Basic programs to read TAR tapes

utzoo!decvax!minow utzoo!decvax!minow
Sat Jul 24 23:42:26 AEST 1982

-h- rdmt.bas	Sat Jul 24 23:16:31 1982	RDMT.BAS;4
1	extend
2	! &
	! Read a Unix tar magtape onto a RSTS disk.  One file only.	&
	! Author: Martin Minow.						&
	! &
	! Edit lines 20 and 30 to change the names of the input and	&
	! output devices.						&
	! &

20	open "dk:tartap.dat" for output as file 2
30	open "mt0:" for input as file 1, recordsize 10320%
100	i% = magtape(3%, 0%, 1%)		! Rewind
1000	on error goto 19000			! Trap all errors
1010	while 1%
1020		get #1%\ i% = recount		! Read one block
1040		put #2%+swap%(1%), count i%	! Write the block
1990	next
19000	if err = 11% then print "Normal ending at EOF" else on error goto 0
19010	close 2%
32767	end
-h- untar.bas	Sat Jul 24 23:16:31 1982	UNTAR.BAS;9
1	extend
2	! &
	! UNTAR.BAS							&
	! &
	! Author: Jim Burrows and Martin Minow
	! &
	! Decompile Unix tar tapes on RSTS/E.  The file has previously	&
	! been copied onto a disk using RDMT.BAS			&
	! &
	! You should assume that you will have to modify this program	&
	! to suit your specific needs.					&
	! &

10	On error goto 19000		! Common error handler		&
\	LF

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