserve any IFS characters in their contents. That is
- to say that if an item in one of the aforementioned multi-
- word lists contains any IFS characters, it will not be split
- up into multiple items but will remain a single item which
- contains IFS characters.
- Programs that use parseargs may be given default arguments
- under UNIX and PCs through the use of environment variables
- (symbols are used for VMS systems). If a C-program or
- shell-script uses parseargs to implement a command named
- ``cmd'' then the environment variable ``CMD_ARGS'' will be
- parsed for any "default" arguments before the command-line
- is parsed. The command-line will over-ride any options that
- are specified in this environment variable (except that
- ARGLISTs and ARGVECs set in ``CMD_ARGS'' will be appended
- from the command-line if they are selected).
- Page 8
- It is important to note that the contents of the
- ``CMD_ARGS'' environment variable are NOT expanded by the
- shell and hence any special characters (such as quotes or
- back-slashes) will NOT be escaped or removed by parseargs.
- Furthermore, it will not be possible to try and use a tab,
- space, or newline character in the environment variable as
- anything other than an argument separator.
- Lastly, parts of an option specification in ``CMD_ARGS'' may
- NOT be continued on the command-line. As an example, if -f
- requires an argument and CMD_ARGS="-f", then the command-
- line "cmd bah" will NOT assign "bah" as the argument to -f
- but will instead complain about a missing argument for -f.
- Similarly, if -l takes a list of arguments and CMD_ARGS="-l
- item1 item2", then the command-line "cmd bah", will NOT
- assign "bah" to the end of the list containing "item1" and
- "item2" but will instead treat "bah" as the first positional
- parameter on the command-line.
- The programmer may control parsing behavior through the use
- of parsecntl(3). The user may set his (or her) own desired
- parsing behavior through the use of the ``PARSECNTL''
- environment variable. By indicating any number of flags
- (possibly negated) the user will directly modify the
- behavior of the parseargs library. Flags may be combined by
- placing a `+' or `|' character in between flags. A switch is
- negated by immediately preceding it with a `!' or `-'
- character. The possible ``flags'' are given by the
- following table. Flags are case-insensitive.
- Prompt
- Prompt the user for any missing arguments that are
- required on the command-line. No special escaping or
- quoting is performed on the user input. Required
- arguments that expect a list of values will be
- repeatedly prompted for (one item per line) until a
- blank line (followed by a carriage return) is entered.
- Ignore
- Ignore any unrecognized or improperly specified
- command-line arguments and continue execution of the
- program. Normally, if a required argument is unmatched
- (or an argument is improperly specified), a usage
- message is printed program execution is terminated.
- OptsOnly
- Under UNIX, setting this flag will disable the parsing
- of long-option syntax. This will cause all arguments
- starting with `+' to always be treated as a positional
- parameter (instead of a long-option).
- Page 9
- KwdsOnly
- Under UNIX, setting this flag disables the parsing of
- single-character options. This will cause all
- arguments starting with `-' to always be treated as a
- positional parameter (instead of an option).
- LoptsOnly
- Same as KwdsOnly.
- Flags1st
- Setting this flag causes the parseargs library to force
- any and all non-positional arguments to be specified
- before any positional ones. As an example, under UNIX,
- if this flag is SET then parseargs will consider the
- command line "cmd -x arg" to consist of one option and
- one positional argument; however the command line "cmd
- arg -x" would be considered to consist of two
- positional arguments (the -x option will be unmatched).
- If this flag is UNSET, then both of the previous
- examples are considered to consist of one option and
- one positional argument.
- CaseIgnore
- Setting this flag will cause character-case to be
- ignored when attempting to match single-character
- argument names (i.e. causes "-i" and "-I" to be
- considered equivalent).
- If the environment variable ``PARSECNTL'' is empty or
- undefined, then the parsing behavior set by the programmer
- is used. If the programmer has not explicitly used
- parsecntl(3) to modify the parsing behavior, then the
- default behavior will be ``Flags1st'' for Unix systems,
- ``!Prompt + !Ignore'' for AmigaDOS systems, ``CaseIgnore''
- for MS-DOS and OS/2 systems, and ``Prompt'' for VMS systems.
- Through the use of an environment variable (or a VMS
- symbol), the user may control the syntax and the verbosity
- of the command-usage messages that are printed by parseargs.
- The desired level of verbosity may be set by defining the
- environment variable ``USAGECNTL" to be a combination of
- strings (case insensitive). The value of each string
- controls one of three different ``modes'' of behavior in the
- displaying of usage messages: The first ``mode'' is
true || echo 'restore of PATCH05 failed'
echo 'End of part 3'
echo 'File PATCH05 is continued in part 4'
echo 4 > _shar_seq_.tmp
exit 0
exit 0 # Just in case...
Kent Landfield INTERNET: kent at sparky.IMD.Sterling.COM
Sterling Software, IMD UUCP: uunet!sparky!kent
Phone: (402) 291-8300 FAX: (402) 291-4362
Please send comp.sources.misc-related mail to kent at uunet.uu.net.
More information about the Comp.sources.misc
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