Version-7 ULISP for PDP-11s Copyright-license Nroff-source

utzoo!decvax!decwrl!sun!megatest!fortune!hpda!hplabs!hao!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!staff utzoo!decvax!decwrl!sun!megatest!fortune!hpda!hplabs!hao!seismo!rlgvax!cvl!staff
Tue Apr 5 02:04:02 AEST 1983

.sp 8
.ce 1
I grant the licensee, (name and address)




permission to use, copy, and modify my ULISP, LISP interpreter,
ULISP related software, and documentation for use by
the licensee
and for distribution to other ULISP copyright licensees
provided that:
.sp 1
1) The copyright notice
COPYRIGHT 1983, Robert L. Kirby
is conspicuously placed on all copies and versions including
physical media used for transmission (such as magnetic tapes) and
within copies of source code;
.sp 1
2) The interactive-mode sign-on message of the ULISP interpreter
continues to include the copyright notice;
.sp 1
3) Copies and versions are transmitted only to
the licensee
or to other ULISP copyright licensees;
.sp 1
4) Any publications derived from the use of ULISP
include a reference to ULISP;
.sp 1
5) If the ULISP version for the UNIX operating system,
which contains modified UNIX software,
is requested,
the licensee maintains a UNIX license agreement with
Western Electric Corporation;
.sp 1
6) A responsible agent of the licensee
has acknowledged agreement to these conditions.
.sp 2
.ul 1
.ti +35
For the licensee:
.sp 3
Robert L. Kirby
Computer Science Center
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742
.sp 2
Dated:	______________		   ________________

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