Free Software

utzoo!decvax!duke!ucf-cs!whm utzoo!decvax!duke!ucf-cs!whm
Sat Apr 3 02:58:29 AEST 1982

Here's a program that you may find to be useful.

					Bill Mitchell
					Univ. of Central Florida
 *  ok - selectively echo command line arguments
 *  Usage:
 *     ok [-y] arguments
 *  Each command line argument is printed on stderr followed by a question
 *   mark.  If the response to the prompt is a "y", the argument will be
 *   printed on stdout.  If the response to the prompt is a ".", the
 *   program will stop and the arguments previously selected will be
 *   flushed into stdout.  If the response is a "*", all of the arguments
 *   yet to be selected will be selected and flushed onto stdout along
 *   with previous selections.  If the response is a <cr>, the argument
 *   will not be selected unless -y was specified in which case a <cr>
 *   indicates to select the given argument.
 *  Ok is typically used to put a rudimentary type of confirmation on
 *   commands without confirmation options.  Examples of use:
 *	tar c `ok *.c`
 *	pr `ok *`
 *  Author/Acknowledgements:
 *	Bill Mitchell
 *	Created from a dim memory of the Amdahl Unix "pick"(?) command.
 *  Bugs
 *	Written hastily for a specialized application.
 *	This should be a manual page instead of a bunch of comments.
 *	The whole program should be replaced by a shell function.
#include <stdio.h>
int argc; char **argv;
	char **ap,c;
	char ans[10];
	int allflag, nb;
	char def = 'n';

	if (strcmp(argv[1],"-y") == 0) {
		def = 'y';
	for (ap = ++argv; *ap != 0; ap++) {
		if (allflag) {
			fprintf(stdout,"%s ",*ap);
		fprintf(stderr,"%s? ",*ap);
		nb = read(0,ans,10);
		c = (nb == 1) ? def : ans[0];
		if (c == '.')
		if (c == '*')
		if ((c == 'y') || allflag)
			fprintf(stdout,"%s ",*ap);

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