security breach

utzoo!decvax!harpo!zeppo!wheps!eagle!mhtsa!alice!rabbit!pyuxdd!abc utzoo!decvax!harpo!zeppo!wheps!eagle!mhtsa!alice!rabbit!pyuxdd!abc
Mon Jul 12 15:15:50 AEST 1982

	Someone has been submitting articles to netnews in my name.
That is a security breach that should be fixed immediately, especially 
if the submitter can submit BTL proprietary info, then someone else
gets in trouble because his/her name is on the mailer address.
	Some of the messages forged were indeed written by me, but were not
intended for netnews. If someone is going to take my messages and make
them public, at least change the header so that the reader knows that
the msg was not put on netnews by me.

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