Fcntl.h Replacement for UUSQUISH 1.2

utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!orion!lime!we13!rjk utzoo!decvax!duke!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!orion!lime!we13!rjk
Wed Dec 29 00:43:23 AEST 1982

Well, it seems that some folks don't have /usr/include/fcntl.h which
uusquish.c 1.2 calls for.  To get around the problem, just replace
that include line with:    #define  O_RDONLY  0   - it's the only item
required from fcntl.h.  FYI: fcntl.h simply defines some mnemonics and
other goodies for open(2) and fcntl(2) on USG UNIX and SYSTEM III & V.
                                                       Randy King

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