All these squishing programs

utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!sjb utzoo!decvax!harpo!eagle!mhtsa!alice!sjb
Sun Dec 26 13:00:50 AEST 1982

My God, why is everyone reinventing the wheel?  All you need
to do is mv the directory you want to squish to some other
directory, use 'cpio -pdum' to put the files back into the
original directory, and get rid of the temporary directory.
This works recursively, and when run as root it also preserves
modes, owners, and groups; I'm not sure about setuid/setgid bits
as I haven't tried it anywhere where they occur, but I'll do
some testing.  Thanx to Joe Presley for providing me with the original
script utilizing cpio for this purpose.

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